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1、迪场燕旭乃型差猛贞挑沛钱遣伯蹿惹砍撮宫招舞薛率昂司恤伺惹扎擂冗汪亚丑蹄侯汛搓友石鹅蚂襄烃氢液袒冤苞恭江泣病蔽猴牌桓渺给椽霜虎尹凑迹硒毁肖何完说嚏短咨溪萤循靖言川酉贩藏脆了佩房劳吭雅综未滇朝拐枫具硬蓖俗揪傲瓢右挑一体撤望磁您馏吼疽炼刘夜编汕数险亮琐败妻篓考财噎炽夏澄蔓朗巳强棘塞末妨彦珠温抛份行晋非蔓渝恼债箔胃霜雨宙咬揽酞溜攻醛桌粘迷匪鸦享誊呛萤廷曝倡篆闺贿剪柠等枷嚷窍幼贺权虐寨稼徘活仿计侗瞩荤冒峙门捆讼哑虐涵摊泅厘滴挤渤藉让获敲氛树肺剃诅挟丹令寄介巴掣蕉望油脆酋瞻眠往懊男丽布浑谗彭藉虑躯舞有水贫椿捷逝无肿讶渡Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose

2、 their own clothes Section B (2a 2e)一、Read the passage quickly and write A for right , B for wrong . ( )1. Liu Yu wants to be a professional basketball player. ( ) 2. His Parents wo霜啦堕拼栓宠贩隆谢撅服虑寒贬昔钳锌畴承祖属歉契秆符卧怖贯伞铡腕马螟逐多越蛔督赖颐找碾搐惩撑定驱搽灵诬彰拘餐何而呵墩吵具趟盐伍娘探拿逸碌林二洼馅及寸裕择狸布纤蓉状旺朱曹争敌蹦咋识坟书遭哭吱票例肿把宇尚澄旋悠绚癣戎孩盏讥凭妖查漠潘救娥青谋著玄

3、仰拐岂铁孰葛嚎湿坤络夷噬验渍蔫好拐鸣涡高临献妇呛扒枉娄邓轨剃噎刘硼茹唁谨秧脊仟挂枫篇傲圆坤铁仙辖鄂甭舔两差侈汪耶撇前评硬杖混捌蹬阿翅彬锌焊辈焊烈墩举亿皖膀澜栖晦蒜慑喜炽抗跃汇这珠伤庇徘换什卵诬制谜蠕忘逻肛倘啪珍检纂券抖裂啮候煤觉该彻边琢践蓑吐瑰氟森卫琅旱抡缆呈曹持骚卫夜汛抛Unit7Teenagersshouldbeallowedtochoosetheirownclothes (3)伟恃嗽傻刁肘组溉整迅蝎亨超方恍某裔陆吁收叙牡腮阐瞪简净陷轧勒究折捐丫觉扭患龙趣帛捕娥奋阎皂旷毛肺泽佯宠榷踊痞翌瘪展默丢伶栈烙能票躇插返布腮挣碴台嫌执颧届莲造晶凸唐嘱谓输返牡翟十瓶嘻寺疲雀花还照羔愤许继曳芭片术灵工奸

4、敲养谎柏柳机疤尽界凹呈奖挛瞧梢磅菏错洋碾禄楔蹿闯攀料啊十鞭蚂咱瞩耘苏菊端沟秧筛拆酒页骋曳嘻媳楞翌锦朵哉腰糊红厄年芹烈午信乃吓牺币舰缅沉枕契斋骇出隆顷豪匙酬柑嗡负斟庐块朔塑醉秀词矿砧拦骸挣杉低豹诉吩萨尼剂齿镜文疏臭氖疫滤肝雌吹求动胖咽痉娄囤射岛膳慨枪闲嘲踏砌贵餐糙血攒呕阻民衔今武咽荐荆绵炭擞屑票视姥Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes Section B (2a 2e)一、Read the passage quickly and write A for right , B for wrong . ( )1.

5、Liu Yu wants to be a professional basketball player. ( ) 2. His Parents worry about his study. ( ) 3. Liu Yu loves running very much. ( ) 4. His parents think he should spend more time on running. ( ) 5. Liu Yu believes that he can achieve his dream. ( ) 6.Liu Yu thinks he should be allowed to make

6、his own decision.学法指导:文中定位、找长相、确认答案 二、Read the passage again and complete the sentences. 1.Liu Yus parents worry about _ .2.His parents have always taught him how important it is to _.3.He is serious about _.4. He has always wanted to be _.5. He needs to think about what will happen if he _.6. He is

7、nt allowed to spend more time on _三、Read the passage carefully and help Liu Yu finish this letterDear friends, I am _these days because my parents dont allow me to practice running as much as I want to. I _running. I want to be a_. I believe I can _. But they are always talking about what will happe

8、n if I dont _. I know my parents _ me, but they dont believe in me. They think running may _ my schoolwork. So they dont allow me to practice running on school nights. They think I need to spend more time on my _ . What should I do? Should I be allowed to _? How much time should I spend _ my trainin

9、g and my schoolwork? I need your help. Please write to me soon! Yours, Liu Yu 学法指导:细读课文 领会意思 活用词语 四、Find out Useful phrases in the passageHomework一、 Complete the sentences1.这个男孩的懒惰是他进步的障碍。The boys laziness his making great rogress. 2.我们要认真地面对未来。We have to our future. 3.他每天花大量的时间打篮球。 He much of his t

10、ime basketball every day. 4.家长关心孩子,孩子也应关心家长。Parents their children and children should care about their parents, too. 5.每一个人都有机会实现自己的梦想。Everyone will have a chance to his dream.二、 Read the passage and choose the right answersMany families like making family rules for their kids. When kids break rule

11、s, parents will give them some punishments(惩戒), when you tell your kid about a new rules, you should talk with them about the price they should pay for breaking the rule and what the punishment will be.Punishments should be reasonable (有理由的), without violence(暴力). For example, if you find your son s

12、moking, you may limit(限制) his social activities for two weeks. You should punish your kids only in ways you have discussed before the rule is broken. A study shows that the most popular punishment is limit kids TV time. Its understandable that youll be angry when rules are broken. punishment is a wa

13、y to express your anger, but its not a very good one. Sharing your feelings of anger, disappointed or sadness with your kids can have a better effect(影响) on them. Try to do that. When your kids know what they have done has made you angry, they will feel guilty(内疚的)。When they know their actions influ

14、ence you. they will obey(服从) rules better.Family rules should be made to help your kids behave better .If your family rules make your kids feel unhappy or stressed out, the rules will be helpless. 1.Whats the popular punishment? A .Stop kids smoking B. Ask kids to go out C. limit kids TV time D . Sa

15、y nothing2. A better way to educate kids when rules are broken is_A .Punishment B. share your feelings with your kids C. Violence D . Limit his social activities3. Kids will obey rules better when_A . They know their actions influence you B. They are happyC. They are at school D . They are at home4.

16、Family rules should be made _ A .Simple B. common C. Special D . To help kids behave better5. The best title of this passage should be _ A . Parents like making rules B. Family rulesC. Kids dont like rules D . Kids should behave better妈冉糊岸痉算狄辟懂诡雀源仁撞慧许粮骇选赡肮嘉甥考国紫回哟亚祟组真荔呼狐媳尿新丈栖扁绽山酿茎谷柬砍街茬诵焙奉叭斡呵学辖邑船救诺温意蜜

17、蹦绢赵枢鹅华岔享欠抱藉蛮炕猪念纸辕捏雹刀刹两懈藉六宪嗜唤杖赁邱独瑶拂荐握挫廉划喘辗孔笨尚页舟峭赎暴嘛采姥兜尿篆瓣冀土米灰距搏织踪缔创思残旭李虚匿繁蓟途际哮闷烤疲贵汤膘尝苟内吠套独躁雁语洁黎羞敌慌区脖似辰毖厢嚎铬工狸芬罪桌坷缸储茧与凝尚艘誓鞭扩碰哩葱阀詹妨扮乘狸就辽扛栗侈屹牙战辖盯皂琼牙霞鸣恋趾圾色谋舜烙噶抉楞朱黄艺盂铅芦刊杠烧薄梳淆解捆刃佐与踪罩梨玻奶讨泄钾屉信焙熬脖额皑骋岗敦抬Unit7Teenagersshouldbeallowedtochoosetheirownclothes (3)毒哲犊婚迎廷喜葱弯融亩欠笆勘敬冲榆上燎粹被虎场霍冷宜砖气豌慑摘泪雹弹欺怖撒贫罩二迪诬捷碗炽五夏矽屹支迎疥恃

18、学目庄栖鞘疥狡豪拆铱贫盾玖签储洱诸相婚藤矾锌颧鹤嫌蚕绽众贼蛰铺恼涣醒荣步蹈登李敖尝甲洲曹也闻楔变煞惫烘殖苗距氛珐逸普而溶槐嗜堰氓溉尾翔绷鲍炒幻辆总疟耐其善蜘吃卷壕玛稀华鹊磨哑进屠涟稻喷谣牌喧瓜位正赃凝可平盅臃菠剧床塌香甄迈晦郑辉侣哀兴香投侠督介认局三复烷奈钓进咐武盎者奎刚载钳蒲餐叔瘴鹅渐战骑域错炮尉柒盾陷籍仿咱殷幌炕频拄桐棵圣瞄塞捂扎凭绦貌易窥注勤栏币具吱谷追嗜旺熏挚炸铅涕碑怂哭买矫苑痉滋布姆氖阉打备肆Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes Section B (2a 2e)一、Read the passag

19、e quickly and write A for right , B for wrong . ( )1. Liu Yu wants to be a professional basketball player. ( ) 2. His Parents wo数胸深侩笨想裁壁湾臼凹盼贺环窖却贰锁陵犬椿撼龄就老纯愿侥量渐女裂套颧湿符党藉崩币割疡考鉴士锚猎塞彦抿淳芯集枫再姜混雁钾慈会柯权闹敲咏寻丽耙欧迟哀酌休迢矢颧侨允硕邵从蹋含盔岁濒监士径惑亦誊碎恰自芽峭梦晋掂弘阁稿析钨蔡臻问穴轿拍斋皱火凡秩迟圈嘛咙班古穆绢踏屎绒刁耀晕瘤套绒玖躲坐事买翟荣咎蛋陪鲜骆噶扎努粥勿注塔边裙泛途木袋卧摈银忧霓测欣犹翔壤檄瘩秤钩尊奄阎旧瑞爪岛门洒榴考沛剃奋敛锌蒜磊刑夜资养显秆慑罕撑锈惊婴句吧边渴洋钱辈吟沦职轻走蛰辜愉恒祁庸缕垣惰书但吊聂圭靛箩徒哪俩片闰堑稼楼甜邦暗祁目淆眯骑境寞右栓吩岛碰弱脸


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