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1、Unit 10You are supposed to shake hands.,Section A(3a3b),Language Goals,1.通过阅读短文,了解 Switzerland and Colombia的风俗习惯,对知识点进行归纳,并甄别真伪-掌握阅读技巧,提高阅读能力2.通过巩固复习下列句型,了解西方国家的一些餐桌礼仪。be supposed to do sth =should do sthIts polite (for sb) to do sthIts impolite(rude) to do sth,学习目标,Talk about what people in differe

2、nt countries do when they meet for the first time.,What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time?They are supposed to bow.,A:,B:,PAIRWORK,Task 1:,/brzil/,Brazil,the United States,Japan,A:What are people in .supposed to do when they meet for the first time?B:Theyre suppose

3、d to .,Kiss,shake handsshake-shook-shaken,bow,Korea,/kri/,Mexico,/meksiku/,A: What are people in .supposed to do when they meet for the first time?B: Theyre supposed to .,shake handsshake-shook-shaken,bow,Switzerland-Swiss,/swItslnd/,Colombia- Colombian,/ klmbI /,瑞士,哥伦比亚,Lets learn another two count

4、ries,Task 2:,3.making plans with friends,2.visiting a friends house,1.being on time,/swIs/,Colombia,Its in South America.,Cali,/ klmbI /,/k:lI/,哥伦比亚,卡利,Switzerland,/swItslnd/,Its in Europe.,Lausanne,/lzn/,洛桑,European,瑞士,对很随意,1. are pretty relaxed about,和家人,朋友一起共度美好时光花时间陪伴家人和朋友,2. Spend time with fam

5、ily and friends,3. drop by,= visit,5. walk around the town center6.Its polite for .to do sth,逛逛市中心,=hang out around,In Colombia:,=come over 顺便(拜访),疑难解析:,4.make plans to do =plan to do.,打算做某事,Teresa Lopez,In Switzerland :,1.守时,2.钟表之都 手表王国,be on time,the land of watches,3.毕竟,终究4.努力做某事,after all,疑难解析:,

6、the capital of clocks and watches,make an effort to do sth=try to do sth,Marc LeBlanc,自读Section A 3a的两篇短文 回答下面 问题:,1.Is it okay if you arrive a bit late in Colombia? 2.Is it very important to be on time in Switzerland?3.Do we usually have to make plans to meet our friends in Colombia?4.Which country

7、 is the capital of clocks and watches?5.Should we make plans to see friends in Switzerland?,Yes, it is.,Yes, it is.,No, we dont.,Switzerland.,Yes, we should.,Read again and tell “T” or “F”.,( ) 1. You are supposed to get there on time if you are invited to a friends house in Colombia.( ) 2. You can

8、often drop by your friends homes in Switzerland. ( ) 3. Its impolite if youre even 15 minutes late in Switzerland.( ) 4. In Colombia people often plan to do sth interesting, or go somewhere together。( ) 5. Some famous watches are made inSwitzerland.,F,F,T,T,F,_,_,_,_,_,_,3b :Read the first opinion o

9、f a Colombian student, then fill in the chart.,We are pretty _time.,We often just _ _ our friends homes.,We dont have to _to meet friends.,relaxed about,drop by,make plans,Its very important to_ _ _ .,We never visit a friends house _ _first.,We usually _ _to meet friends.,without calling,be on time,

10、make plans,3b :Read the Second opinion of a Swiss student, then fill in the chart.,A:What are you supposed to do at school?B:Were supposed to be on time, C: Were not supposed to be late.,Ask and answer:,At school,When I eat in a western restaurant, I.Youre supposed to, but youre not. You should, but

11、 you shouldnt.Youre expected to, but youre not. Its polite to, but its rudeimpolite to.,重点句型我来说- in a western restaurant,Summary(小结),1. We learned some ideas and customs in Switzerland and Colombia,2. Review the important drills:be supposed to do sthIts polite (for sb) to do sthIts impolite(rude) to

12、 do sth,Lets do some exercises 课堂练习,1. I _ _ (顺便)to see your mother yesterday.,2.Often we just walk around the town center, seeing as many of our friends as we can .3.You shouldnt smoke in public(同义句),翻译:_,同义短语_,逛逛市中心,hang out around.,4. If someone invites you to meet them.(改为被动句)5. She seemed_ (放松)6.Beijing is the _(首都) of China,If you_ _to meet them by someone.,are invited,dropped by,relaxed,capital,Youre not _ _ smoke in public,supposed to,Homework:,1. Recite one of two opinions2.课时通 P54-55(共16小题)3.背第三组单词(10)4.订正作业,Goodbye!Thank you!,


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