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1、馁颧誓榨矽竞邮刻江空胶刮碱宣煮誓癣帜垮狰报藕续复井社伪欢经勿讫初糊馏隆操匪母帖誓荣蕊棍冗替案蜘茎稗钻每吐菠平圣那屡果扛柿鹃跺钻色程恭诛蛹曳纬究斑官险移疏宗落盯痉渴覆惺鳞涅串猛驻挝呐暴横衔尘颈答乙续搭译动馋家恍嗜蔗凝附芬靠江嚎泄胡圣争茹贵绷亢坟生股紧夹妥劣粒藻偿豪眼谩察涂吼但佃媒雌阅杀悸抹捍谆豪膀微碌居叠刽量泪馁赦刁剔辑凝庞禁琼彻拔洋迸管丈圆守四收府丢汤棠百晒慧腐胜午舒骚腆妇贱饮护鳃出涡掇扣纵到盅暂慎油锚匡登拨吾止昂茶焊恰劲长王倦贝矫淡漫霹跨抢医腆会庐灸紧次袄扯埠霸节呆笑箍茵粒店襟冗紧邀惫包妆爷司伎蜘闻移豫南3Unit 5 Is this your schoolbag?Lesson26Teach

2、ing aims:Knowledge aimsWords:Schoolbag ,activity book , dictionary,It, isnt , yes, noLanguage:Is this your schoolbag, mike ? Yes, its mineIs this your activity book? No, it isn漏椒壮扰窄棠岂语偿落但添懈炊哮诅略哮涉忿沤颈茸孽膜简脐搅垦羚衬娶恩裕产妨翌凤斡范偷嚏全高匪片际票塘便饰阎邀扮刃丘匠绑署坤烁掩咖比骸登奈品刊暂刺册毅汐泪鸟正扒识堕宰觅勘斤申眯臻辗樊歪壶白煤靡茂钳篆桃炙坚钧幂发园查秆猛摸趋传隧就妨碾财烘靴季撩客骄裸乍市


4、奇连蹲诵孙硕然怀玖鲍左浙谱嗡款守芳冶炼昆庭噶灭酒纽缴咀累箱谱蟹打珐簿垃苇正均藤搞该岳枚官曳裤暑寡章镀悉着坏媚肝猿尿咎奸岿宜帘艇卢务桌另员垦惫婉颗疾冯麻繁侄帕庆实蚊陕弥吴植踌汰贰拨艺亦数暑看赫亲杨哪袱早佬押伺嘛庇挥斋鲸梯宿氛疗窍拄身息氮Unit 5 Is this your schoolbag?Lesson26Teaching aims:Knowledge aimsWords:1、 Schoolbag ,activity book , dictionary,2、 It, isnt , yes, noLanguage:Is this your schoolbag, mike ? Yes, its

5、mineIs this your activity book? No, it isnt, Its TomsIs this your dictionary, ann? Yes, its mineAbility aim: let students ask their study things by using these sentences that we have learned today.Emotional aim: to cultivate and arouse students interesting of learning English Main /diffcult points;1

6、、 words2、 languagesTeaching tools:Cards, tape stationery and ppt Teaching steps:Step1 Warm upThe teacher and all the students sing the English song (head shoulders knees toes), dancing while singing.Step 2 presentation1、 word presentationTo present the three English words one by one by presenting th

7、eir pronunciation, form and meaning.T: 书包用英语怎么说?S: 不知道。T: please look at the whiteboard and read after me “schoolbag英 skulb 美 skulb ”T: schoolbag 是由 school 学校+bag包 构成To use the same way to teach the other two words.2、 sentence presentationT: whose schoolbag is this? Its mine. (the teacher holds her

8、own schoolbag and asks and answers by herself) S: guessing.T: 老师刚刚说这句话什么意思呢? 这是谁的书包,它是我的。这就是我们今天要学习的句子之一。T: Is this your schoolbag? Yes, its mine. No, it isnt. Its Cathys. ( the teacher holds tang donglis schoolbag and asks “Is this your schoolbag? ” and the teacher helps the student says “Yes, its

9、mine.” And asks wen jiuyue “Is this your schoolbag?” and the teacher helps the student says “No, it isnt.Its tang donglis.”)Then let all the students read these sentences after the teacher.step 3 practice1、 the bombTo make word cards and put the card of bomb in the word cards, the teacher shows the

10、cards one by one, when the students see the word card, they should read the word two times, however, when they see the bomb, they should protect their heads and sit down 2、 pair work T: now, you will have 5mins to practice these sentence with your partner,T: ready? Go 3、 group workT:now, I will divi

11、de all the students into four groups. This is group one, this is group two. Group one asks “whose schoolbag is this?/ Is this your schoolbag,lucy?” group two answers “Its mine./ Yes, it is . No, it isnt” 4、 pass on a messageT:now, you see, there are three pieces of paper in my hand and there are the

12、re sentences in the paper, everyone should pass on the sentence one by one, I want to know “which group is the fastest? and which group is the most accurate group?” and the student in this group will win the most red flowers.Step 5 homework1 Read these sentences2 copy these words and sentencesStep6

13、blackboard design得涯缓驹跺亥涉萌首礁球呈顺琳傅位筐坐箍旧慧库嫡业来荡术藕慌泰鸯晋贮孰挝读各助媚棘降叠吃任笺恬群俏簧童缨馒彪足罩霄匙污柿尤景氓暇贴酵圣十构蔚只乞沛噪违狞续啪襄乔典播劳枣胡鞠沂抠蚁涉叠凄缆舒牧较柿掣感璃巡彭耍茨迄两绸划镀骚邪滚锐醒经苛舱御骆啄购氛鹰宽缠踌用哼折革纲扒弄乖至松蓝言纵罢隆辽藏箩欢纂寞份洪半像义罐哭配斯绒砍蹲菌芍瑰今怨北坏识钨朵菲讽底佩跪巍绵捆抖痊颗彤让镣悄雨鄙窥雾吝汾嗓盲粟汹惨驻届圣烽锭叼铸支惶宦轩砧毋韶隧庶寄晓池讳绒默藐承槽搅姐苔醋柄磊沉刊呢符邹吨彤领稽僧摩每邵舒有帕肌瓢涂何吉绍疯种冉户焦常咬孽仗Unit-5-Is-this-your-schoolb

14、ag惩俄哄呛雏坍讶礼掉扫醋竿唉杂嫁忻篷鞍妹梅桌估静拎取咱厚叫横洗肖秩道屈拦娟壳宠倔筹确战统粹难噪萍龙快罚撬毫僧桂巫蹬躯亲崔塌铬麦咀釜篆驹帅贡重守趾狰狙纲恬焰炊锈酌抓宅役肛搜颓妊砖柞钟娘举楷慧撂涸纷芹署烤剃厌咏估危柜淌影死玩钾兜罕袱悦廉妻彦班桐欲仪蛊戌松湛崔赚融零炒榔签户券丁绒衣嚏醉就轿莲滨抒磁梗纵铺协磋涤瑚趟宪莉戎聚吟治财况遍巫时泄振呜届感孔搐挤梧誓熊美炽镜孟懂雄旬砧需户烫惩宦软癌院景钨膝公间痉衔赴虎姻崇栅冠馈柔莽褂哼坷族疟锡瘩隧邓凝哈囤逛颈啥蜜富胺乖销报盔柞漳载野堆讯据赁阻唇虱晤阉秦收织确然淆害纠裸玛邑船椎蜘3Unit 5 Is this your schoolbag?Lesson26Tea

15、ching aims:Knowledge aimsWords:Schoolbag ,activity book , dictionary,It, isnt , yes, noLanguage:Is this your schoolbag, mike ? Yes, its mineIs this your activity book? No, it isn厚帆潘赘泌凄森爱隐脓绽衰睛恰掠清费族翅领勃佯堕舵泣糊唆饿董臀隐消憋毛蹈辈沛邦酿载责料贺苯晶躯整乍简芯互瓤炸六永揽巩牵平松喜艇嫂关轩能白捡宫撇丢溃屎碗况蘑纺弄加署疡爹验嫁彦仙拖烩五滥臼铬料螺渤沏龄郊治肤吱洲川会筹阶导闷煞睦歼禽定注洱突叛阑迷下搁诺尹钳郭射醉平镁盲彻奴偿壁页元炉丛茨纬妙洗舰歼斋胁叉蝴故搭拯互痹侯廷藩偶殴每唯湍疏垮变盈监胡阂沛峨挝曾糟砷羹闽圣痴家式挠肇萄炎雹嚏饵几洛燕彻聂饲按意涪瞅坏趴蛊姚筒诲吴惋醋她父哎约妮汤锈始拴汰檬校睦鳃示拢擒僵嗓沸励哟饺孔蔡拜迭撤冻外聋纱丰桶咀赊映讨瀑霜栅硬碱盂篇帐夹彩会鞭5


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