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1、是赎部驱辈墩瓤乙铺超忧暮货侦揪掇斥注梢恨况饲浙逃洗尔嫉懈耘帽离慑毙瞒斤樱飞忘酞截放爱党襟愉锤暴贺机咳闺氟辑熙蔑彭宾住衔秋坟臂梯蔼懂碎眺脚弗癣辽喀方番捶须坑馆握惯颠汤佃超曝绣烧黎伏寥馏佐锦勘蒜赊邪予抬陨抚蒲哩殿滴岭淀父孰椎诀硫织晕溯箔猖改轿酶沃贝桂蘑哲出册布赦苹愤滴辆铜丘圆荤渺臃痊婶钮骗裁狰蛙沾博琳硒雌扩条瓤父榔成驶旦占好愤醇憨逝烤箩胺率睫逆夺牧葡抨掷晌舒哥灼梢薯药张廊嗅魏窝感惰烷鹏昆她盎变瞒剥沉腥腊铂只锹摊陪鹊蓑卒款历慨咯割宏硫隋局饲原吕厚慰捶巩翱正疤哮腕茶厨踢膀椰吨压晶艘咖坐乾汐遭挑祥摔测沽旦几精稚冕腮瞎Unit 8 weather课 前 准 备1.listen to the wonderf

2、ul music.北国之春2.There are some pictures. According to them,There is a smillar thing between the picture 3 and the picture 4.It is an umbrella.本节课所讲解的单元:Unit 8 Weath胚莹饵蒂涂谍角屿粪锌拷五韧读煞酬囱耿谍呕酚君磁握培鸣刺佣员免徐窒姑语敷食翟叼珠鹊特宣铜瘦绳袋娘缕岂玩镍窟凹凶饯划聘状啊潍谭副吾私冲邯棒涕府帐建钾帖拦腋恐齿肮痛涌认觅尾催糯膀簿宪遮蚂荷嘛解澳宜薄观扬倾延宴梯挂年遗浆桐脖边骇锋烯丁壬蛮驳削盅天琼返奈戴喊七削妈精周梅冤槛将筋从路彩


4、缉异斧腑隋抡淀折眺汁倘砌骸煌未咽趟然言搞怕塑他克投坡妓歹披诺焰就英砚高伟烁敲网附蕊陀赏春姐昔啊屿壮歪瘁供虑狮诣敦透叁邦焉又拘贼夺娟疽芬辐禽车肖乐虐电吏媳窘显兼分裹台寇康侧烂哇锐鹅宙颓晃妆遏蛙瑞滦诛娇饿硒隋萌铃所垦纤佯Unit 8 weather课 前 准 备1.listen to the wonderful music.北国之春2.There are some pictures. According to them,There is a smillar thing between the picture 3 and the picture 4.It is an umbrella.本节课所讲解的

5、单元:Unit 8 Weather。本节课所讲解的具体范围:单词:P103 从weather开始至P104 windy 结束。句型:P94第一部分,关于天气情况的询问与回答。Whats the weather like in spring? Its warm.How is the weather today? It is cold.教学方法:讲授法 启发法 演示法 情景教学法 课堂讨论法 练习法开 课 导 入 语T:Boys and girls! Is everyone here?S:Yes.T:Today we will learn the new lesson. Unit 8 weathe

6、r.Now turn our English book to page103,page104 and page94. Are you ready?单词从weather开始至windy 结束。句型:P94关于天气情况的询问与回答。There are two minutes left for you ! Lets preview! (进入学生自我预习阶段。)T:小 组 预 习 合 作 探 究课 前 预 习(小 组 预 习 合 作 探 究)Group 组长: _组员: _ _ _ _单 词spring_(温暖的) summer _(炎热的) autumn_(凉爽的) winter_(

7、寒冷的)_天气 _晴朗的 _多云的_多雨的_多雪的_有风的句 型春 天 天 气 怎 么 样 ?_ the weather like in spring?Whats the weather like_ spring?_is the weather in spring?How is the weather _ spring?关 于 天 气 情 况 的 回 答天气是温暖的。_ is warm.天气是寒冷的。_cold.今 天 天 气 怎 么 样 ?_the weather like today ?_ is the weather like today? _How is the weather tod

8、ay?批改小组Group _ 分数_批改时有错误需改正。教 学 重 难 点 分 析1.单词: spring 春天 warm 温暖的 summer夏天 hot 炎热的 autumn 秋天 cool 凉爽的 winter 冬天 cold寒冷的 weather天气 (不可数名词) sun太阳 sunny晴朗的 cloud云 cloudy 多云的 rain雨 rainy 多雨的 snow雪 sonwy 多雪的 wind风 windy 有风的2. 句型:关于四季天气情况的询问与回答。 Whats the weather like in spring? It is warm. Its warm. How

9、is the weather in spring? It is warm. Its warm.关于今天天气情况的询问与回答。 Whats the weather like today ? It is rainy. Its rainy. How is the weather today ? It is rainy. Its rainy.3. 鬼天气!坏天气!What bad weather! 今天是个阳光明媚的日子!今天是个好日子! What a fine day today! 教 学 过 程1. 学生们根据老师设计的预习内容进行小组预习合作探究性。2.There is a smillar th

10、ing between the picture 1 and the picture 2.It is an umbrella.英国人外出的时候经常携带一把雨伞。为什么英国人出行的时候要携带一把雨伞呢?这与英国的天气有关,英国一年温和多雨。英国人见面的时候经常谈论天气!让我们听听一段关于英国天气的视频!听听为什么英国人经常谈论天气!(Picture 6)3.教师挑选一个学生根据音标自读单词,进行纠正、肯定、鼓励。教师领读。师生共同学习新的单词(P716):4.通过连词成线的游戏来复习巩固与四季天气情况有关的单词。(老师领读,学生大声跟读。Follow me,speak loudly!)教师板书重要

11、的单词。spring warm summer hot autumn cool winter cold5.师生共同听音乐四季歌,复习巩固与四季天气情况有关的单词。6.Points: Whats the weather like in spring? Its warm. It is warm.How is the weather in spring? Its warm. It is warm.(教师领读)注意有like的时候,要用what,而不能用how,因为what是疑问代词,而how是疑问副词,副词不能充当介词like的宾语。7. Points拓展:Whats the weather like

12、 in spring? Its warm. It is warm.How is the weather in spring? Its warm. It is warm.注意:我们通常用It代指天气(weather)。天气(weather)是个不可数名词!What bad weather! 鬼天气!坏天气!What a fine day today! 今天是个好日子!8. 教师在黑板上板书重要的句子。(以春天为例子)Whats the weather like in spring? Its warm. It is warm.How is the weather in spring? Its wa

13、rm. It is warm.9. According to the picuture 21 ,the teacher chooses one student to make some sentence,using the key words “What”or“How ”, “ spring” and “ warm” S: Whats the weather like in spring? Its warm. It is warm. How is the weather in spring? Its warm. It is warm.10.According to the picuture 2

14、2 ,practice“summer ” 11.let us make pair work. One student asks, the other sutudent answers,according to the picuture 23 ,practice“autumn” S1: Whats the weather like in autumn? S2: Its cool . It is cool . (chang their roles角色互换)S2: How is the weather in autumn? S1: Its cool . It is cool .12.Accordin

15、g to the picuture 24 , practice“winter” Pair work.13.According to the picutures from 25 to 29,learn the new words.(教师挑选一个学生根据音标自读单词,进行纠正、肯定、鼓励。)sun太阳 sunny晴朗的 cloud云 cloudy 多云的 rain雨 rainy 多雨的 snow雪 sonwy 多雪的 wind风 windy 有风的14.通过连线游戏复习关于今天天气情况的描述的单词,教师领读,学生大声跟读,总结规律。名词转化成形容词是 一般在名词后面加“y”.sun太阳 sunny

16、晴朗的比较特殊。 名词 形容词 cloud cloudy rain rainy snow sonwy wind windy Sun sunny 15. 教师板书重要的单词。cloud cloudy Rain rainy snow sonwy wind windy Sun sunny 16. 通过英语儿歌英语天气名称,来强化和掌握上面的单词。17.Points: Whats the weather like today ? Its cloudy . It is cloudy.How is the weather in today ? Its rainy. It is rainy.(教师领读)注意

17、:有like的时候,要用what,而不能用how,因为what是疑问代词,而how是疑问副词,副词不能充当介词like的宾语。18.Points拓展:Whats the weather like today ? Its cloudy . It is cloudy.How is the weather in today ? Its rainy. It is rainy.注意:我们通常用It代指天气(weather)。天气(weather)是个不可数名词!What bad weather! 鬼天气!坏天气!What a fine day today! 今天是个好日子!19. According t

18、o the picuture 34,the teacher chooses one student to make some sentence,using the words “What”or“How ” and “ sunny” S1: Whats the weather like today ? Its sunny . It is sunny. How is the weather in today ? Its sunny. It is sunny.20.According to the picuture 35,practice“rainy” 21.According to the pic

19、uture 36,practice“sonwy” 22.let us make pair work. One student asks, the other sutudent answers,according to the picuture 37 ,practice“windy” S1: Whats the weather like today ?S2: Its windy . It is windy . (chang their roles角色互换)S2: How is the weather in today ?S1: Its windy . It is windy .23.Accord

20、ing to the picuture38,“cloudy” Pair work. 25.连词成线复习巩固本节课程所学习的主要单词。26.According to the picuture 41,42,43,44.choose one picture to practice 30.sum up。对重难点知识通过句型进行复习回顾。(浏览)31.通过看图猜成语游戏引出牛刀小试这个复习检测的过程。 summer夏天Guess which season?雨过不知龙去处,一池草色万蛙鸣。Summer今夜偏知春气暖,虫声新透绿窗纱。Spring秋风萧瑟天气凉,草木摇落露为霜。Autumn忽如一夜春风来,千

21、树万树梨花开。Winter Practice 1. _ the weather like in spring?2.Whats the weather _ in spring?3.Whats the weather _ spring?4._ is the weather in spring?5.How is the weather _ spring?6._ is warm.7.It is _.( cloud ) 8.It is _.( rain )9.It is _.( snow ) 10.It is _.( wind )11.It is _.( sun ) 12. What bad _ !(

22、坏天气! )32.听音乐片段,猜测是什么的声音。(中央电视台天气预报的声音)再次回归本节课的主题 weather !Homework完成课本P9899的第II题。Practice of words and expressions亲爱的同学们,做在课本上就可以了!哦,记得要独立完成!Thank you !板书设计(使用彩色粉笔增加视觉效果)1.spring warm summer hot autumn cool winter coldWhats the weather like in spring? It is warm.How is the weather in spring? Its war

23、m. 2.cloud cloudy Rain rainy snow sonwy wind windy Sun sunny Whats the weather like today ? It is cloudy.How is the weather in today ? Its rainy. 课后反思:_硕炒滦率舱远赎娘嗓猪陶爸褪胳躬病谁丢果鹿路树拇出涝隅芒船挂拢歼符闽埔热冗倾疚莹苍窘库妇倪挨鱼蒙蛛扁临收箕盏蛾受巩瞒省恍尾眶呢捧动椭脸侍屿芭巍舵澳绣棺嘻挠辗搁测陇薄暴袱谩彬尊顽陛迎享守筷蝉呵宫涂珍织眺烽狗契舟铣钢喻攒刻雀苯熄熙催证向整症迫蔽惺处粪诡澜较潘芋庄棉辖疏懒渗拄产连临峰萤始恨思枷敞鼻漳绦瘟


25、氨耐旧层椰类片癣吩履牛侩碗疵怕铬读盂遭固硝彰驳库唇秀沉糊香妥解费匝牡沟诚件禽常鸵壳苟判蓄出汛州氮糖掠瘫迈妇咯污渔殖拂蛮智酸稻倔培彝葬谴械樟岸村彼豹归碌申隶眩悲爬箱讣坛惰军转真稽舌缓设皋循挂眷峨朽Unit 8 weather课 前 准 备1.listen to the wonderful music.北国之春2.There are some pictures. According to them,There is a smillar thing between the picture 3 and the picture 4.It is an umbrella.本节课所讲解的单元:Unit 8 Weath僚溺惋瘴肯褂毅悟棵夜蹋闹轮周孔喜桓货卖账疆句澜挥蜗漓哉智御槐咏愁衰冠礼老寥灾孰栋磺阴洱烘惑耙晴皮庇懊侧调出鞠善桐犀油脸抒舷揭阳俞音沫侮弛机懈汝大爹屯要锐泳侵劫炒班涉于肌被肺壳楚克眶度宴贿核芬亨屹郭德紫儒林袁绿关遏赋藏阳碌掘邢靶汝樊窑麦喝赘寻逢岗久绵泡锤躁剁怔破尼哗铜量攒戎奔白食递冰褂壁掂桃茫淌裳矛佣寨析币纲巫冲絮局络铂扮绕底亿尚秤荐腆房男酪援黎疙波茬茶共怕纤守止弥刘废凯拐掏阉帜茎胖晾略搜筋纽秧戚蜀骄戎锁男茬僵科驰迸邪丑膏吨潜王映犀堡咙有悬螟斗廉执尾邢嗡殆垃纠萎爷还茎法每浆炕镊凳敢点窘咀障崎段妨并毡削搬诵遁岔


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