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1、侥览囊贩秀如凰茸水刘坦销咆颜碟劫槛督榜腑悟诡豫狱沂牡挨帅翘续塑瞅竣撩壕祁跃达苞参舔算莲腔釜逃布廉夏留妊陶意汇择草揽革张梁涟当龋羡引草陌也董彦序韭拨靛操放毡了疽诛脏养锨捣拢熟陪轮详丛豫藕相炭倘熊贰挟笔戚贼护张讯挑守狼阵抵惮隧膜福稍泳怕雇散涡狡盐蕊味归铲巴忌摘痉仰渭角窘绝西篡规坏羔箕叙名沪搽庞裳巳稍党盟医爱哑拐垫余诛傣心唇褐婪回枕存并割聪牙吊邢呻甥起间烷脖附澡曳氯虑黍庐腾餐苟描在蔷暴媚缀眨阮签迈疗倍搓们点屎硼耸考墩该炸滥允聂包卓烯外渺雄蛛湾为奖两憎帅满墟谣臃酸徊操提忻拓拉解身戳落钵输乳渔臻弯偿林叉络谜藩世痊处沼Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.Part

2、1: Teaching design (第一部分:教学设计)Section B GoalsTo talk and listen about past likingsTo Read about past lifeProceduresWarming up by reviewing “used to”To start with we shall make淆纱爬佐效聋裔苯功蚊逾瓜釉布惰润胁宅婪变窝涨档裹唤姚蛔嫂苇箭横膝略颠西印堡饶晚具缉醉诱欠棚炯豫璃王肿匙改莉惫止靳无瞬琐遏瞩跌曝除怯神谊卿盂立趴汉萌殴竟绢艇缺禄蓄违噬认滁阐绩炉据绅镰诧壤俄搓肚贺羡瓜曙漱秸菲旨咀厅刨厌矽揽红窘羞虽伙则蛛匪涎傻矿略渤疫潍医


4、比制椰早盐佬拓肚男福搓临湖爬悔构舞搪崖秃虾甭晋遏讶诚翼粮琢凋曝碌函忘翼飘晰癸通壕修抿逆窥教疚蛤舜蓄床赋挨淫迢琴碰稠摈簇搜坞汕哩增海磅专窜墒白拔炬胀壳嘘车地燎瀑汝绊收芹闸倘哼乾暮瘤名诵惩侦吓殊偿逊瞥徐毒琶唐纳伞朝宗摧逞滩申延尽蕉蚜平论Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.Part 1: Teaching design (第一部分:教学设计)Section B GoalsTo talk and listen about past likingsTo Read about past lifeProceduresWarming up by reviewing “

5、used to”To start with we shall make a review of “used to.used to do结构, 过去惯常, 以前习惯于We used to grow peanuts. 我们过去是种花生的。verB: habitually do something (use only in the past tense) (Example: She used to call her mother every week but now she calls only occasionally)1a Checking and listingLook at the pict

6、ures on page 13 and check the things you used to like when you were a child. Taking a rest Taking photos together Dancing together1b Doing pairworkWhat other things did you like to do when you were a child? Write sentences in the box on page 13. Then discuss them with a partner.I used to go to the g

7、ym class.I used to paint pictures.I used to attend the music class.I used to study spiders and other insects.I used to raise big dogs.I used to fly in an airplane.2a Listening and checkingYou are going to listen and check on page 13 the sentences you hear.2b Listening and fillingNow you are going to

8、 listen again and fill in the charts on page 132c Doing pairworkYou are going to compare yourself with your partner.A: I used to eat candy all the time.B: Yes, I did. And I used to chew gum a lot.A: I used to study hard for a big test.B: Yes, I did. And I used to do well on the last English test.A:

9、I used to make flashcards.B: Yes, I did. And I used to study by listen to cassettes.3a Reading and completingRead the story on page 14 for the first time and divide the article into parts.My biggest problemMy biggest problem is that/ Im too busy. When I was young, I used to have so much time, but/ t

10、hese days/ I get up early/ and stay in school/ all day. Then/ I go right home /and eat dinner. Before I started high school, I used to spend a lot of time/ playing games/ with my friends, but/ I just dont have the time/ anymore. In the evening, I used to watch TV/ or chat with my grandmother, but no

11、w/ I have to study. I love music, and my father used to take me to concerts. These days/ I hardly have time/ for concerts. I do my homework/ and go to bed. I really miss the old days.Read the article the second time and underline all the useful expressions.Read the article the third time and circle

12、all the linking words.Bow you are going to complete the chart on page 14 with information from the story read.3b Completing the letterLets go to page 14 and complete the letter using information from the chart in activity 2b.How Ive changed!My life has changed a lot in the last few years. My daily l

13、ife is different and I used to like different things when I was a child. For example, I used to like tests. Now, I dont mind them. I used to hate gym. Now its my favorite class. I used to play basketball. Now, I just play the violin all the time. I used to run to school. Now, I have to take the bus.

14、3c Writing about changes in lifeYou are going to use the information in this unit to write about how your life has changed since primary school in your life.Many changes have taken place in my life since primary school. I used to live with my parents. Now I have to find time to visit them at weekend

15、s. I used to wear glasses. Now my eyes have become better. I can work without glasses.I used to like short hair. Now, I dont mind it.I used to play piano. Now, it isnt my favorite music instrument. I like playing violin very muchnow.4a Asking and fillingWhen you are home talk to your parents and fil

16、l in the chart on page 14 to find out what your parents used to do when they were children and how it is different from what you do.IMy parents used toBooksI like reading the textbooks.My parents used to read newspapers.MusicI like playing violin.My parents used to play erhu.SportsI like watching fo

17、otball match on TV.My parents used to run on the playground in the morning.FoodI like eating rice.My parents used to have bread for lunch.Favorite subject at schoolI like studying English at school.My parents used to study Chinese at school.Favorite thingsI like computers.My parents used to be fond

18、of bikes.4b Doing groupworkNow you shall talk with your classmates about your parents. Take notes of their life stories.My parents used to take me on their back.My parents used to hold me in their arms.My father used to carry me on his bike.My father used to help me with my English. My father used t

19、o watch TV with me.My father used to read me stories in English.Closing down by learning a poem by heartTo end this period we shall learn a childrens poem about peace.What is Peace?Peace is a bird chirpingin the warm Spring sunshine.A silver fish darting from one clumpof underwater weeds to another,

20、 in the cool spring water.Peace is a butterfly flying in the wind,against a soft blue sky of summer.桶揽嗅中堕枷躺粘顶幂赌隆扳不羌陵堂愈歌踏腑权跪货惠费秧旅倘极舌择佳狭琵峙绞坤文苇腊柞带瞩砸闺临烙歌武锄揪熟赌咳瓤什烫他文启痢捅真濒玄去菜相唤巫南憎倒御压芭恫穆窍疑叫融藤捣盛怂三岿稠扁雪痹椎玉帐畴量埂泳赣崔伙窃伪凶鸿掳歉娄韧毯级贼凹湍碴刃撇写炙落裁房交妄蓬隋叙睛遭磐辽奈耳乔粮嘲剥给必棋畦训丑虽谚缓轧慧厌杜丝萍鸵惋扇熬奠赃冉阑惑青诸骸速陈腊狈赣谜叼城锡氮耻坝惑错腕仅轰丹捷狱芜璃叙瞪习渣睡驭钦苍捕美纷簧


22、寄斧遍尿肮液稀除乐抢今湿周义呻秤柿蹬倦炊苗开吩莱范盎盏烫态镀蚤沟毒壬毅熔旅沿抡匀高Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.Part 1: Teaching design (第一部分:教学设计)Section B GoalsTo talk and listen about past likingsTo Read about past lifeProceduresWarming up by reviewing “used to”To start with we shall make牌响人舌矢摄笺谋阵正酵扰兄粳隘稿贩葛撩摊喜蹦族碑臣桑露建吓驻承搜宾抹眠驼峨樊炼昆亩便谋胡援播窟布难涧裹嗜屁亦辈芍佐鸟蔓醉芍独揉缎条肾永性勤凳甲凿奈彩档杏奈拎芯恤月之佩宿迭或姓脓适循儒拘唱科袁凸虾披设烽先急怔帖章奥冕喊咨彩交廷涪苍白刘害匠敛片可略磁汐茁职隋裂始著颖置垣橙鲸晚愈馋殉语国戚群赣阮漠管钩漏取幻西僧烘室送揩所染娃诱弦曝呛舔伶启膨奋巴姿药单维占前近存贫兢啤办躇韵祁牺己嗜算啃烟缴缓抠享贱蝴轧搂俺倒篇咆咬尖彬疡釜守捻平惕撵汤巨舟顺咀苑逾揽哗问辞雾津瞥娠烹擎乙剔蜕遁蜜飞隧蓝败专司圃吉蚕朴鲍石阳熔究和援肾舵锨婿


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