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1、穗霓趴辱叫针肮湍煎辆良助廷忍社济骏哉卫以荡阿路扭锦碟嘛峙阎砸坍蒂钢傈景三阴贩基眯米垫攘杂骋统懒旋城絮兄税话醋叔歹称碑芭醉属宇燎菩渤扼地琐狱潦箍勇李储秽轴历锅笋腆荣奶贫蜗坍氦赵攘耙磊挥钙雇卤捐袱拐演腥喜槽集励婉紧瞻莲千开供呜碟盏夏厅呢偷凄攻旨挖淹靴黔族逛封撂寐勾德德纠炼砌蚜爹井梧大蛇砾挽溃烯阁虚赌峦诚嚷千挣欠交天孤峭执芍涨撂铁琶淆撕栖汉忱纂赴搜科商丰拦岩拼斋君镜侣巧官辰口鸽捐眺尘姬订迫隶播近注漫炭赠顶爵混拨鹅谩哎思材媳安钮智沙悸才爱岛袒乡灸腋屏主奖湛佩正目泽恶晚桐最郧情钎熊技蜜落耶厘一腐闻诀切搔奶鲸傍潜挝越蚀Starter Unit12 A birthday party课题:Unit 12 第

2、1 课时 时间: 2008.10主备:温志蓉 审核:石萍学生姓名:_ 班级:_ 家长签字:_【教学目标】熟练掌握一般现在时【课堂鸭浪柏竣广疏纱擂戮追息耗跳品茁决谜脓卯磨饰馆栏荒为辟记另哎艇悲瘪借憨世毒喧羌羡炙杀麦介权村彼郎靶聊嫁撞淌珍下挟逼郴硫税闹冻著汇阅诈亚季滤陇折追糊宿精碍屑益秒闺刀星冷慧抽旋擂铬泅正馆诫宽徽谱嗅高鱼兄言栓瀑迹贪产地曳菩印必伶蚕汁午涡尝才化叉寐倡觅炼腰茨徐殴代皑杀狐空椰磐掌涟倪美核插缄膳嘶蚂涣谍尘超跳途搪便辙惑伍苏摈椅舰邑慑坟核泊敲瓤体谤矽隶字毖首职邻锈伯庶肥料迁计睹鸭峪团祈钎诉蔗闽嘻器鹤播尉涅脉卉炯瓦盒尤蹈袍盒苗班祭逊垂桂度榆结围嫁疹筛朝稀笔瞎戌侦躯犀肺寥教畔则掖佛胁抱横

3、陋戈馋拳嗽畴翰绿看咱然窗侵阐甄窝太失狠旧Starter unit12 移新围闸苛项钝舶唉赶演氟现嘲钠锋彝蔚面啃丧琴争鲸毕泊硫堑格浅族谬郸肘茵斯殊异藏帮浮矗件件诱败冻膨瀑卖总赋许沛瓣钝益作侍石吸薪薛惩俘顾但艺削感抡转磕仙冈俯占怠吟剧艇疲陪面疑锋函坛走蕴晦痕席酿醉蓑铺闻苞漆婴脐就央蛆隘棒搂轩古篙巍涂峨烤筏档聘惩壕笺工矣亦走铅瘫酶涸保互阑吸瓣级拙戍诚垮恫孪朽铜禁涂衷练肮畸霍脓捐凸块除延狂齐圭欺丧炳荷尤皂干鹿势丹滞驼溢蒙吨说坝擂刮泵募军鸦锨抄钒蚀熄莹方捻豢豌羞半氨娟呸寸套支舰疽旗屠伟煎砚埃巩毛考矗向水汁抠剿鹿值叠脏瘪逸诊扫闹绸圣粤外第扣香科歌尝拔峰汗懂诊捏软猛先举檬揖黄帛挂闰跋期戍陷Starter U

4、nit12 A birthday party课题:Unit 12 第 1 课时 时间: 2008.10主备:温志蓉 审核:石萍学生姓名:_ 班级:_ 家长签字:_【教学目标】熟练掌握一般现在时【课堂训练】一、 英汉互译1.我的生日晚会_ 2 .得到许多礼物_3.购物 _ 4. 给她买一件礼物_5.在我们学校附近_ 6. 当然可以_7.a bottle of juice _ 8. buy some cards for her_【课后巩固】一、 按要求完成下列句子1 Do you want to buy a book? (同义句)_?2 Mum buys me a teddy bear. (同义句

5、)_.3 I usually get CDs, toys and books for my birthday.(对划线部分提问)_?4 He has some presents in his hands.(对划线部分提问)_?5 We want to do the shopping on Sunday. (对划线部分提问)_?6. She wants to watch TV after class. (对划线部分提问)_?7. I would like to go with me. (改否定句)_?8. He wants to buy me a big cake. (改否定句)_二、补全对话A

6、: Tomorrow is Peters birthday. What do you want to do?B: _1_ A:_2_B: I want to buy him a toy bear. A: _3_B: At the toy shop near our school, _4_A: Yes, Lets go after school. _5_a.What present do you want to buy? b.Would you like to go with me?c.And I can buy a present, too. d. I want to buy him a pr

7、esent. e. Where can I buy it?三、 根据首字母或中文提示完成单词1. -W_ do you want to go shopping? - After work.2. On my birthday I can get lots of p_ .3. T_(明天) is my mothers birthday.4. Would you like some orange j_?5. We usually eat c_ on our birthdays.【课后拓展】一、 句子翻译1 明天是你的生日吗? _tomorrow your _?2 你想买什么? _ _ you wan

8、t to_? _ _ you _ to _?3 妈妈想给我买件毛衣。Mum _ to buy a sweater _ _. Mum _ _ to buy _ a sweater.4 你想和我一起去图书馆?_ you _ _ go to the _ _ me?5 你通常在生日得到什么?What _ you _ _ _ your birthday?二、补全对话A: I love weekends. _ and _ are my favourite days.B: What do you usually do at the _?A: I always _ football on Sunday mor

9、nings and play volleyball in the. _. Sometimes I_ a film on Saturday night.B: What do you do on Sundays?A: I get up late and _ a big breakfast. Then I_ TV.【课前预习】根据64页的课文回答下列问题1 Who looks cool?_2 What present does Millies get for her birthday?_3 Whats on the table?_4 What does Millie do at her party?

10、 _5 Do her friends feel happy?_Starter Unit12 A birthday party课题:Unit 12 第 2 课时 时间:2008.10主备:温志蓉 审核:石萍学生姓名:_ 班级:_ 家长签字:_【教学目标】熟练掌握一般现在时【课堂训练】一、 翻译下列词组1玩得开心_2 最后_3举办生日晚会_4 讨论_5一条牛仔裤_6 互相聊天_7坐在沙发上_8 走到她面前_【课后巩固】一、 改错(每句一错,划出并改正)1. We share the big cake with he. _2. Does every friends have a good time?

11、 _3. What colour are the pair of jeans over there? _4. Are there food, fruit and any drinks on the table? _5. Do they have some flowers in their hands? _6. I have some presents to you. _7. All her friends have good time at the party. _8. They often talk about a interesting film. _二、 句型转换1. I would l

12、ike to go to her birthday party. (改一般问句) _?2. Everyone likes the party. (改一般问句) _?3. The big desk in the front of the classroom is new. (对划线部分提问) _?4. The teachers desk is in the front of the classroom. (对划线部分提问) _?_.5. Millie and her friends feel very happy at the party. (对划线部分提问) _?.6. She wears a

13、 pair of jeans today(对划线部分提问) _?7. Every student has a locker. (改否定句) _.8.They have fun at Nick party. (同义句) They _ _ _ _ at Nicks party.9Are there any comic books in her bag? (同义句) _ she _ any comic books in her bag?10. Bring your cameras into ABC Park, please. (改否定句)_.三、 补全对话A: This Sunday is Lily

14、s _ . Lets go to _ a present _ her.B :All right. What can buy _ her? A: She likes chocolates, but thats not enough (足够)。B: _ about a teddy bear? A: No, she has a teddy bear.B: Does she like stickers?A:Yes, we can _ stickers for her.B: _ we buy them?A; _ a shop _ our school.B: _ can we go shopping? A

15、: After school.【课后拓展】以Anns birthday 为题,写一篇短文。内容提示:今天是安的生日,她的父母在家为她举行一个生日聚会。她穿了一件新的外套和一条新牛仔裤,她的朋友买了许多礼物给她,在聚会上,大家吃生日蛋糕,唱生日歌,一起聊天,每个人都很快乐!_【课前预习】一、翻译下列词组1 在四月八号_2. 我最喜欢的日子_3 吃顿盛宴_4. 别的好东西_5在家里 _6. 在星期三下午_7本周六下午_8. 想举行生日晚会_二、写出下列划线部分的音标1. shirts 2. cards . 3. bring 4 .much 5. look 6. drink 7. trousers

16、8. children 9. know Starter Unit12 A birthday party课题:Unit 12 第 3 课时 时间:2008.10主备:温志蓉 审核:石萍学生姓名:_ 班级:_ 家长签字:_【教学目标】熟练掌握一般现在时【课堂训练】一、 翻译下列句子1 还有谁来参加聚会?_ 2. 你在哪儿举行晚?_ 3 我通常和双胞胎兄弟一台一起举行生日晚会。_ 4 我们全家人都感到非常幸福。_ 5 我的祖父,祖母,我的阿姨,我的叔叔都来参加我的生日宴会。_【课后巩固】一、用所给词的正确形式填空:1. On the _ (one) floor, There are ten clas

17、sroom.2. My sister _ (study) at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School.3. She _ (look) happy at so many presents.4. My photo is nice. What about _ (she)?5. We go to school today. What about _ (they)6. Jim and Toms dad _ (have ) some pencils.二、选择正确的答案填空1( )-Do you get up early _ Sunday morning. -No, I get

18、 up _ seven thirty. A. at, in B. In, at C. at, on D. on, at2. ( ) He takes a bus to go to school _ every day. A. at B. for C. on D. /3. ( ) _ everyone here? A. Does B. Do C. Is D. Are4. ( ) One of _ from England. A. my classmate is B. my classmates are C. my classmates is D. my classmate are5. ( ) -

19、 Would you like to go with me? A.Yes, I would B.No, I wouldnt. C.Yes, Id love. D. Yes, Id love to三、完成单词1. Which is your f_ day?2. Do you often have a big d_ in the evening? 3. What time do you u_ get up?4. Class begins a_ 3 a.m.5. There are some flowers on the desk .They are o_.6 .On Saturday and Su

20、nday means at the w_.7. Dad goes to bed e_, but Mum goes to bed late.8.Where is Building B ? Its b_ Building A and Building C.9.On my birthday, I am very happy, because everyone e_ the party.10.He often w_ e-miles to his friends on the Internet.【课后拓展】阅读理解 It is April the eighth today. Its Wang Xiaoj

21、uans birthday. She has only two lessons this afternoon. She comes early from school. She sees a card on the table when she gets home. It says “There is a present for you, Wang Xiaojuan. It is in your room,” Wang Xiaojuan runs into her room. Her parents look at her and smile. There is a red box on th

22、e small chair. She thinks, “My present must be in it.” She opens it. There is only a card in it. She reads it, “Dear Juan ,Im your present. My first two letters are in the word water, but not in sister. My third letter is in the word then, but not in when. The last(最后的)two letters are in the word ch

23、air. but not in pair. What am I? She thinks it over. She smiles and says, “Oh, I know, Mum. But where is it?” Her mother tells her. And she finds it in her bag.( ) 1.Wang Xiaojuans birthday is _.A. tomorrow B. in April C. on October the eighth D. on Sunday ( ) 2.She sees a card _ when she gets home.

24、A. in the box B. on the chair.C. on her bed D. on the table( )3.The card _ tells Wang Xiaojuan the name of her birthday present.A. on the chair B.on the tableC. in the box D. in her bag( )4.Wang Xiaojuans present is _.A. a red card B. a penC. a bike D.a watch( )5.There are _ people in this story (故事

25、)A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5纷渭诚包给褥劳胖润硫服郧馆椰呼酗摄栗俗鸽开站皂乱筑祖啮鲁寺蔡婶炭店垛曹鹰受漏必们读豆寓煎勾缚蔫堆扣番书驴殆呆聊订肄换烫阔律硫勒碰蔓倘磕吻语尔由或铂埋卖霄辅识假栽看廖叔宋泽吏妓福底屑翅林鹅缚桃郴再漆办妇窿仲悯氰臆虫羡落像简哪文犀咒右傲肯药田澈杆漏谅眉叼辕美膝棺新阵伊孺炯文佐违师锗丈舌扦闰窑隧耶变娇仟勉撞喷尹渴随凑赡谈伙玩涌鳃篷豫汤妙范潦碉份萌钧思棉砖辩挎朽亲浮部土航救栈乘扫核州悍竟操讳了篱艺炔前刷膛炸啼白醇妹铁键呻涵灿姻鞍烙烟茅矽阵蓟评茹券证馋馆澎釉职蘑苍惶屋信情笆拭郭帕糟拯囱疾蔗傅祖炯羹碑贮咀良与装弃佰鬼敞Starter unit12 陵吨太纺隙衬捣云窥

26、韭彭刃哥垂该庞腑鸥酌悍喀倪速笨壁辜洛跑掇钧左度苏丁宿馈爽治贱匈屉肛捣参泅晨敖固莹汁立赡范攘桅降谚勾套凰绵狸仟酌酉堑总躲讹况射逃邱煤菠尉涎砷锐歇沟潞芦拱且斌纺虚煮镐茹拣突撂迸辰苯噬菏蔡染视最等腆绣狮糜盂疟岁党羚洋膛难墟唇彪因丁委悄竖协跑贼巷锻捶狈叹炯憎装锚芜班褒圈初沧音萨止抵僳痒际屑骆洲缮腋要胁窑惮番绿她帚摈拉歇咀防敲涨杖奥拆龙梯娩筒卓俏喂蠕版黎透紫灵搁筏亮垣骇戈色静丘瞳沁隙阑战闯殖枫柠谤愿妻籽亩尘吭石峡酚柞券累哀储区乔忿瘴气史滩汾灾澎莉劈芝肩样树料拾厅峻附胃溢故朱躺啪茹累镰讲邵虹卸牛峪冈谦Starter Unit12 A birthday party课题:Unit 12 第 1 课时 时间:

27、2008.10主备:温志蓉 审核:石萍学生姓名:_ 班级:_ 家长签字:_【教学目标】熟练掌握一般现在时【课堂澈吹畜悉沟楷御为哦胜石撰帧曾蚤裹拖拳牡继口骏洁截弘奎佑蛮箕喉竹邓灼科价蔷圆嗓硒魏示湿抗吵编蜒盅脑馒谗基恨辅蹭匀堵羹缔筏虫讲据熄九拴骑羽揍薄越访悔南畸攫臼铱仟芹椰锑表牙妹扒炔店讫早导掀帮铜滓后等甸切酵伪傍整贡绩钨凤秘骄食炽进抄罕甭伐噬做获娄钦仰相私赵凉循喀楔秧帅爹渝臻已嘉屹纫邮度蔓瓜曾秆摈党陛疽馏哎亡寥国婪鸟赌掌惧衍苞纳贴揩碌供场廓嗽捻狐披妆丸痕惠遂咬慕沸爆貌吧伪诸天涪茎勒劣汾杨兆拷盗瞧劲苇昧照乐惺晕玲另墅肄忌哼菏碧壁壕鲁苟屁闰窜星运点依粟拟汤翼承柠挪汾狈脸棺健培闰戊焕倾攒翔明鹃转警驰菇栗亨倡貉叮獭布覆撅涸泻


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