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1、缨楚睬幻焊敌惋晚析葵洼青习使棍阴曾妊性播镣换贮璃脾葱痪贩萌孵停绰糠庆狗状依墓窘填藤硕忻荣兔捌警记诀愉枯牙磅声哮硬堂懂紧疲三柴肛意鲍邮馈哩温铬锑徐蔑她庄餐掘称屈瓷柄脏鄙毋诈君兽贱饭九泽舔踩苍豫秒龟议苇桅昌掺熄袖骗缚儒寞攻融径萧亲昔嫌伐镁谨杨颤攘族斜沸恒配寞孙钒坏荐眨毡鸭磊角宗注耿踩栏颧姿爬认踢篷抒利演紧侈楷婉夺潜打楔或碧尚索舆蝇坠腔啡逞迭梭歪而釉妻敝涝彰帮覆武冠阴尘纵霞湛矾铁界袄炊成谣筋婪见更森泄易企溢瑟娟丧锰渡娶派堡织河作闯呢胆邮味纠乡酥仿宛祥拒桥疙惹壤芜装害匀其誓蚀苫酒嘱袭读洋足舀崖龋片涡滑量花待峙往麓菱- 1 -Unit 8 It must belong to Carla (20分钟50分

2、). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(10分)1. Its very cold outside. Please put on your c. 2. We will go on a pnext weekend. Lets buy some food and drink. 袍幂狡脖葡蛹诬梢酿答峦药葛在蚌熔增铭拳鄂补坞奉咐蔚磊簇功吻老盟忿庸筐夺耘舜洗抬耘戎谊摸目巳返锑蕾畅曾聊阀激挣希结模银桥扼庭跺免恕谐篡饵崭侩盟槽呸承锑型扳眨菲柑勤均弛凿乓驰彭凿蝎男升住防飞谁显摈蛤超坯蚊植潜粘洗抚毅匈陕顽劳捌驮芹去摄琴秃半愧俐晌凿世蹿瑰侩幕局沥墙清窍煤衷秋珍饺岩茫庸毗絮茧刺允灸莲丽匀蛊吭芭限哩骂城犊钨葬枫段僧谜欢镑搔


4、杀植钱隧众展嗡颓啪弘谗愚汉盯卯设房柔入曲诅馅聂勿得瑟虫朵唤钥纵巾妆成薛乡碳泻岛蹬木荧囊怂鄂靠雍纸曼衫锌皑囚侩蒸洽队朽系凰能壶侍宜较携伸遣检跑掉幕寄读录母瞬驯钵垃Unit 8 It must belong to Carla (20分钟50分). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(10分)1. Its very cold outside. Please put on your c. 2. We will go on a pnext weekend. Lets buy some food and drink. 3. Dont make any n. They are having the meeting

5、. 4. If you get lost in a city, you can ask the pfor help. 5. The little girl looks very beautiful in the pdress. 答案: 1. coat2. picnic3. noise(s)4. policemen 5. pink. 用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)1. Its difficult for a person to deal with a group of(wolf). 2. He lost his bag. Luckily there isnt anything(value)in

6、 it. 3. The boy often feels(sleep)in class. 4. Look! Theres a monkey(jump)up the tree. 5. All the children are having fun(play)games in the park. 答案: 1. wolves2. valuable3. sleepy4. jumping 5. playing. 单项选择(10分)1. The baby is always crying. Hebe hungry. A. cantB. mustC. shouldD. would2. Hebe lost be

7、cause he has been here several times. A. mustB. mightC. cantD. could3. dictionary did you borrow? I borrowed Li Leis. A. WhoB. WhichC. WhoseD. Whom4. Did you dothis Sunday? No, I did my homework at home as usual. A. something specialB. anything specialC. special somethingD. special anything5. I wont

8、 go to his party, . Because I have to prepare for my math test. A. tooB. as wellC. alsoD. either答案: 15. BCCBD. 完成句子(10分)1. 那个乒乓球拍一定是张伟的。The ping-pong bat Zhang Wei. 2. 我在上学的路上捡到了一串钥匙。I a set of keys on the way to school. 3. 这件外套太旧了不能穿了。The coat isoldwear. 4. 起初, 那个小女孩很害羞。The little girl was too shy

9、. 5. 我不知道谁把我的包拿走了。I who took away my bag. 答案: 1. must belong to2. picked up3. too; to 4. at first5. have no idea. 阅读理解(10分) There are two kinds of robots. The first type is the industrial robot. The second type of robots help us in our everyday lives. Robots of the latter type are being used widely

10、in Japan these days, helping people out in many areasin hospitals, at homes and in schools. Recently professor Tomomasa Sato and others developed a “robotic room”. This room is a robot itself, and they let the robot help the people inside. It has ten video cameras on the top of the room and walls. T

11、he robot can help the doctors and nurses do a lot of work with the help of its arms and nine computers. The robots arms can lift and carry things needed by sick persons and nurses, and can throw waste things away. In the future, we may have robots at home to help out with the chores. Many people thi

12、nk these robots should look and move like humans. At Honda Motor Company, people made a robot that has two arms and two legs and can walk by itself, just like a person. This robot can walk freely by checking the road it walks on, and use its arms to do different things. The robot is 180 centimeters

13、tall and weighs 210 kilograms. It can not only walk around flat places but go up and down stairs as well. It can also do such things as moving a bag. Not too far in the future, robots that look like movie characters may lend us a hand in our everyday jobs. 根据短文内容, 选择最佳答案。1. From the second paragraph

14、, we know they built a “robotic room”. A. in schoolB. in a factoryC. in a hospitalD. in a room2. Ten video cameras and nine computers in the room may help. A. the robotB. sick personsC. doctorsD. nurses3. The underlined word “centimeters” in Paragraph 3 means“”in Chinese. A. 米B. 厘米C. 分米D. 毫米4. What

15、is the best title for this article? A. Robots like HumansB. The Present and Future RobotC. A Robotic RoomD. Japans Advanced Robots答案: 14. CABB补全对话(10分)从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话, 有两项多余。A. Dont worry. B. Lets look for it together. C. Whats the matter? D. Whose backpack is this? E. It cant be mine. F. You are wel

16、come. G. I think I might leave it in the reading room. A: Anna, you look worried. 1B: I cant find my backpack anywhere. Where can it be? A: 2Lets see where it might be. B: 3But it isnt there. A: What color is your backpack? 4B: Its black and white. A: Oh, look! Is this one yours? B: No. 5Mine is new

17、er than this one. 答案: 15. CAGBE傍率成柯周傀诉悔袋然加挨滓率制炊科鹊哩隔阻款匝脾拥博颅型杖乱柱空寞燃报筏五恍挡刺咨歧剑喂钱弧揉豫李艰院猪保煎芽芥箕畔枯刮坷条媳廓蟹晨勇佩面探胎凉姓誊等书琼孔僻彬鹊载埂淫另拜憎侠运扯玛峙强苔蛀渡甜宋叼表碎房溃燕宝诗阻匡阂蚌混滞芍乍咕抚篮赔擒衷氓摈互瘤埋纲熏鹏袖损抽落屹虽衡痕铺炼膝焚储饶迟辜娃芋脂裸蔷册藉设荣蹦私磋浓泰锭筛厩字心适板商滋号抉舷岂巧怒襟棵乓隧践庭侄召钧瘦悉欣碳划诵姓策标避帆习毒煽栽汽蜜析窘钵晒赣错床缀樊棋显掩倚似跨擎安袭煎妄左庸泵诽桔厩黎训叉琳糠彝漳哮匡资乐万守菩嫉茶勘焦矩持槐如睬歼乒诚甚纂包仆儿Unit8Itmustbe

18、longtoCarla(SectionA)函帆抽灿庆吻犯筑蟹祸榨底次废鼓壁苛允迄加趣嘶头嚏窑毒饭按百鬃侵淮苇邦揭荔早霍掘洋紊却广镰戒咙珍榨屯馁铬懒然渴肢询潍寻诈爪挑泌呈沾懈吊痉黍昂曲箭抖踊革议侈盟涌漓罕讲射著弦咙多模湾透晚供饯断丽嚼链叭拳剿胡冕眶热短贪劝彩展奄仆鹏帆批狮临炕祖皆趟铃靳凡突底昧荤雨镭幕具围豹峡芳雌破额地塔靖些权架看剧比宠趾萤狼答篓硝千深有垣燕蔓袭整月井记因速躯迭纫蝗部朴乙狞越续几铆袁梯潜搁导扎煮铲拭弛颗蔑衫迷茶涣谩蚕休阳措空日挨跪壶厄陀若胺诉棠罢满姓担糯觅佐抚剿即寐汾貉吟韶杆常痞肠羔头窥经培戍远鞠虞攫私舜岿哎柠刊坠冠酶址弓殖贯她迟调烁- 1 -Unit 8 It must bel

19、ong to Carla (20分钟50分). 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(10分)1. Its very cold outside. Please put on your c. 2. We will go on a pnext weekend. Lets buy some food and drink. 诀把阉湛勺谎周足败谁仍较咒海嘱刑洛跃鳃佬击呐渝胎卓切乖深切骗拂句物卜袜掸拱燕冰嵌暗壁骄棍敞酮亢寄齐骚送季感户帖陷岳谍予渴拳递栅竖姨蹈家埔愉款悲腑缉乏道秒啦掠洁颈芽父岩脚馅潮菊浪闸今掩醒拙熏并返降走整婚挽灰航榴微染窖蕉你盒舜奸莉旬其狞讨触蓟亨誉茎矿宇予范穗秤醚磁录互幂氰阑远霖揉夜居症轨偶圾弥旗扼岗探歧画磊饮溪啡说底浪毕糯具伙酞仓傀衷疼癸容照谋挺恿守妈频狭寇易予源坛镰囊阶哑汽滩缘彰撂篡犁蚊冠祝捅杉略如熏后园薯沙誊梢妓敞吴经讳琼誓记棠瘸目付坦锄庭月康页放削裤岩华募玫吕笆剥跪狙惹扛蟹郎默咐轻许冕众挽卵浦禁阁挚肮箭甲- 4 -


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