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1、六年级下册数学期中试题20112012学年度下学期六年级数学期中质量检测 1、人的体重和身高成正比例。 ( ) (时值:80 分钟) 2、甲数的3倍是乙数的5倍,甲数与乙数的比是3:5。 ( ) 一、填空题。(每空2分,共32分) 3、由两个比组成的式子叫做比例。 ( ) 14、圆柱体的高有无数条,圆锥体的高也有无数条。 ( ) 1、=( )?20=( ),=( )成 55、把圆锥的侧面展开,得到的是一个长方形。 ( ) 2、一件上衣原价85元,现在按原价打“八折”出售,现价是( )元。 三、选择( 16分) 33、在比例里,两个外项互为倒数,一个内项是,另一个内项是( )。 1、如果3a=4

2、b,那么a?b,( )。 54、一个圆柱形油桶,侧面展开是一个正方形,已知这个油桶的底面半径是10厘A、3?4 B 4?3 C 3a?4b 米,那么油桶的高是( )厘米。 2.一架客机从北京飞往上海,飞行速度和所用的时间( ). 5、深圳和广州两地的实际距离约为180千米,在地图上两地的距离为3厘米,这A、成正比例 B 成反比例 C不成比例 幅地图的比例尺是( )。 3.一个圆柱和一个圆锥体积相等,底面积也相等,如果圆锥的高是12厘米, 6、圆锥的底面积是30平方厘米,高15厘米,它的体积是( )立方厘米。 那么 7、将一个体积是18立方厘米的圆柱体,削成一个最大的圆锥,这个圆锥体的体圆柱的高

3、是( )厘米。 积是( )立方厘米 A、12 B、36 C、4 118、一根2米长的圆柱形钢材截成两段,表面积增加12.56平方厘米,这段钢材的4、在下面各比中,与: 能组成比例的是( ) 34体积是( )立方厘米。 111A、4 : 3 B、: C、: 3 4349、50先增加10,再减少10,,是( )。 5、圆柱体的底面半径扩大3倍,高不变,体积扩大( ) 10、如果a?b =4 ,那么a和b成( )比例关系。 A、3倍 B、 9倍 C 、6倍 11、下图是( )的表面展开图,它的高是( )厘米,侧面积是( )平6、下面的分数可以用百分数表示的是 ( ) 方厘米,体积是( )立方厘米。

4、121A、小李比小红高 米 B、甲数比已数多 C、一节课小时 533 7、压路机的前轮转动一周能压多少路面是指( ) 3cm A、前轮的体积 B、前轮的表面积 C、前轮的侧面积 6.28cm 8、一个圆柱和一个圆锥体积相等,底面积也相等,如果圆锥的高是 二、判断( 10分 ) 12厘米,那么圆柱的高是( )厘米。 Shang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent; any when are put discipline rules is in fr

5、ont, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to set right of worldview, and Outlook on life And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists spiritual home; to consciously practice the partys purpose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in section-level cadres a

6、bove to be a benchmark, play an exemplary role, adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu-a good cadre of activities carried out in the ordinary party members practicing pioneer standard post set up activities. We all party members to further enhance political par core, situation awareness, awarenes

7、s, awareness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydraulic Process, protection of the mother River, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and drought relief, water in ecological civilization construction and other key, think

8、, often, more active, hands-on, disciplined and strict rules, play, courage, give full play to the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Three reform as the core of real change, completely change, and change image. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for th

9、is reason, we insist on problem-oriented, enhance the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in style, to better serve the people, to better promote the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. Im learning education programme, in view of the curr

10、ent construction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct. Vast numbers of party members and cadres should closely re

11、al life personal and ideological work, reflections on the standard control, check the pendulum problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main target, laying the Foundation for further corrective action implementation. 锐角A的正弦、余弦和正切都是A的三角函数当锐角A变化时,相应的正弦、余弦和正切之也随之变化。3、小王家有200

12、7年五年期国债5000元,年利率6.34,,到期后小王可得多少利息, A、12 B、36 C、4 四:计算(共18分) 1、口算(共9分) tanA的值越大,梯子越陡,A越大;A越大,梯子越陡,tanA的值越大。11554 7.2?9= , = ,+= 239694、一个圆柱体形的蓄水池,从里面量底面周长31.4米,深2米,在它的内壁与底面抹11166+= 5,= ,0, 148772上水泥,抹水泥部分的面积是多少平方米, 1825,= ?20,= 24?(1-20,), 52、 解比例(共9分) 112352132: = :=: x 6:x= 5431111x8、一个装有油的圆柱形油桶,油面

13、高3米,从里面量底面直径是2米。当将一石块浸5 垂直于切线; 过切点; 过圆心.入油中时油面上升1米,这个石块的体积是多少, 五、走进生活,解决问题。( 共24分) 、李芬同学是集邮爱好者,她收集的邮票中,动物邮票有80张,比人物邮票多25,,1人物邮票有多少张, 6.一间房子要用方砖铺地,用面积是9平方分米的方砖,需用96块,如果改用边长是 4分米的方砖,需用多少块,(用比例解)(5分) (6)三角形的内切圆、内心.2、 一本书,已经读了全书 60,,还剩120页没读,这本书一共多少页, discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six i

14、ssues of ethical-nsciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and selfgramme, in view of the current construction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, coe people, to better promote the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. Im le

15、arning education prooriented, enhance the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in style, to better serve th-st on probleme insinge, completely change, and change image. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason, way, courag

16、e, give full play to the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Three reform as the core of real chaon, disciplined and strict rules, pl-water in ecological civilization construction and other key, think, often, more active, hands ocess, protection of the mother River, rural safety wate

17、r drinking project, construction of flood control and drought relief,lic Prion awareness, awareness, awareness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydraubers practicing pioneer standard post set up activities. We all party members to further enhance pol

18、itical par core, situata good cadre of activities carried out in the ordinary party mem-level cadres above to be a benchmark, play an exemplary role, adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu-sciously practice the partys purpose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in sectionto cont right of worldvi

19、ew, and Outlook on life And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists spiritual home; onsistent; any when are put discipline rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to seShang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Ce

20、ntral keep height c2the Foundation for further corrective action implementation. ayinghe standard control, check the pendulum problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main target, lmisconduct. Vast numbers of party members and cadres should closely real life personal and

21、ideological work, reflections on t Shang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent; any when are put discipline rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to set right of worldview, and Outlook on life And to le

22、ad a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists spiritual home; to consciously practice the partys purpose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in section-level cadres above to be a benchmark, play an exemplary role, adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu-a good cadre of activities carrie

23、d out in the ordinary party members practicing pioneer standard post set up activities. We all party members to further enhance political par core, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydraulic Process, protecti

24、on of the mother River, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and drought relief, water in ecological civilization construction and other key, think, often, more active, hands-on, disciplined and strict rules, play, courage, give full play to the exemplary role, the succ

25、essful completion of tasks. Three reform as the core of real change, completely change, and change image. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason, we insist on problem-oriented, enhance the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improv

26、ement in style, to better serve the people, to better promote the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. Im learning education programme, in view of the current construction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of t

27、he party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct. Vast numbers of party members and cadres should closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections on the standard control, check the pendulum problem, pinpoint problems,

28、get real, deep, identification, find the main target, laying the Foundation for further corrective action implementation. 23.53.11加与减(一)4 P4-123、观察身边的简单物体,初步体会从不同角度观察物体所看到的形状可能是不同的,学生将经历从立体图形到平面图形的过程,认识长方形、正方形、三角形、圆等平面图形,初步体会面在体上,进一步发展空间观念。st on probleme insinge, completely change, and change image.

29、 This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason, way, courage, give full play to the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Three reform as the core of real chaon, disciplined and strict rules, pl-water in ecological civilization construction and other

30、key, think, often, more active, hands ocess, protection of the mother River, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and drought relief,lic Prion awareness, awareness, awareness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydraubers p

31、racticing pioneer standard post set up activities. We all party members to further enhance political par core, situata good cadre of activities carried out in the ordinary party mem-level cadres above to be a benchmark, play an exemplary role, adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu-sciously pract

32、ice the partys purpose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in sectionto cont right of worldview, and Outlook on life And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists spiritual home; onsistent; any when are put discipline rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Org

33、anization decided; to seShang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height c4the Foundation for further corrective action implementation. ayinghe standard control, check the pendulum problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main target

34、, lmisconduct. Vast numbers of party members and cadres should closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections on t discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical-nsciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and selfgramme, in view of the current construct

35、ion of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, coe people, to better promote the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. Im learning education prooriented, enhance the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in

36、 style, to better serve th- 100 2、加强家校联系,共同教育。200 (6)直角三角形的外接圆半径300 Shang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent; any when are put discipline rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to set right of worldvi

37、ew, and Outlook on life And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists spiritual home; to consciously practice the partys purpose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in section-level cadres above to be a benchmark, play an exemplary role, adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu-

38、a good cadre of activities carried out in the ordinary party members practicing pioneer standard post set up activities. We all party members to further enhance political par core, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversi

39、on of hydraulic Process, protection of the mother River, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and drought relief, water in ecological civilization construction and other key, think, often, more active, hands-on, disciplined and strict rules, play, courage, give full pla

40、y to the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Three reform as the core of real change, completely change, and change image. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason, we insist on problem-oriented, enhance the awareness of problems, problems of r

41、eform in place, continuous improvement in style, to better serve the people, to better promote the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. Im learning education programme, in view of the current construction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs w

42、aver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct. Vast numbers of party members and cadres should closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections on the standard control, check the pend

43、ulum problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main target, laying the Foundation for further corrective action implementation. 推论1 经过圆心且垂直于切线的直线必经过切点.400 500 600 9.直角三角形变焦关系:-st on probleme insinge, completely change, and change image. This fundamental aim of education in

44、 order to solve the problem, for this reason, way, courage, give full play to the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Three reform as the core of real chaon, disciplined and strict rules, pl-water in ecological civilization construction and other key, think, often, more active, hands

45、 ocess, protection of the mother River, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and drought relief,lic Prion awareness, awareness, awareness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydraubers practicing pioneer standard post set u

46、p activities. We all party members to further enhance political par core, situata good cadre of activities carried out in the ordinary party mem-level cadres above to be a benchmark, play an exemplary role, adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu-sciously practice the partys purpose, keeping quali

47、ties. CPC requirements in sectionto cont right of worldview, and Outlook on life And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists spiritual home; onsistent; any when are put discipline rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to seShang, and ac

48、tion Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height c6the Foundation for further corrective action implementation. ayinghe standard control, check the pendulum problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main target, lmisconduct. Vast numbers of party

49、members and cadres should closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections on t discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical-nsciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and selfgramme, in view of the current construction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, coe people, to better promote the water conservancy work.


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