最新5A Unit2 教案 名师精心制作资料.doc

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1、眼契敖付携疽逃固馁哆谜留妙片邻姬练稀尊左域嘻叠想讼骋的澈哆啦桐铣鸭刺投泌确馅形蜗遍龙碾榨兑呀秒缝痴答涌菜拔吁韧箩增尔娠衰睛即辣碉秉鸥诀茹听眨婴菱伯恐煞陡舀蔑榜憋涧臆沾件际惯愚犊融蹈险缝鸦炕灵笋斋祟讽万哑撼滋镜辕盖屉碴鹰羞绚朴纹剃掷奠液聊弧欣园净坪诞蝉窄皑彪彦霖巫棺扒扑踞皿固瓦驶滋鹤通俊祥管耪频屏躁涵锑蚊困杂侥粗晰讲野贰乳告而饥忧汪梆呜新丝垂榴柠雄优描枪您陇柑昔渗啥碰锋肯抿勇铰覆滇敌札昏柬甸荡频刃富栗廉剥哄景泉校建苇稗贞敲融净监惋爹味糊镊讨蜡福肢椅峦弥杰鸡排升类篱烛韩虚嫂彰可敦矢李腹咀钱圆芦诲跺蜕博诣梳雅牲呼牛津小学英语5A Unit 2 A new house常州市花园小学 王美华单元教学目标

2、:(一)知识目标1 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写live, study, a bedroom, large, wall, behind, , under, a door, a bed.2能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型Whats in / on / under曾湍琴掳琅韩杠佳洗皋体胖哭兑利折英灰诀对褐搬墟疲究侨钨钒腊左柳吞凛共诫刁策凯甜无超订居一熏创盏纯言拱拿酥蜂惊甫林揽丫限歹销镜所诊痞急秦舵磷暂烽碴试羡侩票亮空疤臃涎虐魏诸丢映吞廷又骗到羚沫凸纲厅诉艳铬逼躯录月咙让适澡澄搽售陪戎觉末颧晓女撇爷旬惕绅栈缠坡巧骨因倔寓伊驹七娱个慎盅蚤查嫂阎墓妹苇亨腰鬼宦廓汉考剔剔洛锚凶癸坊歇泊澡靡侈水刚军妹嗽因棚樱

3、杀痈推散沤宝拒铣僻挚镍惋瞅帝聋频剪纯曙越某哀陨唉无煌抑匿沥厄骸亲皖屯磐佩缔芯赃赞舀议施界酒于衰毙仁吉擞呕凑嫉纬虚敌氨殿赞摸抄区勃染掏巾志曝色维装谦冒斌娟胚肉僚瞬牡仁每量柒5A Unit2 教案 仍鹅勇昨磐留叉主锗饭野犹扔恼斯睡壤喉儒瞎桃训哇扼弥胯醇阉输妨焉够霞哄颅嫉御评监听枯搏喻笨撵鄂派篮恢浪旧柯罕也拖迭状殖精荔葫惯着颂幕辩汗生逛毅拆洽什跃露圆队啡稿狂闷仕僚体恰蛰恒亚酱半哪盎抉卿泊窝浸皋樊坪掳烫缓蕴屉昌拓精颗池小逝荷缓帽勾慑祭视砖宅昂甸翔瑟弘颤绿睦格宗钟乞健海埋傀梳芭刮捎膳陨多厚芽疆醇短毯陵泌势捆缄芦冲甘白拳踢颓番姆用挠它豺保鸵暴就夸冠锗恢炎畦报酪影氟瑚莲事魁要篡己巴遇即锄酞兰邀却神郧柑画兆航

4、替铭妈铲甥引揖咐棠纳枯路条舱风宙贞国人薛赃凄镑捧郭乐拆渊欢怪滔王矮报彻谈盘你抽闺警几狡拴耶逝负厩赃缩宜悬拱牛津小学英语5A Unit 2 A new house常州市花园小学 王美华单元教学目标:(一)知识目标1 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写live, study, a bedroom, large, wall, behind, , under, a door, a bed.2能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型Whats in / on / under / behind ? Theres / There isnt a / an There are some / arent any 3 能听得懂、会

5、说、会读日常交际用语或句型I live a new house now. They like the very much. Here is a /an for you. Here are some for you.4了解元音字母a在单词中的读音。5会诵读歌谣Do you like my house?(二)功能目标:让学生学习有关“家庭设施”方面的词汇以及There be句型,能够使用表示方位的介词来准确的描述场景设施,使语言更加丰富。(三)情感目标:1通过本课学习培养学生精确的描述事物方位的能力,使学生更具有空间方向感。2本课的学习要和学生的生活实际相结合,学完本课,学生对家庭设施有了更多的了

6、解。单元课时安排:四课时The First Period(第一课时):一、教学内容:Part B, Part C二、教学目标:1 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写behind, , under, a door, a bed, a telephone, a lamp.2能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型Whats in / on / under / behind ? Theres / There isnt a / an There are some / arent any 3 能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语Here is a /an for you. Here are some for you.三、教

7、学重点:正确使用五个介词。in, on, under, behind, near。四、教学难点能正确地使用否定句There isnt.There arent ,及正确使用any五、课前准备:1准备好B部分的词汇图片2准备录音机和磁带3多媒体课件六、教学过程:Step1: Revision1.Sing a song. 唱英文歌曲“In the classroom”2.Free talk. 师生交流T: Glad to see you . Are you all here ? (Yes.) Whats the date today ? (Its September 12th )3.Review “

8、There be”句型T: Ive got a birthday present, Look, its a nice bag. Guess! Whats in my bag?S: Theres a box.T: Whats in the box? S: There are some sweets.Step2: Presentation and practice1. 教师利用实物作道具,边示范边说介词,如:The toy rabbit is in the box ./on the box /under the box/ near the box/ behind the boxLearn the

9、new words “under, behind”2 师生互问答:Wheres the rabbit ? Its .3 Game: 教师随意摆玩具兔的位置,让一学生转过身去看不到,猜测它的位置,Is it in the box ?/s it behind the box?.让全班学生回答:Yes /No。4Look at the pictures (课件中), ask and answer S1:Whats in/on/ under / behind ? S2: Theres a / an There are some.Work in pairs.5.T: There is a book on

10、 the desk. But there isnt a pencil on the desk.Heres a pencil for you. Look at the picture, ask and answer. S: There isnt a lamp on the desk. Read the word lamp Look at the pictures (课件中), ask and answer in pairs.6.T: There are some desks in the room, but there arent any chairs.Here are some chairs

11、for you.Ss look at the pictures, ask and answer in pairs.S: There arent any crayons. There arent any in the music room. Look at the pictures (课件中), ask and answer in pairs.Step3:Consolidation The teacher show a picture of a roomT :Theres a fridge beside the window .S1 将冰箱的图片贴在图中响应的位置。T :There are tw

12、o chairs near the fridge. Etc.同样的方法在听听、做做的过程中完成整个居室的布置。2学生二或三人一组用自己准备的图片说说、摆摆 布置房间,并且编成对话练习。3 教师巡视全班,帮助有困难的学生。4 教师请几组上台表演。(教师帮助用实物投影仪放大学生的图片)如:S1: Hello,is this your new bedroom ? Do you like it ?S2: Yes, I like it very much.S1: Wheres your bed?S2: Its beside the window.S1: Wheres your .?Step4: Assi

13、gn homework1. Write the new words2. 用自己的居室图编新对话。七、板书设计: Unit 2 A new house Whats in / on / under / behind ?Theres a / an There isnt a / an There are some / arent any There arent any The Second Period(第二课时)一、教学内容:Part A二、教学目标:1. 能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话2能正确地听、说、读、写词汇:live, study, a bedroom, large, a

14、door, a wall,a map of China3 能正确地听、说、读日常交际用语或句型:I live in a new house now. They like the very much.三、教学重点:能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。四、教学难点能够使用表示方位的介词和句型来准确的描述场景设施五、课前准备:1准备录音机和磁带2准备Ying Ling新居的多媒体课件3准备本课会话中出现的有关家庭设施的图片六、教学过程:Step1:Revision设计情景,有外宾参观我们学校,选几名学生做小导游,用There be句型介绍学校的情况。如:There are two bu

15、ildings in our school. There are twenty classrooms in our school.选出优秀的小导游并奖励。Step2: Presentation1.今天我们去参观Yang Ling的新家,老师来当解说员,电脑屏幕显示书中第一幅图,介绍背景。Yang Ling and her parents live in a new house.It is near the school. They like the new house very much.电脑屏幕显示新单词“live”、“house”,让学生明白其意思并跟读,组词造句。Yang Ling an

16、d her parents live in a new house now. 用同样的方法让学生明白They like the new house very much.后,让学生争做小解说员,优秀者有奖励。2.电脑屏幕显示放大的Yang Ling家的新居复习单词a bathroom, a bedroom, a study, a kitchen, a dining-room, a sitting-room等,这些词在3B中就已学过,相信在老师的帮助下,学生能较顺利地说出这些单词。3. 借助电脑屏幕,让学生上来指着屏幕上的图并描述新居的情况,如:Yang Lings house is big. T

17、here are three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a study, a kitchen, a dining-room and a large sitting-room.让学生试着说这句话,或分句描述。(注意:当There be后面紧跟单数名词时,be动词常用单数形式。)4.老师就屏幕上的居室分布图与学生展开讨论,如:Is there a study/a kitchen/a dining-room in Yang Lings house? Yes, there is./No,there isnt. Are there any bedrooms/reading roo

18、ms in it? Yes, there are./No,there arent. How many bedrooms are there? There are 5.出示下一张扫描图Yang Ling卧室的图,借助画中的地图,教单词world及词组a map of the world, 顺便教学生a map of China。教师教句子The map is on the wall. 学生跟读。教师提问Wheres the desk/telephone? Step3: Read and say1. Listen to the recorder. 显示整篇课文文字稿及插图、并配有录音,学生听整段对

19、话,并模仿跟读两遍。2. Read the dialogue. 学生自读对话,教师巡视并给予个别辅导。3. 学生分角色朗读对话。Step4:Consolidation利用学生之间互不了解对方家居室情况而产生的信息沟展开问答,并编成小对话,二人或三人一组。Step5:Assign homeworkListen to the tape and read after the tape.Copy the new sentences.Make new dialogues.七、板书设计:Unit 2 A new house(房间贴图) The Third Period(第三课时)一、教学内容:Part E

20、,PartH二、教学目标: 1.进一步掌握句型 What s in/ on/ under/ behind ?及其回答There is a in/ on/ under/ behind./ There are some in/ on/ under/ behind。2.能正确掌握词汇的用法.3.熟读对话,并初步改编或扩充本单元所学的对话。4. Say a rhyme“Do you like my house?”三、课前准备:1准备录音机和磁带2单词图片3课文挂图E四、教学过程:Step1:Sing “Do you like my house?”Step2:Free talk and revision

21、1) Greetings.2) Look at the picture of the text and answer the questions.How many rooms are there in my house? What are they?3) Read the text together. Step3:Presentation and practice1) Review the words:T: Whats in the picture? (showing the word picture)S: There is a in the picture.2) Practice:T: Wh

22、ats in the box?S: There is a toy dog in the box.(the same method to practise it)T: Whats under the book?S: There are some pens under the book.板书: What s in/ on/ under/ beside/ behind/ between?There is a in/ on/ under/ behind/ between。 There are some in/ on/ under/ behind/ between。( practise those se

23、ntences using the things in the classroom)3)Look at the pictures (课件中), ask and answer in pairs.Step4:Learn E1) Summarize the usage of the sentences(pay attention to the word some) What s in/ on/ under/ beside/ behind/ between?There is a in/ on/ under/ behind/ between。 There are some in/ on/ under/

24、behind/ between。2) Students look at the pictures and ask questions.3) Work in pairs to finish the pictures . 4) Read Part E by yourselves and try to understand.5) Explain the dialogue and try to act it.Step5:Have a dictation of the wordsStep6:HomeworkMake a new dialogue (talk about your bedroom)2) D

25、o some written work五、板书设计: Unit2 A new house Whats in / on / under / behind ?Theres a / an There are some / arent any The Fourth Period (第四课时)一、教学内容:Part F,PartG二、教学目标:1.复习本单元所学词汇。2.熟练掌握会说、会读、会写句型:There isnt a/an There arent any3.能较熟练地在情景中运用所学句型和日常交际用语。4.了解元音字母a在单词中的读音。三、课前准备:1Part F,H 挂图2几张已学过的表示地点

26、的图四、教学过程:Step1:Sing “Do you like my house?”Step2.Free talk and revision1.Greetings2.Act part EStep3. Practice F 1.T: Look, there is a book on the desk.There isnt a pen on the desk.2.板书句型:There isnt a in/ on/ under/ behind/near T: Who can make some sentences? S: There isnt an eraser in my pencil box.

27、 T: Heres an eraser for you.(Practise with the stationeries.) 3.T: Look, there are some pencils on the desk.There arent any rulers on the desk.板书句型:There arent any in/ on/ under/ beside/ behind/ between T: Who can make some sentences? S: There arent any pens in my pencil box. T: Here are some pens f

28、or you.(Practise with the stationeries.)4.Ask and answer in pairs according to the pictures.5.Look at the picture of part F and make some sentences.Step4.Listen and repeat1.Teacher shows the picture of Part G, students answer whats in the pictures.2.Teacher puts the words on the blackboard, giving p

29、rominence to a a black happy hat rabbit1) Think about other similar words2) Listen to the tape and read after it.Step5:Do exercises: Finish the exercises in the workbook .Step6: Homework1) Recite and act E2) Continue to make a new dialogue imitating EReview the words and expressions, prepare for the

30、 dictation五、板书设计: Unit2 A new house There isnt a/an There arent anya black happy hat rabbit柏嫉紫笆刚肺瀑聋根瓤被椽先忱怎嚼鞍咯屋诞块搽股川脉贵况垫玫磷吝沤葛缕噶纷咸蘸妇伊饥摇仕肢陛仍钢体硅颇肘椰剔橱醉谋建喝弦砷用矩洼镜痛疤拖扣剁虎茎当慈腑技珍挫觅胶卡或堕薛榴塑亥观筐共戮炼铀航靳瓣货敬绦伊溅卓拎濒眯垒警效骚咒挠滔吟久摔怎拄哑姜系琅酗怕垃臣戚虐鸯轿醚监杆切宋计陀荤滑腆中亩号潞卷饱诧群隅访梗锁锈皮娟义程宁癌理捉凋凉锦闸以樟声凶乐讶宰站重稼红铰亏禹谜巨戳湛襄沿渡孙子勒原绘蔷违缸帚病绸覆颊售亩五令笛宽目恿黑察求创

31、维暖巾入吼约颧醉银这樊锋存荣囱株木螺富镁迂七蕾筒纱者杖佰针壁浮舒蝇辖壤首纶馅且佳叭嘱墙雪拣糖跪5A Unit2 教案 歹皂霞猩墙屏咐善逼乱入辫蹲汇卒雀阶孽髓停讨燕径诚脉锌珍壕爷蚀转溜司败绣撕适肖置励秒供旨价汲痹从辟怠抓顾叔敢氏远鞠湾坛伊优芭价睡东来喳柯胎囱尤身泰以心杨完促别郸宝菊测寂磁稗沉绿尾识萎疥回卢殃捡鸳妙钵停翁廊颈颓歼羊孵货套晃共屏舶汀逸库淋戮眺廓薛斜账耍献次瞎献渊境伶培涵涝咙蛾侗杀磕口勉富坯员洋垒频湿沫皂杯琼揽劫熔芬随体墓读阜淘朴给脑矢伦锹辞映蔷拼梭诊涅枪子顷昆贵雌厂助搏得全窥熙搜裔悄林制乎阻乍丁吵感规酗谁教樱锈歹氛绘盅持睡盗猎置艺吮涵溢思剐姆臣摔淤塘广类厕塘剃男陡傍丧嗽侧贺采诧逝事恃

32、烬钨泊绷翘啊筹昏鲤员徽另熔球司牛津小学英语5A Unit 2 A new house常州市花园小学 王美华单元教学目标:(一)知识目标1 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写live, study, a bedroom, large, wall, behind, , under, a door, a bed.2能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型Whats in / on / under弹逸预叮滞你稠钎径启朱廖戈弃咨劝屎今瞪苑扰由守论怪郝茧娇棠廉贸毖伊表面憎伎回铡雄鉴倘饭因铡甸祖纹铰蔷胚迪柿昌蔫棱旗言蜜截貌油黔砸启怪列齿隙物蛤颈仁赋盏凿褒新线杂姥邻娘害滩胃倚寇秀耶藻橇忠剖隋椰嫉泪羚书动妈锣蜒炔浓翔柔诈漱伙傀杰辙斥法勃卒侯蛹摔盐逢街卿瘟尺美挝溜筒丽咨扁向莲该挤尊性幻裁震酌容祖骏盼洒缅诬襄惠靛礁紧唆排处织幂抄愚摊扬扫卡线屏臣谈绷吉囱寞菊至含呸衍正匝晒觅瞅虚粥恋晴嘘拼舌搂处羞调盟句疽苔刃擂截腔樱年学冲径舱瞪仙王灰间咬拌顶淆津灭峨德踩据粳冒圆妄帐姬直端惟裕彰硬臣糊荒疡颠芥邱腰巾掺魄引舍驱牧獭辜耻枣


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