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1、陕西省西安音乐学院附属中等音乐学校2017-2018学年八年级英语下学期期中试题 一、单选(每题1分,共20分)1. Could I use your bike? Sure, you _. A. might B. can C. should D. must2. I hate to_, such as sweeping the floor, folding the clothes. A. play sports B. volunteer C. go to school D. do chores3. His grandparents live _ in a small house, but the

2、y dont feel _because they have some neighbors to talk with.A. lonely; alone B. alone; lonely C. lonely; lonely D. alone; alone4. TheInternetmakesitpossibleforpeople thingsonline,A. buyB. tobuyC. buyingD. willbuy5. My cousin _ my English book last month and he _ to his friend. A. lend, borrowed B. le

3、nt, borrowed C. borrowed, lend D. borrowed, lent 6. My parents always use the computer, and I dont mind _all the time. A. them used B. them to use C. them using it D. them use 7. You always lie to me, I cant believe you _. A. longer B. more C. any time D. anymore 8. Health is very important to us. W

4、e should eat more vegetables and fruit _ rich food. A. instead B. instead of C. because of D. because 9. It isnt a good way to argue _others _how to solve a problem. A. with, for B. to, about C. with, about D. for, about 10. If your parents are having problems, you should offer _. A. your help for t

5、hem B. them with your help C. them for your help D. your help to them 11. After-school classes can_ a lot of stress for children A. raise B. cause C. risk D. imagine12. Many kids are practicing sports so that they can _. A. competition B. compete to others C. competing D. compete with others13. Thes

6、e days children have so many after-school activities, maybe parents could _ a few of their activities, but they believe these activities are important for childrens future. A. cut down B. cut out C. cut off D. cut up14. The heavy rain started yesterday night and _until this morning. A. passed B. cha

7、nged C. continued D. dropped15. _stop them hurting the little animals? A. Why not B. Why dont C. Would you mind D. Why dont you to16. Mr. Smith speaks very loudly _ all the people can hear him clearly. A. though B. while C. so that D. as soon as 17. _ they are very tired,they feel happy because they

8、 finally finished their project. A. Thought B. Through C. As D. Although18. The bus driver always says to us,” Dont get off the bus _ it stops.” A. though B. until C. so D. when 19. He found a job _ save money to buy gift for his parents. A. as soon as B. so that C. in order to D. in order that 20.

9、That old man _ a lot of money to the people in the poor village _. A. put out, to work out well B. handed out, help them out C gave out; work out well D. gave away; to help them out二、完形填空 (每题1分,共10分)One day, Peter had a fight with one of his classmates. Then he went to his grandfather and told him h

10、is story 1._. “He is really bad,” the boy said, and I 2._ him. The grandfather said “3_me tell you a story. When I was a boy, I sometimes hated others for what they did too.”As Peter 4_ carefully, the grandfather went on. “There are always two tigers inside my heart. One is 5_ and kind. He gets on w

11、ell 6._everything around him. But 7._ is bad and unfriendly. Even the smallest thing will make him angry. He fights with everyone all the time, and for no reason. He cant think carefully 8._he always hates others. It is difficult to live with these two tigers inside my heart. They both try to contro

12、l me.”Peter looked into his grandfathers 9_and asked, “ 10_tiger always controls you, Grandfather?” The old man said slowly and seriously, “the one that I feed. I always feed the good and kind tiger, so I never hate others and seldom get angry now.”1. A. happilyB. friendlyC. angrilyD. hardly2.A.love

13、B. hateC. knowD. enjoy3.A.Make B. HelpC. LetD. Ask4.A. saw B. feltC. talked D. listened5.A. good B. badC. lazyD. quiet6. A. atB. onC. withD. about7. A. otherB. othersC. anotherD. the other8. A. becauseB. thoughC. beforeD. but9. A. eyes B. earsC. noseD. mouth10. A. WhoB. WhichC. WhereD. When三、阅读理解(每题

14、2分,共30分)AThere was a car accident at 3:30 yesterday afternoon. Some policemen arrived there. They found some witnesses (目击者) in the street when the accident happened. The policemen asked them some questions. Here are their answers.WitnessDescription(描述)Mr. GreenI was walking along the street when th

15、e car accident happened. The white car hit the black car and the white car run away quickly.Mrs. JamesWhen the car accident happened, I was shopping in the store. I remembered the car number of the white car.AliceI was calling my parents when the car accident happened. I was so nervous and I forgot

16、to write down the car number.GeorgeI was walking my dog along the street. When I saw it, I called the police at once. There were lots of people around them.1.The underlined word “them” refers to(指的是) _.A. the drivers B. the policemenC. the witnesses D. the students2.Who was shopping when the acciden

17、t happened?_A. Mr. Green. B. Mrs. James.C. Alice. D. George3.What was George doing when the accident happened?_A. He was driving a car. B. He was shopping.C. He was calling his parents. D. He was walking his dog.4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?_A. The black car ran away qui

18、ckly.B. Mrs. James was very nervous.C. Alice didnt write down the car number.D. Alice called the police at once.5.After reading the passage,we can know the information EXCEPT (除了)_.A. the colors of the two cars B. the time of the accidentC. the names of the witnesses D. the weather of the dayBHousew

19、ork was not popular at my house. My children didnt like to do housework. They always saw me do it, but they hardly ever helped me do them. A year ago, I made a game called “The Endless housework Game”. It is really great. Heres how the game works. I make a card with forty squares (方框), and I write a

20、 different housework on each square. These housework can be easy and interesting like making dessert. Then my family rolls the dice (投掷骰子) to decide what housework we have to do. The card also has a few squares with fun things, like watching TV and singing. If you are lucky, you can watch TV when th

21、e others are doing the housework.My son likes the game very much. He goes to the kitchen happily every morning to do the game. It is really a good way to make my children do housework. You can have a try if you have the same problem with me.6. The writers family began to do the game _ ago. A. one ye

22、arB. one monthC. two years D. two months 7. What do you need to do “The Endless Chore Game”? A. A card. B. A dice.C. A card and a dice. D. A card and forty dice.8. When does the writers family do the game?A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening. D. We dont know. 9. We can learn fro

23、m the passage that _.A. the writer only has one child B. everyone in the writers family likes doing the houseworkC. the writer wrote this passage to the parentsD. everyone in the writers family has to do the housework every day 10. The writer made this game to _. A. do less houseworkB. tell us an in

24、teresting gameC. make her children happyD. make her children do houseworkCA report showed lots of kids hate school. Usually this kind of feeling doesnt continue long. But what happens if you feel this way too much? School is a fact of life and getting a good education can help you build your future

25、life. So lets talk about school and what to do when you dont like it. If you dont like school, the first step is to find out why. You may not like school because you dont have enough friends, or maybe you dont get along with your teacher. Sometimes its a big problem with your classes and school-work

26、. You may be getting farther and farther behind, and it may seem like youll never catch up. When you know why you dont like school, you can start taking steps to make things better. Its a good idea to talk to someone about your problems with school. Your mum, dad, teacher or school counselor(顾问) wil

27、l be able to help you. Another good idea is to write down your feelings about school in a notebook. Its a great way to let out emotions(情绪). Remember, you dont have to share what you wrote with others.11. Lots of kids_, according to the writer. A. like school very much B. are good at reading and wri

28、ting C. dont like doing homework D. have the thought of hating school12. What does the underlined word “it” refer to(指的是)in the first paragraph?A. A good education. B. School. C. Future life. D. Friendship.13. If you dont like school, the first step is to _. A. find out why B. go to see a doctor C.

29、ask your parents for help D. leave school for a short time14. How many reasons why you dont like school are given by the writer? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.15. When you start taking steps to make things better, one of the good ideas is to_.A. keep silent about your problems B. share what you

30、 wrote with othersC. write down your feelings about school D. get along well with your classmates四、单词拼写, 每空一词。(每题1分,共15分)1. People shouldnt_ (鞭策,推动)their kids so hard.2. And they always _ (比较) them with other children. 3.He borrowed my I-phone 8 and didnt _ (归还) it to me. 4. Mr. Wu always _(解释) thin

31、gs to us for a long time.5. Why not sit down and _(交流)with your brother?6. The Taylors are a _ (典型的) American family.7. Linda _ (改变) a lot after she got into the middle school.8.The best way to make sure that we are healthy is to _(发展) healthy eating habits. 9. You should have a _(培训) for several mo

32、nths before your examination.10. They sent several _ (信件) to the Animal Center.11. Many of them are learning exam _ (技能,技巧) to get into a good high school. 12. I have a _(强壮的) body because I always do exercise.13. It is important for kids to learn the ideal of _(公平).14. Little children may get _(紧张的

33、) when they sing in front of people.15. We should try our best to help the _ (有残疾的) people.五、根据汉语意思或要求,完成句子,一空一词。(每题2分,共10分)1. 如今,孩子们太依赖他们的家长了。These days children _ _ their parents too much. 2. 我父母不允许我晚上独自出去。 My parents dont_ _ _go out alone at night.3. Judy always looks after her sick neighbors in

34、the neighborhood.(改为同义句) Judy always _ _ _ her sick neighbors in the neighborhood. 4. 依我看, 你学习开车是有用的。 _ _ _, it is useful for you to learn how to drive 5. 孩子越早意识到学习的重要性,对他们的未来越好。 _ _ kids realize the importance of study, _ _ it is for their future.六、作文(15分) 假如你是李华,收到了笔友Clair的邮件,Clair说她最近不开心。请根据表格提示词

35、,给Clair回一封电子邮件,不少于80词。问题:1. 课后辅导班太多,经常睡眠不足; 2. 压力太大,有时感到紧张焦虑。建议:1. 多与父母正确沟通; 2. 制定自己合理的学习计划; 3. 学会放松。 4.要求:1. 可适当增加一些内容;2. 请使用提建议的句型。Dear Clair. Im so sorry that you are upset and unhappy there days. _ Yours,Li Hua. 2017-2018学年第二学期初二英语期中答题卡班级:_ 姓名:_ 成绩:_一 单项选择。(120 = 20分)题号12345678910选项题号11121314151

36、617181920选项二 完形填空(1 10 = 10分)题号12345678910选项三 阅读理解 (215 = 30分)题号12345678910选项题号1112131415选项四 单词拼写, 每空一词。 (1 15 = 15分) 1. _ 2._ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6._ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10._ 11. _ 12._ 13. _ 14. _ 15. _五、根据汉语意思,完成句子,一空一词。(2 5 = 10分)1. _ _ 2. _ _ _3. _ _ _ 4. _ _ _5. _ _ _ _六、作文(15分)Dear Clair. Im so sorry t

37、hat you are upset and unhappy there days. _Yours,Li Hua.2017-2018学年第二学期初二英语期中答案题号12345678910选项BDBBDCDBCD题号11121314151617181920选项BDBCACDBCD二 完形填空(1.5 10 = 15分)题号12345678910选项CBCDACDAAB三 阅读理解 (215 = 30分)题号12345678910选项CBDCDACACD题号1112131415选项DBABC四、单词拼写(115=15分)1. push 2. compare 3. return 4. explains5. communicate 6. typical 7. changed 8. develop9. training 10. letters 11.skills 12.strong13. fairness 14. nervous 15. disabled 五、根据汉语意思填出所缺单词。(110=10分)1. depend on


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