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1、Unit 5What were you doing when the rainstorm came?,Section A 1a-2d,grow,grew,mean,meant,tell,told,take,took,fly,flew,think,thought,get,got,ring,rang,become,became,run,ran,fall,fell,hear,heard,buy,bought,make,made,eat,ate,cut,cut,go,went,leave,left,sleep,slept,shop,shopped,写出过去式,Revision,Fill in the

2、blanks with “be”.1. I _ 16 years old this year.2. I _ 15 years old last year.3. How _ the weather today?4. How _ the weather yesterday?5. They _ good friends. 6. They _ good friends three years ago.,am,was,is,was,are,were,Alarm,Words study,Storm,Wind,Pick up,1a. Where were the people at the time of

3、the rainstorm? Match the statements with the people in the picture.,1._I was in the library. _I was in my house. 3._I was on the street.4._I was at the bus stop.,b,a,d,c,1b. Listen to the TV report and circle the correct responses.,a. doing my homework / studyingb. playing basketball / readingc. goi

4、ng to work / waiting for the busd. walking home / shopping,A: What was the girl doing at the time of the rainstorm? B: She was .,1c. Talk about what the people in la were doing at the time of the rainstorm.,A: What was the girl doing at the time of the rainstorm? B: She was reading at home.,A: What

5、was the boy doing at the time of the rainstorm? B: He was studying in the library.,2a. Listen and number the pictures 1-5.,1,2,3,4,5,2b. Listen again. Fill in the blanks in the sentences in 2a.,1,My alarm didnt go off so I _ up late.,woke,2,I _ to the bus stop but I still missed the bus.,ran,3,I _ f

6、or the bus when it began to rain heavily.,was waiting,4,I _ so busy _ for the umbrella thatI didnt see a car coming.,was,looking,5,I took a hot shower and _some warm food.,ate,2c. Use the information in 2a to retell the story in a conversation between the boy and a TV reporter.,TV reporter: Tell us

7、what happened yesterday morning.Boy: TV reporter: So, when the rainstorm suddenly came, what were you doing?Boy: ,Mary: What were you doing last night, Linda? I called at seven and you didnt pick up.Linda: Oh, I was in the kitchen helping my mom.Mary: I see. I called again at eight and you didnt ans

8、wer then either.Linda: What was I doing at eight? Oh, I know. When you called, I was taking a shower.Mary: But then I called again at nine.,2d. Role-role the conversation.,Linda: Oh, I was sleeping at that time.Mary: So early? Thats strange.Linda: Yeah, I was tired. Why did you call so many times?Ma

9、ry: I needed help with my homework. So while you were sleeping, I called Jenny and she helped me.,3a. Read the passage and answer the questions.,What was the weather like before the heavy rain started? 2. What was the neighborhood like after the storm?,Ben could hear strong winds outside his home in

10、 Alabama. Black clouds were making the sky very dark. With no light outside, it felt like midnight. The news on TV reported that a heavy rainstorm was in the area.Everyone in the neighborhood was busy. Bens dad was putting pieces of wood over the windows while his mom was making sure the,The Storm B

11、rought PeopleCloser Together,flashlights and radio were working. She also put some candles and matches on the table.Ben was helping his mom make dinner when the rain began to beat heavily against the windows. After dinner, they tried to play a card game, but it was hard to have fun with a serious st

12、orm happening outside.Ben could not sleep at first. He finally fell asleep when the wind was dying down ataround 3:00 a.m. When he woke up, the sun was rising. He went outside with his family,and found the neighborhood in a mess. Fallen trees, broken windows and rubbish were everywhere. They joined

13、the neighbors to help clean up the neighborhood together. Although the storm broke many things apart, it brought families and neighbors closer together.,What was the weather like before the heavy rain started? 2. What was the neighborhood like after the storm?,Black clouds were making the sky very d

14、ark. With no light outside, it felt like midnight.,The neighborhood was in a mess. Fallen trees, broken windows and rubbish were everywhere.,3b. Complete the sentences using information from the passage.,When the news on TV was reported, strong winds _outside.2. While Bens mom was making sure the ra

15、dio was working, his dad_ _3. Ben_ when the heavy rain finally started.4. When Ben _ at 3:00a.m., the wind_,were,was putting pieces of wood over the windows.,was helping his mom make dinner,finally fell asleep was dying down.,3c. Discuss the questions with a partner.,“Although the storm broke many t

16、hings apart, it brought families and neighbors closer together.” What other things can bring people closer together? How can we help each other in times of difficulty?,Language points,With no light outside, it felt like midnight. 外面没有光亮,感觉就像半夜一样。此句中介词with表示一种伴随的状况,同时还包含着某种因果关系,表示“因某种状况的存在而导致”,因此可译作“

17、由于;因为”等。With my parents away, Im the king of the house.我爸妈不在,我可是家中的“王”I cant work with all that noise going on.由于那噪音响着,我无法工作。,2. Bens dad . while his mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working.本的爸爸同时他妈妈在确认手电简和收音机都能正常使用。1)此句中的连词while的意思是“当的时候;和同时”,while还可以表示 “然而;但(是)”之意,用来说明或强调两种事情或情形

18、的不同。例如:Tom is active and outgoing while his sister Rosa is shy and quiet.汤姆活跃外向, 而他的妹妹罗莎却羞怯腼腆。,2)make sure的意思是“确认;查明;核实,其后可接句子或接介词of及宾语,用来引入需要确认的内容。例如:Could you make sure what time hes arriving? I would like to go and meet him at the airport?你确认一下他几点到达好吗?我想去机场他。Make sure you turn off the TV before y

19、ou leave the house.在你离开屋子前确认关闭了电视。,3)此句中的work表示机器、器官等的“运作;运转”,这是动词work的一种基本用法My watch is waterproof that means it would work fine even if its in water.我的手表是防水的-这就是说即便在水里它也会正常运转。My brain isnt working well now.这会儿我的脑子不好使。,一 翻译下列句子:,外面没有光亮,感觉就像半夜一样。外面的风渐渐平息了。离开教室时确保窗子是关着的。我的房间一片混乱。,With no light outsid

20、e, it felt like midnight.,The wind outside is dying down.,Make sure the window is closed when you leave.,My room is in a mess.,二.选择最佳答案:1.She thought I was praising her child, _ in fact, I was scolding him for his bad behaviors at school.A. what B. while C. sothat D. therefore2.I do every single bit

21、 of housework_ my husband Bob just does the dishes now and then. A. while B. since C. when D. as,B,A,3._it is expected that students comeuniversity with the ability to take a good set of notes, this is not always the case.A. When B. As C. For D. While4.We were swimming in the lake _ suddenly the sto

22、rm started.A. when B. while C. until D. before5.-You seem to have had that car for years.-Yes, its in good condition, but I should sellit _ it still runs.A. if B. before C. because D. while,D,A,D,Homework,Remember one or two things you were doing when the rainstorm came. And communicate them with your classmates.,Thank You!,


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