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1、Passage 1PartyA:我们非常高兴的告诉你们,有关部门已批准了该项目建议书。用了这么多时间,为 的是做些研究调查,调查研究是很费时间的。(Party A: We are very happy to tell you that the project proposal has been approved by the relevant departments. It took such a long time for research and investigation which were really quite time-consuming.)Party B: Sure No o

2、ne would commit the money without a complete picture of the scene. Now that we have the background, what are we going to paint on it? According to our pre-feasibility study, we are looking at a silk velvet joint venture of moderate scale, right?(Party B:那当然,除非对事情有一个全面的了解,否则谁也不会下本钱的。既然基本情 况已经了解,我们打算怎

3、么干呢?根据双方的预可能性研究,是考虑建立一家中等规模的 丝绒合资企业,对吗?)A:对,总投资为520万美元。这个项目足够一个丝绸生产项目的建设和流动资金了。(A: Yes, the total amount of the investment would be USD5.2 million. For a project producing silk velvet, this figure is large enough to provide the construction funds and circulating capital.)B: Then how much would the r

4、egistered capital be?(B:那么注册资本要多少?)A:注册资本要260万美元。按我国有关规泄,投资总额在300万到1000万美元的项目, 其注册资本至少要到50%0(A: It should be USD2.6 million. As you know, its laid down the relevant state regulations that for a project with total investment of between 3 million to 10 million, the registered capitals should at least

5、account for 50%r carefully into the price and try my best to put you on the best of the tenns(摩:局长先生,这样说吧。假如你把询价给我们,我们愿意把价格好好算一算,尽最大 努力给你们最优惠的条件。)Z:可以,等我国用户研究了你们的样本和价目表以后,再谈一次。(周:I will. Lets have another session after the Chinese users have studied your catalogues and price list.)M: Yes, surely. No

6、w, Mr. DG could I ask you a question?(摩:好的,局长先生。我是否可以问一个问题)Z:请。(周:Go ahead, please.)M: One of your colleagues told me casually yesterday that China has interested in the transfer of advanced technology to her. Could you tell me Chinns policy in this connection?(摩:昨天你的一位同事偶尔向我谈起,对于把先进技术转让给中国一事,中国是感兴趣

7、的。 请告诉我中国在这方面的政策如何。)Z:我们主张,对中国或其他发展中国家的技术转让,应当实用、有效、廉价、方便。派往 受援国家的专家和人员,有责任向受援国家人民认真传授技术,尊重受援国家的法令和民族 习俗。对于认真传授技术的外国专家和人员,中国政府和人民是尊重的。(周:We hold that technology transferred to China or other developing countries must be practical, efficient, economical and convenient for use. The experts and other p

8、ersonnel dispatched to the recipient countries have the obligation to pass on conscientiously technological knowhow to the people there and to respect the laws and national custom of the countries concerned The Chinese government and people have always held in esteem those foreign experts and techni

9、cians who are conscientious in their work.)M: Thank you , Mr. D-G Well, at the diner party last night, one Deputy-director of a local coal-fired power plant told my vice-manager that this plant was interested in environmentally sound technologies. What does that exactly mean? You might be aware that

10、 ours are by and large environmentally friendly technologies(摩:谢谢您,局长先生。啊,昨晚宴会上,本地火力电发厂的一位副厂长向我的副经理 谈起,该厂对有益于环境的技术感兴趣。那指的是什么?也许您知道,我们的技术大体上 都是对环境友善的技术。)Z:我们不采用对环境友善这种提法。这个问题还得从1992年联合国环境与发展大会的国 际共识谈起。你也许明白,环发大会的重要成果之一,就是经过全体联合国成员的充分讨论 及两年实质性准备,最后通过了21世纪议程,作为下一个世纪开展国际合作以实现全球 可持续发展的行动框架。参照该重要文件,中国政府根据

11、自己的国情,制左了中国21世 纪议程,把经济、人口、资源、环境及社会发展诸要素结合起来,旨在实行中国的可持续 发展。顺便补充一点,我局的法律处长告诉我,你的助手提交给他的合同草案中关于买方违 反合同的补救办法一节的条文,不太合理,要求过多:应当按照1980年联合国国际货物 销售合同公约中的第三章的第三节的精神,加以改写。这件事,等待我国有关用户研究了 你们的样品及价格问题后,如果你们能在价格方面做岀合理的下调时,我局的法律处长会与 你的助手商谈合同草案问题。(周: We do not use the term nvironmentally friendly technologies. This

12、 question might be traced back to the international consensus reached at the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) . It might be known to you that one of the important results of the UNCED is the adoption, by all Member States of the UN, the document entitled Agenda 21 following

13、the two-year substantive preparations and extensive deliberations by all the Member States. Agenda 21 finally adopted as an important framework of action for enhancing international cooperation in the 21st century, for the realization of globalsustainable development. Taking into account that import

14、ant document, and in the light of the specific conditions of China, the Chinese government has forniulated Chinas Agenda 21, integrating in a holistic manner such elements as economy, population, natural resource, environment protection, and social progress, etc., with a view to realizing Chinas sus

15、tainable development. I might as well add one point hers. The Director of the Law Division of my bureau has told me that one of your assistants handed him a copy of your draft of contract, in which the Section on Remedies for Breach of Contract by theBuyer is not quite rational 一 is asking for too m

16、uch It should be redraft in line with the spirit of Section 3 of Chapter 3 of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. After our users have studied your catalogues and price and if by then you can scale down your prices rationally, my Law Division Director would be willing

17、 to discuss questions concerning Draft Contract with your relevant assistants.)M: Thank you. We on our part can follow the international practice, as contained in the U.N Convention on Contracts for the international Sale of Goods to the extent possible I hope to see you again in the nearest future, Mr. D-G.(摩:谢谢。我们方面能够尽可能的遵循国际惯例,如联合国国际货物销售合同公约 所规定的那样。我希望能在最近的将来再与局长先生见面过)Z:好,再见。请代我向你团的几位工程师问好。我听说他们与中方的有关工程师交谈的不 错。再见。(周; Well, see you. And please convey my regards to the engineers of your delegation who, I have been told, have had fairly good discussionwith their Chinese counterpart. Goodbye.)


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