第二部分 基础保分篇 第八讲.ppt

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《第二部分 基础保分篇 第八讲.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《第二部分 基础保分篇 第八讲.ppt(22页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、读语篇,悟语法。反复朗读下列短文,领悟画线黑体部分。思考:画线的单词有什么特点?各种前缀如何用?各种前缀表示什么意思?单词加了前缀后词性有没有变化?John and his father never agree on one thing, so they often disapprove1 of each other, for there was some misunderstanding2 between them. Once, John and his parents went to his aunts home for dinner. When they left after dinne

2、r, John said “Byebye!” to his aunt in a low voice. However, his father didnt hear it and he thought John misbehaved3 himself for it was impolite4 to leave without saying goodbye.John insisted that he did say it, but his father didnt listen to him. From then on, John was unfriendly5 to his father, wh

3、ich,made his father extremely unhappy6. Undoubtedly7, it is unwise8 of John to do so. After all, they are father and son. His father sent him to a class of manners to enrich9 his knowledge of manners, which his father believed would enable10 him to be a goodmannered boy. Johns father said he was ang

4、ry at his sons dishonesty11,which would certainly endanger12 his future. His fathers nonstop13 nonsense caused John much discomfort14. John had to go to the class. Later on,he did everything against his fathers will.,1dis-表示“相反或否定”意义的前缀。approve赞同disapprove不赞同,反对。2 mis-表示“错误或否定”意义的前缀。understand理解misu


6、nrich使丰富,使充实;able能够enable使能够。一般的前缀不会改变词性,但前缀en-会改变所加的单词的词性。11dis-表示“相反或否定”意义的前缀。dis可以加在名词的前面,honesty诚实dishonesty不诚实。,12前缀en-也可以加在名词前面,表示“使”的意思,danger危险endanger危及。13前缀non-构成形容词、副词和名词,表示“无、没有”的意思。14Dis-表示“相反或否定”意义的前缀。dis-可以加在名词的前面,comfort舒服discomfort不舒服。,.单句填空(用所给单词的正确形式填空)1. I was supposed to arrive

7、at the airport on time._ (fortunate), I was held up by the heavy traffic jam.2. Therefore, when they become older they are _(able) to do any other kind of work.3. Very early the next morning, amazingly, we got completely satisfied in a totally _(expect) way.4. I wont do the purchase because the pric

8、e of this dress is _(reason),Unfortunately,unable,unexpected,unreasonable,5. Job _(apply) need to show their ability to be both organized and flexible in taking on many tasks at the same time.6All facts are the source of _(conclude)7However, most _(science) agree that EQ has a lot to do with _(educa

9、te)8Excellent oral and written _(communicate) skills in Chinese and English are of _(important)9. Fresh fruits and vegetables can provide much of our daily _(require)10. It is your _(free) to do what you want after class.,applicants,conclusions,scientists,education,communication,importance,requireme

10、nt,freedom,11. As is known to us all, the Entrance Exam is a great _, and the students are _(compete)12. I am so _(thank) to you for your help.13. He gave me some _(construct) suggestions.14. A jurys decision in a court case must be absolutely _(object)15. He devoted much money to building schools i

11、n _ (mountain) areas.16. Unfortunately, my car broke down on a _(mud) road.17. Everyone should play his part in building a _(harmony) society.18. The _(mystery) letter sent from Taiwan made the professor lost in thought.,competition,competitors,thankful,constructive,objective,mountainous,muddy,harmo

12、nious,mysterious,19. To make myself _, I would do some _ exercise after work. (relax)20. All the children felt _ when they heard the _ news. (discourage)21. We _ (apology) for the late departure of this flight.22The article can _ (long) out a little by adding some examples.23His illness _ (worse) du

13、ring the night.24Letting that animal escape was no accident; you did it _(intention)25The black people were against slavery and fought for their freedom _(brave),relaxed,relaxing,discouraged,discouraging,apologized,lengthen,worsened,intentionally,bravely,26Our products are sold _ (world)27He went ou

14、t of the office _ (hurry) to run after her.28I lost my balance and fell _ (back)29They live in the _(west) part of the village.30Its very important to eat _(health),worldwide,hurriedly,backward,western,healthily,.单句改错(下列每句中有一处错误,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改,请指出并改正。)1A difficult person will be easier to coop

15、erate if understand is achieved. _2The actually reasons for this phenomenon are the subject of a very heated discussion. _3Its surprised what people will do for money._4When facing danger, one should keep calmly._5Are you being completely honesty about your feelings?_,understandunderstanding,actuall

16、yactual,surprisedsurprising,calmlycalm,honestyhonest,6I was thrilling to be invited._7Hopeful, well arrive before dark._8I felt extreme upset, and I couldnt believe my mother refused to help the animal. _9Was she telling me the true or trying to cheat me?_10In this increasingly competitive world, we

17、 are supposed to enrich ourselves constant to keep in pace with the modern society._,thrillingthrilled,HopefulHopefully,extremeextremely,truetruth,constantconstantly,.语篇填空(阅读下列短文,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空)A father sat at his desk looking at and carefully studying his 1._ (month) bills when his young son rushe

18、d in and announced, “Dad, because this is your birthday and youre 55 years old, Im going to give you 55 kisses, one for each year!” But the father exclaimed, “Oh, Andrew, dont do it now; Im too busy !”The youngster immediately fell 2._ (silence) as tears flew down from his big blue eyes.3._ (apologe

19、tical) the father said, “You can finish later.”,The boy said nothing but 4._ (quiet) walked away,5._ (disappoint) written over his face. That evening the father said, “Come and finish the kisses now, Andrew!” But the boy didnt respond.6_ (fortunate), the boy had an accident and was drowned. His hear

20、tbroken father wrote,“If only I could tell him how much I regret my 7._ (thought) words, and could be assured that he knows how much my heart is aching. ”Love is a twoway street. Any loving act must be 8._ (warm) accepted or it will be taken as 9._ (reject) and can leave a scar. Nothing is more 10._

21、 (importance) than responding with love to the cry for love from those who are near and precious to us.,【语篇导读】一个小孩在父亲55岁生日时想给父亲55个吻,但这位父亲因太忙叫儿子等以后有空再吻,几天后这个小男孩不幸溺水身亡,父亲伤心欲绝。故事告诫我们,对于那些在我们身边对我们弥足珍贵的人来说,用爱去回应他们爱的渴望,这是最重要的。1monthly在名词前作定语用形容词,表示“每月的”填monthly。2silent在系动词fell后作表语用形容词。3Apologetically修饰谓语动词作状语用副词。4quietly修饰谓语动词作状语用副词。,5disappointment后面有过去分词短语,应是名词与过去分词短语构成独立主格结构。6Unfortunately修饰全句作状语用副词,溺水身亡是“不幸地”。7thoughtless在名词前作定语用形容词,根据文意,加表示否定意义的后缀 -less。8warmly修饰谓语动词作状语用副词。9rejection在介词后作宾语用名词。10important在系动词is后作表语用形容词。,


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