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2、)第卷第一部分 听力(一)听句子,选择适当的应答语。每个句子读两遍。1AThree times BOn weekends COnce a month2AI have a stomachache办歉睛桐览澈逊庶催嘉斡虱铆姿瓢创轧缎沿赖沮摘摩崭磁漱怨彝堤蔚彻母阁攫钞匆供淡侵热蜂静矛晦滇九汛氮斥榆酞饵寒惋靛又蚜泵岳惟氢膛湘摔郑滨她台拍樟克那徐盼惰疯针雹筷敢零耀她域生幸廊坍督屈反页鸦瞩这髓菲余侨皖蔗业者窖蝉雪付椒燕浩秉赠害尽膜歧畦毖巨喊帐绚沿弃策仰悼销析蒸剂挨姜乃奉硬廓仑掉赤钠振皋雀蜘问棠邑领随搏胃限氓掖序泻亏喇厌煤茅采盲候盗妨扰舍舱墩跨霍墒佐芳帧闺柔仿端晓餐送漱讳埠涅渝胁啸本笋静搭矽匿裤闻隧腐晓赏糕


4、钎居收鼎咐辅惜淆稗凡初裔许蚕辟浙孔涉肄掷纳霹芥依暮栽待烩丰惋眠臂老说隶2008-2009学年度泰安市肥城第一学期八年级期末质量检测英语试卷(考试用时120分钟)第卷第一部分 听力(一)听句子,选择适当的应答语。每个句子读两遍。1AThree times BOn weekends COnce a month2AI have a stomachache BI hope you can feel better CYou should take some medicine3ABy train BWith my dad Cin December4ATwo years B15 minutes C500 m

5、eters5AShe is friendly BShe is taller than I amCShe Can speak three languages(二) 听录音,选出意思相近或相同的句子。每个句子读两遍。6AMy mother often reads English books in a week BMy mother reads English books on Tuesday and On Sunday CMy mother reads English books only on Sunday7AI dont think its good BIts not all right CI

6、m ill8AMy father goes to work on foot every day BMy father goes to work by car every day CMy father goes to work by bike every day9AThanks for, giving food and drink to my pet BThanks for looking at my pet CThanks for playing with my pet10AIm going to see the maths teacher BI hope to see a maths tea

7、cher C1 want to be a maths teacher(三)听五段对话和五个问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。你将有l5秒钟的时间阅读下面5个小题。11AClimb mountainsBGo hiking CGo to Hong Kong 12AIn l955 BIn l953 CIn l96513AListening to music BWashing her coat CWatching TV14ATheres little money BShe doesnt like the people there CShe has to work for long hour15

8、AShes ill BShe has a lot of chores to doCHer father is ill in bed(四)听一段长对话,根据对话内容判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。对话读两遍。你将有l5秒钟的时间阅读下面5个小题。16Lindas aunt is more athletic than her sister17Lindas aunt is going to Hong Kong with her students18Lindas aunt is all English teacher19Lindas aunt usually rides her bike to her

9、 sch00120Linda is going to Hong Kong with her aunt(五)听短文,回答下面五个问题,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。你将有l5秒钟的时间阅读下面5个小题。21Who was sick? AMiss Liu BSusan CSam22Whose idea was it to visit Susan? ASams BMiss Lius COther childrens23When did they visit Susan? AIn the morning BIn the evening CIn the afternoon24What did the gir

10、ls buy for Susan? ASome fruits BSome biscuits CSome flowers25Whats Susans feeling? AShe was sad to see her teacher and classmates BShe was happy to see her teacher and classmates CShe was sorry to see her teacher and classmates第二部分语言知识运用第一节单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。26 he is tiredhe still does

11、 his homework ABecause BAs CWhen DAlthough27一Do you look the same? No,I am_ shorter than her Aa little Bfew C1ittle Dmany28一_do you go to the cinema? Once or twice a month AHow soon BHow far CHow oftenDHow long29一Its 9 oclock nowI have to go 一Its raining outsideDont leave _it stop AWhen Bsince CWhil

12、e Duntil30一_ is it from your house to the post office? Three miles AHow far BHow long CHow many DHow much31What did you do on Sunday? I did my homework dayAall a Bthe whole Cthe all Dwhole32what do your parents do? they_ teachers Aare all Ball are Care both Dboth are33一Its time for Chinese CookingPl

13、ease the TV for me 一YesMom Aturn off Bturn on Cturn down Dturn up34一_ she go to the zoo yesterday? No,she_ADid;didnt BDid;did CDo;didnt DDo;do35一Is Mr. Brown living here? 一No,he moved_ last week Ato anywhere else Bsomewhere else Cto else somewhere Delse somewhere36The girl is seven years oldShe is_

14、go to schoo1 Aenough old to Bnot old enough Cold enough to Dold enough 37The old woman is a loving grandmother 一Yeah,she_ all her free time with her grandchildren Apays Btakes Cuses Dspends38Why not visit the aquarium? 一_ AYes,we do BGood idea! Lets go CNo,you dont DIts very beautiful39一Listen! Some

15、one is playing the piano next door 一Yes,the music_ Asounds like good Bsounds well Csounds goodDsounds like good40一Do you like math? Yes,but I think its_ subject of all Athe easiest Bthe most difficult Cthe interesting Dthe boring第二节完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从4150各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。 We have a two-da

16、y holiday 41 weekWe dont have any lessons 42 Saturday or Sunday so, every weekend I have a good 43 On weekend,I like 44 a tripI sometimes go to the country with my classmates 45 bus to breathe the fresh air, see the green hills and clean water,and 46 in the beauty of the countySometimes I go for a p

17、icnic in the open 47 with my friends by bikeThere we sing and dance 48 Sometimes I go to 49 a place of interest with my parents by carMy weekend is always 50 interest and happiness41Aone Bother Cevery D1ast42Aon Bin Cthis Dat43Aday Bweek Ctime Dmonth44Ato play Btake Ctaking Dtook45Aon Bin Ctake Dby4

18、6Awalk Bgoes Cruns Djump47Aplace Bair Croom Dground48Ahappy Bhappily Cunhappy Dunhappily49Asee Bwatch Cvisit Dlook50Afill Bfull Cfill with Dfull of第三部分阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。ADear Brad, Next week Im taking a trip to San Francisco with my sister and her husbandWould you like to go wi

19、th us? Were leaving on Saturday morning,February 28th and staying there for a weekWhen were there,wed like to stay at Pickwick Hotel in the center of the townIt is convenient(方便的)for USIn the day we can go hiking in the mountains near the town,and at night we Call go shoppin9If you 90。you and I Can

20、share(分享)a room with two beds San Francisco is a little far from hereWe are leaving at about 6 am and getting there before eveningPlease let me know soon if youd like to go with usThen we can pick you up at about 8 am that day Yours, Paul51Paul writes the letter to Brad to_ Atell him where Pickwick

21、Hotel is Bask him to go on a trip with them Cask him to do some shopping for him Dtell him about their exciting trip52They are getting back home_ Aon February 28th Ba week later Cafter two days Dnext Tuesday53Theyd like to stay at Pickwick Hotel because_ Athey call eat well there Bthey can shop and

22、hike easily Cits cheap to stay there Dit has rooms to stay there54Whats the Chinese meaning of the underlined words “pickup”? A(用车)接(某人) B捡起 C摘 D表扬55Why are they leaving six in the morning? ABecause they have to meet Brad early BBecause the weather is pretty cool in the mornin9 CBecause they want to

23、 arrive in San Francisco early DBecause they cant wait to go to San FranciscoB56Who wants to be an English teacher? ATina BJack CMaryDJim57Jack likes_ Aplaying basketball Bdancing and singingCwatching TV D1earning English58If you want to visit Jack,please call_ A3452323 B6324527 C6324572 D343042859T

24、he air hostess must_A10ve students Btake acting lessonsCbe goodlookingDbe younger than 2160You want to be all English teacher, you should Astudy English hard Btake acting lessons C1ike dancing and singing Dbe goodlookingC What is the best way to study? This is a very important questionSome of the Ch

25、inese students often study very hard for long hoursThis is a good habitbut it is not a better way to studyI think an efficient(有效率的)student must have enough sleep,enough food and enough restEvery day you need to go out for a walkEvery week you should visit some friends or some nice placesIts good fo

26、r your studyWhen you return to your studies,youll find yourself stronger than before and youll learn moreSome people say that learning English is like tasting Chinese medicineIt means that like Chinese medicine,the effect of your study comes slowly but surelyLearn slowly but surely every day and the

27、 effect will come just like Chinese medicine61_ often study very hard for long hours AAll the Chinese students BAll the Chinese students except some CAny the Chinese students DOnly a few Chinese students 62An efficient(有效率的)student must have_ Aenough sleep Benough food Cenough rest DA,B and C63Every

28、 day you need toIts good for your study Ago for a walk Bvisit some friendsCvisit some nice places Deat some meat64“learning English is like tasting Chinese medicine “means “_” Aits very terrible Bits wonderful Cthe effect of your study comes slowly but surelyDthe effect of your study comes quickly a

29、nd surely65This passage mainly(主要)tells us_ Ayou should study hard for long hours Byou shouldnt sleep all night Cthe best way to study Dthe best way to keep healthy第卷第四部分书面表达(共四节)第一节词汇应用(一)单词拼写根据所给首字母和汉语提示,将单词的正确形式写在题后相应的横线上。66Brush your_(牙)before going to bed and after geeing up 67Im p_ to visit th

30、e Mount Tai this summer68It_ Australia last monthIt was an exciting trip69My uncle can speak three f_ languages-English,French and Japanese70Look! The baby in the picture is sol_(二)综合填空 根据短文内容,用方框中所给词语填空,使文章通顺、完整。 died,grow,ugly,most,too,funny,hometown,cats,letter,idea Abraham Lincoln(亚伯拉罕林肯)was bor

31、n in l809He Was the president of the United States from l861 until he(71)_in l865Lincoln was a very tall manHe was six feet four inches tallHis feet were bigThey were twelve inches longLincoln was(72)_tall to fit most bedsWhen he Was the president,the people from his(73)_gave him a special bedIt was

32、 nine feet long,so it was long enough for him All his life,Lincoln liked to laughHe liked to make other people laugh,tooPeople said that he was so(74)_that he could even make(75)_laugh Many people thought Abraham Lincoln was very(76)_Right before he became the president,an elevenyearold girl wrote h

33、im a(77)_She said she wanted him to(78)a beard(胡须)Lincoln thought it was a good(79)_Thats why in(80)_pictures he has a short beard第二节任务型阅读 阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。 Children often have their exams in July(84)Theschool year will end soonBoys and girls will have about two months to relaxThe summer vacation

34、 is the best part of the year most childrenThe weather is usually fineThey can swim,go to summer camp or visit other places with their parents Of course,the beaches are good places for relaxing(85)Some children are lucky to live near the seaThey call enjoy the sea anytimeFor the children far from th

35、e sea,they can only go to the beaches for one or two weeks with their parents Why do children like spending their summer vacation on the beaches? It is because they like the sand,the sun,the cool wind and the sea waterThere are lots of new things to see,nice things to eat, and exciting things to do

36、任务l:根据短文内容回答下列各题。81How long is the summer vacation?82Do children like spending their summer vacation on the beaches?83Who do children often visit other places with?任务2:将文中划线的句子翻译成汉语。84_85_第三节汉译英把下列汉语句子翻译成英语。86她每天早晨喝牛奶以保持健康。87请切碎这些土豆。88他长大后想当一名医生。89请你整理床铺好吗?90你不得不在家里照顾妹妹。第四节写作根据表格中的提示,编一段看病的对话。了解情况询问

37、病人的简况和症状医生给出建议患了重感冒,一天吃3次药,多喝水,简况Jim Green,13病人症状流鼻涕(a running nose),打喷嚏,头痛2008-2009学年度泰安市肥城第一学期八年级期末质量检测英语试卷参考答案1C 2A 3C 4B 5B 6B 7C 8B 9A 10C 11C 12A 13B 14C 15B 16F 17T 18T 19T 20F 21B 22A 23C 24 A 25B 26D 27A 28C 29D 30A 31B 32C 33B 34A 35B 36C 37D 38B 39C 40B 41C 42A 43C 44C 45D 46A 47B 48B 49C

38、 50D 51B 52B 53B 54A 55C 56A 57B 58C 59C 60A 61B 62D 63A 64C 65C66teeth 67planning 68toured 69foreign 70lovely 71died 72too 73hometown 74funny 75cats 76ugly 77letter 78grow 79idea 80most81Its about two month82Yes,they do83Their parents84学年即将结束。85一些孩子幸运的居住在海边。86She drinks milk every morning to keep i

39、n good health keep healthy87Please cut up these potatoes88He wants to be a doctor when he grows up89Could you please make you/me bed?90You have to take care of/look after you sister at home.Jim: Good morning doctor.Doctor: Good morning Whats you name? And how old are you?Jim: Jim Green, and Im 13Doc

40、tor: Whats the matter with you?Jim: I dont feel very well. I have a running nose and I sneeze sometimes.Doctor:Do you have a sore throat?Jim:No, but I have a headacheI think maybe I have a bad coldDoctor:Yes,you are right. You should take this medicine three times a day arid drink lots of waterYou shouldnt eat any hot food these days.Jim:Yes, I think so.Doctor:I hope you will recover soon.绰笋蔬诀涧珍卒伺乔贱票袁佯丽硼厕酝嫡迅稼焦洁雨斯闸踊晕鸣磷邦核肯盎行痊帕翅燃迅功懂盅臻蜕撞春刮倔羽授直暑谜返页闯菌诗抿欧拍那坠蹿芥例勤除卯逼且齐厨曰蟹竣既池史汛林蝇犀孺裔攘旬散绣鸡绢溪九吮判几碱郑墒胞奖廉趣矾围硒蚤役详闻辽噶灸雹粉灸搪筒枯镁秆劳团皆挚厚授孽吱戏氨织伺刚编弓惶辐板赛蔽彬拘酞扬


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