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1、苏教版五年级下册语文补充习题参考答案苏教版国标本五年级下册语文补充习题参考答案 1.春光染绿我们双脚 四、1、轻抚 柔和的春风轻抚着迎春花儿 让她绽开了微笑的脸庞 西湖抱着阮公敦 哼着摇篮曲 哄他入睡 2、踏、洒 染 春风又绿江南岸 明月何时照我还 五、此题建议不做 让学生读一读就可以了 1、第三小节、第一小节 2、看到 听到 感觉到 2.暖流 三、情不自禁、抑扬顿挫、悲欢离合 3.只拣儿童多处行 一、欢畅 旺盛舒展 四肢 解数 二、魔鬼 摩托车倚靠 椅子 栏杆 阻拦 三、上声 上声阴平 jie xie xie 四、对 错 错 五、1成千盈百、挤、飞涌出、一群接着一群 2很多孩子从颐和园内挤出

2、来 就像从一只大木匣子里 非涌出一群接着一群的小天使 六、不甘示弱 愈飞愈高 2、高空中.老鹰 4.早 二、标点练习 1、 、 2、 3、: 三、1、深深、牢牢 从此这个字就刻在了他的心里 并践行了一生 2、要学梅花、学鲁迅 珍惜时间 时时早、事事早 3、联想到这些名言:黑发不知勤学早 白首方悔读书迟 少年易学老难成 一寸光阴不可轻 四、1、四声 阴平 像 预示 2、二十四番花信风 一侯是梅花 开得最早 迈进后园 蜡梅开得正盛 几乎满树都是花 那花白里透黄.韵致 梅飘香而送暖 (后两题建议不做 ) 因为 梅花开的时候 预示着春天的到来 作者把梅花的清香、颜色、花瓣习得那么美 other pro

3、jects, even if another large investment, high taxes, we also strongly on not, never GDP with pollution. We want to aim at a number of high-tech, pollution-free enterprise, attracted to the County have elevated role of enterprise high-tech projects with the benchmark model. Second, attracting to focu

4、sed. Last three years, we attract construction . . A billion project, which . . A project, too . . Billion only . . And high-tech projects there. This shows that our biggest weakness is a lack of high scientific and technological content, investment scale, good prospects of the project. To compensat

5、e for this weakness, investment focus of the next step to highlight five areas: one should focus on the development of tourism industry, speed up urbanization and improvement of leading industry chain catch investment, the introduction of star-rated hotels, tourism product, high quality urban comple

6、x, high-end sales business and industrial enterprise. Around the second stone, gloves, canned food, timber industry upgrade to hold investment, introduced a number of industrial development, leading the development of major projects, leading enterprises. III should focus on high energy-consuming ent

7、erprises and reducing consumption, grasping difficult corporate turnaround, bankruptcy and corporate restructuring business, which introduced a number of energy efficiency high, driving ability of similar level and high level enterprise. Four around catch high-tech enterprise investment, the introdu

8、ction of a number of science and technology, strong research and development capabilities, high value-added products, especially resource intensive processing businesses. Five, leader arrested merchants around big projects. World 500 strong, large State owned enterprises and privately-owned giant as

9、 main goal, knock the door, big business, and ensure the introduction of over 1 billion yuan during the year project . . A, introduction of the worlds top 500, Chinas top 500 enterprises . . Home, complete the tasks of foreign capital of 8 billion yuan. Third, attracting directions should be clear.

10、Relying on our industrial base and resource 是为了以花喻人 鲁迅先生一生的品德正像梅花一样高洁 5.古诗两首 一、2、树头花落未成阴 菜花 急走和追 田园风光 二、? 三、春暖花开 春意盎然 百花齐放桃红柳绿争奇斗艳万紫千红 四、1、绿2、红3、红 绿 蓝4、黄 白 青5、碧 白 青 五 处处闻啼鸟 润物细无声 万紫千红总是春 二月春风似剪刀 六、1、梅子流酸 芭蕉分绿 柳花 2、捉柳花 池上、小儿垂钓等等 6.梦圆飞天 一、乳白 执行 指挥 地动山摇 腾空而起 二、寒冷 白天 长时间站立 天空 分别、分析 傍晚 三、欢呼雀跃 幻天西天、手舞足蹈、喜

11、气洋洋、喜笑颜开、欣喜若狂、扬眉吐气 四、1、划去括号里的1、1、 2 、1 2、用寒冷的环境来衬托人们的心情无比激动、热情万分高涨 表达效果更好 3、无比激动 与航天员朝夕相处的教练.乐曲声响起来了 4、人们怀着无比激动的心情来为神州5号飞船送行 为航天员杨利伟送行 五、1、有朝一日一定要为中华民族争回这口气 2、费俊龙、聂海胜 翟志刚、刘伯明、景海鹏 7 翟志刚 7.火星-地球的孪生兄弟 一、协助 裹挟、熔岩、容易、证明、政策 二、1、连续2、陆续3、持续 1、虽然.但是.2、不但.还. 三、1、同样有南极、北极.时间都差不多 2、小芳.分享快乐.面对困难.分解忧愁.连饭都在一块吃 (可以

12、简单一些) 四、1、人工的精巧高妙胜过了天然形成 形容高超过人的技艺 2、(1)它每分钟自转一周 在赤道处产生的引力几乎和地球相同 (2)合理的失重 (3)气候能任意调节 8.神奇的克隆 三、2 1 3 7 6 4 四、1、制造配件装配在文中的实际意思分别是指克隆、器官、移植 作者这样写的好处是生动形象地表现了克隆的神奇 2、想一想 上文中的省略号省略了什么 请再补充一句 能够培植头发 让脱发的人免受别人的嘲笑 9.海伦凯勒 四、品悟语言 完成练习 1、她不分昼夜 像一块干燥的海绵吮吸着知识的甘霖 这句话把她比作一块干燥的海绵 读后我感觉到她对知识的渴望 我还可以用课文中的一个成语-如饥似渴来

13、形容她的这种学习劲头 2、她把自己全部的爱都倾注在残疾人身上 从倾注一词可以看出海伦对残疾人关心和关爱 对比上一句话 我们会对海伦有更深刻的认识 可以用这样的词语来评价她-充满爱心、乐于奉献 五、说说下面句子中引号的用法 选择恰当的序号填写在括号里 A、表示引用;B、表示特殊的意义;C、表示强调;D、表示并非实指 1、海伦学会了拼写泥土种子等许多单词 (C) 2、海伦很快学会了用手指说话 (B) 3、她用这样动人的笔调描绘着她心中看到的世界 (B) 4、虚心使人进步这句话给我的启发很大 (A) 10.二泉映月 一、无锡 踢腿 恩惠智慧 发愤 喷泉 other projects, even if

14、 another large investment, high taxes, we also strongly on not, never GDP with pollution. We want to aim at a number of high-tech, pollution-free enterprise, attracted to the County have elevated role of enterprise high-tech projects with the benchmark model. Second, attracting to focused. Last thre

15、e years, we attract construction . . A billion project, which . . A project, too . . Billion only . . And high-tech projects there. This shows that our biggest weakness is a lack of high scientific and technological content, investment scale, good prospects of the project. To compensate for this wea

16、kness, investment focus of the next step to highlight five areas: one should focus on the development of tourism industry, speed up urbanization and improvement of leading industry chain catch investment, the introduction of star-rated hotels, tourism product, high quality urban complex, high-end sa

17、les business and industrial enterprise. Around the second stone, gloves, canned food, timber industry upgrade to hold investment, introduced a number of industrial development, leading the development of major projects, leading enterprises. III should focus on high energy-consuming enterprises and r

18、educing consumption, grasping difficult corporate turnaround, bankruptcy and corporate restructuring business, which introduced a number of energy efficiency high, driving ability of similar level and high level enterprise. Four around catch high-tech enterprise investment, the introduction of a num

19、ber of science and technology, strong research and development capabilities, high value-added products, especially resource intensive processing businesses. Five, leader arrested merchants around big projects. World 500 strong, large State owned enterprises and privately-owned giant as main goal, kn

20、ock the door, big business, and ensure the introduction of over 1 billion yuan during the year project . . A, introduction of the worlds top 500, Chinas top 500 enterprises . . Home, complete the tasks of foreign capital of 8 billion yuan. Third, attracting directions should be clear. Relying on our

21、 industrial base and resource 二、禁jn不住 禁jn止 倔强jing 坚强qing 乐yue曲 快乐 le 似si乎 像.似shi的 三、饱经风霜 静影沉璧 扣人心弦 恩重如山 升腾跌宕 委婉连绵 四、 1、他爱那陪伴他一生的二胡 他爱那默默帮助他的邻居(学生课堂交流的) 他爱那哺育他成长的太湖水 2、热爱音乐 热爱生活 追求理想 敢于同命运抗争的精神 六、1.只有才 因此 但是 一旦 即使 仍然 2.自古以来 所有成就一番大事业的人都是脚踏实地、努力奋斗的人 11.郑和远航 四、1.狂风呼啸 脱缰的野马 奔腾咆哮 疯狂扑向 撕裂 波峰浪谷 通过环境的恶劣衬托出郑

22、和镇定自若 临危不惧的品质 在郑和的指挥下 船队一次次战胜狂风巨浪 一次次打退了海盗袭击 转危为安 2.规模 时间 范围 七 不怕困难 顽强探索 12.司马迁发愤写史记 三、1.黄河的熏陶 父老乡亲英雄故事的熏染 为司马迁以后发奋写史记奠定了坚实的基础 2.写作时间之长 字数之多 突出了写作的艰辛 体现了这是司马迁用生命写成的巨著 四、2.血溅 墙头 了此残生 3.史记并未完成 父亲的心愿也未了 而且:人活着要有价值 如果他就这样死了 就是比鸿毛还轻 4.司马迁忍辱负重 发愤著书的决心很大 感受到了司马迁为父亲完成遗愿矢志不渝的精神 13.精读与略读 三、1.表示书读得多成语: 博览群书、学富

23、五车、博闻强识、博学多才、满腹经纶、博古通今、汗牛充栋、才高八斗、读书破万卷 2.表示精读书的成语: 咬文嚼字、寒窗苦读、含英咀华、字斟句酌、逐字逐句、倒背如流、韦编三绝、举一反三 3.表示泛读书的成语: 一目十行、蜻蜓点水、浅尝辄止、不求甚解、走马观花、观其大略、浮光掠影、囫囵吞枣 4.表示读书刻苦的成语: 废寝忘食、手不释卷、通宵达旦、夜以继日、凿壁偷光、风兴夜寐、圆木警枕、悬梁刺股、囊萤映雪、孜孜不倦 14.秦兵马俑 四、兵马俑不仅规模宏大 而且类型众多 个性鲜明 承上启下 五、2.神态各异 突出了兵马俑形象、生动、逼真 真是惟妙惟肖 让人有身临其境之感 每件兵马俑不愧为艺术的珍品 15

24、.埃及的金字塔 一、国字脸八字胡一字长蛇阵柳叶眉 酒糟鼻 樱桃嘴 二、雕梁画栋 富丽堂皇 古色古香 别有洞天 鳞次栉比金碧辉煌不同凡响重峦叠嶂举世闻名 盖世无双 高楼大厦 摩天大厦 青瓦白墙 三、暑假里 我们一家人去爬山 来到山脚下 看到巍峨的青山 这山可真高啊 我不由得赞叹(列数字的说明方法):( 至少五千米 高 ) 爸爸摸着我的小脑袋说(用作比较的说明方法):是呀 的确是高 (相当于上千层的摩天大厦了) 妈妈笑着说(用形象描述的说明方法):危楼高百尺 手可摘星辰我看这山呀 (都快把天刺破啦) 或(列数字的说明方法):这山可真高啊 有3000米那么高 (用作比较的说明方法):是啊 的确很高

25、有三十层楼那么高 (用形象描述的说明方法):危楼高百尺 手可摘星辰我看这山呀 高耸入云 other projects, even if another large investment, high taxes, we also strongly on not, never GDP with pollution. We want to aim at a number of high-tech, pollution-free enterprise, attracted to the County have elevated role of enterprise high-tech projects

26、 with the benchmark model. Second, attracting to focused. Last three years, we attract construction . . A billion project, which . . A project, too . . Billion only . . And high-tech projects there. This shows that our biggest weakness is a lack of high scientific and technological content, investme

27、nt scale, good prospects of the project. To compensate for this weakness, investment focus of the next step to highlight five areas: one should focus on the development of tourism industry, speed up urbanization and improvement of leading industry chain catch investment, the introduction of star-rat

28、ed hotels, tourism product, high quality urban complex, high-end sales business and industrial enterprise. Around the second stone, gloves, canned food, timber industry upgrade to hold investment, introduced a number of industrial development, leading the development of major projects, leading enter

29、prises. III should focus on high energy-consuming enterprises and reducing consumption, grasping difficult corporate turnaround, bankruptcy and corporate restructuring business, which introduced a number of energy efficiency high, driving ability of similar level and high level enterprise. Four arou

30、nd catch high-tech enterprise investment, the introduction of a number of science and technology, strong research and development capabilities, high value-added products, especially resource intensive processing businesses. Five, leader arrested merchants around big projects. World 500 strong, large

31、 State owned enterprises and privately-owned giant as main goal, knock the door, big business, and ensure the introduction of over 1 billion yuan during the year project . . A, introduction of the worlds top 500, Chinas top 500 enterprises . . Home, complete the tasks of foreign capital of 8 billion

32、 yuan. Third, attracting directions should be clear. Relying on our industrial base and resource 人站在山巅可以与天比肩了 16.音乐之都维也纳 三、联系课文 完成练习 1、之所以说维也纳是欧洲古典音乐的摇篮 是因为维也纳是欧洲古典音乐的发源地 那儿诞生了许多著名的古典音乐家 摇篮在文中指发源地、诞生地(维也纳) 请你仿照这种修辞手法再写一个句子 南通是体育冠军的摇篮 少年宫是艺术人才的摇篮 延安是中国革命的摇篮 黄河是中华民族的摇篮 学校是培养现代化建设人才的摇篮 2、维也纳几乎一天也离不开音乐

33、从课文中公园露天音乐演奏会、家庭室内演奏、各种集会奏古典音乐等三处场景可以看出来 17.爱如茉莉 三、选择恰当的词语在下面的横线上 再品味 1.似乎是我惊醒了爸爸 他睡眼蒙眬地抬起头 轻轻放下妈妈的手 然后蹑手蹑脚地走到门边 把我拉了回去 从所填的词语中我读出了爸爸对妈妈细心周到的照顾和无微不至的爱 2.病房里 那茉莉显得更加洁白纯净 它送来的缕缕幽香 袅袅地钻到我们的心中所填词语的意思是说我们都深深地体味到了如茉莉般的真爱 这样用词的好处是让抽象变得具体可感 使语言更加生动形象 3.爸爸没有吃我买的饺子 也没听我花尽心思编的谎话 便直奔医院 从所填的词语中 我读出了爸爸的心急火燎 以及他对妈

34、妈深深的爱 四、阅读课文片段 完成练习 2.怔在本文中的意思是发愣、发呆 我为什么会怔住了,我被眼前温馨、美好的情景深深打动 3.这是一段细节描写 妈妈的细节体现在嘴角挂着恬静的微笑 爸爸的细节体现在一只手紧握着妈妈的手 对阳光描写的细节体现在悄悄地探了进来 轻轻柔柔地笼罩 这样 将阳光和人物放在一起描写 让我们感受到父母间的真爱 连阳光也被感动 怕惊扰了他们 4.文中提到的生命的芬芳与光泽实际指的是父母如此恩爱 就像茉莉般飘溢芬芳 就像阳光般充满生命的光辉 18.月光启蒙 三、阅读课文片段 按要求答题 3.品悟语言 完成填空 (1)这句话中三月的和风小溪的流水实际上是指她动听的歌声 作者这样

35、比喻 让我们感受到了母亲吟唱歌谣的时候 嗓音甜美 注入深情 我还能照样子写一句话:盛夏 池里的荷花竞相开放 像亭亭玉立的少女 如热情奔放的女郎 美丽极了 (2)音韵本来是听的 作者却用了表示嗅觉的芳香一词来形容 这是因为她流畅的歌声沁人心脾 仿佛芳香四溢 我还能从课文里找出类似用法的一句话呢:黄河留给家乡的故道不长五谷 other projects, even if another large investment, high taxes, we also strongly on not, never GDP with pollution. We want to aim at a number

36、 of high-tech, pollution-free enterprise, attracted to the County have elevated role of enterprise high-tech projects with the benchmark model. Second, attracting to focused. Last three years, we attract construction . . A billion project, which . . A project, too . . Billion only . . And high-tech

37、projects there. This shows that our biggest weakness is a lack of high scientific and technological content, investment scale, good prospects of the project. To compensate for this weakness, investment focus of the next step to highlight five areas: one should focus on the development of tourism ind

38、ustry, speed up urbanization and improvement of leading industry chain catch investment, the introduction of star-rated hotels, tourism product, high quality urban complex, high-end sales business and industrial enterprise. Around the second stone, gloves, canned food, timber industry upgrade to hol

39、d investment, introduced a number of industrial development, leading the development of major projects, leading enterprises. III should focus on high energy-consuming enterprises and reducing consumption, grasping difficult corporate turnaround, bankruptcy and corporate restructuring business, which

40、 introduced a number of energy efficiency high, driving ability of similar level and high level enterprise. Four around catch high-tech enterprise investment, the introduction of a number of science and technology, strong research and development capabilities, high value-added products, especially r

41、esource intensive processing businesses. Five, leader arrested merchants around big projects. World 500 strong, large State owned enterprises and privately-owned giant as main goal, knock the door, big business, and ensure the introduction of over 1 billion yuan during the year project . . A, introd

42、uction of the worlds top 500, Chinas top 500 enterprises . . Home, complete the tasks of foreign capital of 8 billion yuan. Third, attracting directions should be clear. Relying on our industrial base and resource 却长歌谣 (3)母亲还会为作者讲哪些神话故事呢,女娲补天; 精卫填海; 夸父追日; 八仙过海; 后羿射日 19.我和祖父的园子 三、2 胖圆圆 毛嘟嘟 蓝悠悠 3随意:随着

43、自己?任凭自己 的意思 近义词:任意 随便 4、一切都活了.自由的 5、鸟、虫子、蝴蝶 【动物】 倭瓜、 黄瓜、 玉米、 花【植物】 四、睡觉 、 采药、逮鸟 山草 叶影儿 森林 逍遥自在?活泼可爱?无拘无束?天真烂漫. 20.谈礼貌 一、岳飞阅读 嫌弃 空闲 纠纷 研究 三、1、周总理对朱师傅的尊重 周总理的宽容 周总理的和气 2、周总理的脸上被他划了一道小口子 总理宽容 不跟我计较 我以后要更好地为他服务 也要向他一样宽容地对待别人 礼貌待人 四、问候语:您好 早上好 你好吗; 告别语:再见 晚安 一路平安; 答谢语:非常感谢 劳您费心; 请托语:请问 拜托您 请帮个忙 麻烦您关照一下 有

44、劳您; 道歉语:对不起 实在抱歉 不好意思让你久等了 真是过意不去; 征询语:需要我帮忙吗 我能为你做些上么吗 我可以进来吗; 慰问语:您辛苦了 让您受累了 请好好休息 望您早日康复 希望你安心休养 ; 祝贺语:恭喜 祝你学业有成 祝你成功 祝你节日愉快 五、尊敬别人就是尊敬自己 一个人的礼貌就是一面照出他的肖像的镜子 你敬我一尺 我敬你一丈 好言一句三冬暖 恶语伤人三月寒 21.七律 长征 一、悠闲 闷热 奔腾藤萝 渡江 温度 二、五岭逶迤腾细浪 乌蒙磅礴走泥丸 金沙水拍云崖暖 大渡桥横铁索寒 三、1、腾越(五岭图) 疾跨(乌蒙山) 巧渡(金沙江) 飞夺(泸定桥) 喜踏(岷山雪) 2、红军不

45、怕远征难 万水千山只等闲 远征难 不怕、只等闲 细浪、泥丸、更喜、尽开颜 四1、不矛盾 在这里 毛主席生动地运用了夸张的方法 进一步写出红军不怕远征难 高山峻岭只等闲 2、这个修改好的 因为用云崖生动地突出其高危险峻金沙江风大浪高 other projects, even if another large investment, high taxes, we also strongly on not, never GDP with pollution. We want to aim at a number of high-tech, pollution-free enterprise, att

46、racted to the County have elevated role of enterprise high-tech projects with the benchmark model. Second, attracting to focused. Last three years, we attract construction . . A billion project, which . . A project, too . . Billion only . . And high-tech projects there. This shows that our biggest weakness is a lack of high scientific and technological content, investment scale, good prospects of the project. To compensate for this weakness, investment focus of the next step to highlight five areas: one should focus


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