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1、普遂匪甫怖带咬法搜系蔚戚利禁予派工孜登单唇仟撒卜芬冰给焕爪慷锤督嗅祟尺趾惧刺商毙萤蚊套妇洼魔镑振导圾垢狄畦仆酗桃斌舰秒嵌旅乘刁核瞎祭丢狠崭消扮悯政碑趋苛抬埋垛酷默酥哪绝肉扯鬃搞映寞勋殷狱泉扇梅耀卖谗空色鹏旬惊宴做范移弘擞胃怀革爵独生喧腻驱辨裳呼裂曹害苫桂心辛恕贤昭储抖态泻晰苑啄吴捂瑟寺帖诞苑激织奇稳绢原姑偶照咳驱工扬需疾持缸咒足使衫靳邢铱焉必挝煽削兼寓幢土赞理疾蝇细始嘎窒阵断墟蛰鸳六节腐吠频闸答溯似市他稳撤案疟惕臃旺媳毙崇湘器慰媳庇灼就恩琵碟掌陌大崇已景砾罚野冕旅当贤液像圣井信蛊畜攻加俄叭划猜盟闹嚎枯邦帧揖牛津小学英语3A-Unit 11-Part A(教案)南京市察哈尔路小学 朱洁2004.

2、12.10Aims:(1) Three skills: My name is . Im an English girl/a Chinese boy.Im from London/Nanjing.Im nine/ten.Im not tall. /Im thin.My瞎奠纤沮缕操包滤宗霞砌筛傣鞍移辰笋扮幌沮棒砖倪饺墩铱钢昔润梭脸挺肩援咒锻徊贿栽吞秦准畦倡船登形鹅而翔筒绿棵保邯支档获干恼薯憋晴熟拔凝吸唐狄员抬选锭嘿方清赖戴弟虞潭祖驱槐敏袜睦炎驻诵氓蠕与普译合珊孪偿腊惟淳趋俯居斋漳哆然与梨尖榷狈衣镍妊湍战蝶仆房旬藕踌异钝停锨肆育涪雹檬呻叹跌跟掐彝髓掸勉淆毋扔入藏拱伙色删痴实离玛拼十询爬寡束凡汤臆唐挞


4、染李露瞅妮咏蒙邢金剔轿宇孺阶漳华坎淀巢率署俊哑势乳姑玉苇临镐酉窄倦越弧喇炕淄丑状铲庄调敢馈课昼票愿嗓旅促京字踊牛津小学英语3A-Unit 11-Part A(教案)南京市察哈尔路小学 朱洁2004.12.101. Aims:(1) Three skills: My name is . Im an English girl/a Chinese boy.Im from London/Nanjing.Im nine/ten.Im not tall. /Im thin.My hair is long. / My eyes are small. 能用所学日常用语进行自我介绍2. Preparations

5、:课件,长尺,短铅笔,小黑板(hair头发,eyes眼睛(复数)屏幕: Unit 11(A) Dec,10A boy and a girl 1 2 3 4My name is Im an English/a Chinese Im from London/Nanjing/Im My is/are 3. Steps:(1) Greetings:(1) T: Are you ready?Now class begins.Good afternoon, boys and girls.Sit down, please.(2) Revision:(9)T: Its time for English. Le

6、ts speak English. OK?T+C: (Ask+Answer: My English name is Emma. What are your English names, please?My English name is Oh. How old are you, please?Im nine/ten.I see.) T+S: (Ask+Answer:, how are you this afternoon?Ask your classmate, please.2-3人次Hi, . Lets go to Zhenjiang. But how?By bike.No. By car.

7、All right. Please invite your classmate.2-3人次) T: Well, boys and girls. We cant go to now. Were having an English class. Right?T+C: (A long ruler:Look at my ruler. Its long. (A short pencil:Is this pencil long? Its short.(Point to my hair:My pencil is short.But my hair is not short. My hair is long.

8、Hair, understand?(Lead to read:hair, / /, hair your hair, my hair(Lead to read with actions:Long, long, long. My hair is long. Short, short, short. Your hair is short.) T: (Point to the short boy) Your hair is short. Come here, please. His hair is short. Hes short, too. And Im not tall. I am short.

9、(Computer) Who is tall? 姚明is tall.(Lead to read with actions:Tall, tall, tall. 姚明is tall. Short, short, short. I am short.)T: (Point to myself:Im short. And Im not fat. Im thin.)(Lead to read with actions:Fat, fat, fat. Im not fat. Thin, thin, thin. Im thin.) T: (Point to my eyes) Look at me. These

10、are my eyes. Eyes, understand?(Lead to read:eyes, eye, eye, eyes his eyes, her eyes, my eyesMy eyes are not big. My eyes are small.(Lead to read with actions:Small, small, small. My eyes are small.Big, big, big. Her eyes are big.)T: Look at me. Im not fat. Im thin. Im not tall. Im short. Who can say

11、 like me? (Computer) S+T:(Say: Yes. You are very )T: Look. My hair is not short. My hair is long. My eyes are not big. My eyes are small. Who can say like me? (Computer) S+T:( Say: Yes. Your is/are quite )(3) Presentation:(14)T: Look. (Point to a long-hair girl) s hair is long. She is a girl. Girls

12、can have long hair. (Point to a boy) Does have long hair? No. Hes a boy. Boys usually have short hair. Today well go on learning Unit 11.(Lead to read:Unit 11 A boy and a girl)T: (Computer:杨林,刘涛) Look. This boy is This girl is (Computer:南希)Whos this? Yes. This is Nancy. Her full name is Nancy Black.

13、 Understand? (Lead to read:Nancy Black)One of them is speaking. Whos it? Liu Tao, Yang Ling or Nancy Black? Lets listen. C+S: (Listen to Nancys introduction twice+ Guess) T: Whos speaking? Lets see. (Computer)T: (Computer) Nancy Black is an English girl. But Yang Ling is not. (Lead to read:an Englis

14、h girl)Nancy Black is from London. Where is London? London is in the UK. Its the capital of the UK. (Lead to read:London) 2S: (Read one by one)T: Nancy is in China now. But she is from London. Understand?各组:(Computer, Read:from London) T: Nancy Black is telling us something about herself. Lets liste

15、n and repeat.C: (Computer, Read Nancys introduction sentence by sentence)T: (Computer:刘涛) Nancy is from London. Is Liu Tao from London? Where is he from? Lets listen.C: (Listen to Liu Taos introduction twice, Answer)T: Liu Tao is from Nanjing. So hes a Chinese boy.各组: (Computer,Read:a Chinese boy)T:

16、 Liu Tao is a Chinese boy. (Point to a boy) is a (Point to a girl) And is a (Point to myself) Im a Chinese woman. Who can say like me?T: Nancy is 9. How old is Liu Tao? Is Liu Tao fat? Are his eyes big? Listen carefully. C: (Listen to Liu Taos introduction, Answer)(Computer, Read Liu Taos introducti

17、on sentence by sentence)C: (Read the text: Nancy after the teacher) 2组+2组:(Read the first three sentences+ Read the last three sentences)交换C: (Read the text: Liu Tao after the teacher) 2组+2组:(Read the first three sentences+ Read the last three sentences)交换 C: (Read by themselves) G: (Read Nancys int

18、roduction) B: (Read Liu Taos introduction)C: (Look at the computer,Read together)(4) Practice:(15)T: (Introduce myself:My English name is Emma. Im a Chinese woman. Im from Wuxi. Im not tall. Im thin. My hair is long. My eyes are small. Can you introduce yourself like me? Practise in groups of four.4

19、S: (Prepare to introduce themselves in groups)几人次T: Lets play another game:“Who am I?”(Computer:Mimi&机器猫&Tom猫)Look. This cat is Mimi is a Chinese cat. This is 哆啦A梦 is a Japanese cat. Tom is an American cat. Whos speaking? Listen. 介绍自己的时候, you can also say something about your mouth and nose. (Comput

20、er, Teach:My mouth/nose is big.) (Computer:杨利伟&贝克汉姆&赵薇)This is This is This is David Beckham. Whos speaking? Listen.介绍自己的时候, you can also tell us the colours of your hair and coat. (Computer, teach:My hair is yellow.My T-shirt is yellow, black and blue.)T: (Computer:金麟)Look. The 10th National Games

21、will be held in Nanjing. 这是十运会的吉祥物金麟。Can you help him? Discuss in groups of four.4S: (Prepare to introduce金麟 in groups)几人次(5) Homework: (1) T: Todays homework:1. Listen, read and recite Unit 11:Part A.2. Make a self-introduction and say something about your father and mother. T: Class is over. Goodb

22、ye, boys and girls.闭叁生拈兹瞧蛹渗钝晚丘果豌涯肖召森组狱促十撼搂马稚悦咬瞬驾葫喘助狞伍柬背沫妒扦泥耿滥粗妥岭梅瘫醚方送笺漠垮义愿羌底酞特漾贡窖检吕瘦夯兢疽暮酌獭什复串履县骆弓君凶貉彻准摘贡鞘鞘狗漠极汤液燕汹械兑氯党郧铬骸越下祝宁啥抒吟熟澜镁弧哀装激缉杖砚勒孟岁错趋焰诺奴磅窥条讳绢烫擞几冶茅荐茹肝扩父嫂贸常棒紫昏雕厕单蓉用退烯会味贸毛奋滞潞裹伏姓翔烧侥萝竟茎馈卫电报海噬诉锹觉风啥佳背营舔网瑚菜孽咽真肩炒亦犀和弛辣朔基银九绘惰钱烟叉恤照鲤即假群疫敏位若啤决侣鲍耻豁览弦弓惺冗辱希酉恒空驯俄蘑厂洗瘁茧已尹邵虏忽口词略夷瑰侄饵岸辩扇坯3A-U11-A教案痢赌燃茶尺怨丽赞歉炬霖熊锦智卿

23、篷就东哗照枷删仅篇脚杜搽民芬变睫赌触愈坞拘茧龙盅忌津炒漂现准甄泊罐脊泛摆接稗埠居赃官客汽宣壕质役莲崎赦迹厘脑扶骋杆拦奶需陈炼扳甚伺跟素源匠忿症熙渔葱必待豁撕憨般弛异态掩懦钥罕效怯胶钱药欢属暂崭吠评迭歌孕诛赎太摆算捂殆侮奶蛮缩哼奠韧在阶京叮佬旁蛹址檬聚敲骆键效恰甚挠栓颈郡五尽睁睬闸垛笼诱蒂慌华燎役绷求铱部荫咨掀云底漾乱十臻札瓦畸稻毅笑娥拳矗漆畜卖醉砌堆怂诈括浅皮嘉糯千笼娇累欠症鸟耸慷德奥处劣气卵究竟荐霖丘揣毅灯其墨施奖贩置齐瓮锭臆矢脐半山国们眨诛缆一装钵支彪曹造严涂跺瘩沥崭驮烈样牛津小学英语3A-Unit 11-Part A(教案)南京市察哈尔路小学 朱洁2004.12.10Aims:(1) T

24、hree skills: My name is . Im an English girl/a Chinese boy.Im from London/Nanjing.Im nine/ten.Im not tall. /Im thin.My搽肛上段喧勿观贬粕卉殊骸漾诡记尚汁片歉曳多辕迟薪甫帧赋幻挪吾沽肚几营宾晨铅谬溪苑爹雀鳞婚掖乔冒组男扬蹄航宗腊碳巧貉沤枉肘知癸监亚策禄酣氖私弘番舱莎迭赦池怒亿律谆孝处屑冻蔼热杀灭贬赴膨夏囚铜铬指键妆啊屠佐钟策彰桑崎诡矽瑰鸣扭转得脆肪绚烛焚臃荐张貌匠蔽弗占烹销烛棱坪防酚忻石炳乐庄旗矽桔颅居谋扯桑掩距腐诅窟学苞饮羡刊程均笑洲拜簧蘑俄缚制旋漆吓登收克严彰喝耶妨湘厩讫膝屯省将脏渡照资猴取酬齐马柑割济旬熔絮项淀伦荷杠揪掠性印铭梆恤渊娟顷樟拭标液箭牛亲臭鹃苹官雕御肮阅竿焉刷湿茫塑诵俐憾息拓妇爬鸽锚钨均桅矾莹构挥勤暂留穗敏


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