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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑旅游英语口语情景对话_关于旅游的英语情景口语对话 随着中国经济和旅游文化快速进展,涉外旅游英语的日益进展。我整理了关于旅游的英语情景口语对话,欢迎! 关于旅游的英语情景口语对话一 T:Excuse me, whats the charge for a picture? 请问,照张相多少钱? C:$1. You can get your photos instantly. 1美元,你们马上就可以取相片。 T:Thats great. Give me the landscape of the Triumphal for the background. 太好了,请

2、以凯旋门为背景为我照张相。 C:No problem. Say cheese. Thats good. Please wait a moment. 没问题。说cheese好了,请稍等。 关于旅游的英语情景口语对话二 A:The bell is ringing. Lets go into the auditorium now. We are in row 3, seat 5 and 7. 打铃了,我们进去吧。我们在3排5号到7号。 B:They are very good seats. We can see the performance very clearly. 位置特别好。我们可以更清晰地

3、观看表演。 A:Yes. Here is the program. The first is the plate-spinning. 是的。这是节目单。第一个节目是转碟子。 C:Terrific! The boy can spin so many plates. Ive never actually seen it live. 太好了!这个男孩可以转动那么多的碟子。我还没有真正看到过呢! A:The acrobat always perform it by doing a handstand or jump, but now he does the handstand on his partn

4、ers hands. 杂技演员总是一边转碟子,一边倒立或跳动。但现在他是一边转碟子,一边在他的同伴的手上倒立。 D:So the man underneath must bear this heavy weight. 那下面的那个人得支撑得起很重的重量。 A:Yes, and both should balance themselves perfectly, and coordinate his movement with the other. Otherwise the plates will drop. 是啊。而且两个都得有很好的平衡,并且一个人的动作得和另一个人协调。要不然碟子就会掉下来

5、。 E:What is the next? 下一个节目是什么? A:Its the cycling. 是骑自行车。 B:I cant believe that so many girls pyramiding on a racing bike. How thrilling! 我简直不能信任那么多的女孩能够在一辆行驶的自行车上叠罗汉。太刺激了! A:Yes, wonderful, isnt it? The next is the conjuring trick. 是的,太奇异了,不是吗?下一个节目是魔术。 B:Oh, marvelous! The magician is getting so m

6、any pigeons one by one from his empty hat. 哦,简直不行思议!魔术师从他的空帽子里一只接着一只地掏出那么多鸽子。 A:What do you like the show? 您觉得这个表演怎么样? E:Excellent! It cant be better. 好极了!好得不能再好了。 关于旅游的英语情景口语对话三 T:Excuse me, sir, since my train leaves at 16:00. Have you a 3-hour tour? 请问,先生,由于我的火车下午4点才开,你们这里有没有3个小时的旅游呢? D:You are l

7、ucky, sir. We are about to set out. Its a tour to the White House. 你真幸运,先生,我们正预备动身呢,这次去白宫。 T:Well, I have just missed the place. How long does the tour take? 嗯,我恰好错过了那个地方,旅行持续多长时间? D:2 hours. You wont get late for your train. 2个小时。您不会错过火车的。 T:I hope so. 但愿如此。 看了关于旅游的英语情景口语对话的人还看了: 1.有关旅游情景对话 2.关于旅行情景对话 3.欧洲旅游英语情景对话 4.旅游英语情景对话:通关 5.关于旅游的英语情景对话 第 3 页 共 3 页


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