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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑英语小笑话短篇故事阅读:小学生短篇故事 笑话()是民族文化不行或缺的一部分。透过笑话我们可以看到一个民族的生存环境、生活方式、.关系和心理特征等等。我共享短篇英语小笑话故事,盼望可以关心大家! 短篇英语小笑话故事:痛苦之极 A construction worker was rushed to the hospital after cutting himself badly. The doctor told the nurse to prepare a painkiller. Dont bother Doctor, said the man. I ve be

2、en through a lot worse. 一个伤痕累累的建筑工人冲进了一家医院,医生立刻让护士去拿止痛药,不必麻烦您了,医生。那人说道,比这更痛的伤我都经受过了。 More painful than this? the doctor asked. 比现在的伤还要痛吗?医生问。 I11 tell you about the second most painful accident I ever had. I was hunting one day and had to take a shit so I dropped my pants and squatted. I tripped a b

3、ear trap and BOOM,the thing snapped shut on my balls. 我先说说让我感到还不是最苦痛的那件事吧,一天我在打猎的时候突然想要大便,于是就脱掉裤子蹲在地上,不料被捕熊的夹子绊倒了,那东西夹住了我的皋丸。 The doctor winced, Thats awful. But tell me, what could be worse? 医生听后颤抖了一下,说道太可怕了,那告知我什么又是最苦痛的事呢? When I reached the end of the chain. 当我摸到锁链尽端的时候。 短篇英语小笑话故事:训练阶段 The dean o

4、f Engineering had once walked into a class, and said Good Morning. 一天工程系的主任走进一个班,说道:早上好。 The whole class chorused Good Morning 全班齐声回复:早上好。 Hi,you are freshmen arent you? he asked. 你们是大一的吧?主任问道。 One student bolder than the others asked him how he knew. 一个胆子比较大的同学问主任是怎么知道的。 Well,he said. When I sayGoo

5、d Morning to a class,if they are freshmen they say Good Morning too. If they are sophomores,they quietly fold their papers away,and look at me. A class of juniors will look at me over the top of their papers, and then get back to them. A class of seniors will ignore my greeting, and keep reading the

6、 papers. When I say Good Morning to a class of graduate students, they write it down. 嗯,主任说,假如是大一的新生,当我向他们问早上好的时候,他们也肯定会说早上好的。假如他们是大二的同学,他们会轻轻地合上课本,然后集体望着我。大三的同学则会从书本上抬起头看我一眼,然后立刻又连续读书了。大四的同学则会对我视而不见,连续看书。至于讨论生班的同学,我向他们问早上好,他们就会把这句话写在笔记上。 短篇英语小笑话故事:死在波兰人手里 A few nights ago a few friends and I were i

7、n a bar, telling all the polish jokes we knew; boy what a feast! Anyway,I ducked into the restroom to sprinkle the old porcelain. While I was in there, a big guy came in and said to me,Hey pal, Im Polish and I dont like you telling all those Polish jokes! 几天前,我和几个伴侣在酒吧里讲所知道的关于波兰人的笑话。大家都笑得东倒西歪。过了一会儿,

8、我进了洗手间去便利,这时一个壮汉走到我身边说:嘿,伴计,我就是波兰人,我厌烦刚才你说的那些有关波兰人的笑话。 So I said,ell,they re not against you,pal , just against anyone in Poland.My mother is in Poland!He screams,and pulls out a razor. Boy was I scared! I was sure he would have killed me if he had found a place to plug it in! 我回答说:行了,我又不是针对你说的,只不过是说那些在波兰的人。我妈妈就在波兰!他吼道,然后抽出一把剃刀,我被吓坏了!我敢确定,假如他认为我身上有什么地方可以插进他手中那把剃刀的话,他肯定会杀了我的! 看了短篇英语小笑话故事的人还看了: 1.简短英语小笑话 2.短小经典的英语小笑话 3.英语小笑话故事短文 4.短篇英文小笑话故事观赏 5.搞笑英文小笑话短文故事 6.短篇英文笑话故事 第 3 页 共 3 页


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