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1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 5A Module 3 Places and activitiesUnit 2 Buying new clothesPeriod One Contents5AM3U2 Look and learn & Ask and answer (P38)Aims1. 能掌握新单词button, zip, pocket等,并能正确融入句型中进行使用;2. 拓展、了解相关单词lace ,bow等3. 初步掌握句型Which do you like? 并能做出正确应答I likeIt has /They have4. 能学会问答商店里的物品价格,如How much

2、 is it/are they?5. 初步感受合理的购物。Teaching aidsPPT, flash, etc.Teaching procedureStepsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Sing a song.2.Chants1. Sing a song.2. Say some chants about the clothes轻快的歌曲为课堂营造轻松的氛围。朗朗上口的衣服儿歌,为本课埋下伏笔。While-task procedureTeach the new 1) Teach: po

3、cket2)Teach :zip3) Teach: lace ,bow4)Teach: button5)Teach the sentence: How much?1. Ask and answer :In the clothes shop, what can you see?2. jacket pocket3. pocket money4. Whats in the pockets?Some _ in the pockets.1. Read and judge2. Learn the new word :zip3. half zip & zip up4. Where can you see t

4、he zip?Which dress do you like?I likeIt has1. Guess games2. Learn the new word3. Read the new chant4. Where can you see the button?1. Ask and answer:Which do you like?I like the one. It has.How much is it?It is.yuan.2. Learn the new; price, RMB, pound, dollar, Euro.3. a pair of 4. Ask and answer:Whi

5、ch do you like?I like the ones. They have.How much are they?They are.yuan.创设情境,帮助学生回忆与衣服相关的旧知,为新授内容作铺垫。从孩子的实际出发,通过小语段的阅读让学生理解零花钱的意思知道其作用,发挥学生的想象力。与现实生活有机结合。利用图片,在巩固新知的同时,拓展衣服装饰。通过游戏,阅读语段,巩固新知,引出单词。让孩子真正了解其不同情境下的不同意思。让学生了解世界上几个大国所用的价格的符号。让学生掌握衣服中复数的表达。Post-task activities1. Say and act2.Fill in the b

6、lanksAsk and answerThink and write:Fill in the words by reading the sentences given.表演对话,对本课的新授单词进行全面的听说读写的巩固。Homework1. Listen and read the new words2. Copy the new words four times.3. Say and write “Ask and answer”, choose two picture you like.回家作业,听说读写四方面兼顾复习。板书设计5AM3U2 Buying new clothesWhich do

7、 you like?I like the one/ones. pocketIt has/They have buttonHow much is it/are they? zipIt is/They are . yuan. lace bow教学反思Period TwoContents5AM3U2 Say and act (P37)Aims1. 能掌握词组put ontry on.too small,并能根据情景进行使用;2.拓展了解词组 take off3.掌握句型Which do you like, theone or theone? 并能做出正确应答I like the one.4. 能根据

8、情景用Why not?向他人提出建议,并能回应Good idea!Teaching aidsPPT, flash, etc.Teaching procedureStepsStudents activitiesTeachers activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Enjoy the flash and try to sing.2. Review the chant3.Read and guessT. Show a flash: Listen and enjoyT shows the pictures and some parts of the chan

9、ts. Ss finish them.Read the paragraphs and guess the clothes.创设轻松愉快的坏境让学生进入学习状态。部分呈现上一课时的儿歌和谜语,让学生复习与巩固,并导入新课。While-task procedure1.Teach the expressionsput on thetake off the2. Teach: the new dialogue: at home3.Teach: the new dialogue: at a clothes shop1. Ss say some chants2. put it on= put on theT

10、o know: take off theput them on = put on the sTo know: take off thes1. Ask and answer:Why Kitty unhappy?Because she needs a new dress.2. Show the title: A new dress for Kitty3.Watch the flash3. Learn the new: need, too 4. Do some exercises : too, to, two5. Act out the dialogue.1. Show the dialogue2.

11、 Learn the new:Which do you like, theone or the one?I like the one. It hasWhich do you like, theones or the ones?I like the ones. They have3.Learn the new :try on Why not? Good idea.从郎朗上口的儿歌中教学词组,让学生了解其意思。利用从整体到局部的模式,先让学生整体看新课的flash,导入新词。创设情景,教学新知。通过阅读选择练习,及时区分同音词,让学生真正掌握新单词。再次感知对话,创设情景。由单数到复数,循序渐进。

12、围绕每幅图片,开展问答,学习新句型。创设不同的情景,让学生展开想象,灵活运用新句型。Post-task activities1.Act out the dialogue 2. Love thought education1. Watch the flash again.2. Act out the dialogue 3. Fill in the blanks. Watch some pictures :Lets help them.小组扮演,强化口语练习。系统巩固与复习本课的句型。对学生进行思想教育,同贫困地区的孩子做比较感受自己的幸福生活。Homework1. Listen and read

13、 P372. Copy the new words on P373. Act out the dialogue with your deskmate.回家作业,巩固今日所学,加强对话内容和新句型的巩固和使用。板书设计M3 Unit 2 A new dress for Kittyput on the take off the try on theWhich do you like, theone or theone?I like the one.Why not ?Good idea!教学反思Period ThreeContents5AM3U2 Say and act (P39)Aims1. 能掌

14、握新词 both look, take的多种意思,并能正确融入句型中进行使用;2. 初步掌握句型What do you think about? 并能做出正确应答;3. 能掌握购买东西时的评论与询问。Teaching aidsPPT,flash, etc.Teaching procedureStepsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Review the chant2.Read and guess3. Read and fill in the blanksT shows the picture

15、s and some parts of the chants. Ss finish them.Read the paragraphs and guess the clothes.Read the paragraphs on P37 and fill in the blanks.部分呈现上一课时的儿歌和谜语,让学生复习与巩固,并导入新课。While-task procedure1.Teach the new phrase “are both, both look”2. Teach: what do you think about?3. Teach: take1) Watch the flash

16、on P392) Answer the Qs3) Look and chooseboth like, both look, are both1) Ask and answer -What do you think about?- They are both They both look on you.2) Ask and answer-Let me try on these What do you think?-Theone is too I like the one. It looks on you. It has3) Ask and answer1) Elicit take2) Read

17、and thinkHow many meanings of take?利用从整体到局部的模式,先让学生整体看新课的flash,导入新词。通过由简到繁,由扶到放的方式,让学生学习新句式。通过阅读语段,让学生了解take的一词多义。Post-task activities1. Say and act2.Fill in the blanks3. Teach: 1) Watch the flash on P392) Fill in the blanks to finish the dialogue on P393) Say and act 1) Review the paragraph on P372

18、) Fill in the blanks of the paragraph on P393) Read the whole passage together1) Learn2) Read the words3) Listen and circle表演对话,提高对语言的使用能力。 整合了上一课时的内容,像滚雪球一样,整合成一大篇语段。老师先教音标,然后让学生读,加强记忆,再做练习,效果更好。Homework1. Listen and follow P392. Copy the new words on P393. Say and act about Buying 回家作业,听说读写四方面兼顾复习

19、。板书设计M3 U2 Buying a dressWhat do you think about?They are bothThey both lookon you.Lets take the blue one.教学反思 Period FourContents5AM3U2 Read a story(P40)Aims1. 能掌握新单词emperor, silent 词组cry out, keep silent 2. 拓展了解单词 empress, prince, princess, vain3. 了解安徒生童话等的文化背景知识;4. 浅显地了解中国古代的一些帝王;5. 能读懂这个故事并能根据提示

20、小组表演,并理解故事背后的道理。Teaching aidsPPT, flash, etc.Teaching procedureStepsStudents activitiesTeachers activitiesPurposePre-task preparationSay a rhymeSay a rhyme about King利用儿歌活跃课堂气氛并导入新课。While-task procedureRead a story1. Learn sth. about the emperor2. To get the general idea of the story3.Learn the stor

21、y step by stepLearn the family tree of the emperor.Queen, prince, princess1. Look and choose to know about the emperor in China. _is an emperor. I think he is a emperor.3. Learn empress1. Watch the flash on P 402. Answer the Q and learn vain, stupidHow is the emperor?3. Answer the Q and know about A

22、ndersen Fairy taleWho is the writer of this story?4. Choose and sayWhich story do you like? Why?1. Watch the flash again and order the pictures of the story2. Think and say visit with3. Rewrite Picture 2 4. Read and find the mistakes in Picture 3.5. Learn silent6. Learn cry out7. Ask and answer abou

23、t the whole story了解安徒生童话等的文化背景知识;了解中国的一些帝王;先整体感知故事。围绕每幅图片,开展问答,学习新词。先听后选,考察学生的听力能力和对短文的理解。通过阅读选择练习,学习新词。Post-task activities1. Act out the story 2. Learn another difficult flash about this story1 Watch the flash again.2. Fill in the blanks.3. Act out the story in groups1. Watch the new flash.2. Read

24、 the dialogue3. Act out the new story in groups分层训练,拓展较难的语篇,阅读新语篇,拓宽词汇量。小组扮演,强化口语练习。Homework1. Listen and read P402. Copy the new words on P403. (Choose one) a. Read and act P40 b. Read and act the materials.作业跟进,巩固今日所学,分层施教。板书设计M3 U2 The emperors new clothesemperor = kingvisit sb. with sth.keep silentcry out = shoutvain教学反思Period 5 Revision Omitted7 / 7


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