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1、高三英语上册第一课 Unit1TeachersDay第一课 Lesson One一、教学内容1. 词汇略。2. 日常交际用语: 1复习已经学过的打招呼用语, 并会实际运用 ;2学习以下问 候用语: Glad to meet/see you again. 3学习并初步运用以下表示祝愿、祝贺的用 语: Happy Teachers Day! With our best wishes! We hope you have a very happy year in our class. Good luck! Best wishes!二、教具录音机 ;自制教师节贺卡一张。三、课堂教学设计1. 复习。经过一

2、个较长的暑假,一些同学在上英语课时会感到听、说能力下降。因此, 在刚开学这一阶段课堂教学的复习步骤中,教师应有方案地设计一些口头活动, 以便使学生尽快恢复其口语和听力水平。内容要尽量涉及在第二册中出现的日常 交际话题,如谈论天气、季节 ;喜欢和不喜欢 ;谈论健康、过去活动等等。具体做 法可采用答复形式或值日生报告形式。以下提问供教师在教学中参考:1.Did you have a good summer holiday or not?2. Did you read any books or not? If you did, what books did you read? What was th

3、e book about? Who wrote the book? Was it interesting?3. Did you go to see any films or not? If you did, what films did you see? Were they interesting or not? Did you enjoy them or not?4. Did you go to other places or not? If you did, where did you go? And who did you go with? How did you go there? H

4、ow long did you stay there? Did you see anything interesting there?5. Did you help your parents do housework or not? If you did, what housework did you do?6. Did you do sports in your summer holidays or not? If you did, what sports did you do? Did you go swimming or not? If you did, where did you go

5、 swimming? Was it dangerous? How many of you can swim? When did you learn to swim? Who taught you? What other sports did you do?7. Did you visit any factories, farms or other places? If you did, what did you see there?2.通过与前排学生的应酬,引导出本课第1 局部内容:T :与坐在前排的几位同学握手,并用英语打招呼或表示欢送Hi, xxx!Welcome back to scho

6、ol. How are you?S: Fine, thank you. And you?T: Imvery well. Thank you. 转向另一位同学 Hello! Imglad to see you again.教师富有表情地重复两遍,引导学生猜想这句话的含义,并通过分解 glad 一 词的读音,让学生猜想这个词的拼写形式。3准备放课文第1局部录音,板书听前提问Pre-listening questions注1: 1 Who are talking? 2 What are they going to do after their talk?听课文第 1 段录音 一至两遍,学生不看书 ,

7、指导学生答复黑板上的问题。再 听录音,学生翻开书跟读,反复两遍。教师讲解 both 一词用法以及 Everyone is going into class. 一句 见难点讲解 2、 3) ,组织学生两人一组,分角色练习表演对话,如果时间允许,可请两至三组同 学到前面表演。 表演时, 要求学生不能带书到前面去 ;要加上必要的动作, 如举手 打招呼、握手等。4. 准备听课文第 2 局部录音,教师口头提出听前提问 pre-listening question: What s the date?听一遍录音,学生答复上述问题后,教师可启发大家 9月 10日这一天有什么 意义,继续提出问题:1 How d

8、o you say Jiao Shi Jie in English?2 What does Ma Lili give Miss Zhao?再听本段录音两遍 注 2,指导学生答复这两个问题。翻开书,利用书上的贺 卡,讲解本课其他词汇。5. 指导学生归纳出在本课出现的有关表示祝贺、祝愿及应答用语, 教师应予以必要的修正和补充。6. 介绍如何制作教师节贺卡 参阅课文注释 。7. 布置作业1抄写生词、练习朗读课文对话 ;2完成练习册习题 ;3动手制作教师节英文贺 卡一张。四、难点讲解I. Teachers D教y师节。表示有生命的东西的名词在其单数形式后加-s构成名词所有格。例如:Lucy s coa

9、露西的外衣the boy s这个男孩的钢笔但在以s结尾的复数名词后要加,例如:the students bOO生们的书 the girls ga女孩子们的游戏教师节Teachers 匸的表示法,属于第二种情况。不以s结尾的复数名词后要加-。例如:men s shoe男鞋the Children alacP少年宫2. They re both fine, too他们两个人都很好。不定代词 both 指“两者都 ,在句子中可作主语、宾语、定语和同位语。例如:Bothof them are Young Pioneers.他们俩人都是少先队员。both作主语A: I ve got two colour

10、 pens. Which one do you want?B:I want both.甲:我有两支彩笔,你想要哪支 ?乙:我两支都要。 both 作宾语 Both books are interesting. 两本书都有意思。 both 作定语 在本课这个句子中 both 用作同位语,但要注意其位置:1Jim and Li Let were both late. 吉姆和李磊都迟到了。 both 放在 be 动词之后 2They both want to go to the Monkey Island. 他们俩人都想去猴岛。 both 放在 行为动词前面 3. Everyone is going

11、 into class. 人人都去上课了。不定代词 every 与 one 构成合成代词,在句中可作主语、宾语等。 everyone 只能用来指人,其意思相当于everybody。例如:1EveryoneEverybody is interested in learning English in our class. 我们班上 每个人都爱学英语。 Everyone 用作主语 2She gave everyoneeverybody a piece of paper and asked them to write downtheir names.她给每个人一张纸并让他们写上自己的名字。everyo

12、ne用作宾语every one 与 every one 的区别:everyone是一个词,只用来指人,等于everybody,在它后面不能跟介词 of;every one是两个词,既可用来指人,也可用来指物,等于 each one,后面可跟介词of。 请看以下例句:1) Everyone of the children likes this game. ( 误 )Every one of the children likes this game. (正 )每个孩子都喜欢这个游戏。2)Many of his friends asked him to go to parties, and he w

13、ent to every one of them. 许多朋友都请他去参加聚会,他每个都去了。4. No one is away. 没有人缺席。No on e=Nobody,意为:没有人,无人。在noone或nobody之后,可用人称代词的复数形式。例如:1) Nobody(或 No one) phoned me, did they? (=did he or she?)没有人给我打电 话,对吗 ?2) No one in the class did their homework. ( = his or her homework) 班上没人做 作业。5. With our best wishes!致以我们良好的祝愿。在上面的句子中, wish 一词是名词。wish 还可用作动词, 表示“希望、愿望等。例如: I wish you a safe journey. 祝 你一路平安


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