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1、Book 4 Module 9 Friendship一、 教学内容 : Unit2 I believe that the world is what you think it is.二、 课型: Listening and speaking三、 教学目标:1、能够正确使用下列单词和词组:silence bright treasure trustglue include circle stick suggestion in silence day by day smile at circle of friends everytime2、能理解故事中的事件顺序和人物行为并根据上下文猜测生词的含义。

2、3、能够根据所给的提示描述改变自己生活的人或事的短文。4、通过对友谊这个话题的探讨,让学生学会宽容、理解他人。四、 教学重难点:1、能理解故事中的事件顺序和人物行为并根据上下文猜测生词的含义。(重点)2、能够根据所给的提示描述改变自己生活的人或事的短文。(难点) 五、 教学准备:课堂整体运用任务型教学模式,培养学生独立自主的学习能力。本课指导学生通过听说获取信息,培养学生的听说技能。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用各种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此,本节课需准备:PPT课件、挂图、课堂练习表格、奖品六、 教学过程:教学教师活动学生活动设计意图步骤Lead inStep One

3、Warming- up (3 )1.Greetings.2. Share a song:Friendsby Zhou Huajian1. Greetings2. 2. Enjoy the song and sing together.以旧引新, 先引导学生进入本 模块的主题。Step Two Pre-task (5 )1. Free talks:T:Now, tellme, please,Do you have a bestfriend?And whatdoyouthinkabest friendshouldbelike?Let shaveatalkabout this.You may beg

4、in like this: I think that a good friend should be 2. Have the studentswork in pairs about the topic.Then show the title of the lesson and lecture the new words as well.eg:silence bright treasuretrustglueinclude1. Free talk: Work in pairs.I think a good friend should be helpful .2. Learn the new wor

5、ds.引导学生谈论 图片 , 训练学生描述事情的能 力。在描述的同时学习新单词 和句型,做到词不离句,为学生扫 清 读 的 障碍。circlesticksuggestion insilencedaybyday smileat circleof friends every timeStep Three While-task (24 )1. Scanning(1)Ask students to scanthe passage and answer the question:What is the passage about?2. SkimmingAskstudentstoskimthe passa

6、ge and answer:1) How didthe writerfeelinthe past?2) How does the writer feel now?1. Scanning(1) Askstudentstoscanthe passage and findout the answer.2. SkimmingAsk studentsto skim the passage and answer:1) How did the writerfeelin thepast?2) How does the writer feel now? 3)What advice does she give?要

7、求学生快速 阅读文章, 找到问题的答案。通过学生快速 阅读,培养学生获取主旨的能 力,理清故事发展的顺序。 并且从整体把握文3)Whatadvicedoesshe章的内容,为give?3.Careful reading.进一步学习做3. Careful reading. (1)Paragraph 1:Listenand answer:Whogave thewriteranimportant gift? And what is it?T:Whyisthegiftis important? Lets read on.(2) Paragraphs2& 3: T: Now, I want someon

8、e to read the passage forus, and we find out:A.Whendidthestory(1) Paragraph 1:Read and finish the question.(2)Paragraphs2&3: Listen to someone to read and find out the key words that the an swers to the questionds.好铺垫。让学生带着任 务(问题) 去阅读课文,去找答案,有助于学生更加准确地获 取信息,提高阅读效果和技能。学生通过分层 次阅读文章, 获取具体信息, 把happen?知识

9、点和课文B.What was the writer s理解在分段学problem? Askastudenttobe“ a习得以突破。 而小组活动能通Ask a student to be “ a little teacher ” to check the answers. Read by yourself and point out important points. Solve difficulties.1) hear sb. do sth. hear sb. doing sth.little teacher” to check the answers. Read by yourself a

10、nd point out important points. Solve difficulties.过学生间的自 主、合作学习, 让学生充分地 实践运用语言, 并激发学生创 造性思维的发 展。2) be feel lonely be alone3) worry about sb.sth.(3) Paragraphs 4, 5,6&7: Let the students fillin the blanks after reading this part by themselves.Then one day, a girl looked at me and (1), I felt(2)lively

11、 and warm.It was like a hidden (3). The smile (4)my life. And the(3)Paragraphs4,5,6&7: Let thestudents fillin the blanks after reading this partby themselves.girl has (5)mybest friend. Students read this part andfindoutdifficult points in groups:1) insilenceIsatin silence.= I sat silently.2) She loo

12、kedatme and, without a word, smiled.3) day by day;渐渐的day after day 日复一日(4) Paragraph 8 Askagroupofsix students to read paragraph8, the otherstudentstryto findout:Whatdoesthe writer believe? And do you agree with her? Why or why not? Students read this part and findoutdifficultpointsin groups:(4) Par

13、agraph 8 Ask a group ofsixstudentsto readparagraph8,theother students try to find out: Whatdoes the writer believe? And do you agree with her? Why or why not?Step Four Post- task Ask the students to read this part and try to recitethis part in 2minutes.1. ReadingHave students read the wholepassageby

14、 themselves, then hold a competition about reading:Who reads the best? 2.Retelling. Ask the students to read thispartand tryto recitethispart in 2 minutes.1. Reading the passage.复述对话能使学生加深对课文内容的理解和记忆。适当笔头练习, 让学生巩固本(10 )Letthe studentsretellthe story while looking at thenotes on the blackboard.At fir

15、st(1) knew meI felt (2)andwasafraidto(3) with anyone.Then one dayA girl looked at me and (4)2. Do the retelling.At first(1) knew meI felt (2)and was afraid to (3)with anyone.Then one dayA girllookedatme and(4) ,Ifelt(5),lively and warm课时的语言点和突出重点。 ,Ifelt(5),lively and warm NowThe girl has become my

16、(6) .Ibelievethat theworldis(7) it is.Opinion:Smileatthe world and(8) .3. WritingTry to writea passage about someone orsomethingthat changed your lifeaccording to Activity 5.NowThegirlhasbecomemy(6). I believe that theworld is (7)itis.Opinion:Smileat the worldand (8).2. WritingTrytowriteapassageabou

17、t someoneorsomethingthat changed your life according to Activity 5.Step Five Summary(2)1. Get the students tosum up the languagepoints. T:Whathavewelearned today?Ss: 2. Letthestudentsto choose the best team in this lesson.1. Sum up the language points.2. To choose the best groups.引导学生对这 节课的总结, 让学生做自

18、由发 言,培养学生自主学习,自主总结的良好学习 习惯。简短的评价使 学生的课堂表 现得到肯定并 且可以激励学 生的学习兴趣, 树立学习英语 的信心。Step Six Home- work(1)1. Read the passage after schooland remember the new words.2. Towritea passage about somebody or something that changed your life.Finish the homework.课后作业有助 于学生巩固已 学的知识, 补充其他方面的锻 炼。写作是阅读的拓展,让学生最终完全掌握语言,实践

19、运用语言。七、板书设计:Module9 FriendshipUnit2 I believe that the world is what you think it is.1. in silence The little girl sat in silence and looked sad.2. day by day We become close day by day.day after day Day after day, they waited for the letter, but it never came.3. It made me feel happy, lively and wa

20、rm.4. One day, I asked why she smiled at me that day.5. If you think you re lonely, you might always be alone.达标训练题一、完成句子:1.听!你听见有人在哭吗?Listen! Can yousomeone? 2我们不必为他担心的。We needn thim.3. 一天天地,他渐渐地老了。 , he became older and older.4. 如果你对世界微笑,世界也会向你微笑的。If youthe world, itback.5. 很多学生喜欢没吃早餐就上学。Many stud

21、ents like going to school.二、选择正确的答案:()1. I often feelbecause I live.A.lonely, lonely B.lonely, aloneC. alone, aloneD.alone, lonely()2. The boy is very shy. She is afraidin class.A. speakingB. speakC. to speakD. to speaking()3. My grandfather is out of condition and we allhim.A. get worriedB. worry aboutC. are worried D.worry()4. They didn t say a word and just sat there.A. in silentB. silentC.in silenceD.silence ()5. Nobody can make youexcept yourself.A. happyB.happilyC. being happyD. to be happy


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