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1、Module 1阶段复习题(一) 姓名:班级:Part 2 Phonetics. Vocabulary and Grammar第二部分语音、词汇和语法(共 50 分)I. Fill in the blanks according to the phonetic transcriptions.( 5 分)THe /prais/ of the food Lt that shopis ver 11 igh.27.a * stjuipid/11 didn.tknow the way io its awners hcrn&e.2呂- Fluwers Elil wlie-ti tHert? i会onoii

2、 sunshi i)f=-29* Shich/drstnkt/ do vou live in.?BD_ ou. 11 a pen H a lot on clotHs i you a 1 w a vs fnllaw the /fae-Jn/.II. Choose the best answer.( 15 分)()31. Tokyo isintern ati onal city and many people like going shopp ing there.A. a B. an C. the D. /()32.stude nts will take part in the activitie

3、s n ext Sun day.A. Two hun dredsB. Hun dred ofC. Two hun dredD. Two hun dreds of()33. Mr Li willour class tomorrow because our class teacher is ill.A. in the charge ofB. in charge ofC. be in the charge ofD. be in charge of()34. Excuse me. Can I try on the jea nsthe blue belt, please?A. of B. with C.

4、 for D. to()35. They felt so bored in the room that they wan ted to haveto read.A. someth ing in terestedB. somethi ng in terest ingC. anything in teresti ngD. anything in terested()36. I m not going fish ing tomorrow after noon. I have to clea n up my bedroom.A. So am IB. So I amC. Neither am ID. N

5、either I am()37. En glish is one ofspoke n in the world.A. the importa nt Ian guagesB. the most importa nt Ian guagesC. most importa nt Ian guageD. the most importa nt la nguage()38.fine weather we have today!A. What aB. HowC. WhatD. What an()39. Grannyglasses whe n she reads n ewspapers.A. doesn t

6、needB. notneedC. don t need to D. needn t to()40. If yousome exercise regularly, youhealthy and strong.A. do, will become B. will do, become C. will do, will become D. do, become ()41. Un cle Davida coach since two years ago.A. isB. has bee nC. wasD. will be()42. Which strawberries do you want to ha

7、ve?I want to have thefrom the USA.A. oneB. pair C. ones D. pairs()43. Nobody kn owsthe world will be like in 100 years time.A. whe nB. why C. where D. what()44. How aboutchessme?A. play ing, with B. play ing, and C. to play, with D. to play, and()45. Fruit and vegetables are good for our health.A. I

8、 hope soB. I couldnt agree moCe. Yes, Id loveDo Yes, I like themIII. Complete the follow ing passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. ( 5 分)A. careless B. acrossC. soD. butE. saferF. diedPeople make traffic rules to keep order on the road. Every year thousa nds of people46

9、.or got hurt on the road in Chi na. Please remember: Keep to the right on the road.There are rules to make the roads safe, 47.people don always obey the rules.They re very 48. If everybody obeys the rules, the roads will be much 49.If you like riding a bike, don t ride in the middle of the road. Whe

10、n you ride a bike with afriend, don t look around to talk.If you drive, you should slow dow n at the traffic lights. You must always wear a seat belt.If you walk 50.the road, stop to look both ways. Look left first, then right. Donacross the road. We must tell childre n not to play in the street.It

11、s very n ecessary for every one to obey the traffic rules. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.( 5 分)51. My gran dpa is going to have hisbirthday party. (nin ety)52. , Peter didn t catch the last train to Hangzhou so that he would miss the meeting. (lu

12、ck)53. My brother was hurt by ayesterday. (rob)54. It sto see so many foreign students in our town. (surprise)55. After a, all the engin eers agreed to buy some new equipme nt. (discuss)V. Complete the following sentences as required. ( 20 分)56. Alice read a lot of books on space.(改为否定句 )Alicebooks

13、on space.57. My sister has already put the candles on the birthday cake.(改为一般疑问句 )your sister put the can dles on the birthday cake?58. The blouse with round spots cost her 180 yuan.(保持句意基本不变 )She180 yua nthe blouse with round spots.59. Tracy would like to buy the T -shirt on the left.(对划线部分提问)T -sh

14、irtTracy like to buy?60. are, they, how, to, going, much, altogether, for, pay, tickets, the (连词成句 )Part 3 Reading and Writing 第三部分 读写 (共 35 分)I. Read ing comprehe nsion. (25 分)A .Choose the best answer. (6 分)If you go to Hong Kong by air, you will arrive at Hong Kong International Airport. Because

15、there was not eno ugh land, it was built out into the sea. It is in the part of Hong Kong called Kowloon. Kowloon is one of the two big cities in Hong Kong.The other city is Hong Kong itself. It is on an isla nd. You can get there by ship or through a tunnel un der the sea. Much of Hong Kong is farm

16、la nd and mountains.The populati on of Hong Kong is over six milli on. Chin ese and En glish are spoke n by many people. Clothes, computers, radios and TVs are made in Hong Kong. You can buy all kinds of thin gs, such as watches and computers there.People from all over the world travel to Hong Kong

17、every year. You can watch dog rac ing or motor racing. Some places are quiet and beautiful. When you are hot and tired, there are small cool garde ns to rest in. There are also a lot of hotels to live in. Hong Kong is also a good place for won derful Chin ese food. You can enjoy many kinds of food,

18、for example, fish, vegetables and the famous Beijing Duck. There is certainly a lot to see and to do in Hong Kong.()61. The airport was built out into the sea because.A. it is n ear the seaB. there was not eno ugh landC. pla nes arrive safely D. it would be good()62. Kowlo on is.A. the n ame of a co

19、untryB. the n ame of an airportC. one of the two big cities in Hong Kong D. a big city un der the sea()63. There aretravelers in Hong Kong every year.A. manyB. few C. some D. no()64. What does the underlined word“ tunnel ” mean in Chinese?A.频道 B.隧道 C.通道D.走廊()65. Most people in Hong Kong speak.A. n e

20、ither Chin ese nor En glishB. Chin ese onlyC. En glish onlyD. Chin ese and En glish()66. The main idea of the last paragraph is.A. dog rac ing is in teresti ngB. Beiji ng Duck is famousC. Chinese food is famousD. Hong Kong is a good place for travellingB .Choose the best words or expressions and com

21、plete the passage. (6 分)On Friday morning at eleven o clockTom was walking down Main Street. Suddenly he67 two shots. He saw a man coming out of a bank. The man was short and fat 68 red hair.More importa ntly, he had a bag of money and a gun in his han ds. Before Tom could do _69_, the man had run a

22、way and disappeared beh ind a bus.That after noon, Tom went to see a film. He saw the thief in side the hall. Immediately he phoned the police. The police arrived in less than five minutes. They caught the thief just as he _70_ the cin ema. What a(n) _71_ day for Tom! And best of all, the ba nk gave

23、 him 100 dollars _72_ a reward (奖励).()67. A. hopedB. sawC. thoughtD. heard()68. A. withB. i nC. onD. to()69. A. somethi ngB. everyth ingC. nothingD. nothing help()70. A. leftB. leaveC. leavi ngD. was leav ing()71. A. excitedB. excit ingC. terribleD. in terest ing()72. A. ofB. forC. i nD. asC .Read t

24、he passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.(6 分)s scary. I can t see.I don t like the dark very much Maggie said to herself. It10You don lhave to see to go to sleep,”said an angry voicefrom the foot of her bed.Besides, I cant sleep whe n the lights are o_73_.It was Maggies bear talk ing to

25、her.I don t ca”,Maggie answered. “I don t want to go to sleep. I want to see. I think there sa big dark thing behind the door. It sl_74_ at me!“That s only your dress on the door, said a small voice. It was Maggie s giraffe.“Well, what are those two scary little things by my bed?” asked Maggie.“ The

26、y re your shoes, silly” said the bear.“ H_75_ can you see so much? Maggie asked.“ We just look, said the bear. “ We u_76_ our eyes.“ Oh, but our eyes are special, too, said the giraffe. “ For example, m_77_ are very good for seeing tall things in the dark.“Then t_78_ a good look around the room, sai

27、d Maggie. Is there anything scary?“ No scary tall things, said the giraffe.“ No scary short things, said the bear.“Then I m going to sleep, said Maggie. And she did. .Answer the questions.(7 分)Song Bin lives with his family in a small village in South Korea. Every morning, Song Bi

28、n walks to school. Although it takes him half an hour to do that, he does not take a bus. He wants to save money for his family.One day, Song Bin saw a bag un der a tree on his way to school. He picked up the bag and ope ned it. There was a lot of money in the bag. “ All my friends have nice clothes

29、 and toys, but I don t have any. I can use the money to buy some nice clothes and toys, thought Song Bin. Thehe put the money in his schoolbag and went to school.After school, Song Bin decided to go to a toy shop first. On his way, he saw an old man sitt ing by the road. The old man looked sick. Son

30、g Bin wan ted to help him, so he took some money from his bag and gave it to the old man.“ Thank you, little boy. Although I am poor, I donneed your money. I can earn money by myself, said the old man.Song Bin thought about what the old man said. After a few minu tes, he went to the police station a

31、nd gave the money to the policeman. “Thank you. You rein honest boy, said the policema n.saidNo, Sir. I should tha nk an old man. I met him by the road. He taught me to be hon est.Song Bi n.79. Where does So ng Bin live? (1 分)80. How long does it take Song Bin to walk to school every morning? (1 分)8

32、1. What was in the bag un der a tree? (1 分)82. What did Song Bin want to do with the mo ney at first? (1分)83. Who did So ng Bin see on his way to the toy shop after school? (1 分)84. Why did Song Bin give the old man some money? (2 分)WritingWrite at least 60 words about the topic:the school uniform I

33、 like.Questio n :1 what kind of school uniform do you wear?2 Do you like our scholl uniform?3 Why or why n ot?An swers :Part 2L 26. price 27. stupid 28. grow 29. district 30. fashio nII .31-35 BCDBB 36 -40 CBCAA 41 -45 BCDABII .4650 FDAEBIV. 51. nin etieth 52. Un luckily 53. robbery 54. surprisi ng5

34、5.discussi onV. 56. did nt read many 57. Has, yet 58. paid, for / spe nt, on 59. Which, would 60. How much are they going to pay for the tickets altogether?Part 3I.A.61 -66 BCABDDB. 67-72 DAADBDC. 73.on 74.looking 75.How 76.use 77.mine 78.takeD. 79.He lived with his family in a small village in South Korea.80. Half an hour.81. A lot of mon ey.82. He wan ted to use the money to buy some nice clothes and toys.83.A poor old man.84. Because the old man looked sick.


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