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1、高等激光物理学课程教学大纲一、中文课程简介(含课程名、课程编号、学分、总学时、课程内容概要等内容)高等激光物理学 2学分32学时,高等激光物理学是物理系为研究生和博士生开出的选修课程,主要讲述激光和物质相互作用的半经典理论,光电子学中激光经典理论的延伸,利用麦克斯韦方程描述电磁场,利用量子力学方法描述二能级物质,建立麦克斯韦-布洛赫方程,求解激光的特性,激光与物质的非线性光学效应,除了哈肯和拉姆的激光理论外,还介绍光学双稳、相位共轭、光学孤子等,主要面对光学学科的研究生和博士生,光学工程和物理学其他学科的学生可以选修。二、英文课程简介(含课程名、课程编号、学分、总学时、课程内容概要等内容)Ad

2、vanced Laser Physics 2 credits 32 class hours,Advanced Laser physics is a selective course offered by the Department of Physics for postgraduates and doctoral students. It mainly contains the semiclassical theory of the interaction between laser and matter and is the extension of the classical theor

3、y of laser in optoelectronics. In this course, the electromagnetic field is described by the Maxwell equation and a two-level matter is described by the quantum mechanics, then the Maxwell Bloch equations are established. These equations are used to describe laser characteristics and the nonlinear o

4、ptical effect of laser and matter. In addition to the laser theory of Haken and Lame, it also introduces the optical bistability, phase conjugation, and optical soliton. This course is mainly designed for the graduate and doctoral students of Optical Science and Optical Engineering, the students from other disciplines can also choose.3、 教学目标让学生掌握描述激光与物质相互作用的麦克斯韦-布洛赫方程及其应用,了解哈肯和朗姆的激光理论,并利用麦克斯韦-布洛赫方程推导出光学非线性效应,如光学双稳、相位共轭、光学孤子等。4、 教学内容1、 激光的基本概念2、 激光的经典理论-速率方程3、 二能级物质的量子描述4、 麦克斯韦-布洛赫方程5、 哈肯的激光理论6、 拉姆的激光理论7、 气体激光器8、 瞬态相干作用9、 光学孤子10、 光学双稳态11、 相位共轭五、课程考核 开卷考试六、教材及参考资料高等激光物理学,李福利 高等教育出版社


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