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1、人教版小学英语五年级上册 Unit 4 What can you do? C Story time 教学设计 1、知识目标: ( 1)词汇: rat, snake, tasty, eat, lake, silly, away ; ( 2)句型:基础句型 What can you do? I can. Can you.? Yes, I can. / No, I cant. 拓展句型 I can . for you. Theres a. Dont. 2、水平目标: (1)能够理解并朗读故事; (2)能在教师的协助下表演故事。 3、情感与态度: 使用本单元所学核心语言讲述趣味故事,引起学生学习英语的

2、兴趣,扩大 学生阅读量。 4、教学重点: 使学生在相对真实、完整的语境中接触、体验、理解语言; 5、教学难点: 能够在图片和情景的协助下,引导学生去讲故事; 引导学生观察故事中主人翁和所处的环境。 6、教学准备: 多媒体课件, PPT, flash 动画。 7、教学过程: Step I Warm-up 1 、教师播放跟前“ Can you sing? ”的歌曲,全班学生大声唱,激 发学生的学习热情。 【设计意图:课前的 free talk 环节为学生搭设了自我展示的舞台, 并有效操练、巩固了旧知(句型 What can you do? I can. );Lets sing 既活跃了气氛又揭示了

3、本课主题,为接下来的故事教学作好了铺垫 2. Free talk. What can you do? Can you ? Step 2 Presentation 1. Guessing a riddle. Introduce the animals - snake. 2. (1)let s watch a video about a snake.What does the snake say? What should we do when we are hungry.Teach :tasty food. (2) Watch it again : Who will be his tasty fo

4、od? And introduce the rat. Can the snake catch and eat the rat? (3) At this time what can the rat do for the snake?Watch the video again. Can the rat sing? Can the rat dance? Can the rat swim? (4) Watch the end of the story.What happened?Canthe rat really swim? 3. Read the story and add a title. 4.L

5、istening with figure. Listening to the tape and sort the picture. 5. Let read the story . Copy to read. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Read in groups. 6. Retell the story. 7. Act out the story. 8. Make a new story. Suppose you are a little rabbit. You meet a tiger. Please make a new story with your partner. When you are in danger, be calm! There must be a way.Wemust be tactful to deal with bad guys and escape. ( 当你遇到危险时,冷静!一定会有办法的!我们一定要机智应对坏人,顺 利逃脱) Homework: 1. Read the story. 2. Retell the story to your friends.


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