简单英语小笑话带翻译阅读 .docx

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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑简单英语小笑话带翻译阅读 幽默与笑话是人们生活中的精神乐趣,是人们才智与文化的结晶。我整理了简洁英语小笑话带翻译,欢迎! 简洁英语小笑话带翻译篇一 Sounds Fair 听起来还算公正 A woman was reporting,event)reporting to her husband about the events of the day. 一位女士正滔滔不绝地向她先生诉说当天发生的事。 Oh, and I had a big fight with the electric company. 哦,另外我也和电力公司大吵了一架! Really? Who

2、 won? 真的吗循来谁赢了? Nobody, it was a tie. They dont get any money and we dont get any electricity. 没有人赢,算扯平吧。他们没拿到一毛钱,而我们也没有电可用。 简洁英语小笑话带翻译篇二 Could You Hurry It up a little ? 你能不能快一点? A man and his wife were cleaning out the attic when the husband found an ancient receipt. 一对夫妇正在清理阁楼,这时先生发觉一张过期很久的旧收据。 H

3、ey, Nancy, look at this. Its a receipt for a pair of shoes I left to be repaired and never picked up.Its eleven years old. 嘿,南茜,你过来看看这个,这张是以前皮鞋送修的收据,我忘了去拿回来,足足有十一年之久了! You know, that shoe repair shop is still there, replied the wife. 那间鞋店不是还在那里吗?妻子回答。 Why dont you just drop in there and hand him the

4、 receipt as if it were nothing unusual. 为什么不跑一趟,把收据交给他,就当作没事发生一样? And that is what the husband did. 先生去了那家鞋店。 Quietly the cobbler went to the back of his shop and poked around a bit, 鞋匠悄悄地走到后头,东翻西翻了一会儿之后, came back to the counter and said TheyII be ready next Tuesday. 回到柜台说道:下星期二才能修好! 简洁英语小笑话带翻译篇三 D

5、ont Get Caught 不要被逮着了! Out in the forest preserve, a man strolled up to the fisher man and asked whether hed had any luck. 在森林爱护区内,有个人走向一位正在钓鱼的老兄并问他有没有收获。 yesterday I caught fourteen bass in the morning and another twelve in the afternoon , 今日什么也没有,不过你应当昨天来见我才是。昨天早上我钓了十四尾鲈鱼,下午钓了十二尾呢! Well, thats ver

6、y interesting. Do you know who I am? 哦,那相当不错嘛,你知道我是谁吗? No. 不知道。 I happen to be the game warden 我恰巧就是监视狩猎的管理员。 Oh. And do you know who I am? Im the biggest liar you ever laid eyes on 哦,那你又知道我是谁吗?我是你所发觉最会说谎话的人。 看了简洁英语小笑话带翻译的人还看了: 1.简洁英文小笑话带翻译 2.简短英语小笑话带翻译 3.简短的英语小笑话带翻译 4.关于英文小笑话带翻译 5.短篇英文小笑话带翻译 第 3 页 共 3 页


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