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《SectionB1 (9).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《SectionB1 (9).ppt(43页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?Section B 1,Review,yourself,myself,yourselves,himself,itself,herself,反身代词:,anyone,someone,nothing,something,anything,everything,复合不定代词:,delicious adj. 美味的,expensive adj. 昂贵的,exciting adj. 令人兴奋的,boring adj. 无聊的,terrible adj. 糟糕的,1. _ delicious 3. _ exciting 5. _ te

2、rrible2. _ expensive 4. _ cheap 6. _ boring,f,d,a,b,c,e, words delicious exciting cheap, words terrible boring expensive,Listening,1. Where did Lisa go on vacation? _2. Did she do anything special there? What was it? _,She went to Hong Kong.,Yes, she went to a fun park.,1c,3. Did she buy anything fo

3、r her best friend? _4. Did Lisa like her vacation? _,Yes, she did.,Yes, she did.,Listen again. Fill in the blanks.,What did Lisa say about?her vacation _the fun park _the people _the stores _the food _,1d,great,exciting,friendly,delicious,expensive,Discussion,Discuss the questions with your partner.

4、,2a,What do people usually do on vacation?,2. What activities do you find enjoyable? Eating delicious food is enjoyable for me.,Eat something different, take some photos,Leading in,Malaysia 马来西亚,Malaysian 马来西亚人,Penang Hill 槟城山,Weld Quay 海墘街,Georgetown 乔治市,Nasi lemak, the Malaysian breakfast,Local fo

5、od -,Nyonya dishes娘惹菜,Roti Canai and Teh Tarik煎饼和拉茶,Asam Laksa 阿参拉沙,Local food -,Bah Kut Teh/Chic Kut Teh肉骨茶,Nasi Dagang手扒饭,Local food -,Reading,2b,Did Jane have a good time on Monday? _2. What about on Tuesday? _,Yes, she did.,She didnt have a good time on Tuesday.,英译汉:1.到达槟城2.决定去海滩3.尝试滑翔伞运动4.觉得5.在

6、过去6.想知道7.喜欢在小镇漫步,arrive in Penang decide to go to the beach try paragliding feel like in the past wonder/want to knowenjoy walking around the town,今早我和家人抵达了马来西亚的槟城。这里天气晴朗很热,所以我们决定去我们宾馆附近的沙滩玩。姐姐和我尝试玩起滑翔伞,我觉得自己像一只鸟,滑翔确实很有趣!我们吃了很特别的午餐马来西亚的黄面条。面条吃起来很美味!下午我们骑单车去了乔治城,现在这里有许多新的建筑物,但仍旧有许多旧房子。在海墘街-乔治城里一个很古老的

7、地方,我们看到了100年前中国商人住的房子。我很想知道过去这里的生活是什么样子的。我喜欢漫步在这个小镇上。,今天我想去散步。 I feel like walking today. I want to walk today. I would like to walk today.,feel like doing sth.=want to do sth.=would like to do sth.想做某事,Language points,1. decide v. 决定;选定 I decide to stay at home today. 今天我决定待在家里。 Before you make a d

8、ecision, you must think it over. 在你作决定之前,你一定要仔细思考。 根据例句可知“决定干某事”为decide to do sth。根据例句 可知decide的名词是decision, 而“作决定”是make a decision, 相当于动词decide。,2. I feel like I was a bird. feel like+从句 意为“觉得好像是” e.g. I feel like Im walking through the history. 我感觉好像是倘佯在历史的长河 中。,3. try v.& n. 尝试;设法;努力 Ill try to i

9、mprove. (用作动词) 我要设法改进。 Come on and give it a try. (用作名词) 来, 试试看。,词义辨析: try to do sth. / try doing sth.这两个短语含义不同, 前者意思是“试图或努力去做某事”, 而后者意思是“尝试/试验一下某种方法”。例如: try to climb the mountain 设法向山上爬 try climbing the mountain 尝试爬上山去,英译汉:1.一天的差别是多么大啊!2.开始下雨3.等火车4.因为.5.足够的钱,What a difference a day makes! start ra

10、ining wait for the train because of enough money,4. because of 因为 I didnt go out because of the bad weather. 由于恶劣的天气,我没有出去。 because of 与because 的区别 eg:He didnt come because he had aheadache. 他没来因为他头痛。 这句话相当于He didnt come because of his headache.根据例句可知,because + 句子,而because of 后应加名词、代词或动名词形式。,他因为生病而没

11、有上学。 1.He didnt go to school _ he was ill.2.He didnt go to school _his illness.,because,because of,5. enough adj. 足够的;充足的;充分的 enough 的相关用法:There isnt enough water in our city. 我们城市没有足够的水。 He is old enough to go to school. 他足够大了可以去上学。enough 作形容词时, 可置于所修饰的名词之前,也可置于所修饰的名词之后。 enough 用作副词时, 一般应放在所修饰的形容词、

12、副词后面。,6. We waited over an hour for the train because there were too many people. v. 等待;等候 e.g. She rang the bell and waited. 她按铃后就等候着。,一天的差别多么大啊!我和父亲决定今天去爬槟城山。我们原本想步行到山顶,但是天开始下起小雨来,所以我们决定乘火车。因为人太多,所以我们等了一个多小时。当我们到达山顶的时候,雨下得很大。而且我们没有带伞,所以身上又湿又冷。状况很糟糕!因为这种坏天气,我们看不到山下的任何东西。我父亲没有带足够的钱,所以我们只吃了一碗米饭和一些鱼。由

13、于我很饿,所以食物吃起来感觉特别美味!,2c,Read Janes diary entries again. Fill in the chart.,It was exciting.,Yes,ate Malaysian yellow noodles,Yes,Yes,She liked the old buildings there and wondered what life was like in the past.,There were many people and they waited over an hour for the train.It was raining and they

14、 didnt have an umbrella.So they got wet and cold.They couldnt see anything because of the bad weather.They didnt have enough money for food.,No,had one bowl of rice and some fish,Yes,2d,Complete the conversation about Janes trip to Penang using the information in the diary entries.,Anna: Hi, Jane. W

15、here did you go on vacation last week? Jane: I _ to Penang in _. Anna: Who _ you go with? Jane: I went with my _. Anna: What did you do?,Malaysia,went,did,family,Jane: The weather was hot and _ on Monday, so we went _ on the beach. Then in the afternoon, we _ bicycles to Georgetown. Anna: Sounds gre

16、at! Jane: Well, but the next day was not as good. My _ and I went to Penang Hill, but the weather _ really bad and rainy. We _ a long time for the train,father,was,waited,sunny,paragliding,rode,第二天(一般过去时),and we were _ and cold because we forgot to bring an _. Anna: Oh, no!Jane: And thats not all! W

17、e also didnt bring _ money, so we only had one bowl of rice and some fish.,wet,umbrella,enough,不止这些,阅读指导:读短文可知,本文是一篇日记。记述了七月十八日他们一次旅游的经过。因此,本文在时态上应用_.2. 应注意括号中动词过去式的形式,是规则变化的还是不规则变化的。然后做写出正确的形式。,2e,一般过去时,Thursday, July 18thToday _ (be) a beautiful day. My father and I _ (go) to Penang Hill again, bu

18、t this time we _ (walk) to the top. We _ (start) at 9:30 a.m. and _ (see) lots of special Malaysian flowers along the way.,went,was,walked,started,saw,About one hour later, we _ (stop) and _ (drink) some tea. Then we _ (walk) for another two hours before we _ (get) to the top. I _ (be) quite tired,

19、but the city _ (look) wonderful from the top of the hill!,stopped,drank,walked,got,was,looked,another +基数词+名词=基数词+more+名词表示原有数量上的增加,译成“又, 另外,还”,Exercise,选词填空。1. I feel like _ (going/go) to Hong Kong for vacation next summer vacation. 2. Hes not going to buy that car _ (because /because of) its too e

20、xpensive. 3. The train was late _ (because/ because of) the heavy frog (雾).,because,going,because of,4. Her coat reaches _ (below/ under) her knee. 5. The boy is _ (enough old/ old enough) to get dressed himself.,below,old enough,1Key vocabulary:decide,try,wonder,difference,top,wait,below,enough,hun

21、gry,as,feel like,because of,too many2Sentences:I wonder what life was like here in the past.And because of the bad weather,we couldnt see anything below.,Summary,Homework,用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. My mother _ (buy) a bike for me yesterday. 2.- When _ you _ (start) to learn English? -I started to learn English

22、 three years ago.3. My aunt _ (take) us to dinner at a restaurant but the food _ (is) not good at all. 4. When I _ (am) in America last year, I _ (make) a lot of new friends. 5. They _ (have) a great sale last weekend.6.He _(not do)his homework last night.7. What day _ (be) it yesterday? It _ (be) Friday.8. They _ (be) here half an hour ago.,请在unit 1中找出所有的动词过去式的不规则变化形式。,


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