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1、Unit 3 Our Clothes,Topic 1 What a nice coat !,Section , Can you speak out the English names of the following clothes?,Pre-reading question:,比一比,看谁反应快!,jeans,scarf,比一比,看谁反应快!,overcoat,handbag,Learning aims:( 1),掌握Section 的重点单词。掌握Section 的重点短语和知识点。了解更多关于衣服的名称。,根据语音规则,大声自读第79、80页的词,在读不准的地方做标记 (2)集体正音 (

2、3) 结合汉语意思,加强记忆,4分钟后,合上课本,比一比谁能快速说出下列单词的发音及中文意思。(5),Guide 1: ( 10),比一比,谁的坐姿最端正,声音最洪亮!,根据语音规则,大声自读 79、80页的生词,在读不准的地方做标记。(2),比一比,谁的坐姿最端正,声音最洪亮!,natural 自然的 material 材料 woolen 羊毛的 leather 皮革(的) satisfied 满意的,集体正音 (3),clothing 衣服(总称) pocket 口袋 windbreaker 风衣 size 尺寸 be made of 由制成,结合汉语意思,加强记忆,4分钟后,合上课本,比

3、一比谁能快速说出下列单词的发音和拼写。(5),风衣,口袋,自然的,材料,尺寸,皮革,Guide 2: ( 5),1. 朗读对话理解大意,然后回答下面问题3分钟)1)What kind of home does WangWei live in ?2)Where do WangWeis grandparents live ?3)How many floors are there in Kangkangs building?,Write down the names of the clothes under the pictures. Then fill in the blanks with the

4、 right letters according to 1a.,Kangkang would like _.Michael wants to buy _.,d,e,c,a.b,f,hat,dress,windbreaker,pants,T-shirt,jacket,Jane would like to buy _,_.Maria wants _.,a,b,c,d,e,f,Guide 3 ( 5) 朗读a,完成1 b work alone,用自己喜欢的方式读1a,用横线画出重点短语 圈出不懂的语言点,表达方式或语法现象同桌之间相互讨论疑难问题.(如仍有疑问,全部讨论完毕后举手提问;如没有疑问,全

5、部讨论完毕后老师抽查提问),Guide 4: ( 10),补充讲解:,1.be made of/from “由材料做成”,be made of用于能看出原材料的,而be made from用于看不出原材料的。例如:The coat is made of cotton. 这件外套是棉制的。The paper is made from wood. 这些纸是木材做的。,补充讲解:,sothat意为“如此以至于”,引导结果状语从句,例如: The windbreaker is so cool that you should buy it immediately. so that 意为“以便,为的是”,

6、后接目的状语从句; I got up very early this morning so that I could catch the first bus. so that 也可引导结果状语从句,意味“因此,所 以” She wants to buy a dress so that she should save money.,I feel satisfied!,Im so handsome!,自学效果检测 (5) Work alone,1c,Fill in the blanks according to the pictures.,Beautiful !,They are too expe

7、nsive!,Fill in the blanks according to the pictures.,The windbreaker makes Michael look _ _ that he decides to buy it. Its_ _ nice leather jacket _Maria feels satisfied with it, so she will take it. The silk hat looks very beautiful _ _Jane wants to buy it immediately. Only Kangkang feels a little d

8、isappointed, because the coolest pants are _ expensive _ he cant afford them.,so handsome,such a,that,so that,so,that,归纳总结,掌握了重点的单词学习了文章的具体知识点和短语 eg. feel soft a class fashion show 解决了疑难的知识点和语法点 eg:so that的用法 你都掌握了吗?,Exercise 1(必做题) ( 5) 根据首字母填空完成句子。, What s_ shoes do you wear? Size 35.The windbreak

9、er is made of n_ material. It feels soft.This sofa is covered in real l_.We have to put on warm c_ in winter. This cotton pants with two p_ look very nice.,ize,atural,eather,lothing,ockets,Exercise 2(提高题)(7),听短文,判断对(T)错(F)。,( ) 1. The woman wants to buy a skirt for her daughter.( ) 2. Her daughter t

10、akes a size L skirt.( ) 3. The woman pays 300 for a silk blouse.( ) 4. The woman buys a cotton skirt for her daughter.( ) 5. The MP3s are on the third floor.,2,T,F,F,T,F,Make a survey about five of your classmates favorite clothes and the materials of their clothes. Then fill in the form.,Activities(选做题),I have studied some new words of clothes. I have mastered some useful phrases. I can successfully finish some exercises.,Summary,


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