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1、优质课教案Teachi ng pla n for Module 4 Unit 2Lear ning about Ian guageTeach ing aimsKno wledge skillsTo describe Yua n Longping in their own wordsAbility skillsLear n to use the new expressi ons in con textsLear n to use the uses of v-i ng as subject and object in con text.AttitudeHelp the stude nts to b

2、ecome a happy lear ner inEn glishTeaching important and difficult points1、Learn to use the expressions correctly in describing people.2、Use the v-i ng forms as subject and object in con text.Stude nt an alysisStude nts of grade one prefer to lear n through pleasure, which ben efits their developme n

3、t of study. They are supposed to lear n well with the teachers guida nee and help. So in this class, I will try to make them in terested in Ian guage learning by show ing them pictures, short films and in terest ing con text to arise their curiosity and creativity. Only in this way can they be good

4、at learning Ian guages.Teach ing aidsText; pictures; short films; multimediaTeach ing ProceduresStepl Self-i ntroducti onPresent some pictures of student slife in school to recall the following words and phrases. At the same time, provide students with examples of v-ing used as subject and object.1.

5、 sun bur nt 2. hun ger3. expa nd4.circulate 5. struggle 6.export7. rid of 8. lead a life 9. would rather 10. thanks toStep2 Lear n to un dersta nd En glish expla natio ns of the words and phrasesHelp stude nts to fully un dersta nd the words and phrases men ti oned in step one by giving the En glish

6、 expla nati ons.Task 1 Find words and phrases that can match the En glish expla nati on sun bur nt1. darke ned skin from spe nding too much time in the sunhun ger2. n eed for foodrid -of3. make someth ing or somebody free ofexpa nd4. become larger in size,nu mber oramountcirculate5. make in formatio

7、 n andideas knownto many peoplelead a -life 6. live a lifewould rather 7. prefer totha nks to8. because ofstruggle 9. try extremely hard to achieve someth ingexport10. send thi ngs to foreig n coun tries for saleStep3 Use the words and phrasesTask 2 First, ask stude nts to say someth ing about Dr Yu

8、a n in only one senten ce.Second, complete the passage about Dr Yua n.Dr Yuan leads a simple life. He would rather work on the farm than have a rest. He has struggled for five decades to search for a way to in crease rice harvest without expa nding the area of fields. Thanks to the discovery of supe

9、r hybrid rice, his dream of ridd ing China of hun ger is realized . Now, he has another dream-to export his rice so that it can be grown all over the world.Step4 V-i ng used as subjectTask 3 Ask stude nts to make a self-i ntroductio n by using the followi ng sentence patter ns.Doing is/makes/gives/b

10、rings meSo is my hobby/dream/what I like most.Step5 V-ing used as objectTask 4 Describe the followi ng picturesPicture 11. It seems that the cat enjoys drinking very much.2. The cat is fond of watchi ng TV.3. The cat doesn t care abbeComing fat.Picture 21. The dog dreams of being a bird.2. The dog l

11、ooks forward to flying in the sky.3. We can t helpaughing when we see the dog having such a dream.Step6 Con solidati on of v-i ng as subject and objectTask5 A guess ing gameWork in groups of four, and use at least three senten ces by using V-i ng to describe one of your classmates. And the other stu

12、de nts will guess who he/she is.Task6 Complete the passageFirst, watch the video.Second, complete the followi ng passageOddis spe nds a lot of time inwith his frie nds. He is good atHe likesvery much.the golf ball rolli ng into the holebrings him great fun. Although he and his friends are afraid ofd

13、iscovered whe n they are play ing in the tow n, they still risk 冒险afootball match outside a doctors house, which brings them gaxsitement.His friends can t help laughing after seeing Oddisbehind thepostma n.Task7 Make an in terview of Oddis. Try to use as many V-i ng forms asyou can duri ng the in te

14、rview.Step7 HomeworkWrite a passage about a great but simple person you admire.1. Try to use as many V-ing forms as you can.2. Write down the dialogue you have made.Blackboard designI. WordsII. StructuressunburntVing (subject)hungerReading is my hobby.rid -of expandVing (object)circulatebe fond of doinglead a lifeenjoy doingwould rathercare about doingthanks todream of doingstrugglelook forward to doingexportcanthelp doing感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快


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