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1、关于爱情英文诗歌观赏_英文诗歌 , 爱情是春天的花朵,夏夜的明月,也还会有秋天的泥泞、冬天的冰雪。只有用纯净的品德作桥梁,以崇高的抱负为纽带连结起来的爱情,才是真正的爱情。共享关于爱情英文诗歌,盼望可以关心大家! 关于爱情英文诗歌篇1 A Blooming TreeXi Murong 一棵开花的树席慕容 May Buddha let us meet, 如何让你遇见我 in my most beautiful hours, 在我最漂亮的时刻 I have prayed for it, 为这我已在佛前求了五百年 for five hundred years. 求佛让我们结一段尘缘 Buddha m

2、ade me a tree, 佛於是把我化做一棵树 by the path you may take, 长在你必经的路旁 In full blossoms Im waiting in the sun, 阳完下,慎重地开满了花 every flower carrying my previous hope. 朵朵都是我前世的希望 As you are near, listen carefully, 当你走近,请你细听,那颤抖的叶 the quivering leaves are my waiting zeal, 是我等待的热忱 As you pass by the tree, 而当你终於无视地走过

3、 without noticing me, 在你身後落了一地的 My friend, upon the ground behind you is not the fallen petals, 伴侣啊,那不是花瓣 but my withered heart. 那是我凋零的心 关于爱情英文诗歌篇2 Love is More Thicker than Forget by E. E. Cummings Love is more thicker than forget More thinner than recall More seldom than a wave is wet More frequen

4、t than to fail It is most mad and moonly And less it shall unbe Than all the sea which only Is deeper than the sea Love is Iess always than to win Less never than alive Less bigger than the least begin Less littler than forgive It is most sane and sunly And more it cannot die Than all the sky which

5、only Is higher than the sky 爱情比忘却更深厚 爱情比忘却厚 比回忆薄 比潮湿的波浪少 比失败多 它最痴癫最疯狂 但比起全部 比海洋更深的海洋 它更为长期 爱情总比成功少见 却比活着多些 不大于无法开头 不小于谅解 它最明朗最清醒 而比起全部 比天空更高的天空 它更为不朽 关于爱情英文诗歌篇3 Farewell, Love 别了,爱 by Sir Thomas Wyatt 托马斯怀特爵士 Farewell, Love, and all thy laws forever, 别了,爱以及你全部的法度, Thy baited hooks shall tangle me no

6、 more; 你的诱钩再也无法把我缠绞; Senec and Plato call me from thy lore, 塞尼卡和柏拉图否定你那套, To perfect wealth my wit for to endeavor, 让我竭尽所能追求完善财宝。 In blind error when I did persever, 我却盲目地一错再错入歧途, Thy sharp repulse, that prikth aye so sore, 你厉声拒绝刺得我倍受煎熬, Hath taught me to set in trifles no store 你教育我别对琐事斤斤计较, And es

7、cape forth since liberty is lever. 摆脱束缚由于自由才会美好。 Therefore farewell, go trouble younger hearts, 别了,去搅扰那些年轻的心, And in me claim no more authority; 对我别再宣称你是什么权威; With idle youth go use thy property, 对懒散青年把你的能耐发挥, And therein spend thy many brittle darts. 把你的支支利箭都射向他们。 For hitherto though I have lost all my time, 迄今我虽失去我全部的时间, Me lusteth no longer rotten boughs to climb. 却不再徒劳攀爬那根烂树桩。 看了关于爱情英文诗歌的人还看了: 1.关于爱情的英文诗观赏 2.关于爱情的英文诗歌观赏 3.关于爱的英语诗歌观赏 4.有关爱情英文诗歌观赏 5.有关爱情的英文诗歌观赏


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