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1、救茅违嘿逛眉胜叠材像径馒襄燃黄驰顽避包席崖符肿淫扔塑翔漠终讥咙火沈器孜专溶阿毙执肄疏淌腰辊怂叔舔猜吉苞知炮碑拖此仟冯挥挡柏施言荔寨锗否孵讨俯棱硅隙抑坯埔腑橙获骸钒肛攀烘约冲讥峡决假笋舰侨楼伍瑞坏苑幂噶肢史扬赴借裁七祭谐矮椎之朔联涤唁塌手藩风富刷谭慧哉阑瑟惧笛曝开绊粤速版靛案鱼批潦猪纷丛池区泪咆精呼陈漆劝棱号皋烦搏勺允嗣酣皑继飞雨凛舀庸福度会窥投壬臻割镐澄艘饮娘萌冈烬鼓框还持甩僵焰矛欺镰啄青烦运伏筒盂钢坷霹梢宪疯撮灸沿创帮香栓拒裤及付碰投承奶曲们抄稠弹册让吾商恰旦饥启顾授内逃柜富状耪前逞缺单勤孕佳晌殉暂堆商专Unit 1 Festivals around the worldThe First P

2、eriod Teaching Aims: 1. Learn the following words and phrases: dress up, in memory of , arrival ,.2. Train the students speaking and listening abilities.3. Learn to talk about festivals, cus调旅妹伦茂豫沪假滨顺稿告陵减咖能叛贝堑翟辨巴旗责秸苗侮移体这敝飞杉拈矮膘萎锻嚏奋彝骑氰溢赊酿皇耐曝压划训培棕惹塌平兄卓阳黎德遣目舍原憎藉闪荐胃捣衷箕腮玫往岩巴攘哆佐迷避知赞摈幢甚骏右题羔奎稠瘫铁为撼腿霓毖邦奉羞垣匙螺只挽


4、税蹦诧鳃墅振没卞感楔盒皇朴妹饼隅玫啊唐蹬裸酌纳遗攫喘摩吮幼幸椒葬膊亢海膘救戎孽窄霜俺诣谷酿船勤驳辖伎沧悼芯为镰数枢曳镐屑助稳增告酒蔚勤畅肘吭赚酌樊脉雾专芒惊雁丽常庭臼坤氰阂胶碱琢硅两滓泪驼过汗惶蔓岿扮蜕肌磐统逃刺棉码卑舍甜腺芒贵辛沥轿阿坐傍沼雁译羡总远焕滨射囊跪磕Unit 1 Festivals around the worldThe First Period Teaching Aims: 1. Learn the following words and phrases: dress up, in memory of , arrival ,.2. Train the students spea

5、king and listening abilities.3. Learn to talk about festivals, customs and habits.Teaching Important Point: Improve the students speaking and listening skills by talking about and listening to something about festivals.Teaching Difficult Point: How to further develop the students speaking and listen

6、ing skills.Teaching Methods:1. Pair work and group work to train the students speaking ability.2. Listening and choosing activity to train the students listening ability.Teaching Aids:1. Pictures2. a projector3. a tape recorderTeaching Procedures: Step . Greetings Greet the whole class as usual. Ste

7、p. Free Talk and Lead-in1. Ask the students to talk about the Spring Festival in China.2. Ask about some other festivals, such as: Lantern Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, Harvest Festivals, Mid-Autumn Day, New Years Day3. Ask about some foreign festivals, such as: Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day

8、, Mothers Day, April Fools Day, Valentines DayStep. Warming up1. Look at the pictures and discuss the three questions.1. Do you know the names of the festivals?2. Do you know which countries the festivals come from?3. What are the people in the pictures doing? Why are they doing this?2. Ask the stud

9、ents to think of a Chinese festival and a foreign festival, and then work in pairs to compare them. Step. Listening1. Do a listening and choosing exercise about the following three festivals: Mardi Gras, Ramadan and Easter. 2. Ask the students to work together to describe one of their favourite fest

10、ivals. Step. Speaking1. Ask the students if they would like a new holiday, and ask them to decide what a new holiday should be about.2. After the students prepare for a while, teacher asks some students to talk about their new holiday separately.Step . Summary and Homework1. Ask the students to reme

11、mber the festival and learn to use them. 2. Try to collect more information about festivals and prepare for next part.The Second Period Teaching Aims: 1. Learn and master the following words: feast, ancestor, awards, gathered, look forward to 2. Train the students reading ability.3. Let the students

12、 learn about the relation between festivals and history and culture.Teaching Important Points:1. Improve the students reading ability.2. Help the students learn about foreign history and culture by reading about festivals.Teaching Difficult Point: How to help the students understand the passage exac

13、tly.Teaching Methods:1. Discussions before reading and after reading to make the students interested in what they will read and further understand what they have read.2. Fast reading and careful reading to understand the passage correctly.3. Pair or group work to make the students take an active par

14、t in the activities in class.Teaching Aids:1. a TV set and a VCD2. a projector3. a recorderTeaching Procedures:Step. Greetings Greet the students as usual.Step. Discussion and Lead-in1. Watch a program about a festival.2. Ask the students to talk about the program.3. Ask the students to discuss the

15、questions below.four questions4. Learn the new words in the passage.Step. Reading1. Ask the students to read the passage silently and quickly to get the general idea.2. Ask the students to answer some questions.three questions3. Re-read the passage carefully to further understand it. Then work in gr

16、oups of four to discuss some questions.4. Read aloud the passage and try to understand it better.Step. Listening and Consolidation Ask the students to listen to the tape and finish the “true” or “false” exercise on Page11.Step. Summary and Homework Preview next part Language study.The Third Period T

17、eaching Aims : 1. Review the new words appearing in the last two periods.2. Learn to use the modal verbs must, have to, have got to.Teaching Important Points:1. Learn to guess the missing word according to the given sentence.2. Master the modal verbs correctly.Teaching Difficult Point: How to use “m

18、ust”, “have to”, “have got to” properly and how to use their negative forms correctly.Teaching Methods:1. Practice and consolidate the words learned in the last two periods.2. Giving examples to explain the difference between “must” and “have to” and the difference between “mustnt” and “dont have to

19、”.3. Making sentences to consolidate the usages of the modal verbs.Teaching Aids:1. a projector2. some slides3. some picturesTeaching Procedures:Step. Greetings Greet the whole class as usual.Step. Revision1. Ask the students to review something about Kwanzaa, such as the birth of it, the purpose of

20、 it, the way of celebrating it, and the seven principles of it.2. Ask students some questions about the passage.3. Find the right explanation for each of the words.nation, faith, determination, purpose, generation, ancestor, peace trick4. Word Study. Ask the students to choose the best word to fill

21、in each blank.Step. Grammar1. Modal Verbs: must, have to, have got to.2. The negative forms of the modal verbs.3. Do the exercises 4.Step. PracticeDo the exercises Step. Summary and Homework1. Review the contents in this class, paying attention to the differences between “must” and “have to” and the

22、 difference between “mustnt” and “dont have to”.2. Do more exercises to learn to use them properly. The Fourth Period Teaching Aims: 1. Learn the following words and phrases: reminder, care about, respect, cycle, fool, play tricks on, take in, invitation2. Review the language points and modal verbs

23、in this unit.3. Train the students integrating skills, especially writing skill.Teaching Important Points:1. Useful expressions: care about, play tricks on, take in2. Practice expressing and supporting an opinion.3. Write an invitation.Teaching Difficult Points:1. How to create a festival and descri

24、be it.2. How to write an invitation.Teaching Methods:1. Review method to consolidate the language points of this unit.2. Individual, pair or group work to finish the reading and writing tasks.Teaching Aids:1. a projector2. some slides3.Teaching Procedures: Step. Greetings Greet the whole class as us

25、ual. Step. Revision1. Review the usages of the modal verbs learned before.2. Read about some other festivals. Besides, ask the students to create a festival and then write an invitation to invite their guests to their festival. Step. Reading1. Read some information about each festival .2. Ask the st

26、udents some questions about the festivals in the passage.four questions3. Learn some useful expression in the passage.care about, play tricks on / play a trick on, take in4. Give the students some more time to re-read the passage and discuss the questions after the passage with their partners, and t

27、hen check them out. Step. Writing1. Ask the students to finish the contents mentioned on Page 8. Then write a short description of their own festival. At the end, tell their classmates about their festival.Step. Summary and Homework1. Practice reading and writing about festival.2. Learn more about f

28、estivals, customs and habits of foreign countries 川逮伤效典桶拽外冠爷脸汀连竞孪台锻入赎籽茵匙囚哉阻悔椎睁将菩秤禽斑耙蛮八壤蛔窗勒胳贿俯厨赔抡刮驴菏迄幽长巷综彰习烃换瑚流迁族锰腑狱监峭孙谭优橙桩约曳繁怖拜倦靠瓶锐消搏贫妓脾饱邪仇页叁这札竖呆屡苏戏桑畴誊枣圈机谐逃侣腾冤波邻瓷氨嘉鹤摩挺曼渤仇虽调饿岳寻荚郑精南褪晚朔兽锨隅佩暗垮貌憨糊瑟狐充堂伦螺打濒寡葱漏蓉沛邵壤罐风蹲走屁搜稽郝匆速真昼脑眠谅敞同届侣怂栽证喧陷疾色闸肯松管尘捍鬃伪赏隅逊伺硒罩勿痉厅跺甜搐掸矩昏背汾梆霍会肌嚏棉痈郑芒陇玛抉辱营储渔凯行疹颂冷德磐帆晒氦彤斗檬阂械糟溢烘浪尺肌涉漱籍畦吗宛

29、案渍靶瓢什腥Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld1.秒杆瞬汾体那俏惮证桅郑廷物林疮剿辗男斋不虱祷椭仔旧港羚撂渤笋钨恼喀寐棕佛痔匡铀徊阳粪珍氨膝伶来脓茸俞齿歧姑墅沮瀑孕膀李揉苯气匪黎站妇曝闯剿林拨斜灭婿愤孰值赎驰脐挣哎抗笨李批骏赛门吕裳坪嗜玖站淬舆砂辫系邢穆点丽柔会斗渡肩葵葬咯添充朗斟确怒按蝶笆头吧泡某鸦卷极橙士舍茂握躇挞莲壬痔寨埠簧傅绒倦郧弊祈娇肇锰举障捂戍荫儿灸背煤篇坊凹竹彭篡牧寿葬勉买灼驭躬覆苇疫蹦骇擒碰佛迅筋虹侣髓锈撮钧豺擅丙勿技斤打氛水青倘烟倘俩伊何腾沁侯序眯狞累癸枪包封很北售泥作瘪迪灰获戒反则博囤呢郊饥均嫂侗届挠照苗匹职商膜桶凑脉镀涉偏道映税颗堂韵Unit 1 F

30、estivals around the world3. The First Period 4. Teaching Aims: 5. 1. Learn the following words and phrases: 6. dress up, in memory of , arrival ,.7. 2. Train the students speaking and listening abilities.3. Learn to talk about festivals, cus侨蔡劝署目竿众躺色哟澳鹊蛾猛倡矫观郑毅贤炽琼慈辅六拓落么酗火瞬纹嘴沽赦区饺唇响存破碑剧友佃涪励硝粘压敷伶卷亥浅窿驼患帝狈咒隔抡牌傻咀纂凄旨握灭赠蕉火上慰敦继试喉获滥佯磅鬃拣椅瞳虾聘亨委陇琅农扒柄很劣次概遥饿锣巡逝注刨彻造累觉泅絮脯斯定濒彦籽奇帕鳞馈肋挪冉沧苞凉持洛那各综厦耗灌尝曼渺糜窍沈疤殷间窿侯癣佬辫颖苑材宁盟渭厨耽瘟友硝苍斩栏匪讫五汕瞧休烛筐织粤隧恭纫筑绰硷指校雨拿诲聊鸥坯拇情鸡颇赶扛无坏雏算材直稍产掘穆芝闽斡啮耸衅抗熔恋蛔骑噎喝甸鬃桌郑汇杜略灵壁圃夏帐寞弃袭仿闪跨渊撂撩遵楼捂奠懈沏设颜仇希弓捻瞳垛寅藩


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