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1、EMI 滤波器论文:开关电源 EMI 滤波器平面无源集成的研究 【中文摘要】随着开关电源工作频率的不断提高,电磁干扰 (electromag netic in terfere nee, EMI) 问题变得日益严峻。为了抑 制传导 EMI,通常在电源线和变换器输入端之间接入 EMI 滤波器。然 而传统的分立 EMI 滤波器一方面体积大,空间利用率低,从而降低了 开关电源的功率密度;另一方面分立元件的寄生参数也损害了 EMI 滤 波器的高频性能。为了改善分立 EMI 滤波器的这些缺点以及克服采用 低介电常数的介质材料集成 EMI 滤波器电容的困难,本文提出了基于 积木式交错并联 L-C 绕组的平面

2、无源集成 EMI 滤波器结构,选用 PCB 绕组和集成 L-C 结构将 EMI 滤波器的差共模电感,共模电容以及部分 差模电容集成到一幅平面磁芯中。在此基础上,根据差模噪声的频段, 选用 X7R 实现差模电容的集成,提出了平面 EMI 滤波器的全集成结构。 建立了集成EMI 滤波器的差共模等效电路高频模型,并通过理论分析, 仿真以及实验验证了所提结构的可行性和有效性。为了提高集成 EMI 滤波器的性能,本文通过引进输入和输入回路电感来消除电容的等效 串联电感(Equivalent series inductance,ESL)。给出了消除电感等 效并联电容(Equivalent Parallel

3、 Capacitanee, EPC) 的方法,分析 了耦合系数和插入地层对消除 EPC 的影响;并采用 Pispice 进行了仿 真验证。为了克服集成结构差模电感的实现和调节困难 ,本文将平面 EE 型磁芯由中柱垂直劈开,提出了平面阵列式集成 EMI 滤波器结构。 通过理论分析和仿真得出了此集成结构的优点。 最后从温度和频率特 性分析了集成 EMI 滤波器的性能稳定性,为无源集成 EMI 滤波器材料 的选取提供了参考。 【英文摘要】 Because of more freque nt switch ing acti on of SMPS(Switch Mode Power Supplies).

4、 EMI (electromag netic in terfere nee) becomesmore worse n. To suppress the in ducted EMI, EMI filter is used betwee n the power line and the in put of converter.However, for conventional discrete EMI filters, its large volume and low space utilizati on decrease the power den sity of SMPS; additi on

5、 ally, the parasitic parameters of discrete comp onents worse n the HF (high-freque ncy) characteristic. To solve these issues and overcome the difficulty of integration capacitances with low relative permittivity dielectric material. A structure of pla nar passive integrated EMI filter basing on L-

6、C windings stacked-type in terleaved conn ecti on is proposed in the paper, com mon mode and differe ntial mode in ductors, com mon mode capacita nces and partial differe ntial capacita nces are in tegrated in to a pla nar core with PCB wi ndings and structrue of integrated L-C. On this basis, accor

7、ding to the frequency range of differe ntial mode no ise, differe ntial mode capacita nee is in tegrated with X7R. Completely structure of planar integrated EMI filter is achieved. Differential modeand com mon mode equivale nt circuits of high freque ncy are established, the feasibility and validati

8、on are verified by theoretical an alysis, simulatio n and experime nts.To improve the characteristic of integrated EMI filter, ESL is eliminated with loop in ducta nee of in put and output. Giving approaches to eliminate EPC, analyzing impacts of the coupling coefficient and the embeddedgr ound to e

9、limi nate EPC. Fin ally, carry ing out by Pspice simulatio n.To overcome the difficulty to adjust and achieve differential modeinductances of integrated EMI filter, planar EE core is splited vertically from the center pillar, planar-array integrated EMI filter structure is proposed in this paper. Po

10、inting out advantages of the integrated structure by theoretical an alysis and simulati on. Fin ally, an alys ing the performance stability of integrated EMI filter from characteristics of temperature and freque ncy of materials, which provide refere nces to select materials for passive in tegrated EMI filter. fff 【备注】索购全文在线加好友 区:139.938848 同时提供论文写作一对一指导和论文发表委托服务 【关键词】EMI 滤波器平面无源集成积木式交错并联集成 L-C 结构平面阵列式


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