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1、教学设计鳧题;Uni 15 D o you wan t to watch a game shew ? (la-2讲课教师:学科:En glish课时:1总课时一数:29教 来源学科网 ZXXK来源:Zxxk.Com学来源 学#科# 网Z#X#X#K目标知识 与技 能1. Grasp some words about TV shows 来源2. Lear n to talk about prefere nces.过程 与方 法Learn .the new words using the flashcards and consolidate the main sentences by work i

2、ng in pairs.情感 态度 与价 值观Lear n the kno wledge about the n ames of TV shows.教材分析教学 重点词汇:sitcom news soap教学难点What do you think of? I love/like/donmind/don tlike/can tstand.教学过程教师活动学生活动备注教学目的、 时间分配等Step 1Lead-i nTalk about the weeke nd:How was your weeke nd?What did you do on the weeke nd? What kind of

3、TV shows do you know? Step 2 Prese ntati on1a Look at the pictures. There are seven bubbles ,what kind of TV shows are they?Teach the words ; sitcom,news ,soap Make a list of thenames of TV shows:Talk show,soap operaSports showgame showSitcomtale nt showNewsFinish la.Match the TV shows with the pict

4、ures.Stude nts talk about it in pairsStude nts make a list3mi nu tes7mi nu tesStep 3Prese ntati onLook at the picture and ask like this:Stude nts look at the picture8mi nu tesWhat are the men doing?carefully and an swer them.What are they say ing?Help the students know the main - drills :-What do yo

5、u think of talk shows?-1 loveI like.5mi nu tes-1 don mi nd.-1 dont like.-I can tstand.Step 4. PracticeShow the pictures to the students and help them to practice the drill inStude nts work in pairspairs:-What do you think of .?Step 5 Liste ning1. Ask the students list the names of8mi nu tesTV shows

6、and then listen to the tape and number the shows.2. Ask the students five questions -What does Mark plan to do later?-Whatdoes Jack think of talkStude nts write them dow n.shows?-Does Jack like the n ews?-Whatdoes Jack think of tale ntshows?-DoesMark want to watch the4mi nu tessoccer game at 5:00?Ho

7、w aobut Jack?Ask stude nts to write them dow n and thenn give the answers . r3.Ask the stude nts to read after the tape.a nd the n act it out.Students listen and answe rStep 6 Liste ningBeforeliste nin g.,askstude ntstothe questi ons.2minu tesan swer the questi ons:-Howmany people are there inthe pi

8、cture?-W ho are they ?-What are they doing now?5minu tes-Whatdo you think of the TVshows?Liste ning.Finish 2a.Step 7 Liste ning2b1. Listen to thetape and finish 2b.2. Read after the tape3. A nswer six questi on s.Act it out.Step 8 Pair-worki ngI.Stude nts read it in pairs2. Act it out.3. Make the si

9、milar con versati ons.Step9 SummaryWords:Senten ces:Step lO.HomeworkCopy the new words and phrases.Stude nts work in pairs .Stude nts sum up5minu tes教师活动学生活动备注教学目的、 时间分配等Un it5 Do you want to watch a game show ?Words:1. sitcom2. n ews3. soap4. educati onal5. pla n6. hope7. find out教学后记:感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快


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