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1、音标复习与频率副词学习 教案教学目标音标复习及摩擦音学习;频率副词学习。重点难点音标的正确拼读和单词的正确拼写;How often的正确使用。I. Warm up1、家有家规,国有国规,那动物园里有啥规?2、什么越洗越脏,不洗有人吃,洗了没人吃?3、什么东西往上升永远掉不下来?4、有一个眼睛瞎了的人,走到山崖边上,为什么突然停住了然后往回走?II. 音标复习摩擦音(一): f v s z f 发音要诀:上齿轻触下唇,用力将气流从唇齿之间吹出,引起摩擦成音。 f 是清辅音,发音时声带不振动。发音字母及字母组合:f ph ff 代表单词:five first life fine fat fall

2、farm telephone phonetics photo giraffe v 发音要诀:上齿轻触下唇,用力将气流从唇齿之间吹出,引起摩擦成音。 v 是浊辅音,发音时声带振动。发音字母:v 代表单词:seven very vase leave five 音标对比: f v life live five vote photo visit s 发音要诀:双唇微开,上下齿接近于合拢状态,舌端靠近齿龈(不要贴住),气流由齿龈之间泄出,摩擦成音。发音时声带不振动, 属于清辅音。发音字母:s c 代表单词:set seek say see books mouse cups face ice race p

3、rice音标对比: s thank see think sick mouth pass z 发音要诀:发音与s相似,但声带要振动,属于浊辅音。发音字母:z s代表单词:zoo prize zero raise knees eyes 音标对比: z s this zip books those zoo see with his advice 发音要诀:上下齿轻咬住舌尖,气流由舌齿间窄缝泄出,摩擦成音。 声带不振动,属于清辅音。发音组合:th 代表单词:think teeth thick thank thought tooth truth fifth mouth 发音要诀:上下齿轻咬住舌尖,气流由

4、舌齿间窄缝泄出,摩擦成音。 声带振动,属于浊辅音。发音组合:th 代表单词:this that these those then than though clothes音标对比: thick this think than teeth they death these 根据发音规则,圈出不发的单词。 1. father three maths thirsty 2. mouth throw Thursday brother 3. think thirsty mother thousand4. thin thick they teeth 发音要诀:双唇收圆稍微突出,舌头稍微上卷,舌尖接近上齿音,送

5、气,声带不振动。 注意不要扁唇, 以免发成汉语里的 “徐”(太圆)和 “希”(太扁)音。发音字母及组合:sh s ss ch代表单词:ship fish sheet sheep dish sure sugar machine音标对比: f sure four ship fish 发音要诀:发音与 相似,但声带要振动,是浊辅音。发音字母:s代表单词:pleasure usual measure television音标对比: sure revision machine measure h 发音要诀:嘴唇自然张开,自然呵气,声带不振动。注意: h 和汉语里的 “h”音的区别。汉语的“h”音比英语的

6、 h 紧张有力。发英语时舌后部和软腭间不产生摩擦。发音字母及字母组合:h wh 【注意】wh 在元音字母o前才发此音。代表单词:hot home house horse hate high whole who whose whom 根据发音规则, 把下列单词中不发h的圈出来。 hen hat white horse whale who hole hair r 发音要诀:唇形稍圆,舌尖向上卷起,舌头不要接触任何一个部位,双唇略突出,气流由舌面与硬腭间泄出,声带振动,是个浊辅音。发音字母及字母组合:r wr rr代表单词: red rice rain right free cry wrong wr

7、ite mirror carrot parrot 根据发音规则,选出发r的单词,打。bread driver wrong rain worker river father robot sister write fruit crown dream动动口:一、根据音标拼读并拼写单词。/i:z/_ /hi:/_ /bi:/_ /fi:v/_ /i:vni/_/tma:tu/_ /su:n/_ /sku:l/_/h:s/_ /t:l/_ /sm:l/_/b:d/_ /bIf:/_ /gla:s/_ /pla:nt/_ /gla:s/_/mn/_ /redI/_ /seldm/_ /hedeIk/_/b

8、et/_ /hv/_ /brekfst/_ /knd/_/hed/_ /luk/_ /fut/_ /kuk/_ /tp/_二、写出所给单词的音标warm_ garden_ market_ party_ask_ after_ car_ hard_park_ speak_ sport_ star_ start_flag_ clock_ friend_ brush_ sock_hospital_ middle_ give_ film_ city_lamp_ end_ help_ better_ question_III. 情景对话Cheng Na, 15, is one of the top stu

9、dents in Dongguan. She writes computer games and all of her family work in her business. She is still at school!6 a.m.I get up at six oclock, wash and put on my school uniform. I have breakfast with my parents. Every morning we discuss business at breakfast. 7:30 a.m.Every day, my driver drives me t

10、o school in my own car. I sometimes make phone calls to clients on the way to school. 8 a.m.I start school. I enjoy seeing my school friends. I usually get A grades in all my subjects.12:30 p.m.About twice a week my driver picks me up from school. I go and have lunch with a client. Then I come back

11、to school.4:15p.m.After school I usually go to a club. On Fridays we have Computer Club meetings. On Mondays and Thursdays I play basketball. Once a week I have piano lessons. I do my homework for an hour or two before dinner.7 p.m.I always have dinner with my parents. We discuss our business. Then

12、I go to my office and continue working on my games. I usually go to bed at 11p.m.1、重点词汇短语中文定义句子one ofComputer gamesPut onHave breakfastAt breakfastDrive sb to spMake phone calls toOn the way toEnjoy doing sthTwice a weekContinue doing2、重点表达How often do you do it?Brush my teeth go to school watch tel

13、evisionPlay table tennis use the phone eat fishRide a motorbike play the piano play computer games用以下词回答:Always/usually/ often/ sometimes /seldom/ never /hardly ever用次数回答:once/ twice/ three times/ four times3、练习:一、用英语描述自己的生活。二、翻译1. 她几乎不怎么看电视2. 有时候我不想去工作,因为我感到太累了。3. 汤姆上学总迟到。4. 我们周日通常去购物。5. 我们经常在家吃晚饭。6. 中国人很少说“我爱你”。7. 我通常看电视,但是有时候我去锻炼。8. 我每天早晨总是在7点钟起床。IV. 家庭作业1、复习音标2、填写文章表格,并背诵文章中的重点句。友情提示:部分文档来自网络整理,供您参考!文档可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注!7 / 7


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