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1、文档Chapter 8 Beginning and Ending the SpeechTrue-False QuestionsStudents are to indicate whether each of the following statements is true or false by circling the appropriate letter.1.TFRegardless of what other methods you use to gain attention, you should always relate the topic to your audience in

2、the introduction of a speech.2.TFEstablishing goodwill is more likely to be necessary in the introduction of a persuasive speech than in the introduction of an informative speech.3.TFUnder normal circumstances, the introduction should comprise about 10-20 percent of a speech.4.TFThe only way to conv

3、ey that your speech is ending is through the use of words such as“In conclusion. 5.TFThe preview statement in a speech introduction identifies the main points to be discussed in the body.6.TFUnder normal circumstances the introduction should constitute about 30- 40 percent of a speech.7.TFA a rhetor

4、ical question“ is a question that the audience answersmentally rather than out loud.8.TFAs your textbook explains, working out a speech introduction in detail can boost a speaker s confidence.9.TFReferring back to the introduction in your conclusion is a good way to give the speech psychological uni

5、ty10.TEA speech conclusion that builds in power and intensity as it moves toward the closing line is known as a dissolve ending.Multiple Choice Questions文档Students are to indicate the best answer for each question by circling the correct letter.1. All of the following are basic objectives of a speec

6、h introduction EXCEPT.a. establishing credibility and goodwillb. supporting your main pointsc. revealing the topic of the speechd. previewing the body of the speech2. According to your textbook, which of the following is one of the four major objectives of a speech introduction?a. Reveal the topic.b

7、. Identify the audience.c. Reinforce the central idea.d. Make a call to action.3. Even when you use other interest-arousing lures in a speech introduction, you should always.a. startle the audienceb. use a rhetorical questionc. tell an interesting storyd. relate the topic to the audience4. Which of

8、the following would you be most likely to find in a speech introduction?a. A visual aid.b. A preview statement.c. An internal summary.d. A research citation.5. Which of the following would you most likely find in a speech introduction?a. An internal summary.b. A lengthy quotation.c. A startling stat

9、ement.d. A causal argument.6. Which of the following would you most likely find in a speech introduction?a. a transitionb. a credibility statementc. a causal argument文档d. an internal summary7. If you were giving an informative speech to your classmates on the subject of zoology, you would probably i

10、nclude a in yourintroduction.a. quotationb. startling statementc. definitiond. rhetorical question8. is the audience s perception of whether the speaker is qualified to speak on a given topic.a. Credibilityb. Goodwillc. Connectivityd. Egocentrism9. Which objective of a good speech introduction is fu

11、lfilled by the following statement?Today we will explore intellectual property and patents.the three most important forms of protection copyrights, trademarks,a. Relate to the audience.b. Preview the body.c. Establish the speaker s goodwill.d. State the importance of the topic.10. Wang Lin began his

12、 informative speech by saying:You hear a noise under the hood of your car, so you pull over to the side of the road. Your engine goes dead; you try to start the car, but it just sits there. Then you see a lot of black smoke. What s happened? Why won t your car go anywhere?What method for gaining att

13、ention and interest did Tobias use? a. Establishing his credibility as a speaker.b. Establishing goodwill with the audience.c. Arousing the curiosity of the audience.d. Stating the importance of the topic.文档11. I n the introduction to his speech on the art of digital photography, Li Qiang mentioned

14、that he works part-time at a camera shop and has had some of his pictures printed in the newspaper. By sharing this information with his audience, Li Qiang was seeking to accomplish which goal of a speech introduction?a. Reveal the topic.b. Establish credibility.c. Preview the speech.d. Relate to th

15、e audience.12. I f Bill Gates were to deliver a speech about antique appraisal, his main task in the introduction of his speech would probably be to. a. gain attention b. preview the body c. establish credibility d. reveal the topic13. According to your textbook, the following passage from a speech

16、introduction is an example of a(n).I became interested in canine companions two years ago when my older sister, who was paralyzed in a car accident, received a canine companion named Lucky. Since then I have learned more about the subject by watching Lucky, by talking with my sister, and by reading

17、a number of articles and pamphlets.a. narrative statementb. credibility statement c. attention statement d. thesis statement14. What does your textbook say about preparing effective speech introductions?a. The best introduction is likely to be the one that comes to mind first.b. Make your introducti

18、on no more than 10 to 20 percent of the entire speech.c. A lengthy quotation can gain attention and help build credibility.d. Determine the exact wording of the introduction before preparing the body.文档15. According to your textbook, the following passage from a speech introduction is an example of

19、a(n).In my speech today, I will show you the serious health dangers posed by the flu, and I will urge each of you to get a flu shot every year without fail.a. transition statement b. credibility statement c. preview statement d. summary statement16. When used in a speech introduction, telling a stor

20、y, asking a question, making a startling statement, and arousing curiosity are all methods of.a. previewing the body of the speechb. gaining the attention of the audiencec. enhancing the speaker s credibilityd. revealing the topic of the speech17. According to your textbook, a speaker who attempts t

21、o establish goodwill in the introduction of a speech is aiming to convince the audience that she or he.a. is willing to take questions at the end of the speechb. has the best interest of the audience in mindc. will avoid using illogical argumentsd. is qualified to speak on the topic18. Creating good

22、will is especially important in the introduction of a(n) speech.a. commemorativeb. acceptancec. persuasived. informative19. The best time to work out the exact wording of a speech introduction isa. shortly after you determine the central ideab. after you prepare the body of the speechc. before you w

23、ork out the conclusiond. when you prepare your speaking outline文档20. Which of the following does your textbook mention as a means of reinforcing the central idea in the conclusion of a speech?a. End with a rhetorical question.b. End with a quotation.c. End with a visual aid.d. End with thanking the

24、audience.21. Which of the following is recommended in your textbook as a way to reinforce the central idea in a speech conclusion?a. Speed up your rate of delivery.b. Ask for questions from the audience.c. Repeat the introduction verbatim.d. Refer back to the introduction.22. According to your textb

25、ook, in addition to reinforcing the central idea, a speech conclusion should also.a. signal the end of the speechb. secure the audience s attentionc. build your credibility as a speakerd. reveal the topic of the speech23. According to your textbook, which of the following statements about speech con

26、clusions is true?a. The conclusion should take up about 25 percent of a speech.b. All four methods of reinforcing the central idea can be combined in a single conclusion.c. Ending a speech abruptly is an excellent way to reinforce the speaker s central idea.d. The last sentence of a speech should us

27、ually offer to answer questions from the audience.24. Which of the following would you least likely find in a speech conclusion?a. Dramatic statement.b. Summary of the main points.c. A statement to arouse curiosity.d. A reference to the introduction.25. Which of the following would you most likely f

28、ind in a speech conclusion?a. A causal argument.b. A provocative quotation.c. An internal preview.文档d. An extended example.26. Which of the following would you most likely find in a speech conclusion? a. A reference to the introduction. |b. A statement of goodwill.c. A preview statement.d. An announ

29、cement of the topic.27. Which of the following would you most likely find in a speech conclusion?a. An announcement of the topic.b. A gesture of goodwill.c. A restatement of the central idea. |d. A credibility statement.28. Which of the following would you least likely find in a speech conclusion?a.

30、 A provocative quotation.b. A reference to the introduction.c. A credibility statement.d. A call to action.29. The conclusion of Martin Luther King s I Have a Dream speech is an example of a.a. dissolve endingb. crescendo endingc. cascade endingd. connective ending30. According to your textbook, whe

31、n a speaker concludes a speech by fading out on an emotional note, she or he is using a ending.a. crescendob. cascadec. dissolved. descending31. According to your textbook, a(n)ending is a conclusion that builds force until reaching a peak of power and intensity.a. reflectiveb. ascendingc. crescendo

32、d. dissolve文档32. Referring back to your introduction in the conclusion of your speech is recommended as a way to.a. secure the audience s attentionb. give the speech psychological unityc. reinforce your credibility as a speakerd. move the audience to action33. An appeal to action is most appropriate

33、 in the conclusion of a(n) speech.a. informativeb. persuasivec. acceptanced. commemorative34. I n her persuasive speech, Wei Ling concluded with the following statement:So the next time you see flyers around campus announcing a blood drive, decide that this will be your moment to get involved to do

34、something worthwhile, to take a step that may help save someone s life.What method of concluding her speech did Wei Ling use? a. Extended example.b. Appeal to action.c. Internal summary.d. Reference to the introduction.Short Answer Questions1. What are the four major objectives of a speech introduct

35、ion?a. Get the attention and interest of the audience.b. Create a positive relationship with the audience.c. Establish the speaker s credibility and goodwill.d. Preview the body of the speech.2. When you use a rhetorical question in the introduction of a speech, you expect the audience to answer men

36、tally rather than out loud.文档3. According to your textbook, no matter what other methods of gaining attention you use in a speech introduction, you should always relate the topic to the audience.4. Establishing credibility in a speech introduction is a matter of getting your audience to perceive you

37、 as qualified to speak on the topic.5. A statement in the introduction of a speech that identifies the main points to be discussed in the body is called a preview statement.6. The two major functions of a speech conclusion are to signal the end of thespeech and to reinforce the central idea.7. One w

38、ay to let an audience know that you are coming to the end of a speech is by saying something like “In conclusion. Another way is by your manner ofdelivery.8. When you use a(n) crescendo ending, the speech builds in force until it reaches a zenith of power and intensity in the conclusion.9. List six

39、methods you can use to gain the attention and interest of an audience in the introduction of a speech.1)2)3)4)5)6)1)2)3)4)5)6)The textbook discusses seven methods:Relate the topic to the audience.State the importance of the topic.Startle the audience.Arouse the curiosity of the audience.Question the

40、 audience.Begin with a quotation.文档7) Tell a story.The textbook also mentions five additional methods:1) Refer to the occasion.2) Invite audience participation.3) Use audio equipment or visual aids.4) Relate to a previous speaker.5) Begin with humor.Any six of these twelve methods should constitute

41、a satisfactory answer.10.The four methods discussed in the text for reinforcing the central idea in a speech conclusion are:a. Summarize the main points.b. End with a quotation.c. Make a dramatic statement.d. Refer to the introduction.Essay Questions1. What are six methods a speaker can use in a spe

42、ech introduction to gain the attention and interest of an audience? Identify each and offer a brief explanation.2. List and explain the four methods presented in your textbook for reinforcing the central idea in the conclusion of a speech.3. List and explain the four objectives of a speech introduct

43、ion discussed in your textbook.4. What are the requirements of a good speech introduction? Evaluate the following complete introduction to a classroom speech in light of those requirements. Be specific in your answer.The body as we know it was not designed to participate in athletic events under the

44、 high demands that athletes face today. This leads to injuries and creates a need for trained professionals to deal with these injuries. I have taken several classes in my pursuit of an athletic training certificate. Today I will talk about what athletic trainers do to prevent injuries,文档how they as

45、sess injuries, and how they work with injuries in rehabilitation.5. What are the requirements of a good speech introduction? Evaluate the following complete introduction to a classroom speech in light of those requirements. Be specific in your answer.A brain aneurysm has been described as“the worst

46、headache youcan imagine. But the outcome is much worse than a headache.Here are the statistics: one-third of the people with a ruptured aneurysm die before they get to the hospital; another third of the people with a ruptured aneurysm die after they get to the hospital. The final third? They survive, but 40 percent of them suffer long-term neurological damage. Today I would like to explore this subject with you.


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