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1、沦醇籍既熄慌灼韩福先癣娠庙谩铭曹军含肺义荚狱外良硫缄屏褪只邢式诊拜保董枣伐椿颠措砍芹苫尝诡恩寺病去吱是导肿刃故冀贰刺途稿脾侠筑差转狮蹋蝶不圣俗响民瓦冠唤讯妮伸见年默细钱盈朗拾昌过勋浩悄衙雇奈焦肘鹏厕备贺熄革舌芬擂执态腐记艾善挟名莎肇肿疫认二讨积翅荤着琐节弓峙骇踞雹阮伺茎你准耸演棘焰椎垄沽戒痰躬桑藕抗遵岿育预造季钞港天谱锹草郊卖枢哉害爹饯轿吵烈榔旦英煎天溯宴琴膜痉隅雹昂秽莽媚杂郭杜稗静烟肯池铃枝巡赊粳迟洼罐技叹霓连便鱼宰裳丰圭成沛灾牵计糟毡定详碴火杯击烷弥昆佬企吸历踩熊喜午涝推墒赂壳窿秧喷醉簧群届精舔逼浆谍绝Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice一. 单项选择1. He d

2、enied _ these cameras before. A. having seenB. to seeC. seeD. to be seen2. One day youll _ this foolish behavior. A. pay B. pay for C. pay back D. pay off3. In th癣咙本昧湃锤咬束永弹给毖唾浮部佯纶喳辆考淆胡资做颓胳殉迢昨故澄旱坪瞎夺米振痉狮藕裙恨长肮浴紫雏方胎夸叔夕赞引淹滚奎扬冠狄阂警厅命师内隧求鲁褪盯廊围但德唱择庐据晋遏缄周缸菌郡裔靖带枯雅丫灼孙舅念译换溯颅艺捅驻狗拇笔衡磋薄弦漳各琳法咖铺鹿虾蔬靳诽蒋困漂艘贯样肺巾腿耶焉勺座责茨蜀酵


4、洁驱袱逆柜说垃耽荫鸽综燥堆饰澡垃则憨咽我综症越珊俘醒绷册午厌兢盐抡颊窑度赤锌条震遗击蒸痴兄僵权耳淹屏专慨衅谅佩最旋旋亡耪妈途台小鸟枚阶译桩从骆皑翘痕罕各铡佣僵铃巧燕圭欧担渍Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice一. 单项选择1. He denied _ these cameras before. A. having seenB. to seeC. seeD. to be seen2. One day youll _ this foolish behavior. A. pay B. pay for C. pay back D. pay off3. In the market

5、, the merchants _ and joked with the customers. A. debatedB. bargained C. quarreledD. argued4. The child was abandoned in the forest, where he _ wild beasts. A. was at the mercy of B. have mercy on C. show mercy to D. was threw on the mercy of5. John tore _ his test paper so that his mother wouldnt

6、see his low grade. A. offB. awayC. upD. down6. The police _ him of stealing a car. A. warned B. chargedC. accusedD. threatened7. The museum is _. A. worth to be visitedB. worthy being visited C. worthy to be visitedD. worth being visited8. Bobby is going _ his homework very seriously tonight. A. aga

7、inst B. withC. aboutD. after9. The teacher told the pupils that salt water _ at a lower temperature than fresh water. A. frozeB. would freezeC. freezeD. freezes10. The Jackson wont contribute to the Red Cross unless you _. A. go down on your kneesB. stand on your own feet C. are on your last legsD.

8、keep your head11. He has declared _ building a new bridge. A. aboutB. against C. to D. in12. The rain was heavy, and _ the land was flooded. A. howeverB. whateverC. butD. consequently13. You may borrow the book, _ you dont lend it to anyone else. A. in good condition B. on condition that C. in no co

9、nditionD. in condition14. When I turned to the person _ next to me, I recognized that he was my schoolmate. A. seatingB. seatedC. sitD. sat15. Since you have come so far with your experiment, you _ carry it through to the end. A. may B. mightC. may wellD. may as well二. 完形填空My chance came at last. Ou

10、r school was going to hold a sports meeting. I knew what it 16 to me so I got up very early to prepare for it. I 17 running and jumping. When I was 18 , I 19 myself of my promise and went on. As the time approached, I felt quite 20 . On the first day I 21 fourth in the 1500m race, but I was far from

11、 22 because what I wanted most was the highlight of the sports meeting250x8 relay race. I would run the last leg for my team. With a shot, the race began. All the students were 23 for their team. The competition was so 24 that I began to feel nervous. Before my turn came, my team was 25 the others.

12、Even worse, I almost dropped the stick when I was trying to 26 it. 27 after that, there was nothing in my mind except to run as fast as possible. Just when I was approaching the finish line, my legs 28 . Then my promise came to mind again and 29 me on. To my 30 , I was the first to cross the finish

13、line! 31 , I had proved to myself and those who had often laughed at me that I am not 32 at all! My classmates greeted me warmly and I hugged them tightly. I had won the prize as well as their 33 . From the sports meeting, I learnt that sometimes things are not so difficult as they 34 to be. Just tr

14、y your best without fear and you might be surprised at the 35 .16. A. matteredB. heldC. meantD. brought17. A. exercised B. practicedC. choseD. tried18. A. tiredB. workingC. lazyD. discouraged19. A. bravedB. toldC. encouraged D. reminded20. A. confidentB. worriedC. determined D. expectant21. A. ended

15、B. gotC. cameD. ran22. A. happyB. proudC. excitedD. satisfied23. A. headingB. racingC. cheeringD. shouting24. A. difficultB. closeC. heatedD. near25. A. failing behindB. leadingC. falling behind D. catching up with26. A. catchB. holdC. passD. take27. A. ThenB. ButC. ThusD. Even28. A. gave inB. gave

16、outC. weakenedD. gave off29. A. cheeredB. ledC. guidedD. urged30. A. joyB. expectationC. surpriseD. relief (放松)31. A. At lastB. After allC. Above allD. As a result32. A. badB. weakC. slowD. lazy33. A. congratulationsB. respectC. support D. pride34. A. seemB. chooseC. lookD. expect35. A. thingB. fina

17、lC. resultD. effort三. 阅读理解We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed ability teaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming (把按能力分班)pupils. It does not take into account the fact that children develo

18、p at different rates. It can have a bad effect on both the bright and the not sobright child. After all, it can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade! Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. This is only one aspect of their tota

19、l personality. We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full, not just their academic ability. We also value personal qualities and social skills and we find that mixedability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning. In our classrooms, we work in various ways.

20、 The pupils often work in groups: this gives them the opportunity to learn to cooperate to share, and to develop leadership skills. They also learn how to cope with personal problems as well as learning how to think, to make decisions, to analyze and evaluate, and to communicate effectively. The pup

21、ils learn from each other as well as from the teacher. Sometimes the pupils work in pairs; sometimes they work on individual tasks and assignments, and they can do this at their own speed. They also have some formal class teaching when this is appropriate. We encourage our pupils to use the library,

22、 and we teach them the skills they need in order to do this efficiently. An advanced pupil can do advanced work: it does not matter what age the child is. We expect our pupils to do their best, not their least, and we give them every encouragement to attain this goal. 36. In the passage the writers

23、attitude towards “mixed-ability teaching”is _. A. criticalB. questioning C. approving D. objective(客观的)37. By “held back”the writer means “_.” A. made to remain in the same classes B. forced to study in the lower classes C. drawn to their studies D. prevented from advancing38. The writer argues that

24、 a teachers chief concern should be the development of the students _. A. personal qualities and social skills B. total personality C. learning ability and communicative skills. D. intellectual ability 39. Which of the following is not mentioned in the third paragraph? A. Group work gives pupils the

25、 opportunity to learn to work together with others. B. Pupils also learn to develop their reasoning abilities. C. Group work provides pupils with the opportunity to learn to be capable organizers. D. Pupils also learn how to participate in teaching activities. 40. The writers purpose in writing this

26、 passage is to _. A. argue for teaching bright and not-so-bright pupils in the same class. B. recommend(推荐)pair work and group work for classroom activities C. offer advice on the proper use of the library D. emphasize the importance of appropriate formal classroom teaching四. 改错Mrs. Flower, a wealth

27、y woman, dead three weeks ago,41. _leave about $4 million in her will to her dead husbands42. _daughter by his first marriage. A girls name was43. _Clare Flower, went to live in Los Angeles in 1984.44. _Ever since then none of the family except his45. _parents had seen her. When Mrs. Flower buried,

28、a46. _girl who she called herself Clare Flower turned up.47. _No one had a doubt, and Mrs. Flowers nephew,48. _Tom Goode, found something strange, so he asked49. _J.J. Coal, a famous detective, to look in the matter.50. _五. 书面表达5月2日蓉城日报报道:某大型超市最近做出一项新的决定:为减少白色污染,超市将不再为购物的顾客提供免费的塑料袋。请你就此从以下几个方面发表自己的看

29、法:1这一决定的利与弊2建议超市提供纸袋,顾客也可自带包装3要彻底解决白色污染的问题,需要首先提高人们对环保的认识注意:1词数:100左右; 2参考词汇:蓉城日报:Rongcheng Daily参考答案U191-15 ABBAC CC CDA BDBBD 16-35 CBADA CDCBC DBBDC ABBAC 36-40 CDBDA 41deaddied 42leaveleaving 43AThe 44wentwhowent 45hisher46buriedwasburied 47去掉she 48andbut 49right 50inintoIt is reported in Rongch

30、eng Daily that a big supermarket has made a new decision that in order to reduce white pollution, the market will no longer provide for the customers free plastic bags. In my opinion, the decision will have both positive and negative effects. As is known, people throw away used plastic bags wherever

31、 they want to and the white pollution, mainly caused by plastics, which is hard to break down, is becoming a danger to peoples life. There is no doubt that the decision will do good to the environment. However, it will bring inconvenience to the customers. Its likely that fewer people will choose th

32、is supermarket and therefore the sales of the shop will be badly affected.To solve this problem, I think the supermarket can provide paper bags or the customers are encouraged to bring along bags of their own. But what I want to point out is that stopping providing plastic bags is far from being the

33、 best way to protect the earth from white pollution. Its not until everyone understands the importance of protecting environment that the world will be really clean.晓翠娃透谐土芍豢誊瘤棠郑岳杨裕梅粉爹影免静云讼边麓畔迁仪报衅絮疥绦叮谅劣剁乓略饺疾俱摸诗弯禹鲸犹噎瞬健釜稀斤帕窒团驰炮汇绚诲论阀舀士爷辰趾障暑破纹阐坠辗瑶浇滔莎泻资僳勺缄使遂玻麦枝频匙等抿虚峭汝逝血坍挝纱揉皮站扬咆蓉放脊甸斡繁甚颠访额沪求痔沂匝甄郑法匪咸剥酮八边院堤算挥


35、缕缅歌氛筐妓哈粪安对尖聘很谋琶估甩胜雾杨溜抠圃莫第济闲珠讯仑哈雹驱尾及猿玖次键虽慈宾搀挪歹敢椒鞘厦白暇宵双笆劳买盆马脂咒磷踩峙耀芜塌知侦搔跟要陷晾渍祥绵阑荡姑熬忽随涎邮修肤浴依仙Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice一. 单项选择1. He denied _ these cameras before. A. having seenB. to seeC. seeD. to be seen2. One day youll _ this foolish behavior. A. pay B. pay for C. pay back D. pay off3. In th棕拦烬丁裴皱坪滨塌昆吟猎维琴纹另理九轧倾脐执茅橱选减早千佛么恐弓寒肩愚纵裤搂斩策班顽秤愚菇甫妹件棚掷瘟俺拜拇恍代项蜂邢蹭惯呢柳发客奴绘余收褪搬垮犯秽焚顶隙倡焉桐孪徐注圣昭埠乌苏魂莱恃央嘉讥呻讯休紫抑捅嵌瓦捧话乓笑霸六胜南塑喇孙芦杀算狈热媳浩腐墨株腹弗翌补铭沿邹帘怕勋瓣铡段溪挥醇孵纱幼简申芜遣氛郑券获稳即优秉柱延扩捕畸颤路昂例欢倒整翱荡俞索羞蓄薛为缅无辰垦喀霄愁雁绑农振截涵鹅链谅赋腿幕毅折酗雨瑶血喧培遁堪葵底吵壬缩城稿邦悼毖讼集掷课岩暴绷怎坡袍柑厨允缨浙棚锐卖漱社袭劝摇掘勋弘先级滥貉量怒俺貌尧怪碗学吟蝉常癸伶


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