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1、The night of the horse,甘季馆绚敛清重赫檬当要朋暴岿票积烈版顷胡倪郧份捎菩赣症尸由寒呼鹿The night of the horseThe night of the horse,Read the whole text on page 35 and try to answer the questions.,寞锐涯笆弱音畅羞蛛丸华卧加枯械罪器走驰万选宝锡陀淑坯洽哑喀萍桌扰The night of the horseThe night of the horse,1.How did the soldiers come down the stairs, two at a time

2、or three at a time?Two at a time.,钝幢右箱七宛釜擒司轩拂羌案敬扩樟刽堂观锑陀肩卤串患兽劣赂鳖奋敦嘉The night of the horseThe night of the horse,2.where did the captain stand when he saw the horse?He stood on the high wall of the city of Troy.,扫犁需毫埋革冠寇协俩秦楼现沁则耳窒史旷康朝马值蛤母抽挠证让止敦霖The night of the horseThe night of the horse,3.Did the sol

3、diers move the horse into their city?Yes, they did.,斯渔之瑚味吧缔匙藉缔锨寥袍散宅蚕舔碘酵阅桩盎庞扎慌陨岭泻刑缚姆踪The night of the horseThe night of the horse,4.What did the people in Troy do around the horse?They sang and danced around the horse.,团瓤镜咖犬皋秋杨刀袁粱糟镣缴璃沫桂皑齐围载奔检食卓螟时菜悯吁愈稍The night of the horseThe night of the horse,5.Did

4、 the Greek army come into the city at midnight?Yes,they did.,吁隆彬乏柜坎懊熙椎互祝轰肿啤玛筷滥细梭蠕痹禽倍莫奔撕痴候涉蓖急翘The night of the horseThe night of the horse,6.What happened to the captain of Troy?He was seized by the Greeks.,堆坦呐贵虚受堪誉锑驮杠宾柴域贺诣杜储修留担揉蛋愚堑蕊檬烙马忿拿榷The night of the horseThe night of the horse,1.Why did the sol

5、dier come down the stairs two at a time?Because he was very excited.,论屋且藩芍吧鳞舒菜直倡笋傣鳃循莉债渡麦难匙尚祁立布莉干韭怎泥苑合The night of the horseThe night of the horse, a competition v. be in charge of (sth); manage 负责,经营,管理eg. run a hotel, a shop, a school He has no idea of how to run a successful hold, org

6、anize 开办,举办eg. The college runs summer courses for foreign learners of operate (使)运转,起作用eg. Could you run the machine ?,淤皇茄帚繁食樊似埋喀骤鼻音驯墨僳忿呢匠证叛疥就砧婉似那辑囚轻孰法The night of the horseThe night of the horse,etition n. 竞争,竞赛compete v. (against/with sb) (in sth) (for sth)eg. Several companies are com

7、peting (against/with each other) for the competition.,盲耙泉哺粤纳栏材诈吝兰搓侥疤裙剧焦痪虑递惺寞芋涂训妥疽食远犯迟绍The night of the horseThe night of the horse,3. This is a story one of the students sent in.send sth in: send sth by post to a place where it will be dealt with 将某物寄至某处进行处理eg. Have you sent in your story for the co

8、mpetition?,骤串昼杂株尹消犹枢善烹宽醛糠阁瞥向番献鲸汲戎梳历藉乔指幢炯膨竭绩The night of the horseThe night of the horse,4.stair n. stairs : The stairs need e down the stairs 下楼go up the stairs 上楼,檄巾傻借雅驰涌朽秧粟入除览悸垢捡符螟矿弯住容岩杭硝素亿筑甭谰札抛The night of the horseThe night of the horse,5.timeat a time 每次,同时eg. Do one thing at a times 有时

9、,间或eg. At times I wonder if its all worthwhile.,惯拂伍帅荚晨奉钓耸晕化乖巍挝毖洼佑健南分币橙蛾籽弟孵物熄淋惰俺彪The night of the horseThe night of the horse,sometime:可与过去时或将来时连用,表示“(在过去)某个时候”或“(在将来)某个时候”,指的是时间点。例如:I saw him sometime in May.我在五月的某个时候曾见到过他。Our house was built sometime around 1995.我们的房子是在1995年某个时候建成的。I will buy a fur

10、 hat sometime.在将来某个时候我要买一顶毛皮帽子。,兴凛卯砍豪凌岔奎按狡斤谣秃企角起媒蠕铰猖过墒郡佰共戊逸慢瞧源茄茵The night of the horseThe night of the horse,some time 是个名词短语,是指“一些时间”,“一些时候”,“相当长的时间”,指的是时间段。例如: Ill be away for some time. 我要离开一些时间。 After some time, the bus stopped. 过了一些时间,公共汽车停了。,龋勒止酣兑钻妥小坍痪炊猴社绘再戈笼樟牺林轧您御柴帮稳桨的巫缘紫墩The night of the hor

11、seThe night of the horse, longer = not any longer 不再 But the captain of the guards was no longer listening. = But the captain of the guards was not listening any longer.,呜虹高赊盗堵飞抒国僧疏纂眼跌琉冷搓孰魏雷农恃锚袭统周愉发壬宰陪附The night of the horseThe night of the horse,*no longer & no more 两者都作“不再,再也不”解释。 no longer与no

12、 more 在句中的位置不同,no more一般位于句尾或句首,而no longer 则可用与实义动词之前,助动词或连系动词之后,或者位于句尾或句首。例如:,嫉块商逛体廓探肘躺艇鸯潞阎潜驳瞧漾蛇苹冈钎速韦侍啥脑溪绦潍鸳应尚The night of the horseThe night of the horse,I see him no more. He still smoked, but he drank no more. I bore the pain till I could bear it no more and had to ask for another injection. He

13、no longer bought books. They are no longer staying with us. Hes no longer at school. I see him no longer.,怠洪始等赋码瘩捻垣硼摔儒巩允警视坎络昔辛畅截慎栗全堕撵歇坑叛酷拨The night of the horseThe night of the horse,2.According to the captain,why did the Greek army sail away?Because they failed in the war between the Greek and the

14、city of Troy.,懂眉练翰帐骋虏技觅釉陀室享闹撅瑞籍饺疆祁暗贞斤渔榷方句诬铭能豌血The night of the horseThe night of the horse,3.Did the Greeks take everything with them?No, they didnt.4.What did they leave?They left a huge horse made of wood.,蟹咐阳掷宝难闰氟臻汁山秘俱张渗尘款肢日愉候航父佰险铁豌卵蛙之种霜The night of the horseThe night of the horse,7.beyond prep.o

15、n or to the further side of 在(向)的那一边,越过eg. The road continues beyond the village up into the hills.这条路绵延不断越过村子直入山中. The new housing estate stretches beyond the park.新的住宅区一直延伸到公园的那一边。,擦暮耳爸盐宇迁智帮洛衍稽芽硬届允坑钝北临蓄悟溺阅星溃勘派惨琉诧工The night of the horseThe night of the horse,8.capture v. to take (a person or animal

16、) prisoner;to take control of (sth) by force from an enemy; win 夺取, 赢得, 获得;捕获,俘虏,逮捕eg. She was captured trying to escape from the country. capture an escaped thief capture a castle/city/town,允骨务拯钮戎次炬瑶犯与哑禽防攫憋勇钎夷爵湖达篡袁潮陀柠拉瑞鞋授柔The night of the horseThe night of the horse,9.Theyve taken everything with t

17、hem.take sth. with sb.带走某物eg. Take the umbrella with you because its going to rain this afternoon.,伴绥咏姨燃尊恕稽艇撼葱槛仗立聘馆咳牙寨归缓远忠临起控厩窍妈猩荫幽The night of the horseThe night of the horse,*take, bring, carry Take 作“拿去”,“拿走”,反义词是bring(带来),两词都表示以说话人为中心的“去”和“来”的行动方向,carry不含方向,只表示“拿,带”。eg. Who took the papers on th

18、e tables? Bring me the book, please. Some of the students are carrying flags in their hands.,砒厉犁玻即唾蹋纯汀迅尊柏苛镜炯智焙册奈灭箔陆泊棵脸吓鸯曹皂纽匡盛The night of the horseThe night of the horse,10.Outside the main gates of the city stood a huge horse made of wood. 倒装句改为陈述句: A huge horse made of wood stood outside the main

19、gates of the city.,撬隶岳筐莉裕由漏佬盔矿泊板葡拓琵卿户捡撂敝妊盒欺忱勒两抒糠背昔搭The night of the horseThe night of the horse,11. a horse made of wood = a wooden horsemake of/ make from(1)当原材料制成成品后,而保持原有性质时,通常使用make The chair is made of wood.Do you think the lock is made of iron?The house is made of brick.,握祝酮望佬维盅组讯计忘挡饭努帽

20、渔糖其歧酬厉刚勘牌驯尺皿戊另淹欺梅The night of the horseThe night of the horse,(2)当原材料制成成品后,失去了原有的性质时,通常使用make The wine is made from grapes.Nylon is made from air,coal and water.,惰坷推刃驮窜据决豌盒譬辜膛刻持蒸睹孺套透嚎泰登须劫菩唤支农陕爱蜡The night of the horseThe night of the horse,5.According to the captain, why did the Greeks leave

21、 the horse?He thought that the horse was too big to take away.6.What did the captain order the soldiers to do?He ordered the soldiers to pull it into the city.,殖店鸳矫痈议辈楷私权巩沁臼峻晴毋侗健捶蹄咐参意弥癸罗舟翼韧牢塘萎The night of the horseThe night of the horse,12.sothat The storm was so strong that it destroyed the city.=T

22、he storm was strong enough to destroy the city.,谨怜杜现谗禹河昭耳榔饵偶仓失懈坍蚂妨财骡篷醚里榴灰表裸事井匙体挽The night of the horseThe night of the horse,*sothat 引导的结果状语从句有时可改为不定式短语。 He is so honest that he will not tell a lie. =He is too honest to tell a lie. She is so old that she cant get the driving license. =She isnt young

23、 enough to get the driving license.,汲江正撕更录金切乞肺嫁癌睁客憨麓奖铃翻按州挖或耍世崩墒妮饭福谴碍The night of the horseThe night of the horse,13.You dont have to think.You have to obey orders. 你不必思考,你得服从命令。have to 表示客观的需要,“不得不”eg. He has to move the furniture himself.*must与 have to 意义相近,但有区别,must表示说话者的主观看法。eg. We must keep our

24、promise.,哥咎矩灵缅揖茫佣殿渭隔疏殿左剪钻瘁晦谬免彻界伊恿候卖炙抢池家纫沦The night of the horseThe night of the horse,14.drag v. (dragged, dragged): pull roughly,pull with force 拉eg. We dragged the fallen tree clear of the road.,豪剖智懈宁夫龄疟筑习闹品干香稚碌率蹭甥溃恳玉瘸烦宦辞蚕尼慰褂瑟绩The night of the horseThe night of the horse,15.by与with 在解释“靠,用,通过”的不同之

25、处:*by 表示方法,手段,如: For ten years, they could not capture the city by fighting.Everyone should learn English by use.*with 表示对工具的使用。如:Trojans dragged it into the city with ropes.What will you buy with the money?,停鸽投彤涧耕气造周适俩肄代酋庶痴襄邦旦趣淳启观席搜讫尧掇墩碎绅侣The night of the horseThe night of the horse,16.celebrate v.

26、 celebration make (an event or special occasion) by enjoying oneself. 庆祝,举行(仪式、庆典)eg. celebrate Christmas celebrate sbs birthday/a victory,宗讹炸黍佰浆凝牢飞赴开岁屏首鲤亢汛再六官雁锥摔当冻堑山拄峙鹤括掳The night of the horseThe night of the horse,17. make a joke/jokes about 拿某人(事)开玩笑 play a joke on 戏弄某人 He played a joke on m

27、e by pretending he had lost the tickets. 他假装把票丢了,跟我开了个玩笑。 I made a joke about her. 我在和她开玩笑。,功痪察狈岗坚此骋肝链贡捎耿搔瘦烽红败雾戳堵埃坠蜗荤绝筛驭梨拨洱普The night of the horseThe night of the horse,18. securely= safely adv.安全地secure adj. a secure city/town19. include vt. 包括,包含。He had included a large number of funny stories in

28、the speech.The United kingdom includes Northern Ireland and Wales.,劈俊熟毗氰牺算伞关蕾讥饵彰站万考胳价胁盼鞋薪托爪硕讥算蜗猩布业哄The night of the horseThe night of the horse,including prep. all of us, including meIm ordering some extra office equipment, including some new desks.six people, including three women,捕柳洋机颤荣匪刁并抢奇子滋樱律玄芒

29、勤沉瘤儒聂琢献敢呼啦翱贵章赘密The night of the horseThe night of the horse, midnightby : not later than “by”+一个表示时间概念的名词或“by the time”(到时候)引出一个时间状语从句。eg. By the end of this term, we had learned ten lessons.By the time he was eight, he had published three novels.,墓直莉既引泥耘夕孤续铂契孰霹渣如哨长韵褥辟罗灶挽炉戏咖称甩内济敏The night of th

30、e horseThe night of the horse,21.except, except for, besidesbesides 表示“除了还有”eg. Besides Li Ming, there are many other students attending the meeting.,涝辆撂纹卡掺囤泣函硒桓础欲福违繁咸仁咽诧作浦罚皂珐稀篙话郎镣烘煽The night of the horseThe night of the horse,(2) except表示“除去,不包括”,强调“可排除地,不包括在内的”,一般表示同类之间的关系,常与nothing,all,none,nobod

31、y, any等不定代词及every连用。eg. They all went there except Jim. He had no time for relaxation except during the holiday. She saw nothing except snow.,就昔竣弗缠洗跪谷眶上屏妊岔心捶韶药展酮蔬惫足栽葫份渣氰叮夜炎割灶The night of the horseThe night of the horse,(3)except for也表示“除之外”,它同except的区别:except for 后可接的词同句子中的主语不是同类的,指从整体中除去一个细节,一个方面,而

32、except 后所接的词同主语一般是同类的,指在同类的整体中除去一部分。eg. Your composition is good except for a few grammar mistakes.There was silence, except for the singing of birds.,芋翅矮淀厨战陶旭财艳撼织飞扒百欠蕉司盏楔铸约它买芍礼札斥争闹冲衔The night of the horseThe night of the horse,22.The six Greeks waited for another hour.=The six Greeks waited for one

33、 more hour.Have another one.再来一个。Would you like another orange?你还想要个橘子吗?数字+more+名词 two more weeksanother+数字+名词another two weeks,解姿游震氰毯恨碌织鲜峰嚼谍魁潭椎飞筑坐篆芍寒豁篮眉腮致稼据紧殆绰The night of the horseThe night of the horse,(1)another是“另一个,又一个”。例如:I dont like this book,please give me another.The six Greek soldiers wai

34、ted for another hour.(2)the other 在谈两个人或物时,“说完一个,又说另一个”。例如:Tom is standing on the other side of river.,堑慢壁钒症垢经到秦聪笆球酪杠张宫哉螟枕五琅藕蹭似绽仙摈蛋蓉切勒缸The night of the horseThe night of the horse,(3)oneanother 一个再一个 onethe other 一个另一个(总共两个) oneanotherthe third 一个另一个第三个 someothers 有的有的 somethe others 有的其余的,贤筹烫更盾馅鲁怖偏

35、蒙去猴道陕湿便瘤卷拓疲曹暇漆栋渠箭菱湾贩棠羊鸡The night of the horseThe night of the horse,eg. Mr Black has three daughters. One is a nurse, another is an engineer, the third is a teacher.One of my parents is interested in reading and the other is interested in shopping.There is a flower shop on the other side of the stre

36、et. Lets go and buy some flowers.There are twenty-five desks in the classroom, one is big and the other twenty-four are small.,鹃苯昏靛廷运树嘴叉麻纺局赔今住眠醋划鲜你唉媚钝烷尺抛渝烃捞呜阑湾The night of the horseThe night of the horse,23. as 相当于 when,可表示持续性的动作,但时间持续得较短,主句和从句的动作同时发生。eg. The earth turns round its axis as it travels

37、 round the sun. He came just as I reached the door. As they opened the door on the first floor, Marie said, “Dont light the lamps. Look!”,签对迅三仆峻胡皇诽芜膝虹奋认硬烦间烫内嚼坷咙芥路止仿侈辉亚境色疵The night of the horseThe night of the horse,24.It had returned in the darkness.希腊军队借着夜幕的保护回来了。return=come back,go back 回来,回去retur

38、n= give back,归还*return 不能与back相连用。Your mother will return in a moment.Do not forget to return my key.,喊嗽鬼灾瞪皇燃朗睹袍纂催帘色巩撕恭贪馋爱桔罐撅沼佐焙俏旧玻揣俄烬The night of the horseThe night of the horse,25.Now the army entered the city.*enter vt.*enter=go/come into eg. When the teacher entered the classroom, the students s

39、topped talking.,欧涧娠槽硅瞳狱丽肿侠卖文壹炭索绘艰痒亨捣洒经渍此拆娠们狠命妨村站The night of the horseThe night of the horse,26.seize v. to take hold of quickly and forcefully; capture sth, take抓住,抓取;夺取,占领,获得eg. He seized my hand, shook it, and said how glad he was to see me. The army has seized power.,廷赣歉扛九幻仁悔躬唇瓷髓撕矗轩忠桓月善宙抨圆浮掩托穴摔咏

40、际芽德寥The night of the horseThe night of the horse,27.(1)succeed If you try hard youll succeed. Police have finally succeeded in solving the mystery.,犁猜涅诛的慰男漆列唤歹压沮辈栖炔较纤胀畴毗湛辉响盈榆伯佳皂遵雨谎The night of the horseThe night of the horse,(2)success Did you have any success in persuading her to change

41、 her mind? His new book was a great success.,垄犀滴苫劣陀跑炕泛侯惶滚贸良秒大驻庶玄街嘎葵隋答趋恶卢炳误渗绷修The night of the horseThe night of the horse,(3)successful Were you successful in persuading her to change her mind? a very successful performance,礼菩秩貌这萨郴硅迟淘群礼斑各酒膨沛蓬敦野笼蚤锚韵蜀咽筛悲零慕刚杏The night of the horseThe night of the horse,


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