【导师英文推荐信范文阅读】 导师推荐信 范文.docx

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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑【导师英文推荐信范文阅读】 导师推荐信 范文 在日益激烈的求职和求学竞争中,推举信起着至关重要的作用。在书写推举信的时候如何恰当处理推举人、被推举人和目标读者之间的人际关系尤为重要。我整理了导师英文推举信.,欢迎阅读! 导师英文推举信.篇二导师英文推举信.篇三 Dear Sir or Madam, A teacher of Advertising and Marketing, Im very pleased to recommend to you a student like Ms Li, who has a strong interest and grea

2、t potential in marketing management, and her pursuit of further studies in marketing management under your MBA program. Ms Li impressed me the most for her strong interest in marketing. In both the courses Fundamentals of Advertising and Marketing Communication I taught, her grades are the highest i

3、n her class. After conclusion of the two courses, she has continued to study from me Marketing Communication, an emerging branch of study in China. Besides what is taught in class, she often discusses with me various problems in marketing she has met in her internship and practice and tries to find

4、solutions together with me. During her internship at an insurance company, she successfully designed a new marketing model for the company with her knowledge and insightful understanding of the business. I believe her strong interest and ability will be critical for her further achievement in this a

5、rea. Ms Li is very imaginative and innovative in her study and work. This is another advantage for her study and career in marketing management. I can still remember her superb performance in the conclusive phase of the course Advertising. I placed students into different groups and required each gr

6、oup to design a marketing solution for classroom demonstration and presentation with the aid of multimedia tools. Ms Li gave us a surprisingly informative and innovative solution in her presentation on behalf of the group she led. Her speech-making skills added to the charm of her presentation. Her

7、demonstration and presentation is the most interesting and vivid one as well as the most satisfactory one I have received in my decades of teaching career. Her oral competency is no doubt another important supporting factor for a successful career in marketing in the future. Based on many years of t

8、eaching experience of mine, Ms Li is a marketing management talent with great potential. I fully support her choice to study abroad. Your outstanding MBA education system and rich experience will provide a most beneficial environment for her to bring into full play her potential in marketing managem

9、ent. Frankly speaking, China started late in its study in marketing management. Our theoretical system is still far behind those of developed countries in the world and lacks integrity. The course Marketing Communication I spearheaded in the Guangzhou region is the latest effort in China for study a

10、nd development of modern business theories. However, Im fully aware at the same time that the course still calls for further improvement, e.g. incorporation of more high-profile and realistic cases that are badly needed in China today. Therefore, I do hope that Ms Li will continue with her study of and research in marketing communication in the future and introduce the latest achievements in the world to China. Yours Faithfully 看了导师英文推举信.的人还看了: 1.导师英文推举信. 英文版导师推举信 2.出国导师英文推举信. 3.本科生英文导师推举信. 4.高校老师英文版推举信 5.导师英文自我推举信.第 3 页 共 3 页


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