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1、九年级上册,英语教学课件系列,Unit 8 Detective stories Study skills,Objective,To learn how to read a novel.,Do you often read novels?,爱丽丝梦游仙境,汤姆索亚历险记,少年维特之烦恼,雾都孤儿,How do you read them? Do you read them word by word or just read quickly to get the general idea?,How to read a novel,When you read a novel, you often r

2、ead quickly to get the general idea. You do not need to understand each word.,Skimming(略读法),Read the following excerpt from A study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle. Then answer the questions below.,血字的研究,“Come along, Doctor,” he (Holmes) said, “we shall go and look him up. Ill tell you one thing wh

3、ich may help you in the case,” he continued, turning to the two detectives. “There has been murder done, and the murderer was a,man. He was more than six feet tall, was in the prime of life, had small feet for his height”Lestrade and Gregson glanced at each other with an incredulous smile.“If this m

4、an was murdered, how was it done?” asked the former.,“Poison,” said Sherlock Holmes curtly, and strode off. “One other thing, Lestrade,” he added, turning round at the door, “Rache, is the German for revenge; so dont lose your time looking for Miss Rachel.”,Who was the murderer, a man or a woman?2.

5、What was the murderer like?,Questions,The murderer was a man.,The murderer was more than six feet tall, was in the prime of life and had small feet for his height.,3. How was the murder done?4. What is the meaning of “Rache” in German?,Poison.,“Rache” means “revenge” in German.,There are some new wo

6、rds in the excerpt above, and some sentences with more difficult words are left out. However, if you can still answer the four questions that help you get the general idea of the story.,Do you want to know what happened in the story? If you have time, find the novel and read it quickly. Then tells y

7、our classmates about it.,Exercises,1.Thepolicecaughttheman_stole myhandbag. A.he B.that C.whom D.who2. Isawaman_bloodonhisshirt. A.with B.have C.has D.had,I. 单项填空,3.ThoughIamweakinEnglish,Itoldmyself_. A.didntloseheart B.dontgetlost C.nottogiveup D.notstaybehind4.Myuncletoldmethathe_anewbikeformethe

8、nextmonth. A.bought B.hadbought C.willbuy D.wouldbuy,II.用所给单词的适当形式填空。,1.Didyouseeaman_(run)down thestreet?2.DetectiveJohnslookedatthepicture ofthesuspect _(care).3.Ireallyneedsome _(many)clues tohelpmesolvethecase.4.Agoodbookis _(use)andhelpful.,running,carefully,more,useful,5.Ihearsomeone_(call)my nameoutside.Letme _(go)and _(have)alook.6.DetectiveJohnssaidthathe_ (put)adrawingofthesuspectthe nextday.7.Heisalways_(dress)likean officeworker.,calling,go,have,Would put,dressed,Homework,Master the reading skills in practice.,Thank you!,


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