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1、虚拟语气练习题语法填空 : ?1.I?would?rather?Tom(come)?tomorrow.?2.It?seems?as?if?it(be)?winter?now.?3. What?would?have?happened?if?you?(not?help)?her?child?4.It?is?strange?that?he?(think)?so.?5.I?wish?I?(meet)?my?uncle?yesterday.?6.Galileo?insisted?that?the?earth(move)?the?sun.?7.Supposing?the?weather?(be)?bad,

2、?where?would?you?go?8.But?for?your?help,?I?couldn t?(find)?the?place.?9.What?do?you?think?would?happened?if?there?(be)?no?light?in?the?day?10.I?was?very?busy?yesterday,?otherwise?I?(go)?to?the?party.?11.Without?your?help?the?old?man(not?live)?now.?12.It?is?high?time?you(take)?the?medicine?,sir.?13.I

3、 wish I (can/ attend) the meeting yesterday.14.I wish I (can/ fly).15.He wished he (not/ fall) in love with her before.16. I would rather you (paint) the wall green next time.17.I would rather she (not do) that.18.If only I (take) your advice.19. If only I (be) a bird!单句改错:1. If I was you, I would r

4、un faster.2. If I live near my office, I would walk to work.3. I know nothing about the film. If I knew about it, I will tell you.4. If she worked hard enough, she would have passed the English exam.5. If it were not rain tomorrow, they might go to the Great Wall.6. If you asked him yesterday, you w

5、ould know what to do now.7. He would be a good sportsman now if he trained regularly.8. If it were not for the fact that she couldn t sing, I would invite her to the party.9. Should the weather fine, we might go on a trip.10. She was very busy yesterday, otherwise she would come to the meeting.11. I

6、 wish I was as tall as you.12. How I wish I can pay a visit to Paris.13. He wishes that he studied French instead Japanese in the college.14. I would rather you pay me now.15. It s high time that we go to bed.16. Look at the trouble I am in! If only I followed your advice. 句式转换及翻译: 将以下句子变为主谓倒装句并翻译成汉

7、语。1. If I were you, I would go there.2. If he had eaten it , he would have have died.3. If it should snow tomorrow, we would play a snow game.句子翻译,汉译英:1. 要不是你的帮助,我不会成功的。(but for, 要不是, =if it had not been for )2. 没有电,人类今天的生活将很不一样。(without=if it were not for )3. 如果我是你,我会更加努力地学习。4. 我昨天应该去看医生就好了。这样,我现在应该感觉好多了。5. (如果)没有因特网,生活将会很枯燥。6. 我明天如果有时间,我能帮你学英语的,但是我得参加一个重要会议。7. 如果我上周见着了史密斯先生,我就会已经告诉他这件事了。


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