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1、高一期末英语复习Unit 1: Friendship Book1A单词1,_adj.心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的 vt.使不安;使心烦_(过去式,过去分词)2,_vt.不理睬;忽视3, _ vt. & vi.(使)平静;(使)镇定 adj.平静的;镇静的;_adv._n.4, _(使)担忧;涉及;关系到vt. n.担心,关注(利害关系)5,_adj.松的;松开的_ adv.6,_adj.德国的;德国人的;德语的 n. 德国人;德语_(复数)_n.德国7,_adj.整个的,完全的;全部的_adv.完全地;全然地8,_n. 能力;力量;权利_adj.9._adj.积满灰尘的_n.10._v.遭受;忍

2、受;经历_n.痛苦11._v.躲藏_过去式_过去分词12._vt.&vi.痊愈;恢复;重新获得_n.13._v.安家,定居,解决_n.14._n.自然_adj. _adv.15_ n.十几岁的青少年16_ adv. 确实如此;正是 _ adv.17_vi 不同意n. _ _vi 同意 n._ B短语1必须_2 记下,放下,登记_3.一系列_ 4面对面_5. 遭受_ 6.合计_ 7厌倦_ 8.溜狗_ 9.在黄昏时刻_ 10.面对面的_ 11. 合计_ 12. 相爱_C. 重点句型1. not until直到才,在这句句型中,主句的动词必须是终止性动词。他直到12点才离开我家。_2. It is

3、(was) the first /second time that sb. have/ has/had done sth.注意:1) 此结构中从句要求用完成时态。若主句为一般现在时(is),从句用现在完成时;若主句为一般过去时(was),则从句用过去完成时。 2) 从句引导词that可省略1) 那是他第三次来北京._2) 这是我第一次看法国电影._3. There was a time when 曾经有一度;一段时期曾经有一段时间我非常热衷于流行音乐._句子翻译:1. 他太激动了,我们必须想办法使他平静下来。 He is terribly excited. We must try to_ _

4、_.2. 这是一个意外还是你故意做的? Was it an accident or you did it _ _.3. 他厌倦了天天做同样的事情。 He was _ _doing the same things day after day.4. 我希望你在处理这项工作时不会有任何困难。I hope you wont _ _ _ _ the work.5. 昨晚我不应该熬夜到那么晚。 I_ _ _ _ so late last night.句型转换:1. Lucy had a friendly relationship with her classmates.Lucy _ _ _ with he

5、r classmates.2. Dont worry about me. Im not a child any longer.Dont _ _ _ me. Im _ _ a child.3. The country has experienced too many wars.The country has _ _ too many wars.4. He came here earlier so that he couldnt be late.He came here earlier _ _ _ _be late.5. If it is necessary, Ill come tomorrow.

6、If _ , Ill come tomorrow.Unit2 Book1_ adj. 官方;正式的;公务的 n. 办公室 n.官员 adv. 官方地;正式地_ adj. 本国的,本地的;n. 本地人;本国人 n. 国家 adj. 国家的, 民族的, 全国性的, 国民的_n. (美) 公寓住宅;单元住宅 _vt. 以为根据;n. 基部;基地;基础_ adv. 实际上,事实上 adj. 实际的_ adj. 逐渐的;逐步的 adv. 逐渐地;逐步地_ n. 词汇 ;词汇量;词表 _ n. 拼写;拼法_ adj. 较后的;后半的;(两者中)后者的 adj.(反义词)_ n. 本身;本体;身份 v.确认

7、_ adj. 流利的,流畅的 adv. 流利地;流畅地_ adv. 常常;频繁地 adj. 频繁的;常见的_ n. 使用;用法;词语惯用法 vt.使用 adj.有用的_n. & vt. 命令;指挥;掌握 n. 指挥员;司令员_ n & vt. 请求;要求 expression n. 词语;表示;表达 v. 表达_ adj.中西部的;有中西部特性的 African adj. 非洲的;非洲人的;非洲语言的_ adj.东方的 n.东方 adj.东南方的 adj. 西北方的_ n. 口音;强调;重音 straight adv. 直接;挺直 adj. 直的;笔直的;正直的1. more one kind

8、 不止一种 2. the world 全世界3. some important ways 在一些重要方面 4. because 因为,由于5. the end of the 16th century 6. come 走近;上来;提出7. change time 在一段时间里改变 8. even 即使;尽管9. be on 建立在之上;以为基础 10. present 目前;现在11. a large number 大量的;许多的 12. make use 利用;运用13. 例如;诸如之类 14. 事实上,实际上15. communicate 与交际 16. play a (in)扮演一个角色;

9、参与完成句子:1. 我们应该好好利用我们的业余时间来复习,因为期末考试就要到了。 We should _ _ _ _ our spare time to review, for the final exam is near.2. 火车晚点是因为有雾的缘故。The train was late_ _the fog.3. 当今在中国学英语的人数正在迅速增长.Today _ _ _ _learning English in China _ increasing rapidly.4. 信不信由你,我们冒雨一直等了两个小时。 _ _ _ _, we were left waiting in the ra

10、in for two hours.5. 法律以事实为根据。Laws_ _ _facts.句型转换:1. “Dont forget to turn off the light.” Jack said to me. Jack reminded me _.2. “Please clean your room!” he said to me. He_room.3. “Never forget it,” he said. He_forget it.4. The mother said, “Bob, you take the dog out!” The mother _ the dog out.5. “W

11、ould you please come up to my flat for a visit?” She _ for a visit.单项选择:1. The number of people invited to the party_fifty, but a number of them _absent for different reasons.A. were; was B. was; was C. was; were D. were; were2. I requested that he _an hour earlier. A. came B. comes C. will come D.

12、come3. Why dont you just _your own business and leave me alone? A. make B. mind C. consider D. open4. The question will probably _at the meeting. A. go up B. come up C. bring up D. put up 5. Its raining hard, _, I think we should go out. A. however B. but C. though D. while6. Many of them turned a d

13、eaf ear to his advice, _they knew it to be valuable. A. as if B. even though C. now that D. so that7. Tom advised me _lend any money to Henry. A. to not B. never C. not D. not to 8. Mother _Ann to ring back in half an hour. A. said to B. asked C. talked to D. spoke to 9. Would you like to have lunch

14、 with me today? -_, but Im afraid I cant leave the office. A. Id better not B. Id better not to C. Id love to D. Id love it10. “Youd better _leave your money lying about,” said the girl. A. not B. not to C. dont D. to Unit 3 Travel journal Book 1重点单词: 1. _ n. 日记 _n. 记者 2. fare _ fee_3. _ n./vt 运输 _

15、n.运输工具 4. _adv. 最后 _adj. 5. _vi. 骑自行车_ v. 使再循环 6. _vt. 说服 7. _adj. 顽固的 8. _v/n 毕业/毕业生 _ n 毕业9. _adj. 适当的 _adv. 11. _ vt.坚决;确定 _ n. _ adj. 13. _ n. 海拔高度 14. _ n.态度15_ adj.勇敢的 _ adv 16. _更喜欢 _(过去分词)17. _缺点 18. _ vt. 坚持19. _ n 不利条件 _(反义词)A词组翻译 1. 下定决心_ 2. 关心,在乎_3. 喜欢,喜爱_ 4. 梦想做某事_5. 说服某人做某事_ 6. 很有乐趣_7.

16、 在海拔的高度_ 8. 改变主意_9. 像平常一样_ 10.搭起, 建立 _11. 屈服 _ 12放弃_13.使某人对感兴趣_14.首先_15.迫不及待做某事_ 16.一定要(某事);坚决主张_17.从那以后_ 18. 大学毕业之后_C句型转换1. a. I insisted on his not giving up that job.b. I insisted that he _ _ up that job.2. a. Since middle school, weve had a dream that one day we will take a great bike trip. b. S

17、ince middle school, weve _ _ taking a great bike trip one day.3. a. They often help us with the housework. (强调主语) b. It _ they _ often help us with the housework.4. a. To our surprise, we learned that half of the Mekong River is in China. b. We _ _ to learn that half of the Mekong River is in China.

18、5. a. The Italian football team played well enough to enter the final in the last World Cup. b. The Italian football team played _ well _ it entered the final in the last World Cup.6 a. How I can persuade her to join us in the party.b. How I can persuade her _ _us in the party.D句子翻译1. _ _ _(首先),you

19、shouldnt have promised to buy him a computer. 2. Once we have _ _ _ _ (下定决心), we should not change it.3The children _ _ _ (急不可待)to visit the Great Wall写出动词正确形式(进行时表将来时)1.I (_) tomorrow.(leave) 2.I (_) you after class.(meet)3. When (_) you (_)? (start) 4. She (_) a new bike soon. (buy) 5. Do you know

20、 when Mr. Green_? When he _, please let me know.(come)Unit 4 Earthquake Book1一、单词 1. _(adj)极度的 _ (adv) 极度地2 _ (n.) 民族;国家;国民 _ (adj.) 民族的;国家的;全国的3._ (n.) 污垢_ (adj.) 污垢的4._ (n.) 苦难;痛苦_ (v.) 遭受_ (n.) 患病者;受难者5._ (v.) 损害_ (n.) _ (adj.)6. _(vt) 毁坏_ (n.)7. _(n.) 电流 _(adj.) 靠电来工作的_ _(adj.) 与电有关 8. _ (n.) 祝贺

21、;(复数)贺词_ (v.) 祝贺9. _ (n.) 灾难; 灾祸10._ (vt.) 掩埋;隐藏11._ (n.) 矿,矿山,矿井_(n.) 矿工 12._ (n.) 记者 _(vt.) 报道 13. _ (adj.) 无用的;无效的;无益的_(反义词)14. _( vt.&vi.) (使) 震惊;震动;(n.)休克;打击;震惊15. _(vt.)使惊吓;吓唬_(adj.)受惊的_(adj.)令人恐惧的16. _(vt.) 使陷入困境;(n.)陷阱;困境二.短语1.照常_ 2. 数以万计的_ 3.结束_ 4.大量的,许多的_ 5.在-的北边_ 6.搭起,建造_ 7. 纪念-,向-表示敬意_ 8

22、.由-来判断_ 9.挖出、发现_ 10.被困在废墟中_ 11.太-而不能-_ 12.立刻、马上 _ 13.对感到震惊_ 14.好像_三.根据提示完成下面的句子。1.The child is_ young _ go to school.(太而不能)2._his appearance (从判断), he is leading a hard life now. 3. After the big fire , all of their house were _(成为废墟)4. 战争结束了。The war was _ _ _.5._(成千上万个)families were killed and many

23、 children were left without parents. 6.When I told her the bad news , Helen _(顿时泪水夺眶而出)。7._ _ _ (五分之四的) the globe_ covered with water.8. 我校60%的学生是男生。( sixty percent of.) 9.上大学的学生数量年年在增长。( rise ) 10. 你记得中学教我们英语的那位老师吗?(用定语从句翻译) _ 四、 句型转换1. The pigs were so nervous that they couldnt eat.The pigs were _

24、 _ _ _ .2. He took pride in his great progress. He _ _ _ his great progress.3. The world seemed to be at an end._ _ _the world _at an end.4.Not all the children are noisy._of the children _ _ noisy.5. No matter where they looked, nearly everything was destroyed._ they looked, nearly everything was d

25、estroyed.6. They opened a new park to honour those who died in the disaster.They opened a new park _ _ _ those who died in the disaster7. The book is very interesting. I bought the book yesterday.(改成复合句) _ 8. I saw some trees. Their leaves were black with disease.(同上) _ 五单项选择1. The firemen three wom

26、en from the burning house.a. sheltered b. rescued c. escaped d. operated2. Watching TV for such a long time inevitably will your eyes.a. injure b. hurt c. harm d. wound3In the hall the speaker her voice, so that we could hear clearly her.a. rose b. was raised c. raised d. went up4. people go in for

27、sports and games in out city.a. Thousands b. Thousand of c. Thousands of d. ThousandUnit 5 Nelson Mandela Book1Words:1. 质量;品质;性质_ 2.舞台;阶段_ 3.自我;自身_-adj 自私的_-无私的_4.指导;领导_ 5.费(会费,学费等);酬金_6.暴行n._-adj._ 7 亲戚;亲属_8残酷;残忍.n._-adj._ 9. 报酬;酬金.n.&v_10.献身;专心于v._-adj. 忠实的;深爱的_11. 建立;建设_ 12.投票;选举_13. 逃脱;逃走_ 14.判决

28、;宣判_15. adj.吝啬的;自私的;卑鄙的_ 16慷慨的;大方的_ 17和平的;平静的_ 18. 法律的_ 19不公正的_; 公正的_ 20有希望的 _; 没有有希望的_21.受过教育的_ ;教育_ ;教育工整理 _ 22.平等的_; 不平等的_;Phrase1.失业_ 2.事实上_3.使冲气;爆炸_ 4. 在危险,受罚,痛苦等的处境中_5.求助于;致力于_ 6.丧失勇气或信心_ 7.建立 _ 8.被判处.(徒刑)_ 9把某人投入监狱_ 10.担心;担忧_Sentences1. I felt bad the first time I talked to a group . 第一次我向小组谈

29、论时,心里觉得很不好受。 the first time/the second time+从句 “某人第一次/第二次的时候”2.Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence . 只有在这时,我们才决定用暴力反抗暴力。 Only +状语+部分倒装,状语可以是副词、介词或状语从句 Eg. Only in the next room can you smoke .3. He taught us during the lunch breaks and the evening when we should have been asleep

30、. 在午餐的休息时间和晚上我们本应该睡觉的时候他教授我们。 should have done 本应该做某事EXs:完成句子1.说实话,我不同意他们的说法_ _ _ , I dont agree with their opinions.2.友好的关系是建立在彼此尊重的基础上的.Good friendship is _ _ mutual respect.3.我们不能一直依赖父母We shouldnt _ _ our parents all the time.4.他为黑人而战斗,结果被关进监狱长达30年。He _ _the black people and was _ _for thirty years.5. 每个人都应积极参与政治活动。Everyone should _ _ _ political activities .句型转换:1.A: h


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