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1、Using the LibraryYou look for a book in one of two ways: / either you ll know the author and title of thebook, or else you ll want a book on a particular subject. / Let s start with what todo if you know the author s name and the title of the book. / The first thing is to look up the author s name i

2、n the Author Catalogue. / If you can find a card for the book, / you should then write down three things: / the author, the title and the class number./ Now find the class number on the library shelves. / There are notices on the bookcases called shelf guides. / If you find the book on the shelf, /

3、and you want to borrow it, take it to the Issue Desk. / If you can t find the book, / it means that someone elsehas borrowed it, / so you should ask the librarian to reserve it for you.Old AgeMany people mistakenly believe that old age is a time of increased illness and loneliness. / In fact, people

4、 do not suddenly change / whenthey reach the age of 60 or 65. / Furthermore, although more parents and their married children live in separate households than ever before,/ this is usually by choice. / It is not because childrennow tend to neglect theirparents when they become old. / It is also wron

5、g to believe / that old age seriously affects a person s mental abilities. / There is clear proof / that people who were eager to learn / and who welcomed new experiences in their middle age, / continue to do so in old age./ It is true that older people tend to take longer to learn something new tha

6、n your people./ Nevertheless, if they are given sufficient time, / they learn as well as young people do.BellIn ancient times all over the world, / it was believed that evil spirits could put up with / just about anything except the clanging of the bell. / Over time, the bell itself, even when not r

7、inging, / came to be regarded as a powerful lucky symbol. / Because it is suspended in a hanging position, / it takes on the representation of all life suspended between heaven and earth. / Its vault-like shape has become a symbol of heaven. / Bells are used in Christian churches as well as Hindu /

8、and Buddhist temples as a means of keeping evils away. / The bell tolled at funerals is now explained as a signal to the living / that a soul is passing to the other side / and should be accompanied by prayers./ But originallythe tolling was intended to prevent / evil forces from interfering with th

9、e soul sheavenward journey.Travel BooksThere are three kinds of travel books. / The first are those that give a personal, subjective account of travels / which the author has actually made himself. / If these books are informative / and have a good index, / they can be very useful to you / when you

10、are planning your travels. / The second can be classified as selective guidebooks / whose purpose is to give a purely objective description of things to be done and seen. / The third are those books which are called “ a guide ” to some place or other. / They will give an analysis or an interpretatio

11、n. / They can be as inspiring and entertaining as the first kind, / but their primary function is to assist the reader / who wishes to plan his tour / in themost practical way.Changing Rate of EmploymentWest Germany had one of the lowest rates of unemployment back in 1980. / It stood at justthree pe

12、rcent. / But then over the next three years it rose quite sharply and steadily./ In 1982 it was nearly sic percent, / and in 1983 it was the same as France. / 1984 sawa slight increase, and 1985 a slight fall. / The 1985 figure was eight percent, / in between France and the United States. / The Unit

13、ed States has had ups and downs, / or rather, it s the only country to show a significant drop in the number of unemployed. / This is dueto high interest rates, / which haven t helped the rest of the world. / In 1980 the ratewas about the same as France and Great Britain, / slightly higher than Fran

14、ce, actually,at about seven percent. / This rose to 7.5 percent in 1981, andthen peaked the followingyear at over nine percent.Graduate StudentGraduate students specializein a particularfieldof study. / They study to become expertsin this field / and to learn new advances in their fields while they

15、earn an M. A. or Ph.D. / Sometimes when they get an M. A. in one field they begin studying another field. / They hope that when they earn their graduate degrees / they will succeed in finding importantjobs. / They hope to get jobs that are interesting and high paying. / The life of a graduate studen

16、t is often difficult. / They are usually too busy studying to make a good living./ Often they have to pay high tuition fees for their education. / Some give up studying before they get their degrees. / But most keep on working at their studies until they graduate. / In today s world, most graduate s

17、tudents don t regret spending time with their studies. / They are finding that new developments are occurring in all fields. /For many graduate, study has become a necessity.Rainy BritainBritain is famous around theworld for its rainy weather, / butmany parts of the countrythis June / are experienci

18、ngmuch more rain than they have ever seen before. / Torrentialdownpours have caused rivers to burst their banks, / roads have been closed and many people have been evacuated / from their homes because of the floods. / The worst hit area seemsto be the north of England. / There have even been fatalit

19、ies as people got stuck in the rain / or were washed away by the floodwaters. / Flood warnings have been issued in many parts of the UK / and it is said that over a month s worth of rain has fallen in justthe last couple of days. / The rain has also caused chaos at some of Britain s famousJune event

20、s. / The Glastonbury festival is a four-day-long outdoor music festival / and while it is traditionally quite rainy and muddy there, / this year was particularly bad.SunbedIn the UK, a country known for its bad weather and lack of sunshine, / there appears tobe an ever increasing number of very tann

21、ed young people. / So just how are they achieving their golden tans? / Some are opting for the sun-free option / and are getting their tanfrom a bottle. / However, it appears that others are turning to tanning salons, / of which there are thousands in the UK. / While in China young people often pref

22、er to remain fair, / in the UK there seems to be a growing desire for tanned skin. / So why do the British prefer to be bronzed? / Often, they are trying to emulate their favorite celebrities, footballers, or footballer s wives. / Research from the British Sunbed Association suggests that / many peo

23、ple believe a tan makes them feel and look healthier. / This is a belief that is most definitely not shared by Cancer Research UK. / They firmly state that being tanned is not a sign of health.Ball GamesBall games have become an integral part of modern society. / They give us entertainment providing

24、 us a means to safely free ourselves from stress. / There are many differentballgames that can do this for us. / Somepeople enjoy football, while others like basketball. / These two ball games are the most popular in China. / Other games such as baseball are growing in appeal, yet have not become po

25、pular. / The development of these games is interesting. / Basketball is one of the few sports with a known date of birth. / Football, or soccer, originally developed from traits found in both China and Europe. / It has grown to become the world s most popular sport. / In Europe, football clubs have

26、been established, / which in turn has been copied in the rest of the world. / These football clubs train players / who may later go play for their nations in the World Cup. / This is the most watched ballgame championship on the planet.Famous UniversityMany countries have excellent universities. / T

27、here are, however, few world famousones./ These universities have achieved their fame / through a combination of both their age / and the high levels of quality in their instruction. / Throughout their histories, / each one has been a testing ground for the leadership of the nation. / In the United

28、States, Harvard and Yale attract thousands of foreign students / who would use what they learn for the advancement of their own nations. / In this way, these schools have developed an interesting method of international communication. / Graduates around the world are able to connect with each other

29、/ by having graduated from one of the finest universities in the world. / Leaders in every field, whether government officials or ground-breaking scientists, / who graduated form the same school have a direct link to each other / and understand each other much betterInternet RelationshipInternet rel

30、ationships are ones that are made through online communication / with a prospective friend or date. / Nowadays, many people are turning towards makings such relationships / as they think these are more reliable than ones that are created by meeting in person. / People have their own individual views

31、 regarding such relationships. /Internet relationships can be made / for the purpose of getting a date or just friendship. /There is a debate going on in the online community about these online relationships. /Somesay that these kind of bonding is not at all reliable, / as anyone can pose as a perso

32、n who is not, in reality. / On the other hand, if you use the Internet in the best possible manner, / this bonding can go well further genuinely. / This simply means that, along with emails and chats, / if you use real-time audio and video conversations, / you can be assured that the person online i

33、s not faking his identity.Giving and SharingThe spirit of giving and sharing is at its peak during the Christmas season. / People are so generous to dole out gifts, / money and other things to people they care about, / and at times to charity, too. / This innate feeling in us is always there. / It s

34、 not onlyfor special seasons like the holidays / that we should be able to give / and share whatever we have in abundance. / It most likelyto be the instinctive feeling in us / that we shouldbe willing to share and give something all year round / especially to those who are in need.The holiday feeli

35、ng is all around us. /The malls are all decorated with pretty and shinyChristmas decors all around. / There s happy Christmas music being heard all over the place. / A lot of people are shopping because there are lots of sales and discounts offered. Make a Good SpeechEveryone recognizes the importan

36、ce of speaking English well. / In school one of the chief things to learn and to practice may be the reading and writing of English, / but in everyday life we convey our thoughts to other people / by speaking far more oftenthanby writing. / What we say and how we say it determine the opinion that ot

37、her people form about us. /A person who speaks clearly and pleasantly obviously has a very great advantage. / A person who cannot or does not speak acceptably is under a great handicap / he mayhave a fine character, / he may have many good qualities, / but he may still be held back. /Perhaps the chi

38、ef thing about speaking is not to be afraid of it. / There is no real need to be nervous / and you should try to avoid showing nervousness. / But the best way of overcoming your perfectly natural feelings of shyness is to go ahead and speak / and so accustom yourself to the situation of being on you

39、r feet with a group of people listening to you./Table MannersWe have all gone to a dinner and used our neighbor s for, glass or bread plate. / Howembarrassing it is! / So here s a shortcut so that you can know exactly what is yours: / your plate is in the center. / Knives and spoons are on your righ

40、t, and forks and your napkin on the left. / Liquids go to your right, and solids go on your left. / You know where your stuff is. / But now it s time to know how to use everything properly. / Take your napkin and place it on your lap right away when you sit down. / It should never be on the table. /

41、 Just put it on your lap, not into your shirt. / The fork furthest to the outside is the one you should use for the appetizer. / Whenthe next part of the meal comes, / use the next outermost fork, and so on. / Same deal goes for the spoons and knives. /Writing for AdviceMost Americans don t like to

42、get advice from members of their family. / When they need advice, they don t usually ask people they know. / Instead, many Americans write letters to newspapers and magazines / which give advice on many different subjects, / including family problems, the use of languages, health, cooking, child car

43、e, clothes and how to buy a house or a car. /Most newspapers regularly print letters from readerswith problems. / Along with theletters there are answers written by people / who are supposed to know how to solve such problems. / Some of these writers are doctors; / others are lawyers or educators. /

44、 But two of the most famous writers of advice are women / without special training for this kind of work. / One of them answers letters addressed to“ Dear Mary ” . / The other isaddressed as“ Dear Ann Smith ” . / Experience is their preparation for giving advice./词汇l.curious2. figure3.persistent4. i

45、ndependent5.unusual6. interact7. formalplicated9. abstract10. solve11. mystery12. exist13.appropriately14.explore15.model16. gradually17 refine18. concepts19. preserve20.adult21.female22. appreciate23. addition24.constantly25. household26. psychologist27. impression28. chat29. infant30.license31. co

46、nvenient32. repeat33.legal34. rate35.recognize36. obligation37. receive38. challenge39. assess40.submit41. wisdom42. emotional43 e-mail44. identify45.coordinate46. collaborate47. daily48. suitable49.concert50.vocabulary51. circumstance52.philosophy53. secret54. inappropriate 55.concern56. practice57

47、. offender58. despite59. specific60.responsibility61.criminal62. survive63.hand-written64. demonstration65.refuse66.guiltymit68.instructions69. odd70. complicated71.content72. acquire73. prime74. restore75.payers76.shed77. dissatisfaction 78.intentionally79. insane80.practice81. insight82. overtime8

48、3. rewards84. alternative85. shift86. jail87. whereby88. account89. advance90. staff91. symbol92.decade93. affair94. export95. apparent96. globe97. acquire98. transfer99.dependence merce101. prestigious102. percentage 103. combination104. petence106. convenient 107. suffer108. jam109. emit110. tongue


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