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1、咖啡厅服务用语一. 接订位:1. Good morning / afternoon / evening. This is coffee shop. (XXX speaking). May I help you?您好,咖啡厅,请问有什么可以帮忙吗?2. May I have you name, please? Under what name is this booking made, please?请问您贵姓?/请问您以什么名义订位?3Would you please spell it for me? Spelling, please?请问您的名字怎样拼写?4For how many peopl

2、e, please? / How many people will be in your party, please?请问多少人?5. For what time and what date, Mr. Smith?史密斯先生,请问哪一天和几点钟来用餐呢?6. Would you like the smoking area or Non Smoking area?请问您喜欢吸烟区还是非吸烟区?7. Any more request?还有什么要求吗?8. Yes, we will arrange a table by the window for you. / Im sorry, we can n

3、ot guarantee that we can offer you a table by the window, because there have been many reservations today. But well do our best for you.好的,我们会为您安排一张靠江边的桌子。/ 对不起,我们不能保证一定可以给您一张靠江边的桌子,因为,今天有很多订位,不过,我们会尽力为您安排的。 1. May I have your room number or telephone number, please? (So that we can contact you easi

4、ly.)请问您的房间号码或联系电话是多少?(这样我们可以方便联系您)10. Mr. Smith, May I repeat it? A table for two and non smoking area, at 7:30 this evening for Mr./Ms smith, your telephone number is . Is that right?我重复一下:史密斯先生,两位,今晚七点半来,非吸烟区,联系电话号码 是 对吗?11.Thank you, Mr.Smith, usually, the table will be kept / hold for 15 minutes

5、. We look forward to seeing you on time. Good-bye.谢谢,史密斯先生,餐厅的订位将会保留15分钟,我们将恭候您的到来,再见。二客人抵达餐厅,带位:1. Good morning / afternoon / evening. Welcome to coffee shop.您好,欢迎光临。2. Have you made a reservation?请问您订位了吗?3. Yes, Mr. Smith. We have arranged a table (by the window) for you. 史密斯先生,我们已经为您安排了座位。4. How

6、many people in your party, sir? / A table for how many, sir?先生,请问几位?5. Would you mind waiting for a while? The table was occupied, and were cleaning the table now, but I assure well take your seat as soon as its cleaned.请稍等一会,那张台的客人刚离开,我们正在收拾,我保证,一旦收拾好,马上让您入座。6. Im sorry, sir. Our restaurant is full

7、 now. Would you mind waiting for a moment? Well arrange a table for you as soon as possible. please have a seat here.先生,很抱歉,我们餐厅现已满座,请您稍等片刻,一有空台,我们马上为您安排。7. Im sorry. Our restaurant is full now. Would you please wait for a moment, or maybe I suggest you another restaurant. It is also very good.对不起,我

8、们餐厅已经满座,能否请您稍等一下,或者我向您推荐另一个餐厅,那里也很好。8This way please. Be careful of the steps. 这边请,请小心台阶。9. Would you like the smoking area or Non Smoking area?请问您喜欢吸烟区还是非吸烟区?10. May I have you name, please?请问怎样称呼呢?11(早餐)Do you have breakfast coupon / ticket? 请问您是否有餐券呢? May I have your room number, please? 请问您的房间号码

9、是多少?May I have a look at your hotel passport / room card, please? 能让我看一下您的房卡吗? I just want to know if your breakfast is included. 我只是想看一下您是否享有免费早餐。12. How about this table? /( Is this table all right)? Mr. Smith.史密斯先生,请问这张台好吗?13. Mr. Smith, Take / have a seat, Please.史密斯先生,请坐!14. Here is your napkin

10、. 这是您的餐巾。15. 有BB的客人时:Do you need a high-chair for your baby? 请问是否需要BB椅呢?16. Would you like to have a la carte or buffet?请问你喜欢散点还是自助餐呢? 17. Here is our menu and drink list. Mr. Smith.史密斯先生,这是酒水牌和酒水牌。18. Mr. Smith. We have prepare the delicious lunch / dinner buffet for you. Please feel free to take i

11、t. / help yourself to it. I hope youll enjoy it.史密斯先生,我们为您准备好了丰富的自助餐,请您到自助餐台随意选取食品,请慢用(指示动作)。 三服务:1. Good morning / afternoon / evening, sir / madam.您好,先生 / 太太。2May I put this cover on your coat / bag? 请问可以为您套上衣服 / 袋子吗?3Would you like coffee or tea, please?(早餐)请问您喜欢咖啡还是茶呢?4. Mr. Smith. Would you lik

12、e something to drinking before your lunch / dinner? How about ? 史密斯先生,请问您餐前需要一杯饮料吗?来杯好吗?5. By the way. Would you mind paying extra for the drink?先生,饮料是不包括在自助餐之内的,请问是否介意额外收费呢?6. For the buffet guests, just plus 20 yuan extra, you can enjoy the fresh juice, drought beer and soft drink buffet. 现在凡是用午、晚

13、自助餐的客人,每位另加20元,可以有鲜榨果汁、生啤、汽水任饮。7. Our fresh fruit juice are freshly squeezed and without extra sugar in it. 我们的鲜榨果汁是新鲜榨的, 不另加糖。8. Would you like to try our house (red /white) wine? It reaches to the AOC level and is produced in Bordeaux, France. Its quite good to go with your dish.想不想试下我们的宾馆特选葡萄酒呢?

14、它达到AOC级, 产于法国波尔多区,很受客人欢迎。用来配您的菜最好了。9. Would you like a full bottle of or half bottle?请问您喜欢大瓶装还是半瓶装的?10. Sorry, this wine is only sold by bottle. Would you like to try our House Wine? It can be sold by glass.对不起,这种葡萄酒只按瓶卖,或者试一下我们的宾馆特选葡萄酒吧,它可以按杯卖。11. Im sorry. Our is not available now. May I suggest y

15、ou instead? It is also very nice.对不起,我们的卖完了,或者要不要尝一下?也挺不错的。12. Here is your . , Mr. Smith。 Enjoy your drink. 史密斯先生,这是你点的.,请慢用。13. Good evening! Mr. Smith. May I take your order / are you ready to order now? 史密斯先生,请问可以为您点菜吗?14. 早餐:A. May I suggest the chinese breakfast to you? It includes one bolw of

16、 congee, chinese dian xin and chinese tea. It will take about 15 minutes.我可以介绍中式套餐给您吗?它包括一碗粥,一份中式点心和茶,大约需要15分钟。B. Yes, Mr. Smith, An American breakfast. What kind of juice would you like? We have orange juice, apple juice, pineapple juice, tomato juice, and grapefruit juice. Which one would you pref

17、er?好的,史密斯先生,您点一份美式早餐,我们有橙汁、菠萝汁、番茄汁和西柚汁,请问您要哪一种果汁?C. What kind of cereal would you like? We have corn flake, rice crisps, all bran, shredded wheat. Which one would you prefer?请问您喜欢哪一种谷物类呢?我们有玉米片、脆米粒、麦丝卷和麦夫条,您选择哪一款呢?D. How would you like your egg? Fried egg, scrambled egg, poached egg or boiled egg?请问

18、您的鸡蛋要怎样做呢?要煎蛋、炒蛋、波蛋还是蛋呢?E. How would you like your boiled egg?请问您的蛋要几分钟呢?FWith ham, bacon or sausage? / Would you like ham, bacon or sausage to go with your egg?请问您的鸡蛋要配烟肉、香肠还是火腿呢?G. What kind of bread would you like? We have brioches, croissant, danish pastries, whole wheat bread and toast. Which o

19、ne would you prefer?我们有蛋奶包、牛角包、丹麦包、全麦包和多士,请问您要哪种面包呢?H. Would you like your bread served now or come with your egg?请问您的面包是现在上还是和鸡蛋一起上呢?15. 午、晚餐:AThe soup of today is . would you like to have a try it ? 今天的例汤是.请问要一份吗?B. Would you like a . salad first? Its made with . It is very good. 请问先要一份.沙拉,好吗?它里面有

20、.,挺不错的。C. We have . dressing. What kind of dressing would you like?我们有.沙拉汁,请问您喜欢配哪一种? DMay I recommend the steak . to you? We have really good beef here. 我可以介绍.牛扒吗?我们这里的牛肉很好。 E. How would you like your steak? (Medium or medium well?) 请问您的牛肉要几成熟?(五成还是七成?)F. What kind of sauce would you like to go wit

21、h your steak? We have. 请问您要什么汁配您的牛扒?我们有.GWe have cream potatoes, baked potatoes and French fries. What potatoes would you like for your meat? 我们有忌廉薯、局薯、炸薯条,请问您喜欢哪一种?HThank you! Mr. Smith. Your have ordered . Is that all right? 谢谢,史密斯先生,您点了,对吗?I You have ordered two appetizers / main dishes. Would yo

22、u like them served together or one after another?您点了两道头盘 / 主菜,请问需要一起上,还是分开上?JWould you like your main dish served with their salad together or after the salad? 请问您的主菜是跟他们的沙拉一起上还是在沙拉后上?KIt will take some time for this dish. Could you wait a little bit longer or may be order a salad first?请问是否介意等呢?或者您

23、先要份沙拉,好吗?LWould you like some dessert after your main dish? 请问您要一些餐后甜品吗?MIm afraid it is not on our menu. But Ill ask about my chef if it is available. Please wait a moment.这道菜餐牌上没有,请稍等一会儿,但我可以问一下厨师能否为您制作。NI m sorry, That dish is mot available now . May I suggest you to try our.对不起,我们不能提供那道菜,我可以建议.给

24、您吗?O. How is your meal and our service? Would you please give us some suggestions?请问您觉得您的菜和我们的服务怎么样?能否提些建议给我们呢?P. May I take it away?请问这碟子可以撤走吗?Q. Would you like some more wine? / Would you like another .?请问要加点酒吗?/ 请问再要一杯.吗?RWould you like some dessert? 请问要些餐后甜品吗?SWould you like a cup of coffee or t

25、ea? We have. coffee,. Which one would you like?请问要一杯咖啡或茶,好吗?我们有.咖啡,请问您喜欢哪一种?四结帐:1Mr. Smith. Here is your bill. Totally is. yuan, thank you.先生,这是你的帐单,多谢.元。2Thank you so mush. Wait a minute please. Ill be back with your change and receipt.谢谢,共.元,请稍等,我马上把零钱送来。3Here is your change and receipt. Thank you

26、.这是您的找零和收据,谢谢。4Please sign your name and room number on your bill.请签上姓名和房号。 5Could you please write your name in block letters here?请在这里用正楷写上您的姓名,好吗?6Could you show me your hotel passport / room card? Thank you!能让我看一下您的房卡吗?谢谢!7The exchange rate of US dollars is .今天美金的兑换率是。五送客:1 Thank you for coming.

27、 We all look forward to serving you again. Good- bye. 谢谢您的光临,我们期待能再为您服务,再见。2Good- bye. Have a nice day.谢谢,再见。3Thank you. Hope to see you again.谢谢,希望您能再次光临。4Please remember to have all your belonging with you. Good- bye. 请带齐您的物品,再见。5. Thank you for coming. Please come again.多谢,欢迎下次再来。 6. Thank you. G

28、ood-bye, and have a nice trip.谢谢,再见,祝您旅途愉快。 六其他:1. According to our hotels regulations. People in slippers, vests or shorts are not allowed to enter the restaurant. Thank you for your cooperation.根据我们酒店规定,穿拖鞋、背心、短裤者不可进入餐馆,谢谢合作。2Im sorry, the tables by the river are full now. Would you like to sit he

29、re first? Ill change the table for you as soon as there is one by the river available.对不起,靠江边的桌子都坐满了,或者您先坐在这里好吗?一但江边有空位,我会立刻为您安排。3Im sorry, sir. That table is booked / reserved. Would you like to sit here? You can also enjoy the good view.对不起,先生,那张台已经有客人预订了,坐这里好吗?您同样可以欣赏到美丽的江景。4Do you mind sitting i

30、n the sunshine? 您是否介意坐在阳光下?5The price of our buffet is 228 yuan, plus a fifteen- percent(15%)surcharge per person. 我们自助餐价格是每位228元, 另加15%的服务费。6The service hour of our restaurant is 6:00AM to 12:00AM. 我们餐馆营业时间是从早上6点到零晨。7Well give a 50 percent discount for children under 1.4 (one point four) meters. /

31、we will give half price for children under 1.4 meters. 1.4米以下的儿童可获五折优惠。/ 1.4米以下的儿童收费半价。8. Our manager will sign this childs bill specially for you this time. According to our hotel policy. Half price should be charged to children under 1.4 meters.这次我们特别给你们一个优惠,经理签免了这小孩的餐费,按规定,1.4米以下的小童用自助餐是要收半价的。9I

32、am sorry, sir. According to our hotels regulation, we dont accept that the guests bring their own drinks. The same kinds of drinks are available in our restaurant. Would you like to try?对不起,先生,根据我们宾馆的规定,我们不接受客人自带的酒水的。我们餐厅有同款的酒水提供,请问您是否需要点用呢?10Excuse me. Theres alcohol in this drink. So it is not sui

33、table for children. How about try a non-alcohol mocktail, like fruit punch or orange squash? I think your child will like it.对不起, 特饮里有酒精, 或许不适合儿童,或者试一下健怡鸡尾酒,像果汁宾治或橙什饮?我想您的孩子会喜欢的11Would you like a cocktail Martini or Martini Vermouth? 请问您喜欢马天尼鸡尾酒还是马天尼威末? a. (Vermouth) Dry or sweet? 干马天尼还是甜马天尼? On the

34、 rocks or straight up? 净饮还是加冰? b. (Cocktail) Gin Martini or Vodka Martini? 请问您喜欢毡酒马天尼还是伏特加马天尼? Dry or sweet? 干马天尼还是甜马天尼? On the rocks or straight up? 净饮还是加冰?12Escargots is one of the most welcomed dishes in our buffet. 局蜗牛是我们自助餐最受欢迎的菜式之一。13. Sir, so totally you have 4 adults and 3 children (1 child)

35、 for the buffet. Isthat right?先生,您们总共有4个大人3个(1个)小孩用自助餐,对吗?14. Would you like to pay together or separately?您是想一齐结帐还是分开结帐?/ 请问您们是一齐结帐还是分单呢?15. Could you please tell me how to separate the check?您能告诉我们您的帐单怎样分吗?16. You may either pay in cash、with credit card、cheque or charge to your room. 您可以用现金、信用卡、支票

36、方式付款或入房帐。17. Excuse me. Our buffet will finish in fifteen minutes. If You (would) like more food, would you please take it soon? 对不起,自助餐还有十五分钟就要收餐了,如果您还想要点什么的话,请先取食品,再慢用。18. Expresso and cappuccino are included in buffet. 特浓咖啡和意大利鲜忌廉咖啡是包括在自助餐内的。19. Would you like some parmesan cheese to go with your

37、? 您的-是否要跟芝士粉呢?20. We have various kinds of cakes. Would you like to try? 我们有有各种各样的蛋糕,要试一下吗?21. Would you like to try our delicious cakes?要试一下我们的精美蛋糕吗?22. Excuse me, sir. Here is the No Smoking Area. If you wish to smoke. How about change to anther table .对不起,先生,这里是禁烟区,如果您确实想抽烟的话,可否让我帮你换张台吗?23. It is

38、 no good to feed the fish with bread / food. 用面包 / 食物喂鱼不好。24. It is dangerous running here and there boy /girl/ dear. Where are you parents. Let me take you back. 到处跑是很危险的,孩子,您的父母在哪里,让我带你回去。25. Would you please take care of your child / children, madam/sir? It isdangerous to leave him/her alone. 能否请

39、您看好您的孩子,如果让他独自一人很危险。26. Go straight ahead, out of the door. Youll see the Rest Room on your right hand side. 请向前直走,出门,您就会看到洗手间在右手边。27. Im sorry. Newspapers cant be taken out of the restaurant. You can buy one in our hotels book store.对不起,我们的报纸只供应在餐厅里阅读,您在宾馆书店里可以买到。28. Sorry, we dont have any map her

40、e. But you can get it in our hotels Book Store.对不起,我们这里没有地图,但是在宾馆书店可以买到。29. Im sorry. I cant catch your meaning. Should I get the captain/manager?对不起,我听不明白,我可否让班长/经理来帮您忙呢?30. Im sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起,让您久等了。31. Im afraid its against our hotel policy.对不起,这恐怕违反了宾馆的规定了。32. May I speak to yo

41、u for a moment? 能不能打搅您一会儿?33. Sorry to disturb you. /Excuse me for interrupting. 对不起,打搅您了。/打断了您,请原谅。34. Thank you for your compliment.谢谢您的称赞。35. Thank you for being so understanding.谢谢您的体谅/理解。36. Thank you for telling us. Ill look into the matter at once.谢谢您告诉我,我马上去查看。37. Im sorry, a guest is waitin

42、g for me. (I have to go now. Nice talking with you!)对不起,有位客人在等我。(我得走了。和您谈话很愉快!)38. Im afraid Im not sure, but Ill ask someone for you.恐怕我不敢肯定。不过我可以帮您去问一下别人。39. Im sorry. Ill look into the matter for you at once. 对不起,我马上帮您去看一下。40. Are you all right, sir? / Have you hurt yourself? Would you like to se

43、e the doctor? 先生,您还好吧,要不要去看一下医生?41. This welcome drink coupon can not be used as cash payment. It can be used only at the Lobby-Bar. 这张迎宾饮品券是不能当作现金付款的,它只能在大堂酒吧使用。42. This “Wan Fu” Boat makes a cruise along the Pearl river on Friday and Saturday evenings. You can enjoy the nice view while having buff

44、et. The price is 180 yuan without surcharge per person. And the service hour is from 7:30pm to 9:00pm. Tickets are sold in the Banquet Office on the second floor.这艘“万福号”游船每个周末(星期五、星期六)的晚上都作一次珠江夜游。您可以一边吃自助餐,一边欣赏江上美景,价钱是180元,不加附加费。时间是7:30至9:00点。二楼宴会部有餐券出售。43. Excuse me, this is for decoration only.对不起,这是自助餐装饰品,不是食品。


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