人教9年级Unit1 Section A3a-3b.ppt

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《人教9年级Unit1 Section A3a-3b.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教9年级Unit1 Section A3a-3b.ppt(13页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 How can we become good learners?Section A 3a3b学习目标一、通过过学习习,能正确写出本课课标词课课标词 及短语语:expression,discover,secret,grammar,fallinlovewith二、能熟练说练说 出和写出本话题话题 的功能句:1.Ifellinlove withthisexcitingandfunnymovie!2.IalsorealizedIcouldgetthemeaningbylisteningforjustthekeywords.3.Idiscoveredthatlisteningtosomet

2、hinginterestingisthesecrettolanguagelearning.4.ButbecauseIwantedtounderstandthestory,Ilookedthemupinadictionary.三、能用知识识目标标中的句型对对各种学习习方法进进行讨论讨论 ,探讨讨最佳学习习方法。四、能根据自己的实际实际 情况,采用适合自己的学习习方法,形成个性化的学习习特点。What do you think this passage is about?A. what Wei Fen did in her English class.B. how Wei Fen learn ne

3、w words and grammar.C. how Wei Fen learned to learn English better.1. Did Wei Fen like English last year?2. How about now?No, she didnt.Now she really enjoys English class.Reading strategy (阅读策略):Read fast to get key words (关键词). Dont worry about the new words. Task 1. 仔细阅读短文,回答下列问题: 1) Why did Wei

4、Fen find it difficult to learn English?2) What did she do in English class?3) When she watched movies, what helped her to get the meaning?4) What is the secret to language learning? The teacher spoke so quickly that she did not understand her most of the time.She just hid behind her textbook and nev

5、er said anything. The characters body language and the expressions on their faces.Listening to something interesting is the secret to language learning.Task 2. 细读课文第二自然段,判断下列句子正确T/错误F ( ) 1. She was afraid to ask questions.( ) 1. She was afraid to ask questions. ( ( ) ) 2. 2. She She could could get

6、 get the the meaning meaning by by listening listening for for just just the key words.the key words. ( ) 3. Her pronunciation did not improve. ( ) 3. Her pronunciation did not improve. ( ( ) ) 4. 4. Listening Listening to to something something you you are are interested interested in in is is the

7、secret to language learning.the secret to language learning. ( ( ) ) 5. 5. She She learned learned some some useful useful sentences sentences like like “Its “Its a a piece of cake”.piece of cake”.TTTTFCompleteCompletethethesentencessentenceswithwithwhatwhatWeiWeiFenFenlearntlearntfromfromwatchingwa

8、tchingmovies.movies.1.1. I I cancan understandunderstand thethe meaningmeaning byby watchingwatching theirtheir_andthe_ontheirfaces._andthe_ontheirfaces.2.2. I I cancan getget thethe meaningmeaning byby listeninglistening forfor justjust thethe_._.3.3. MyMy pronunciationpronunciation improvedimprove

9、d byby listeninglistening toto thethe_inEnglishmovies._inEnglishmovies.4.4. I I learnedlearned _ sentencessentences likelike “Its“Its a a piecepiece ofofcake”bywatchingthemovies.cake”bywatchingthemovies.5.5.I Icancanfindfindthethemeaningmeaningofofnewnewwordswordsbybylookinglookingthemupina_.themupi

10、na_.body languageexpressionskey wordsconversationsusefuldictionary根据所给汉语完成句子。1.1.NeverNeverstopstopsmiling;smiling;someonesomeonemightmightbebe_(_(爱爱上上)yoursmile.)yoursmile.2.2. TomTom usuallyusually _ ( (查询查询 ) ) newnew wordswords inin a adictionary.dictionary.3.3.ReadingReadinga alotlotisisthethe_

11、( (秘秘诀诀)totoimprovingimprovingyouryourEnglish.English.4.She_(4.She_(害怕害怕)speakinthefrontoftheclass.)speakinthefrontoftheclass.5.5.YouandyourteamshouldYouandyourteamshouldworkworktogethertogethertoto _(_(发现发现 )theanswertotheseproblems.)theanswertotheseproblems.falling in love withlooks upsecretis afr

12、aid to discover模仿:听录音,注意语音和语调Can you translate?By watching English movies我能通过看他们的肢体语言和脸上的表情意思理解。我能通过听关键词明白意思。通过听英语电影中的对话我的发音进步了。通过看电影我学会了有用的句子。通过查词典我找到新单词的意思。I can understand the meaning by watching their body language and the expressions on their faces.I can get the meaning by listening for justthe

13、 key words.My pronunciation improved by listening to the conversations in English movies.I learned useful sentences like “Its a piece of cake” by watching the movies.I can find the meaning of new words by looking them up in a dictionary.观察与思考:My pronunciation also improved by listening to the intere

14、sting conversations in English movies.I discovered that listening to something interesting is the secret to language learning.句话,你发现用法规律了吗?(1) 介词后面跟动词的 _ 形式。如:After _ (have) dinner, Mr. Wang went out for a walk.Thank you for _ (send) me a post card.(2) 动词原形不能作主语,_或动词不定式可以作主语,且谓语只能用单数形式。如:_ (do) morning exercises is good for your health.-inghavingsending动名词Doing(1) stroll strl 漫步 闲逛(2) spot spt 发现(3) crouch krat蜷伏;屈膝,蹲伏 (4) (4) bush b 灌木(5) bark b:k 吠叫;厉声说话(6) fiercely fsl 猛烈地;


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