有关看病的英语对话 有关于看病的英语对话阅读.docx

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《有关看病的英语对话 有关于看病的英语对话阅读.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《有关看病的英语对话 有关于看病的英语对话阅读.docx(5页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑有关看病的英语对话 有关于看病的英语对话阅读 情景对话由于有生动的生活场景和话题,极大地激发了同学练习英语口语的爱好,为同学供应了练习口语表达的机会,情景对话具有多样性、敏捷性、有用性,它既可以作为学校生英语口语教材,也可以为同学课下练习供应关心。我整理了有关于看病的英语对话,欢迎阅读! 有关于看病的英语对话篇一 Gina: I have a bad tooth. Should it be filled? 我有个牙齿坏了,您看还能补吗? Doctor: This tooth is too bad to be filled any more. It has t

2、o be pulled. Do you agree to have it extracted? 这个牙齿坏得太厉害,已经不能补了,必需把它拔掉。您同意把它拔掉吗? Gina: Its up to you to decide what to do. 由您打算吧。 Doctor: Have you ever had an injection of procaine? Have you ever been allergic to anything? 您曾经是否注射过普鲁卡因(局部麻醉药)?您有没有对什么东西过敏的状况? Gina: No. 没有。 有关于看病的英语对话篇二 Daniel: Is th

3、is the registration office? 这儿是挂号处吗? Doctor 2: Yes, it is. Which department for? 是啊,你要看哪一科? Daniel: I dont know exactly. 我其实也不知道。 Doctor 2: Whats your problem then? 你哪儿不舒适? Daniel: Ive got a sore throat, a runny nose, and a headache. 我喉咙痛,流鼻涕,头疼。 Doctor 2: OK, I will register you with medical depart

4、ment. 好的,我帮你挂内科。 Daniel: Medical department? Are you sure? 内科?你确定吗? Doctor 2: Yes. Just go there! 是的。你去就可以了。 Daniel: Where is it? 它在哪儿呢? Doctor 2: Its on the second floor. Have you got your records? 在二楼。你带了你的病历了吗? Daniel: Yes. Here you are. 带了。这就是。 Doctor 2: OK, here is your registration card. 好的,这是

5、你的就诊单。 Daniel: Thank you. 感谢。 有关于看病的英语对话篇三 May: Poor Danny. You are so enfeebled! 可怜的丹尼。你那么虚弱! Daniel: Dont worry. No big deal. Just a common cold. 别担忧。没什么大不了的。只是一般的着凉。 May: Mom called just now saying that she and Dad will be back later. Do you want to speak to them on phone? 妈妈打电话来说她和爸爸会晚一点回来,你想跟他们

6、打电话吗? Daniel: No. You can never count on the grown-ups when there is something. 不用了。有事发生的时候你别希望依靠大人。 May: Whatever. Have a drink of water. 不管怎样。喝杯水吧。 Daniel: Come on, sister. This is the seventh glass already. 拜托,姐姐。这已经是第七杯水了。 May: Maybe later. I think we have a medicine-kit. 那晚点(再喝)吧。我想我们有一个药箱。 Dan

7、iel: Do we? Where is it? 我们有吗?在哪里? May: Probably on the of the cabinet. Ill go and get it. 很可能在橱柜上面。我去拿来。 Daniel: Be careful. Now I have no one but you to depend on. 当心点。我现在只能依靠你了。 May: Oh, here it is. Patulin. Oh, no! 哦,在这里。感冒药。天啊,不会吧? Daniel: Whats the new strike? 又有什么新的灾难? May: Keep lying down. The matter is that all the medicine here is past expiration. 躺着,别动。问题是这里全部的药都过期了。 Daniel: Poor me! 可怜的我啊! 看了有关于看病的英语对话的人还看了: 1.关于看病的英语对话阅读 2.关于去看病的英语对话阅读 3.英语看病情景有用对话 4.有关看病有用英语对话 5.有关看医生的英语对话阅读第 5 页 共 5 页


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