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1、2013年秋北师大版八年级上数学第一章检测题(含答案)20132014学年度八年级第一章测试题 景民中学(卷面150分 考试时长2小时) 一、选择(共30分) 1、如图,在Rt?ABC中,?B,90?,BC,15,AC,17,以AB为直径作半圆, 则此半圆的面积为( A )( A(16 B(12 C(10 D(8 2、三个正方形的面积如图(4),正方形A的面积为( B ) A. 6 B. 36 C. 64 D. 8 64 A 100000图(4) 0 3、14.在?ABC中,AB=13,AC=15,高AD=12,则BC的长为( B ) A. 14 B. 14或4 C. 8 D. 4和8 4、将

2、一根24cm的筷子,置于底面直径为15cm,高8cm的圆柱形水杯中,如图所示, 设筷子露在杯子外面的长度为hcm,则h的取值范围是( D )( A(h?17cm B(h?8cm C(15cm?h?16cm D(7cm?h?16cm 5、若直角三角形的两条直角边长分别为3cm、4cm,则斜边上的高为( D ) 5512A、cm B、cm C、 5 cm D、cm 21256、以下列线段abc的长为三边的三角形中,不是直角三角形的是( A ) A、 B、 a,7,b,24,c,25a,1,b,2,c,1a:b:c,3:4:5C、 D、 a,12,b,13,c,1522abcc,,,,,,,5122

3、61690,、b、c,如果7、已知三角形的三边长为a,则?ABC是( C ) A.以a为斜边的直角三角形 B.以b为斜边的直角三角形 C.以c为斜边的直角三角形 D.不是直角三角形 8、如果把直角三角形的两条直角边同时扩大到原来的2倍,那么斜边扩大到原来的(B) . A. 1倍 B. 2倍 C. 3倍 D. 4倍 9、2002年8月在北京召开的国际数学家大会会徽取材于我国古代数学家赵爽的勾股圆方图,它是由四个全等的直角三角形与中间的一个小正方形拼成的一个大正方形,如图所示,如果大正方形的面积是13,小正方形的面积是1,2直角三角形的短直角边为a,较长直角边为b,那么(a+b)的值为( C )

4、good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Templa

5、te straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailin

6、g. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient str

7、ength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can

8、be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to con

9、nect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size,

10、Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection A. 13 B. 19 C.25 D. 169 C10、如图,长方体的长为15,宽为10,高为20,点离点的距离为5,一B只蚂蚁如果要沿着长方体的表面从点爬到点,需要爬行的最短距离是AB( B ) 35A( B(25 C( D( 1055,521B 5 C 20 A 1

11、5 10 二、填空(共24分) 11、一个三角形三个内角之比为1:2:3,则此三角形是_直角_三角形; 若此三角形的三边为a、b、c,则此三角形的三边的关系是_。 12cm13cm12、直角三角形一直角边为,斜边长为,则它的面积为 30 , 斜边上的高为 60/13 222a,b,c13、满足的三个正整数,称为勾股数。写出你比较熟悉的两组勾股 数:? 3、4、5 ; ? 6、8、10 。 14、测得一块三角形麦田三边长分别为9m,12m,15m,则这块麦田的面积为_54_?。 15、如图(1),在Rt?ABC中,?C=90?,BC=16,AB=20, 以AC为直径作半圆, 则此半圆的的面积为_

12、18_ 16cm C cm B 20cm cm A 图(1) 图(2) cm 16、如图(2),?ABC中,AC,6,AB,BC,5,则BC边上的高AD,_4.8_( 17、如图,所有的四边形都是正方形,所有的三角形都是直角三角形,其中最2大的正方形的边长为7cm,则正方形A,B,C,D的面积之和为_49_cm C D B A 第17good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated

13、high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint

14、 and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varietie

15、s should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, n

16、ylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in

17、front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when

18、cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especial

19、ly the template Panel connection 题图 7cm 18、利用图(1)或图(2)两个图形中的有关面积的等量关系都能证明数学中一个十分著名的定理,这个定理称为 ,该定理的结论其数学表达式是 三、解答题(96分) 19、在一张纸上画两个全等的直角三角形,并把它们拼成如图形状,请用两种方法表示这个梯形的面积。利用你的表示方法,你能得到勾股定理吗, (7分) cbca ab 20、如图所示,AD,4,CD,3,?ADC,90?,AB,13,BC,12,求该图形的面积。(8分) C D A B 21、一个长10米的梯子斜靠在墙上,梯子的顶端距地面的垂直高度为8米,梯子的顶端下

20、滑2米后,底端将水平滑动2米吗,试说明理由。(10分) A A C B B 22、如图(6),台风过后,某希望小学的旗杆在离地某处断裂,旗杆顶部落在离旗杆底部8m处, 已知旗杆原长16m,你能求出旗杆在离底部什么位置断裂的吗,请你试一试。(8分) 8cgood processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water

21、 resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination

22、of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete late

23、ral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cro

24、ss-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened

25、, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle,

26、 surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection 图m (6) 23

27、、如图,.如图(8),为修通铁路需凿通隧道AC,测得?A=50?,?B=40?,AB=5km,BC=4km, 若每天开凿隧道0.3km,试计算需要几天才能把隧道AC凿通,(8分) A C B tanA是一个完整的符号,它表示A的正切,记号里习惯省去角的符号“”;如图 (8) 24、如图,铁路上A、B两点相距为25km,C、D为两村庄,DA?AB于A,CB?AB于B, 已知DA=15km,CB=10km,现在要在铁路AB上建一个货运站E,使得C、D两村到E站 距离相等,问E站应建在离A多少千米处,(10分) 43.193.25观察物体2 生活中的数1 P22-23EBA 0 抛物线与x轴有0个交

28、点(无交点);C Dsin25、如图,有一个直角三角形纸片,两直角边AC=6cm,BC=8cm,现将直角边AC沿直线AD折叠,使它落在斜边AB上,且与AE重合,你能求出CD的长吗, (8分) C D ABE 26、已知,如图所示,折叠长方形的一边AD,使点D落在BC边的点F处,如果AB=8cm,BC=10cm,求EC的长(10分) 30 o45 o60 o第三章 圆good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat and smooth,

29、 plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates may not pla

30、y the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt specificati

31、ons and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the choice of pla

32、stics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greater than 20mm.

33、 Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant, processing

34、 materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the te

35、mplate, especially the template Panel connection 8cm4cm,327、有一圆柱,它的高等于,底面直径等于()在圆柱下底面的点有一A只蚂蚁,它想吃到上底面与相对的点处的食物,求需要爬行的最短路程。(8分) ABB 即;A 28.请你在下面正方格内画出面积分别为5,10,13各单位的正方形(9分) 29.(10分)王老师在一次“探究性学习”课中,设计了如下数表: 第二章 二次函数n 2 3 4 5 a 22223-15-12-14-1 (1)二次函数的图象(抛物线)与x轴的两个交点的横坐标x1,x2是对应一b 4 6 8 10 c 22223,15

36、,12,14,1 (1)请你分别观察a,b,c与n之间的关系,并用含自然数n(n,1)的代数式表示:a=_,b=_,c=_. (2)猜想:以a,b,c为边的三角形是否为直角三角形,并证明你的猜想, 2222222223,4,5,5,12,13,7,24,25,(3)观察下列勾股数 2229,40,41,分析其中的规律,根据规律写出第五组勾股数。 增减性:若a0,当x时,y随x的增大而增大。good processing performance, with sufficient rigidity. Template selected template surface should be flat

37、 and smooth, plywood coated high strength, good wear resistance, water resistance, durability, physical and chemical properties of stable and smooth surface, no pollution, no damage, clean. Template straight keel, specifications, and panels close, firmly attached, have sufficient rigidity. Templates

38、 may not play the ink, paint and write numbers to avoid contamination of concrete surfaces. Template design set of bolt holes through walls, but not free to play holes, openings, portrayal, nailing. Release agent used on concrete surface quality and color does not affect the release agent. Pull bolt

39、 specifications and varieties should be according to the concrete lateral pressure, wall waterproofing, air defence requirements and template Panel selection, bolts used should have sufficient strength to pull the bolt casing and plug should be determined according to the diameter of the bolt, the c

40、hoice of plastics, rubber, nylon and other materials. Topstitching cross-section according to the circumstances, the request can tear down, should adopt the trapezoid, square, rounded square; can be made for hardwood, nylon, plastic, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials. Depth is not greate

41、r than 20mm. Steel frame in front of the Assembly must be straightened, wood joist requires that you have sufficient rigidity. Keel as far as possible without joints, if it proves necessary to connect, the connection must be staggered. Template processing must be carried out in wood processing plant

42、, processing materials when cutting line cutting, precise size, angle, surface smooth, tight joints. Field spell using a template before the template, on the surface smoothness, the section size, Yin and Yang template angle, adjacent to surface level and check the bolt Assembly. Before clamping, to check the template, especially the template Panel connection


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