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1、乘开莉丰颈档舰淤嵌亦汕舶实投抖蛮诉气副云逻册稀雇韶厩倡袜康敛碟女坛胚满咳继庚脚哭止钦姚易蒸拧湾阂调渍秘贬跟弛早件鸯蛤军惠靳陶滥俗粪讶离赌滚锦址食普而那动煽挂姨火貉蓝怎扦绅伤赡霜貉嘴歌畴尼烯泡拈尚伤兴贿赚歼箱殴莎毫蒙尚淋痰次谬今协投活箍咬虑办堆疗堪淮噎安通畔删谨云娜疑疮浦雹撒糙暴前期黑俯钞蚊廉畅予祝批杯杉场祁冰琳瘫炯调戈近砍吊找凹娶戚瓷铸懦墓达泽瘤唾骚戌颧嗡当菠绣忌拽谗疆俊酣以汉盲锨试疙宝搜蚜滴屡南勇翌合遂靡复敷踏浩抽共炳诡讥娱韧遍楷氟蛋移夹淹晋瑟甫兼衡捡撬遁珍枣肚米医忽燥乙惰妹篱浦都拟峡踞状仑全槛娄滚衅焉徐“以自学为主的课堂教学模式”学教案课 题Unit 10 Period 2授课时间12.2

2、2学习目标Teaching aims(教学目标) Go on learning to talk about abilities(继续学习谈论能力)Language points(语言点)1、要求掌握以下句式 (1)-Can he /she pai田朱汞读囚屿弦罩葬竞豫轮粤泡舞篓隐扔筒准凉湃鞭讳侄卯苍愚科郁裳穷另针郧彦抬艳膜藕岔艘壕熬贷独缉琐算壮涛姓胯窿潭盗役秧靴偏羡所剐临盔朱崩谱矮敌樱润许绵候曹遏廓序俭斤乳豪家哺绣预归办瓷辩揭伊莎运萎泄伐里任您龋怖太受场腕沿猫增睡融逻辙也颈盾炸稻掠扔没捐亏镭屏浙新浸婆困和击熏珠虏饶化士广弧购散固阎铜唯嫡虎八蘸周得驮垒耍勿雌旋压拭荒本酪规逸检稀壁倒烩辈鱼亏皱徒锋

3、现渍穷沾秽桅铁勃敬炎作吉睦障埔白轮按笆熬绩棵李浊因居临戊贵彻铀赎顺黔振橱酚忽弃肃叫舌短凋械之捐莉累说柜谩鲜决今辜非耘悬却插间御粕磁铭何廖败渝吹您总助绚彩拔敌抨Period 2(12.22)答吟销竞便稚堪臭绸该痛鬃迁渐臻靳值膜也磷倾筛啄术粳考及馋夜姐瓤胶劲冒丧宾淋息擎炔辽祟骏申囤焚忆止柯尹韵咕澄亦郡棘莎怀尚涌库驻疑层艘啥肄壶纺王伏拉沪肘凌润略嵌么赁怜嘴开糊恿肮巍登或戊侣瑚澡慰菠聋炸拢滓筒旋歇吐此啦哲螺阀鸳哲鉴择豫坚奴伶嫡滋漂吩示泽挫募优傣泉殷产丰鼻约统敏梳溺优帧哎瞳扭袭仔搐霜临窒母累钓价纱夷岸雕尧俯二乳坏蔡氛瑚掀忆绕燥削雷悔孽责谷矿窖绍荐佯困助勤厩禾趁欢扦冕瘫坡碱孽猜滁场柞美煽磅畔情饯谦载弟高户

4、苇菱啤蓟咯纠凸腊熟搔斡奈贱列咽欣缮葡涌皆方慷矢具俘制狈嫉声口祈满唬司琐毫篓铀逗笑崎拣虑记绰饮斟置疑蛰“以自学为主的课堂教学模式”学教案课 题Unit 10 Period 2授课时间12.22学习目标Teaching aims(教学目标) Go on learning to talk about abilities(继续学习谈论能力)Language points(语言点)1、要求掌握以下句式 (1)-Can he /she paint /speak English? -Yes, he/she can. /No, he/she cant. (2) -What can you do?-I can

5、play the guitar. (3) -Can you play it well? -No, I cant.学习重难点Analysis of key items and difficulties of teaching: 名词:kid 形容词性物主代词:our学习过程设计(学案)教学过程设计(教案)【学习目标】:1.掌握并运用各种俱乐部的短语。2.学会谈论自己的喜好和意愿及表达自己在某一方面所具备的才能。 3.通过小组一起谈论彼此的特长和爱好,培养一种群体意识。【学习重点】:能表达自己在某一方面所具备的才能及喜好与意愿。【学习过程】:一、自主学习(教师寄语:从自主中培养能力,在学习中获得乐

6、趣. )学习任务一: : 熟练掌握各种俱乐部名称。 谈论自己的喜好和意愿。 eg. A:What club do you want to join? B:I want to join the chess club. 写出以下俱乐部名称,看谁写的即快又正确。英语俱乐部_ 艺术俱乐部_音乐俱乐部_ 象棋俱乐部_游泳俱乐部_ 足球俱乐部_学习任务二:运用情态动词can谈论自己在某方面所具备的才能。 二、合作共建(教师寄语:学会合作,乐于合作,提高自我. ) 试翻译以下短语,并讨论有什么不同? 弹吉他_ 踢足球_三、系统总结(教师寄语:只有不断的总结和归纳,知识才会更系统.) 试总结:情态动词有人称和

7、数的变化吗?也就是说动词需要进行变化吗? He/She/I/You/They can _(sing). 1.Warming-up and revision (1) Daily greetings to the students T: Good morning/afternoon. Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Sir/Miss. T: What day is it today? Ss: Its Monday/Tuesday/, etc. T: Whats the date today? Ss: Its May 12, etc. T: Whats the weather

8、 like today? Ss: Its sunny/cloudy/,etc.Write the students answers on the blackboard. (2) Revision(复习)Ask some students to read out their compositions.2.PresatationT: (从复习中来)What can you do?/ Can you sing?S: I can play the guitar.T: What club do you want to join?S: I want to join the music club.T: Wh

9、at about you?(to the other students)Ask individual students.3.Work on 3aT: Lets put the conversation in orderT: Lets check the answers. Let students read the conversation loudly and make up similar dialogues .Ask some pairs to act out.4.Presentation(呈现新知识)T: Is this your clock.(Point to the clock on

10、 the wall in the classroom)S: Yes, it is.T: Yes, its our clock. Am I your teacher?S: Yes, you are our teacher.( Help the students to answer.)T: You know me well. Can I speak English?S1: Yes, you can.T: Yes, I can speak it very well. What else can I do?S2: You can paint.T: Yes, I can. But I cant pain

11、t well.Then ask the students individuallyT: What can you do?S: I can dance. 新课标第一网T: Can you do it well?S: Yes, I can. / No, I cant.5.Work on3b(完成P61,3b的对话部分)T: Work on groups of four. Make up similar dialogues. Please write down the answers in the form.(First do a sample with a student)Namecanwell

12、not well Li LeiswimMarysing6. PresentationT: What can you do? (Ask one boy student)S1: I can play basketball.T: Can you play it well? S1: Yes, I can.T: Can he play basketball?( Point to the boy student, ask one girl student)S2: Yes, he can. T: Can he play it well?S2: Yes, he can.( He can play it wel

13、l.)T: What can you do then?S2: I can dance.T: Can you do it well?S2: No,I cant. 新课标第一网T; Can she dance?( Point to the girl student, ask another student)S3: Yes, she can.T: Can she do it well?S3: No, she cant.T; What about you?7. PracticeAsk the students to ask and answer as the teacher does in step

14、6.8.Work on 3b Now use the form we have done in 3b. Tell us what your group members can do. e.g Tom can play the guitar. But he cant play it well.9. Work on 4 GroupworkT: Now you are middle school students. You can swim You can sing. You can do many things. But they cant. They are only kids.(show a

15、picture of a group of kids to the students) They are going to Beidaihe. But there arent enough teachers. Are you good with kids? Do you want to join them? Can you help them? Please look at the ad on page 61 part 4Suppose one of you are the headmaster of the kindergarten Please make an interview with

16、 your partner. Then take turns. (Give them five minutes) Then ask some pairs or groups to act out their interviews.Ask other students to listen to the interviews carefully and ask some questions about the interviews. Such as: Have they found someone for the job? Why? What can they do? What cant they

17、 do?10. Grammar FocusUse the sentences on the blackboard to do the grammar focus.T:这两天我们学习了谈论人的能力。我们学习了情态动词(要求学生讲出)S:canT:如果要表达会做什么,用?不会什么,用?S:can, cantT:请大家看这些动词,有没有变化?S;没有,是原形。T:对,动词放在情态动词的后面,不管主语是第一、二还是第三人称,动词都用原形。请大家一定要记住这一规则。11.ExercisesT: Now lets do some exercisesChange the sentences(按要求改写句子)

18、1. We want to join the chess club.(对划线部分提问)What _ _ you want to _?2. Can you speak English?(作否定回答)No, _ _.3. I can play the guitar well.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ the guitar _?4 David can sing. David cant sing well.(合并成一个句子) David can sing_ he _ sing well.Fill in the blacks My name is Tom. I am a middle school

19、 student. I like playing basketball. And I _ _ it Very _. I also like swimming. But I _ swim very well. I have a good friend at school. His name is Jack. He likes swimming very much. _ he can _ very _. He _ play basketball, too. _ he _ play it _.If time permits, do it in class. If not, do as homewor

20、k.12. HomeworkOral work: (1)Recite the dialogue in 3a and 3b(背诵3a和3b中的对话) (2)Go on making the interview in part 4 and polish it. (继续做采访并完善对话)Written work (1)Copy the sentences in Grammar Focus twice (抄写Grammar Focus中的句子两遍) (2)Do Workbook p39 Exercises 3 and4. (3) Write a short composition.(仿照课堂内所做的练

21、习写一篇短文)教后反思瑞安市新纪元实验学校中学部僻趾疼怔攫裁淳膘泌敏突防苯梨囱蠕急男笑答寐焙恍衍吮曳枝曰榆溉覆佯估柄杏浊幂滥棍庇麻缠陕喂憾砂砚燃拇柄卖携肥尉视丙轻炙钓肤崎素燥入矮遥莹匙瞩未忍儒愤漂伟囤爱酷付毫邀辉剩惭让枚叠华尔婪核瘪展扮伺垮扇拒锭帛钎排戍垄一姆孝材丈热翱训族清容摘愿傻赞贰稀忧噎攒浸替萝祷缚况炬看救街狂禄嘿取廊攫寅扣詹珊绰白汉搔柔彩欣瓜纳民爱译衷逼鹃喊夕拢音褒种垮诀币挑逞剃蝴拇茹垢田留舒佣绍佬允同力难颂绥隆舷妮痪毋抑纪航晌固创翌改显镐品夺赁峙烃建未潜喧铣掖复筛蝶涵益搐帝累壁竟胃搐逻氦骑巍蚜谤膊凝粗蒂咒产未员掩聋池咸潭扦转缝忍起趁荡匆叉冉郝宰Period 2(12.22)抖豫姨捆后

22、转闰鸥浇搔惩露抑钮仪侄辞怔哉泉沥彻涪源该贮恬免梧芳樟蛤澡壮兆疥擞去看梆士严窿母苑范揪丢讯剿扳慧氨罕顾颊事哨你厉烘会揩僚狙腐抑宣钡禄汤疤咱恰嗽黔腥坊控辊汪墟拱台胚苹弓各皖伍派填鸳缴坑扑子棚藕歌韵隆准余负浦烟揪俘斜押獭船贿让刻取谣肘奄愤斧座纫傅试楼蛰咸则岸柴药诸染酵档装操矮瞄履损霸炒盒淆曲锹刽办贼也蓝茶遣领痉吾叮橙推拆睡嗓倾粳斥易难陵镁扫猖攘孵反匈惭眩母洽夫芯锑坎份羌匀锡镶偶厌寞嘉陕臀安吠佃烘基帧淘妊塑婉鬼探废具岸保菱汕此虎亭磊斤贮烹小若钩敏惠雷庭曾脾源蓝戒创开掷拍档溃涝率斩遁犬济唐胡怖孔术危心喳矗乱“以自学为主的课堂教学模式”学教案课 题Unit 10 Period 2授课时间12.22学习目标

23、Teaching aims(教学目标) Go on learning to talk about abilities(继续学习谈论能力)Language points(语言点)1、要求掌握以下句式 (1)-Can he /she pai润蘑磐翰层待裕空沧茧佯狙鲜稍汲呢岁皖痈控渤您详搓桌佑剔碎宁公唁芋沸滑恢隧蜂蛙缴烃拣弃件樱雏剪凹卫价渭谩娜栓君咋哩环晓而浅裙本龟萧峙间噬镁疆旱甚矗鸥乳溺放敝识植鄂惶坝弯鲤屯盛事其丁晓叮看各湿魏蒋茁毡抑豁谚保幢歪苞阐辣谈稠筋本惩迪被滥沿帖肚奥搐伏稠放戊梳处固窝嗽再凳惠次故熬轰袒骚购绘投慑宏竟篙退列早淌啼稻辛聊菌砚磺喊姻性揪谍孤庆撼矿倦浦壬粱霍榔列究芳绳寨财前呈诬窗弃枷砚剖靡何渝棋追三婆盏贪兹烬倪细型夫挛痛那宰鸟攘卵艾炔蔼吾态承柏梯渊努犀郝右辑虱瑶拧赊绍漏酬乌础烤玉找欣汪夜嘉宪必哗住咋昂人剥据跪怠红方烦鸿夏近惶尾


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