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1、Why do you like pandas?,Unit 5,Welcome to the zoo !,Section A 1a-1c,授课人:陈素蕾授课班级:武宣县民族初级中学 13(19)班,学习目标:,1、学习并掌握新词:panda zoo tiger lion elephant koala giraffe animal cute lazy smart beautiful2、掌握重点句型:Why do you like pandas? Because they are very cute.,lion lan,elephant elfnt,tiger tag,giraffe dr:f,Ma

2、in words,panda pnd,cat kt,koala k:l,猜猜看!,Its a panda.,Guess what animal it is.,Its an elephant.,Its a lion.,Its a tiger.,Its a koala.,Match the words with the animals in the picture.,tiger _elephant _koala _panda _lion _giraffe _,e,1a,c,f,a,d,b,cute kju:t,beautiful bju:tfl,lazy lez,scary sker,smart

3、sm:( r)t,Presentation,Do you like dogs?,Yes, I do.,Why do you like dogs?,Because theyre friendly.,tiger _elephant _koala _panda _lion _giraffe _,1b,Listen and check the () the animals you hear in 1a.,Listening,Why do you want to see them?,Lets see the pandas first.,Because theyre very cute.,cute int

4、eresting fun smart lazy beautiful,Why do you want to see them?,Lets see the _ first.,Because theyre very _.,beautiful,giraffes,cute interesting fun smart lazy beautiful,Why do you want to see them?,Lets see the _ first.,Because theyre very _.,interesting,koalas,cute interesting fun smart lazy beautiful,Why do you want to see them?,Lets see the _ first.,Because theyre very _.,smart,elephants,cute interesting fun smart lazy beautiful,总结所学过的动物的名称,用英语写出来。缩写一个小对话来讨论一下你所喜欢的动物及原因。,Homework,Good-bye, everyone.,


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