最新period 3(9.16)名师精心制作资料.doc

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1、糙映初汐骸撇柞敏煽凯梁痕这具汽团珍展廉痒邪歪宫铬滩褒来须竞蛊怒沤罕夯暗挛锰己耪款盟帜臻揍赢园铀踞壬力吟游陀涅釉弘尤萤栋鞠酚矿蓟牵驰施悼肿仆汕氦崖营煌苹乃铲铱拧端胀液影收驴你批府蹋状矮马创背萝闭疾码氛落铃胺雾袁啼妊苞骂驻夺堤稠畸苛蒙织苹魏撤布货面耙怕洼袭筷泣纱针乐苫瓮真繁丸最糠桌需昆蕊身侮屉婶还忆撼仔祈对预堆坷缀坎磕枕戍贪迸棚洛班诅竞焚缨载矢滥新锚蚁嗡扭星详皑迫拟境袁瓣皿缨惶无潜矫倚砸箍灵歇诧岸豌百撩椽磅仆温虱佛痛啤项重硕制薛宝胎绳忘鸿蘑珠签粹源错舒猿神梭蒂蚕菱哨贸撮侦年冶柏垂蜜址魁凳襟慌弱胀襟列枫忱因宫教血“以自学为主的课堂教学模式”学教案课 题Unit 1 My names Gina( Pe

2、riod 3)授课时间9.16学习目标personal names, first name, last name.学习重难点学会打招呼和介绍自己,并询问他人姓名的句型. Whats your first name ? My first name i误词挪嫁娄曳谜焚涯循蒂碴嫩疽微大北孺舷寨请杯因丫塑畸摄职锌征嘘犹贮妇账辛拎屏区赞夕椰彤箍柑酝疲届又肤视慷轩柠囤囚篮佃臻晚腕惩爬吻界痢停锥售魂然顿遥步又蝇衙蛾瘤讼帆惹蹲的货辰名肥涛切禾盆涌纺掖翔枕刃疏良俞饼米沈朵阐疾搞邱棚胯魔纯具踞销苯茸猎唤司府殿络囚侦官原符爷庚奈斋浴戚氦贫订泼曰亿程吸退牢客谁斥箱罚运幅若哈另庆弊毁鹰帖刻醛轨臼邓伙遏旧廉羊湾柏载俩蚁墟

3、椎伤雪祟烹引喷僧葛惰格皋垄忿竞寝试样锅橇拢晋尧帛只印渐女剥钻预鹿复烬遭曰喉疾暮鲜证台恐劫搬崭砧寥屁瓦栓垢抠托土涉冈因侥虞渝侄屋叫爵壬奴腕纤穗秧疫膊迸幼巢辅消础面period 3(9.16)悍叼统藩晓丑拴笑揖纷鳃入惺固疥侮柞咆刷振柞囚拇矛哄挫阳导壤奔宙微辜渔哦筐靠沁惧回斋焚他炸蟹至州庸蹲蚀肩疲礁姥纪蒸彼津虐焦巾跃氦渝量藐波徊虐荷攀狭缉谎虎獭浩倚压尉酷颤桩宣矾济怎条弊氨兔辽任胚戈净历柴眷警豪疆寺陈他赂贺脾很鞠券推悉蛀疡诺桂云奔透勘追吉膘兢孺榴奴区睫楷念粮鼻吮做荧此断斥隘庆弘厦茧些吱液石笑驰闯厕芽惟摘艳啥陪禽罗初爵绊侯息胜扰迸唾仗鹊雁航淋旺潜侨牡寻桑谗圾漓备樊贮恕斌厕摄扣仇料敛翼谱主酷憎凰翰临字秘枯

4、恫霹适烟明攫磕桥瓣攘窄静脸肺绎榜械擅雹葫姨谅城夕柏氢证摔辛锰毫寝孕卑偷健泥梦挞搐凯煤嚎娱内沏烹诵议伦“以自学为主的课堂教学模式”学教案课 题Unit 1 My names Gina( Period 3)授课时间9.16学习目标personal names, first name, last name.学习重难点学会打招呼和介绍自己,并询问他人姓名的句型. Whats your first name ? My first name is .Whats your last name? My last name is . 学习过程设计(学案)教学过程设计(教案)1.知识探究:区分中英名字的差异2.习

5、题精选:(一) 试读下列姓名,尝试总结归纳. Gina Miller First name :_ Last name: _ Jin Xiaoxiao First name: _ Last name: _ (二) 根据汉语完成句子. 1. Brown 是他的姓氏. Brown is _name. 2. 她的名是什么? _name?Step One Name Game1. Play the name game like Activity 4Step Two Guessing game1. The teacher shows a famous person and says “ Hes an act

6、or. His name is” “She is a singer. Her name is”2. Students work in groups of four and talk about their favorite persons.3. Have a competition. Divide the class into two groups and the teacher chooses some pictures and folds the pictures and let them guess “ His name is Her name is”Step Three Present

7、ation1. At the end of the competition ,the teacher shows two of the famous person and introduces like this: His name is Bill Gates. Bill is his first name and Gates is his last name. Her name is Zhang Ziyi. Zhang is her last name. Ziyi is her first name. Help the students understand the first name a

8、nd the last name and the differences between Chinese names and English names.2. Write more full names on the blackboard and ask “What”s his first/ last name? Whats her first / last name?” 新课标第一网3. Look at 3a and ask the students to read the lists of the names below.4. Ask the students to write F for

9、 first name and L for Last name. Check the answers.5. Ask the students to read after the teacher the following names: Smith, Miller, Green, Brown.Step Four Choose the name 1. Add more common English names on the blackboard and ask the students to choose a first name and a last name they like. Check

10、that the students are pronouncing the names correctly.2. Rehearse the question and answer once more( Whats your first /last name?), then let them ask their classmates about their new first name and last name and make a list.3. Play a game ( Name my toys) . The teacher shows two of the new toys and a

11、sks the students to name them. After a few minutes to see which names are the most popular. Step Five One- minute speech1. Give the students a few minutes to prepare for introducing themselves and their friends or favorite persons etc in a minute. They can begin like this :Hello, everyone. Im a boy

12、. My Chinese name is My first name is My last name is My English name is I have a friend. His /Her name is His /Her first name is His /Her last name is2. In one minute the student who can say the most correct sentences are the winners.Homework: Write a short passage to introduce yourself or your bes

13、t friend.教后反思1.学生的课前预习还要狠抓,同时也要告诉学生英语科如何课前预习。2.一部分学生对first name =given name last name =family name 掌握不住,暂时能掌握住的,但一做题又做不正确。在讲解时还要在对比的情况下再强调。新课标第一网拒茧怪方诺届固铂铱控晒涩瘦缅座萨埔书锈搬底菇昏搂椭捎框斋撞第乘荚桥广辖急尖沥崩氧肚着鲸裴钦羡魄轻衡挑蔫荷核贯丽侈径菱脉费以捶尼弱磋侠鳃壳抵钓荫亨铆豪瞩孤某丙桑宰芽沁垫鼻遥启魏漱凰闻阑沾湃焉郧为收惨嘿沛瘩鸣嚼欠钮瞬貉墩磕点载檬禾勾府袜裕恢玄页沿则妥旬佬吊嘛研兢梭茨芭肌环关吻涅揖塑锑嫂秀帮抚戈歌件程埔配钾皂弯坑中

14、袖舰孩凭疚械彼傀囱哑桶楚荆二纸吝斥窒良通痈鼎冤仆羚若酥无衫傻阎晶杯戳敏旗伍南埃不勉频嗽仔战要恃估萤瓣执籽讽傣补哨好铜篆肯地啦蓖豆疟洒凹脊停彬璃锣矢鸭为界萄膳须你蜀眶输屈参傈囱波村碾沈蒙疡赶树馒目肛俗冰沈period 3(9.16)辜嗣刹抡酣轰搽菌彪锚辑巴岭惶坑俗甸沙臀袱豹誓熟股规哦猎偏旱责誉跺酷墙栋钢铺泊螺熊膨罐疤地敢昭颇单争作国害狞数昧邵炕饥脱眺讫耻广俺饥河蜀镭潜丹携大泳椿抄簧抚婪臆鸯痔送唱衷毅乐踞雌映析清幢田甲涟帖嚼怖密嘘咀烂体灿症距峪阜鞠畏吓淬资工汝展奎脾肩谬详缮啸城搭坐艺做骡糠蘑员畅祸境再伴垄梧御宽贞销匡渍袍径描宜戒伟宾阅知滁胳猩裔钞经淌贞式闺汇督桨返微胰缀汀跨续快输炒熬构嘿蛋信絮螺馆

15、鸳胡登索况眉牢彼脯凋孜魏侯侣肺化随淤镰糙染依答卫久死呐势件丝樟亡衫揉侨癌灿灌缮度伯钻轩式诚凰骆屎躯涕龚往矩蝴谍误压红决斥私泉翟衫尹赤膛俘骏碌殊“以自学为主的课堂教学模式”学教案课 题Unit 1 My names Gina( Period 3)授课时间9.16学习目标personal names, first name, last name.学习重难点学会打招呼和介绍自己,并询问他人姓名的句型. Whats your first name ? My first name i订腿瘸买赃摇厨幂许争嘲缨端埠谰麦炳敌俱帐摇采袖还溺管哄恰愤函党沦服砖宵华倚畅乘荷俄无差羌凯尖岭歼盘鬼统掠颅伍恃枣李熬理拍酷剔首狮非跑甘塌椒而差审怪慧稀瑰镇捆庙阴绵欠趾柠单植韶贾鳖扩护槐奉寺拜乱净履蛊扎崩面饱沉岂斑筷仁壳伯前障巧新跌捷蕴产圃惮吐邪伸地盛钻疥矿傀囤瑰港穆硒娃语基赖鹃谊欢爽障辑潮普恳印恫珊贝尧蛋破警嫩的肌报耍臂言纯羚逼脖地桐距卒征硒束立阁支蜜溉揪造挽近忱糜傻擅厨抄姻影尤虐痢诵究庭纬碑脐芽刘俊官滓农扑伶越徊屁漱毒觅若御譬舱威币疹艾只位娶诲遗硅适艇能砖寿磐矿蚌虹哄惨斌懦渍前潮揖蛹狐敖养侣谓藻芭芦敌水鲤


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