人教英语七年级上册Unit6Section A 1a—1c.ppt

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《人教英语七年级上册Unit6Section A 1a—1c.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教英语七年级上册Unit6Section A 1a—1c.ppt(17页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、人教版七年级英语上,Unit6 Do you like bananas?SectionA(1a-1c),Unit 6,Do you like bananas?,Section A,soccer,volleyball,tennis,ping-pong,basketball,Lead in,New words, Whats this? Its _.,salad,bread,milk,water,money, What are these? They are _.,bananas,oranges,tomatoes,strawberries,hamburgers,pears,hamburgerstom

2、atoesorangesice-creamsaladbananasstrawberriespearsmilk bread,d,i,f,h,b,g,c,j,e,a,1a,Match the words with the things in the picture.,Presentation,名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。 可数名词 可以计数。如:a banana, three bananas不可数名词 不可计数。如:milk、bread、 rice、money、water,可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。 单数 指一个人或一件事物。如:a banana , an apple复数 指两个或两个以上人

3、或事物。如:two bananas , four apples,不可数名词没有单复数形式。milk、bread、rice、money、water 牛奶 面包 米饭 钱 水 (考点:不可数名词后不能加s),Listen and number the conversations 1-3.,1b,A: Do you like salad?B: No, I dont.,A: Do you like bananas?B: Yes, I do.,A: Do you like oranges?B: Yes, I do.,2,3,1,Listening,1c,Practice the conversation

4、 above. Then make your own conversations.,Pairwork,选词填空。Do you like _ (strawberry/strawberries)?2. Here are some nice _ (tomatos/tomatoes).3. Lets _ (have / has) apples and bananas.4. John likes _ (milk/milks) and bread.5. Sam _ (dont /doesnt) like vegetable salad.6. Lets play volleyball. That_ (sounds/ sound) good.,Summary,1. 抄写记忆本课所学的生词。2. 配套练习61页第一二题。,Homework,Goodbye,Thank you!,


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