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1、第23卷第1期2011年2月Vol. 23Feb. 2011起减材 44 X SUPERHARD MATERIAL ENGINEERING复合片外圆磨削用陶瓷结合剂金刚石砂轮的研制及应用刘一波,刘伟,黄霞,杨德涛(北京安秦钢研超硬材料制品有限责任公司,北京畐半102200)播 要:研究了复合片外圖房刑用陶近结合刑金明石砂轮的制备工艺只其应用确定了合适的工艺歩數. 结果表明*自制Li-Al-B-Si-0系低温陶近结合剂含童在22%26%时,矽轮的综合,14能达到最伐: 砂轮中舟料浓度越高,使用效果越好,随矽轮中房轩浓度的增加砂轮的性价比遂渐提离,当浓度达列 210%时矽轮的寿令达到瓷砂轮比树脂砂

2、轮的寿令提高23倍,且单件复合片的庭利效率提高 约30%$所研甸的低温陶先金刚石砂轮妹合柱能达到国内领先水平具有较高的性价比.关St词:JL合片外圆磨frh陶近结合刑)金刚石砂轮 中图分类号:TQ164文献标识码:A文章编号:1673 1433(2011 )01 0001-04Investigation and application on vitrified bond diamond grinding wheelsfor cylindrical grinding polycrystalline diamond compactsLIU Yi-bof LIU Wei, HUANG Xia, YA

3、NG Detao(Beijing Gang Yan Diamond Products Company 9 China Iron & Steel Research Institute Group 9 Beijing 102200, China)Abstract:The preparation and application of vitrified bond diamond grinding wheel for PCD cylindrical grinding use have been investigated and proper technique parameters have been

4、 developed The results show that: grinding wheels give the best comprehensive performances when the self-made Li-Al-B-Si-0 series vitrified bond content is about 22% 26%; diamond concentration brings good effect on its application until the concentration up to 210%f the wheel reaches the longest lif

5、e; working life of vitrified bond grinding wheel are much longerf about 23 times more than resin wheel and efficiency of grinding a single PDC can be improved about 30% compared to resin wheel; comprehensive performance of the developed low temperature vitrified bond grinding wheels reaches the lead

6、ing level and is much competitive.Keywords: PDCf cylindrical grinding, vitrified bond, diamond grinding wheel0前言的金刚石微粉层与硬质合金基体在高压高温(51第23卷第1期2011年2月Vol. 23Feb. 20117GPa J400C1700D条件下复合而成的超硬复聚晶金刚石复合片(PDC)是指0.1至数毫米厚合材料,它具有高硬度、高耐磨性.高弹性模量.各项收橋日期:201103 15作者简介:刘波(1966-),安泰钢研超便材料公司总T.稷师兼副总经理Email Jiuyiboatmcn. com1


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